The Awakening (14 page)

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Authors: Shakir Rashaan

BOOK: The Awakening
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Candy was mesmerized by the way things started to transpire. “Yes, Daddy, just like you commanded last night, and your pussy is bare as well.”

“Show me.”

Candy hesitated for a moment. “My European client will be here at any moment, Daddy.”

“You're saying that as if I care?” I responded, forcefully moving her to the edge of her desk and pulling her skirt up so I could find out for myself. “Mmmm, good girl, you're nice and bare, and slick as well. Is that for your client to notice?”

“My client is female, and I have been getting some vibes from her that she might want to—”

“Fuck you…like I'm planning to right now, baby.” Neferterri finished Candy's comment. As she answered, she unbuttoned her pants to reveal a rather interesting surprise that made Candy lick her lips and grin so hard her cheeks began to hurt.

“Is that what I think that is?”

“Yes, it is, baby.”

What Candy was referring to was a
strap-on dildo hidden under Neferterri's business suit.

For those who might not understand, allow me to explain:

If you've watched porn videos before, then you know that the strap-on devices that are used in some of them are rather flimsy to say the least. The FeelDoe is made in such a manner that it contours into the vaginal canal, thick enough to fill the canal entirely, and rests right at the G-spot, which allows its female wearer the ability to literally feel the penetration, to give her the sensation of what a man feels when he is penetrating a woman.

Key words:
mutual satisfaction.

You gotta love the lesbians who made this device…I know my Beloved does.

I moved out of the way and allowed Neferterri to spread Candy's legs apart while she was still on the desk. The minute the head found its way inside of her wetness, Candy let out a satisfied moan like it was exactly what the sex doctor ordered.

“Oh my God, that feels
good.” I saw the lust in Candy's eyes as she caressed Neferterri through the fabric of the pants.

Neferterri pulled Candy's leg and rested it over her shoulder and slowly slid deeper inside, breathing deeper as she began to stroke. They shared deep, sensual kisses as she stroked, almost forgetting I was in the room for a moment. I smiled and took the moment to slip out of the room and let them really get into it. My phone vibrated, letting me know the client Candy was waiting for had arrived.

I met Jessica in the reception area, taking notice of the stunning woman waiting for me. I stopped for a moment to take in her essence, enjoying the sight before I spoke.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Devereaux is showing you her presentation as soon as you walk in the door, Ms. …?”

“Jameson, Sir. Lillian Jameson. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.” She presented her hand to me and I properly gave
her a kiss on the back of her palm. “My, I'm in the presence of a gentleman as well. It's such a rare commodity these days.”

I knew she would melt when I did that. The British women are suckers for gentlemanly and chivalrous behavior, even in the twenty-first century. She was a very statuesque woman, perhaps late thirties or so, very voluptuous figure, not too top heavy, maybe a C-cup at the least, but a beauty nonetheless. She wore a conservative, knee-length pencil skirt, stiletto heels, and a black blouse and jacket. She dressed in a manner as to not draw too much attention to herself, but I had a feeling the conservative attire hid something more sensual beneath. This was going to be an interesting meeting after all, one that might take a little more than the hour than Candy originally anticipated. The choker/collar around her neck provided the information I needed, and provide the necessary confidence the scene in front of her would produce the desired results. Thank goodness Jessica was in the know as well. She should have been, as she's one of Amenhotep's service slaves allowed to work outside of the Palace.

Ms. Jameson wouldn't be in a tremendous shock when we opened that door, but I buttered her up. I had a feeling I was going to need to take care of some business in a few moments. I wanted her at ease to be able to help Candy finish the presentation on a high note with closing the deal.

Upon seeing the choker around Ms. Jameson's neck, I asked her bluntly, “Does your Master know what you are undertaking?”

She lowered her head as she replied, “Yes, Sir, my Master is aware. I am acting on His behalf and Ms. Devereaux came highly recommended for her ability to be discreet.”

Now this had some potential indeed. I had a feeling I might need to make a trip over to London in the near future to see about some things. It might prove beneficial for all involved.

“Well, Ms. Jameson, I believe you will enjoy what you're about to see. The sensuality you asked for your campaign is occurring as we are speaking. Come, let me show you.”

Jessica led the way, no doubt preparing herself for the scene she also would witness. We slipped inside as not to allow the passionate moans and screams to escape from the office. What Ms. Jameson saw was quite lovely indeed.

Neferterri and Candy were on the couch in the office, going at it doggie style now. Candy's breasts were now released from the corset and her skirt was hiked up over her ass as my wife was rhythmically stroking her, switching from a steady pace to something more primal, more urgent, pushing Candy to come and come hard.

“Oh my,” Ms. Jameson whispered. “They look absolutely beautiful together.”

Watching the lustful looks on my girls, I flashed a proud grin. They didn't notice us entering the room, which had been my intent for Ms. Jameson to catch the natural essence of the presentation.

I felt Ms. Jameson lean against me, her hand unconsciously tracing the lining of her bra. Her head began to tilt back against my chest, and I instinctively moved my hands down to her waist to steady her, allowing her to soak in the entire scene.

Jessica tapped me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear, “Shall I tell the partners that Ms. Devereaux will need two hours and the contract will be signed and delivered, yes, Sir?”

“Yes, Jessica, you can tell the partners it will be signed in the morning.”

Jessica tipped out of the office to relay the message while I continued buttering up Ms. Jameson for the close.

“Ms. Devereaux knows her clientele and what they need to present the proper image, Ms. Jameson.”

“Yes, she does indeed, Sir…may i call You Sir?”

“you may refer to Me as Lord Ramesses, My dear.”

“my Master will be pleased to know His project will be in capable hands from a marketing standpoint, m'Lord.”

“I assure you it is in good hands, just as you are in Mine, Ms. Jameson.”

“Mmmm, indeed i am m'Lord, if i am allowed to say so.”

I moved my hands from her waist to the buttons on her blouse, slowly unbuttoning them and exposing the lace bra underneath. A soft moan escaped her lips, and she covered my hands with hers to continue to unfasten the rest of her blouse, exposing her tanned skin.

“Take your breasts out of your bra, Ms. Jameson. I'm sure they need some attention, considering the beautiful scene in front of you.”

She did as ordered, unclasping the hook between her breasts, gasping at her exposed breasts and hardened nipples that were now being pinched and teased by her fingers.

“This has to be one of the most erotic presentations that I've been a part of, m'Lord.” She whispered again, this time too aroused to speak above that whisper. “If they keep this up, I might need to call and ask permission from my Master to release some tension.”

I soon heard the sweet sounds of Candy's orgasm, and Neferterri realized we were in the room with them and had been the entire time. She looked at the position I had Ms. Jameson in and knew the deal was closed.

Candy was still in the throes of her orgasm, cursing a few deities along the journey to the epicenter of her pleasure. She collapsed on the couch, trying desperately to slow her breathing, knowing she needed to be prepared for her client that she knew had to be…

“Ahem. Looks like I found the proper ad exec to fuel my campaign,” Ms. Jameson stated, blushing slightly upon witnessing the final sensual moments between Neferterri and Candy. She tried to compose herself from allowing me to expose her chest and fondle her while she enjoyed the show.

“Ms. Jameson…I'm sorry, I had prepared for your arrival, but…” Candy panicked, thinking the deal was blown, but she quickly realized her client was half naked as well.

“No need to apologize, Ms. Devereaux. Your lovers seemed to have helped you close the deal on this marketing campaign. I will let my employer know that the contract is yours.”

“Thank you, Ms. Jameson. I will get the contract over to your lawyers in the morning,” Candy ecstatically stated as she was trying to dress herself. Mercedes was sitting on the couch reapplying her makeup and freshening up as well.

“I'm sure there's no need to get dressed just yet, Ms. Devereaux. I was hoping you would make sure the deal was sealed by doing to me what your lover has just done to you?” Ms. Jameson grinned, breaking from my grasp to fondle Candy's breasts as well.

“Well, I believe these negotiations are just getting started, baby. Besides, we have a bit of business to attend to also,” Neferterri said rhetorically as we headed out of the office to leave the ladies to finish their “negotiations” in private. “Oh, and please make sure Ms. Devereaux gives you our numbers as well. Enjoy the rest of your negotiations.”


Kneeling on the floor naked, she was intensely aware of everything around her.

The business we needed to attend to after we left Candy's office was to take care of the inspection phase of Kitana's training with us. Not two hours after taking care of Candy and her client, Kitana was naked in our living room, making sure this phase of her awakening had been completed. The kids were at their grandparents' house, so we wouldn't be disturbed for a few hours.

Every sound, every smell seemed magnified around her. I could hear her breathing and felt her heart pounding as I pressed my hand against her chest. She heard me moving across the room toward her and instinctively she lifted her head, her eyes meeting my gaze.

“Did I tell you to look at Me?” I snapped.

My voice was level and its tone was inquiring, more than annoyed. This was the side of me that Kitana needed to see; the stern, unyielding force who demanded House protocol be executed. She needed to see this from the both of us, to let her know that while there is pleasure in this journey, there is also transgression and punishment as well.

She lowered her eyes, feeling a shiver of apprehension race up her spine as she whispered, “i'm sorry, m'Lord. i forgot myself; please forgive me.”

“Forgiveness is not an option here,” I said as my fingers twisted into the silkiness of her hair. “you have broken protocol and you must learn that is not acceptable.”

“Yes, m'Lord.”

I walked slowly around Kitana, ensuring her eyes were still cast downward.

Neferterri sat in a chair in the living room, observing the entire interaction. She picked up her cell phone, pressed a key, and within a couple of seconds she was on the phone speaking. I couldn't make out who she was speaking with; I concentrated on Kitana.

“you are our property and as such we expect total obedience.” I paused, almost for effect, before I asked, “So what do you think should happen now?”

Nervously, she licked her lips knowing the moment she had been anticipating was near. Her voice quivered slightly as she uttered, “You must punish me, m'Lord, in whatever way You see fit.”

“Indeed I must punish you and I intend to do so in many and varied ways. Some, no doubt, you will enjoy; others you will not.” I repeated her words so that she could feel the full effect of her words. “By the end of today, we will see tears flowing freely down your cheeks. You will learn your pleasure is in our hands, to mete out as and when either of us sees fit. Now, have you chosen your safe word yet?” I questioned. “It is essential before we begin.”

She hesitated for a moment, thinking carefully before replying. She knew from our conversations with her, the word needed to be easily remembered in times of stress and high emotion but also a word which would be unlikely to come up in the course of normal conversation or role play. “Yes, m'Lord, i have my safe word. It is

in Swahili, means “stop.”

“That is acceptable.” I nodded. I looked over at Neferterri, who was still on the phone, and she motioned to me that the safe word was acceptable to her as well. “However, you must be aware I will still use My discretion, as your Goddess will, too. If I believe you are using your safe word just to spare yourself from a little punishment, I will not stop right away.”

I lifted her face to me to continue my lesson. “Be aware that if you persist in using your safe word at times I deem inappropriate, I will punish you harder and possibly ignore it completely. you must realize that it is to be used ONLY when absolutely necessary.”

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