Read The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4 Online

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The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4 (6 page)

BOOK: The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4
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“But I solved it! Some years ago I learned, from a wise man, that any woman whose mouth is large enough to encompass my organ also possesses a cunt sufficiently yielding to accept this absurdly huge penis without creating damaging stress or strain to flesh or mind!”
“How scientific!” The Greek appeared to be awed. “Yet it surely makes common sense when one thinks about the size-relationship to both cavities!”
Bullpole nodded. “Armed with that knowledge I've since been able to easily and reliably find those appealing creatures whose capacities are sufficient to meet my undeniably demanding need. Today I shall continue testing a number of untouched young women, garnered from several countries for the purpose of supplying my lust with release, as to their ability for sexually servicing a man with an organ the size of this muscular mace!”
The Greek peered at the gigantic cock with envy spread across his face. “A truly monumental member, my friend! The fascinating facts of your dilemma should be recorded for human history!”
Very gently, Bullpole stroked his penis and it expanded excitedly, becoming even larger and harder. The head changed color from a dull purple-ish blue to a pulsing reddish-blue.
“Well, now that I've shared the facts with you,” said Bullpole, “you'll understand how important it is that I find at least a few girls, among the number who will shortly pass through this room to be tested, whose mouths – and therefore, their pussies – can engulf this monstrous member. I tire quickly of each new group of candidates. This means finding still newer ones to replace them.”
“Uh… what becomes of your pets after you tire of their charms?”
“Oh, they are transferred to the chain of bordellos I maintain, as one of my more lucrative business ventures, in almost every major city across Spain. Given suitable employment as working whores, they continue to be most useful and the profits they earn help subsidize this retreat.”
“And the ones who fail the size-test?”
“They, too, become prostitutes. I really never have believed in foolish waste. Not after the considerable outlay it costs to gather them up and ship them here from all parts of the far-flung world!”
“Commendable thrift!”
“I try to be practical in these matters.”
Clapping his hands, Bullpole sat up a bit straighter, his penis fully exposed and rigid as it jutted upward from his lap, awaiting the first girl to be led to him. She was a lovely wench whose natural red hair and smooth white flesh only added to the beauty of her nakedness. She stood cringing before the two men, aware that their eyes assessed and touched every curve, each indentation of her gorgeous nude flesh.
“Rather nice, eh?” murmured Bullpole.
“Ravishing!” agreed the Greek.
“Put your dainty lips around my prick, sweet girl,” ordered Bullpole not unkindly. “You may have the good fortune to join my household.”
The girl stared at the huge penis.
“It's – It's too big, sire! I'm sure I could never put my mouth over anything that large!” Her full lips quivered fearfully. “Besides, it's a nasty thing you ask me to do!”
“Try, anyway.” His voice was firm.
Kneeling and crying softly as she bent to the task, the girl attempted to put her mouth over the immense tip of the stiffened penis – failing with each try she made. Finally, she buried her face into her hands, sobbing bitterly.
Bullpole sighed, turning to his friend. “Would you care to have her before she's sent to Madrid?”
“Oh, I don't know.”
“She's a virgin – like the others who must pass or fail this test. She might be rather enjoyable.”
The Greek's eyes caressed the full breasts, the lush growth of fiery pubic hair over a chubby mound with well-pursed lips. His nostrils dilated with lust and his eyes mirrored it.
“Well… all right, but just as a favor to you!”
Bullpole roared with appreciative laughter, ordering the weeping girl to be taken to the Greek's quarters, and clapped his hands again.
“Next!” he demanded.
Then followed a succession of nude applicants, none of them really comprehending the importance of the test to which each was put in turn, not realizing that to succeed was to be kept in the luxurious palace – for awhile, anyway – as one of Bullpole's favorites; and to fail was to be sent to a distant city on the mainland, there to spend the remainder of their wretched lives in sexual servitude for their captor's gain.
The virgins represented every known type of female, emotionally and physically. They varied in size, shape and coloring but they had two things in common with one another: they were all virgins still, and they all faced approximately the same fate – give or take whatever time was required for Bullpole to tire of those whose generous mouths enabled them to pass the test.
I watched as a lithe brunette knelt before the towering penis, grasping it in her slim hands and reluctantly putting her mouth over its throbbing tip with no difficulty.
“Fine!” boomed Bullpole. “Take her to my private suite and see that she's made entirely comfortable!” He reached down, lifting the girl's head and smiling into her terrified face. “I'll join you later, and we'll become better acquainted, my lovely one!”
The girl was led away by attendants.
“Next!” Bullpole rumbled.
The tall, haughty-faced blonde with the ballooning breasts and long legs went to her knees in dignity, dipping her head to the erected organ and trying desperately to open her mouth around its plum-shaped tip. Failing, she cursed softly – staring up at Bullpole with accusing blue eyes.
“Y-You monster!” she snapped.
“Save your fire for the clients in Cordoba who will pay handsomely to quench it!” Bullpole gestured abruptly to the guards who dragged the cold-faced blonde out of the room.
The next blonde was petite and roly-poly, her thick golden hair falling almost to her buttocks. She knelt, smoothly taking almost a third of the huge penis' length before raising her head.
“Splendid! You did that most expertly!” Bullpole studied her closely. “But how did an innocent like you learn to do that so deftly, my dear?”
She dimpled a coy smile. “Well, sire, when I refused to tumble with my lustful stepfather in the barn, he taught me to do that, instead. And I found that I enjoyed it – especially when such sensual attention is mutually being bestowed!” She glanced provocatively at him.
Bullpole breathed faster, lust glittering in his yellowish eyes. “I see. Rest assured that we shall indeed mutually enjoy the act you describe!”
She was led away, looking pleased with herself.
And so it went, girl after girl, each failing or succeeding, each displaying her naked charms in uncomfortable modesty or numb indifference. The Greek sat silently observing the seemingly endless parade of beautiful, nude girls, an expression of intense interest upon his cruelly handsome features.
When Bullpole interrupted the testing to drink some wine, the Greek touched his brawny shoulder with a tentative finger. “May I make a rather brash suggestion, old friend?” he said quietly. “It may appeal to you!”
Bullpole nodded, swallowing wine.
“Why not assign some of those who fail the test temporarily to me?”
“Take as many as you like – of those who fail,” agreed Bullpole. “You know you're welcome to them.”
“Thank you, my friend. But what I had in mind was not merely my own pleasure. I rather thought we might enjoy a little competition of sorts – being men who find the challenge of a contest an invigorating experience!”
“A contest?”
The Greek nodded. “To see which of us can fully possess the most girls in a single, unending session of carnal triumph! Does the prospect of such a competitive endurance contest strike your fancy?”
Bullpole grinned. “Naturally, it does!”
“Well, then?”
“We'll hold it – tonight!”
The Greek sat back, looking satisfied.
“Next!” Bullpole watched the sullen-faced girl with uptilted breasts tipped with knobby nipples and a mound so lightly dusted with blonde hair as to look hairless, the slit clearly in view, saunter toward him confidently. She knelt quickly, taking the nodding male organ into her strong hands and plunging her gaping mouth down over its tip with her eyes tightly closed.
“Good!” grunted Bullpole.
The girl continued to bob her head vigorously up and down, sucking at the fleshy column with grim steadiness, her clenched jaws indicating that she was applying some pressure to the penis as she sucked roughly, almost vengefully.
“Enough!” rumbled Bullpole, looking uneasy. “That is enough of that! You've passed the test!”
The girl sucked harder, faster.
“Enough!” bellowed Bullpole irritably.
Now she increased the speed of her bobbing head, her paws tightening painfully about the pulsating organ between her teeth which must have begun scraping at the tender flesh of the penis. There was a stubborn, threatening quality to the manner in which she was mouthing the member.
Without warning, Bullpole's open hand swung in a swift arc, savagely striking the girl's moving head – the force of the blow knocking her mouth free of the organ and sending her tumbling sideways where she lay limply upon the floor.
Guards leaped forward to grasp her, and her head lolled lifelessly from side to side when they roughly raised her to a slumped position. She sagged in their hands – dead weight.
“When she regains consciousness, put her in the dungeon until further orders,” snarled Bullpole, gingerly touching the reddened skin of his badly mouthed penis. “She'll have to be taught a lesson about that kind of behavior!”
Bullpole frowned up at the guard.
“Her neck is broken, sire. She's dead.”
Bullpole sighed. “A pity. I dislike waste of good material. Well, take her away. Don't just stand there gaping at me, you lout!”
“You're fortunate that she didn't attempt to injure you seriously,” murmured the Greek. “She might've tried biting your member entirely off the moment she got those jaws about it.”
Bullpole nodded, his face tight. Apparently, he was considering what that would have been like – having his sensitive penis bitten through until it dangled by a shred of flesh or two.
“No more testing for now,” he boomed, waving the guards, girls and attendants away. “I'll resume it later. Bring more wine.”
He and the Greek sat for a long time, idly discussing various matters of business, and their planned sexual contest. Bored by their conversation, I proceeded to wander through the castle in a series of carefully estimated hops – occasionally riding aboard various servants as they hurriedly went down hallways – until I found myself in a corridor near a heavily-guarded doorway.
Entering the suite beneath the doors was easy enough for one my size and I found myself in the spacious quarters where those girls who had passed Bullpole's unique test were being kept, presumably until he had need of them. The apartment was filled with beautiful young female humans – lounging, pacing restlessly and sitting quietly, staring into space – some of whom were holding conversations which I sampled, unobtrusively moving from group to group in my chronic curiosity.
“I've heard,” remarked a shy-faced brunette, “that he likes to take two or three girls to bed with him at the same time, and that his knowledge of erotic play stuns the mind.”
“Well, I just hope he doesn't expect me to put my mouth over that terribly big thing of his again!” A prissy-eyed redhead shuddered involuntarily at the memory. “Gor, what a taste it had!”
“Perhaps he's a very fine lover,” suggested a slim blonde with a hopeful smile. “He has a kind face – and he really wasn't unpleasant about the way he conducted that strange test! I prefer to believe the best of the gentleman.”
“After the bastard kidnapped you?” The redhead glared angrily at the blonde. “Have you lost all your senses? Fine gentleman, my arse! He's just a powerful beast who intends that we provide him with pleasure until his repulsive lusts are fully satisfied, that's what he is!”
I proceeded to another group, enchanted by their opinions of their captor. For girls who had been forcibly abducted they seemed, by and large, oddly lacking in resentment. Those who were resentful seemed to be in a definite minority indeed. I could only wonder if, having known poverty all their lives, many of them were now willing to accept their new lives because of the luxurious surroundings and the accompanying sense of excitement and adventure that being brought here had been introduced into their existences. Such a theory might well be unsubstantial but no other was clearly indicated.
“I wonder how much that huge organ of his will hurt,” mused a nervous-looking blonde, biting her fingernails to the quick. “I've heard it really pains a girl when she loses her purity – and I fear that the size of the man's manhood has a lot to do with how much it hurts!”
“Pooh!” scoffed an impish brownette, tossing her head imperiously. “Old wives' tales! My oldest sister lost her innocence in a haystack and she assured me that it hurt not one whit! That's just nonsense supposed to keep a girl from finding out how much fun lying with a man can be, I think!”
“You really think so?” A soft-spoken brunette with huge eyes looked heartened by the other girl's comment. “I'd – I'd like to believe it's not going to be a horrible experience at all. I don't know that I could endure it if it was torturous or very frightening. I've always heard -”
And so the chatter went, with girl after girl giving vent to her deepest fears or impudent glee according to her nature and what she believed in regard to the act of sexual intercourse which none of them had yet actually experienced. And I was wont to believe that the experience would indeed vary with each girl's basic attitude toward it, although I hadn't the slightest notion what Bullpole might bring to the performance in the way of skill or gentleness, patience or brutality.
BOOK: The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4
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