The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams) (11 page)

BOOK: The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams)
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He gazed down at her, the epitome
of polite concern, ‘Would you like to?’



Mage Council Contract

Fabian carried Mistral out of the
Infirmary to be promptly greeted by Prospero, laid beside the door.  He
immediately leapt to his feet, wagging his feathery tail with pleasure at the
sight of his mistress. 

‘Hello boy,’ Mistral smiled down
at her dog while Fabian swept her swiftly down the corridor and up the stairs
to the dorms.  Kicking open her door he carried her in and laid her gently
on the bed, sitting down beside her as Prospero collapsed heavily on the floor
and instantly went back to sleep. 

‘I am sorry,’ she sighed,
wrapping her arms around him.  ‘You must have been so worried.’

‘I was slightly anxious.’
 Fabian agreed in a tense voice.  ‘And I admit it was hardly the
pleasant reception I had fondly imagined when I rode into the Valley earlier
than I had promised.  Instead of you jumping for joy at seeing me again
you were lying unconscious in the Infirmary with your so-called brothers
skulking guiltily at the foot of your bed.’

Mistral cringed again, ‘I’m so
sorry,’ she whispered.  ‘I remember trying to stab the cyclops to death
with my dagger then it threw me at the rockface, but I’ve no idea what happened
after that.’

‘I heard the full and very
colourful story from Xerxes.  I think Cain should be banned from brewing
anything ever again and I will be speaking with the twins as well.’

‘Fabian!  You’re not my
Training Lieutenant now.’  Mistral reminded him sharply.

He sighed and looked down at her,
his black eyes sad, ‘No, I’m just the person who loves you more than his own
life and trusted others to try and repress your more reckless urges whilst I
was unable to.’

‘Oh Fabian, please don’t!  I
feel guilty enough as it is!  I’m sorry!  I missed you so much and
then I got angry with you.  I resented the fact that you could leave the
Valley when you pleased but I couldn’t.  Then my brothers came back, full
of the mercenary Contract they’d just been on, making me feel even more like I
was trapped here, bored and boring.  And Cain had this drink –’

‘I know about the illegal
manticore potion and I don’t approve.’  Fabian snapped coldly.

‘No, and looking back, I don’t
think I do either.’

‘So.  You agree that hanging
from the back of a cyclops and trying to stab it to death with a short-bladed
dagger is not a good way to try and stay out of trouble?’ 

Mistral glanced up at him and was
relieved to see a flicker of humour in the jet black of his eyes.

‘What can I say?’  she grimaced
apologetically.  ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time?’

Fabian laughed softly and shook
his head, ‘I am not angry with you Mistral, or with your brothers either, not
really.  I know how hard it can be to prevent you from getting what you

‘I don’t know.’  Mistral
murmured, gazing up at him from under her lashes.  ‘You seem quite
resilient to what I really want.’

‘However,’ Fabian continued
firmly, ‘I think we both know that my efforts to keep you safe have failed
rather magnificently.  So we shall try our new agreement.’

Mistral sighed, knowing the
moment had gone, ‘Tell me about the Contract.’  

‘I will.  But first I want
to give you something.’  Fabian slid his hand into the top pocket of his
jerkin and bought out a leather pouch.  He dropped it onto the bed beside
Mistral, the metallic clink telling her it was full of coins.

‘What’s that for?’  Mistral
asked with a frown.

‘Your payment for the cyclops
Contract, which was a success by the way.  Your brothers finally managed
to subdue it with poison, despite having first pumped it full of
invincibility-inducing manticore poison.  They finally slew it with
swords, rescued you and extracted the eye for the bonus payment.  Grendel
carried you back and Brutus managed Cirrus.  None of them could get near
Prospero however.  He followed you back and has been asleep outside the
Infirmary doors since you were carried in there.  He’s been growling at
everyone who dared to enter.  Serenity was not impressed.’

‘Oh.’  Mistral said
quietly.  Picking up the pouch of money she bounced it in her hand,
feeling the weight.  ‘How much is in there?’

‘It’s a good payment.’
 Fabian confirmed shortly.

‘Take it.’ she held it up to
him.  ‘Give it to Leo.  Tell him to take it off my debt to the Ri.’

Fabian frowned and shook his
head, ‘It’s yours Mistral.  You earned it.  Go to Toothe and Nayle
and buy those damned butterfly knives you covet so much!’

‘I covet my freedom more,’ she
said softly, still holding the pouch out.  ‘I have everything I want right
here in this room.’

Fabian gazed at her, his hard
black gaze slowly melting to the soft velvet she loved so much. 

‘And so do I,’ he finally
murmured, wrapping his hand around hers and taking the pouch of money.

‘Now that’s sorted can I please
hear about this Contract?’

‘You may, with pleasure.  I,
or rather we, are Contracted to travel west to the port of Holdridge and meet a
delegation of Mages from France and escort them to the Council.

‘Eximius has issued this Contract
himself.  He specifically requested that I and the twins be in the
greeting party and attend the meeting that they are here for.  I suggested
to Leo that this would provide the perfect opportunity for you to see the
Council and
the Council, if you perceive my meaning.’

‘I do.’  Mistral sighed
heavily.  She had really been hoping for something to kill, not an aura to

‘He feels that it would be
beneficial for you to gain some inside knowledge of the Council before Eximius
becomes aware of your particular gift.  Because once he does Mistral, he
will be demanding your services at almost every damned meeting he has, I can
assure you of that.’

‘I can’t wait.’  Mistral
replied heavily.  ‘But please tell me there is the outside chance of some
kind of bloodshed.’ 

‘There is every chance.  It
is fairly standard practise for Ri warriors to be used to escort foreign
officials when they arrive on the Isle.  They often bring with them a
hidden agenda, usually involving killing Eximius.  You would be surprised
how many desire his position.’

‘You’re right, I would.’  

‘So, wear your armour and bring
all of your weapons.  We may end up having to fight our way out if the
meeting doesn’t go smoothly.’

‘Does that happen often?’ 
Mistral asked, looking suddenly hopeful. 

‘It has done.’  Fabian gave
her a wry smile.  ‘Tempers often flare during the meetings.  Events
can become heated, to say the least.’

‘Things are suddenly looking up!’

 Fabian looked down at her
with a bemused expression on his face, ‘How am I ever going to cure you of this
craven bloodlust?

Mistral gave him a burning look,

‘Anyway,’ Fabian continued in a
determined voice, ‘the twins are there to ensure that the outcome of the
meeting is precisely as Eximius wishes it to be, however, it would be most
useful to have some idea of the visiting delegation’s true feelings. 
Which is where your skills come into play.’

‘You want me to read each of them
and provide feedback on their emotional states?’

‘Yes … but, how are you
progressing with reading people without them realising?’

Mistral shrugged, ‘No-one has
noticed so far.’

‘We need to be completely
sure.  It would be disastrous if the delegates realised we had a Seer in
the meeting.’

‘Would it mean a fight?’ 
Mistral asked, trying to mask her excitement with concern.

Fabian threw her an exasperated
look, ‘Possibly.  But I was more concerned with Eximius being made aware
of your gift before you had managed to develop its full potential.’

‘Fine, I’ll practice.  How
long have I got?’

‘We need to leave early tomorrow
morning.  We have to meet the delegation at the port.  It’s a full
day’s ride from here.  Then we escort them north to the Council which is
at least a further day’s ride, sometimes two.’

‘So … I have today to
practice?’  Mistral clarified with a frown.

‘Yes.  I know it’s short
notice.  I thought I could buy you lunch in The Cloak and Dagger, if
you’re feeling up to it, and we could practice on the other occupants.’

Mistral grinned up at him,
suddenly excited by the thought of going out on a Contract with him, no matter
how potentially dull it sounded.

‘Of course I’m up to lunch! 
I’m starving!  But do you mind if I have a shower first?  I’m very
grateful to Grendel for lugging my unconscious body back to the Valley but he
does leave a certain distinctive whiff that I really need to get rid of.’

Fabian smiled and released her
from his arms, ‘I’ll meet you in the tavern,’ he said softly, watching her
slide from his lap and walk towards the door.  

Giving a martyred sigh Prospero
hauled himself to his feet and padded softly after her. 

Feeling refreshed by a long
shower and a change of clothes, Mistral hurried down to The Cloak and
Dagger.  Unlatching the heavy door she stepped into the familiar tavern
and saw the twins sat at a table and instantly looked around for Fabian but
couldn’t see her tall dark Mage anywhere.  Frowning, Mistral walked
towards the bar to order a drink with Prospero following closely at her heels.

‘Mistral?’  Phantom’s voice
called her from across the bar.

She turned to look enquiringly at
him, ‘What?’

‘I’ve bought you a drink. 
Are you coming over?’

Mistral nodded vaguely and walked
over, still looking around for Fabian.  As she approached their table
Phantom sprang to his feet and pulled out a chair for her to sit on.

Mistral gave him an odd look
before she sat down and reached gratefully for the tankard of ale on the table
in front of her while Prospero sank down at her feet with a low groan.

‘I’ve ordered a plate of meats
for us to share.’

Mistral regarded him coolly,
‘Thanks, but I’m meeting Fabian.’

‘I know,’ said Phantom
quickly.  ‘We’ve seen Mage De Winter already.  He said to tell you
that he’s got to meet with Master Sphinx first and to go ahead and eat without

‘Did he really.’  Mistral
muttered into her tankard.  She had the distinct feeling that she had just
been set up.

‘Er, Mistral?’

‘Yes Phantom?’ 

‘I know that I’ve been a bit hard
on you recently –’

Mistral raised her eyebrows but
remained silent.  Watching Phantom squirm was the most satisfying thing
that had happened to her in months.

‘But it’s only been because I
care about you –’

Mistral stared at him in frank
disbelief.  She could just about accept the emotional drivel from Phantasm
… but Phantom? 

‘And I admit I find it
frustrating that you don’t appear to appreciate the true value of your gift.’
 Phantom ploughed on determinedly.  ‘But, it has been pointed out to
me that you are probably finding things quite hard at the moment too –’

Mistral shot a glance at Phantasm
but he was conveniently engrossed in the plate of cold meats that Floris had
bought to their table. 

‘– and I suppose what I am really
trying to say, is, er –’

‘Yes Phantom?’  Mistral
prompted helpfully.

‘– that I’m sorry,’ he finished

‘For what?’  Mistral asked

Phantom frowned at her, ‘Well,
for going off to visit Master Casterton and letting you go on that wretched
hunt for starters –’

‘That,’ interrupted Mistral
sharply, ‘was the most fun I’ve had in ages so don’t go apologising.  In
fact, go see Mycroft Casterton everyday if it means I get to do something
interesting for a change!’

Phantom’s face clouded as he
struggled not to snap back at her.  Mistral heard the distinctive sound of
a boot meeting a shin and hid a smile knowing Phantasm had kicked his brother.

 ‘And for not being very
understanding about your … situation.’

Mistral stared at him coldly, not
believing a word.  This reeked of Fabian.  She picked up her tankard
and took a long swallow, lowering it to regard Phantom over the pewter rim.

‘And how much did Fabian shout at

Phantom gave her a guilty look,
‘He doesn’t need to shout.  He can be very … compelling.’

‘Yes, he can,’ she agreed with an
indulgent smile and reached out to take a chicken leg from the plate of meat in
front of her.  Biting into it with relish she gazed around at the
bar.  There were a number of visiting warriors in that would provide good
unsuspecting practise pieces for her aura reading abilities, plus all of the
first years were gathered around a table together talking excitedly about their
new Training Lieutenant.

‘Where are Saul and the
others?’  Mistral suddenly asked.  ‘Fabian said they hung around when
I was bought in to the Infirmary.’

‘They did, till they knew you
were going to be alright.  Then they took the first Contracts available
and left the Valley this afternoon.’

‘Oh.’  Mistral felt
crushed.  She had enjoyed their company and had been looking forward to at
least a card game or even another hunt before they all left again. 

‘I think they felt it was best to
be out of the way for a while.’  Phantasm murmured.

Mistral frowned at him, ‘Why?’

‘Mage De Winter was not impressed
by their behaviour, which is probably putting it mildly.’

Mistral stared at him … Xerxes,
Brutus, Saul, Cain and
afraid of Fabian?

‘Just what is so scary about
Fabian?’  she asked, genuinely bewildered.

Phantasm took a drink from his
tankard before replying.  He regarded her over the brim, much the same as
she had his brother only moments before only Mistral had the distinct
impression that he was using the tankard as a shield.

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