The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4 (10 page)

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Authors: Anonymous

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BOOK: The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4
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“I'm given to understand that you have been with Bullpole ever since you were little more than a mere boy – some nine years now,” mused the Greek aloud.
“Th-that's correct, my lord.” Ignacio's voice quavered with uncertainty.
“And you no longer regard him with… ah… the same degree of trust and admiration that once symbolized your indebtedness to him?”
“True, your lord.” Ignacio's face darkened with remembered pain and humiliation. “He punished me most cruelly for a trifling error. I'll not ever forget that.”
The Greek popped a grape into his bearded mouth. “Would you like to join my little entourage, lad? Think carefully now. Once committed, you must be content to serve me for the rest of my life – and my punishments for disloyalty make Bullpole's seem like the fumblings of an amateur by comparison. So I advise you to ponder the matter before deciding your choice. I'm a just master.”
Ignacio nodded grimly. “I've heard you are, and I'd prefer to serve you, sire.”
“Done, then!”
“M-my gratitude, my lord.”
Suddenly, a lovely woman swept into the room with bold confidence, stopping as she saw Ignacio. A sensual smile lifted her wide-lipped mouth and her gray, exotic-ally tilted eyes went over his tall, muscular body with excited flickerings.
“Hello, my darling,” said the Greek, making room for the woman on the couch and caressing one of her full breasts possessively as she sat down, still staring hungrily at Ignacio. “This young man has just become another faithful member of my huge and trusted household, fair Maria. Isn't he a grand specimen of manhood at its finest – for a Spaniard?”
She nodded, her eyes glinting with desire as they rove Ignacio's sturdy frame while he blushed under the brash examination.
“Yes, indeed,” she murmured throatily. “A most exciting specimen, my lord! And one who could, I wager, provide us with a delightful performance if you but command it!”
Ignacio glanced at her – undoubtedly realizing as I surely did that this imperious redhead with her perfection of curves and lustily tempting manner was none other than sweet Iona's mistress and the Greek's own favorite trollop – and only briefly, standing paralyzed with embarrassment.
“All right, my fleshly-minded Maria!” roared the Greek in appreciative laughter, squeezing her tits with both hands. “You shall have the little performance of sexual exertion. Name any combination your hot eyes would behold and I shall indeed command Ignacio to action!”
“Two girls,” she whispered thickly. “I want to see this young stud make love to two girls at the same time, fucking them both before he is finished!”
“You heard the delightful terms, lad?” The Greek's satanic features crinkled into a grinning mask of carnal glee. “You will proceed as suggested the moment the girls arrive.”
The Greek spoke a few swift words to a nearby attendant who hurried away.
“My lord?” said Ignacio.
“Yes?” The Greek stroked Maria's rounded, bare thigh as he nibbled daintily upon a pear. “You may speak, my boy.”
“I'm – I'm to f-fuck in the presence of this lady and y-yourself?”
The Greek nodded. “Yes, you will. Nothing to fear. We require such entertainment of our subordinates from time to time. In fact, should the lady ever order you to do so in my absence, you will follow her orders to the letter or suffer my displeasure. Is that clearly understood?”
Ignacio slowly nodded, his eyes meeting the heated eyes of the sensual Maria and seeing the avid lust simmering in them that promised him future orders of a far more personal nature. A slow and calculated lowering of her right eyelid – the one furtherest from the Greek's sight – delivered a lewd wink that left no doubt whatsoever regarding the tenor of her forthcoming demands upon Ignacio's obvious youthful virility.
An attendant led two petite and totally nude girls into the room. Both were about sixteen and each was a delectable example of young femaleness at its most ripely tempting stage. The small blonde's well-rounded curves and heavy breasts were in contrast to the equally short but slender brunette's lithe charms, her breasts being higher and more pointed, her thighs appealingly slim with her dark triangle of crisp hair at their apex – in which was nestled her fatty mound with its pursed lips as was the chubby hill with its firmly slitted valley hidden within the curly golden silk of the blonde's pubic thatch. The brunette's nipples were a soft strawberry hue, the blonde's a toothsome pink. Each girl wore her hair streaming loosely, flowing down her velvety shoulders and back in a wild profusion of thickly cascading beauty.
“Well?” grunted the Greek.
“They'll do very nicely,” said Maria looking the luscious pair over with a hard and critical eye. “Not the finest sluts I've seen but rounded enough to keep Ignacio well fired, I presume.”
Ignacio stared at the girls and they stared at him in return, knowing exactly what they were to do and knowing that it must be done well or risk the Greek's displeasure.
“Strip!” ordered the Greek languidly, crunching a mouthful of mixed nuts and raisins. “Allow your charming little cohorts to view the excellent prick with which you will impale them, lad!”
Ignacio undressed clumsily, nearly unbalancing himself when he hoisted first one hairy leg, then the other, from his tight britches – revealing an already stiffened penis that waggled erectly with each motion of his body.
“What a lovely sword!” crooned Maria, eyeing the swollen member and licking her wide lips.
“Yes, a most estimable weapon indeed,” agreed the Greek affably. “Now to see what manner of swordsman the lad may be! Proceed at once!”
Ignacio moved hesitantly, at first, toward the waiting blonde, pulling her to the thickly carpeted floor and she snuggled close to him immediately, whispering: “I mind not being taken by such as you! But be slow about it! Make it last! They enjoy a prolonged fucking! And so do I, you handsome brute!”
Without replying, he buried his face between her plump breasts, kissing them alternately as he pressed himself to her warmth. Then his mouth closed around a nipple while his hand stole to her crotch where it played and fondled the ivory lips of her crevice as she writhed and undulated her broad hips in a rising ecstasy of pleasure.
Joining them on the floor, the brunette began kissing the bulbous tip of his large and throbbing penis – grasping its hardened column in both of her small hands – until, suddenly, her opened mouth went completely over the head of the member and she started sucking steadily, her face bobbing in a slow rhythm as she slid her busy mouth up and down the length of the organ.
“By the steaming crotch of Zeus!” exclaimed the Greek passionately. “There's a sight to start the heart of any mortal man! See how that brunette sucks with salacious care! See how the organ visibly expands within her wet and greedy mouth!”
“Indeed!” breathed Maria, watching the group on the floor, slithering over and under one another as they shifted positions, Ignacio now nursing eagerly at the brunette's softly lipped cunt while the imaginative blonde mouthed his penis and fingered the other girl who, in turn, buried her face between the blonde's thighs and slobbered upon the divided mound nestled there. “There are few things more exciting to hold in one's mouth than a pulsating male member! Oh, yes, this is a stimulating scene!”
“See how they change and enjoy each other's parts with smooth dexterity!” The Greek's laughter pealed across the room. “This trio well knows the art of love-play! All three shall be rewarded with gold and privileges!”
Ignacio now inserted himself between the slim thighs of the panting brunette who arched her back, lifting a lean but well-licked set of cunt-lips to meet the oncoming bulb of his member which parted them neatly as it plunged past them and into her depths – earning a moan of pleasure from the girl as she felt the large cock stab into her tunnel.
Energetically, the blonde attached herself to Ignacio's moving buttocks, spreading the muscular cheeks and penetrating his rectal opening with a darting tongue. At the first intrusion of that pink flame, his thrusts grew faster and harder as he drove the throbbing prick in and out of the gasping brunette's yielding vagina. More swiftly and violently went the lustful motions and then a storm of furious movement indicated that Ignacio and the brunette were climaxing frenziedly until a shrill quavering cry from the girl's throat gave vent to a series of grunting spasms emanating from Ignacio's slack mouth – and they finished with a savage intensity that loosened the blonde's hold and sent her tumbling across the carpet.
While Ignacio still lay slumped upon his right ribs, laboring to regain his breath, the blonde hurled herself upon his softening penis – swallowing it to its hilt rooted in his black pubic hair and working her mouth frantically along its length until, at last, she lifted her face to reveal a fully hardened prick ready for another thrusting.
“See how she opens those chubby thighs to accept that fine lance – so rigidly prepared to stab her entry-way and create enjoyment in its path!” The Greek howled with exultant excitement. “And how the ebony-haired one drinks his dribbling juices from those magnificent balls while he rams his lance inward! Oh, the poetic motion of this event!”
“I cannot stand it without sharing a touch of lusty handling!” cried Maria. “Please fondle me, my lord! Do something while we watch!”
Twice each, Ignacio fucked the girls until his straining balls sent forth a charge of surging lust that raced the length of his tense, stiff member – exploding madly in a torrent of juices that ignited each partner to gleeful orgasm, they clutching and clawing at him while they groaned in pleasurable climax, their legs scissored about his lean waist until the seconds of ecstasy had lessened into relaxed numbness. Twice each, they squirmed and undulated their smoking pits until the ruthless bulb-headed intruder had spit triumphant spasms of lust that unhinged their sanities momentarily, turning each girl into a demented animal who mewed and grunted sharply in her enjoyment of the rigid weapon lunging joyously within her quivering body.
Then, finally exhausted to the point of needing an hour's rest before he might yet again find it possible to continue, Ignacio rolled free of female flesh – panting loudly and staring up at the couch where the Greek was intently thrusting his mammoth penis in and out of the upturned cunt presented to him by a fiery-eyed Maria who rocked with each driving thrust as she knelt on her hands and knees, her robe hoisted up to expose her behind, while the sweating, mumbling Greek fucked her bestially from the rear – his face a contorted mask of lust and straining effort.
Opening her mouth, she darted her tongue out in a rapid succession of tiny thrusts – looking straight at Ignacio as she did so, and winking again.
“Oh, you poor fine lover!” whispered a gasping, panting blonde sprawled contentedly beside him. “I pity you!”
“Why so?” he whispered back.
“The master's favorite wants you – and I've seen her fuck some of the most powerful guardsmen until they were dying of exhaustion!”
“There are worse deaths,” he replied bitterly.
Abruptly, the Greek's hoarse shout of satisfaction bellowed forth as he pumped savagely at Maria's white buttocks in a frenzy of final thrustings that drained his swinging balls.
Still Maria pinned Ignacio with her eyes.


Some hours later, the Greek took his evening coffee on a remote and deserted veranda overlooking the distant sea – his singular companion the brawny Ignacio who listened attentively to the instructions being detailed to him.
“You must rejoin – seemingly – Bullpole's household and pretend that your former sense of longstanding loyalty still indwells within your heart. Actually, you will be spying for me while you await the development of my… er… plans that are still in the preliminary stage.”
“That won't be difficult,” said Ignacio. “I'm not suspect – not now. I've been punished for my mistake. Bullpole even believes that his orders that I be castrated were carried out – and it's known that he particularly trusts the eunuchs of his empire. I'll be entirely safe.”
The Greek nodded approvingly. “Splendid! All the more convenient for you to get wind of any nefarious ideas or schemes that may flit across that swine's scummy mind. And, mind you, my lad, I want to hear every rumor, every piece of gossip that could possibly carry a shard of truth to it.”
“I understand, my lord.”
“When the right time comes, I shall entrust you with a most important task.” The Greek stared at Ignacio with flinty eyes. “I prefer to allow you the privilege since I count upon Bullpole's having threatened to deprive you of your noteworthy manhood to keep you exceedingly loyal to me – and the demanding chore you will be expected to fulfill with accuracy and dispatch.”
“I shall, your lord.”
“You won't live an hour afterward if you fail. I'll give orders to that extent. You may be sure of it.” The Greek sipped his coffee. “Also, I have another very small matter I shall ask you to attend for me.”
“Name it, my lord.”
“I have reason to believe that my heated little Maria no longer remains faithful physically to me. It's not terribly important, you understand. I've had favorites betray me before – for a while. But I've granted her a special degree of freedom and status in exchange for her natural beauty and innate sensuality. I want you -” he leaned forward, his smile cruel and steady, “- to immediately notify me, should Maria ever tempt you.”
“Tempt me, your lordship?” Ignacio's surprise and disbelief were genuine enough, despite what he had already seen and heard. “I know many women find the sight of my masculinity exciting, but why would a woman risk her -”
“Because she is a chronic nymphomaniac who may not find my unusual virility satisfaction enough, that's why! But more important than that, I care not to have anyone who has cajoled some of my better secrets in the excitement of darkness from my heart – I detest the very possibility that she just might use that information for her own betterment.”

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