The Bad Boys of Eden (112 page)

Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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"Do you know how long I've waited for this? This sure as hell didn't start when you walked into this room tonight or when you asked for my help." He felt her muscles tense under his hand. "This started that very first night when you climbed onto my cross and your Dom asked me to whip you."

Dex eased a finger inside her pussy and twisted his hand so he could rub the bundle of nerves hiding from him. Her eyes fluttered open and closed. "You weren't supposed to like it then were you? Jim wanted you punished and instead you fucking loved my whip. You came so hard you cried. Wailed like a baby in fact." He found the patch he sought and her body tried to buck against his hold. "You fooled him, but not me, Bonnie girl. I tasted those tears of frustration and guilt that night. That's not something a man ever forgets. So that, stubborn sub, is how long I've waited for this."

The tears shining in her eyes began to fall silently down the sides of her head. As much as he wanted to lick them away he resisted. She had to get this out or she'd never be able to move on. The guilt would eat her alive if she didn’t.

"Did you ever tell him the truth about that night?"

She shook her head the tears streaming harder now.

"And that shames you?"

Her nostrils flared before her eyes popped open and she screamed at him. "Yes, goddammit. Are you happy now? I didn't want to talk about the past, but you just won't let it go. Now you've ruined this for me. Is that what you wanted?" She renewed her struggles and looked mad enough to spit nails, yet her safeword never came. "I didn't tell him," she said, taking a deep breath. "Because how the hell do you tell your Dom that the greatest pleasure of your life came at the hands of another man?"

His muscles froze. What did she say? His brain misfired as the implications sank in. As much as she needed this, he wasn't sure how much longer he could stay in control. Not when she said shit like that. She was mad, he was mad and his goddamned dick was on fire. He leaned forward and captured her chin with one hand. "Bonnie, look at me."

She squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them as if by his sheer will. The raw emotion staring back at him now threatened to choke him.

"Say your safeword, Bonnie."

She went wide-eyed and her mouth dropped open. "What? Why?"

"If you don't say your safeword, I'm going to fuck you until you pass out, that's why. I fucking need you." With one hand on his cock and the other holding her face he waited and every second that ticked by, he felt like he was being prodded with a hot stick to the spine to just take what he wanted. Permission be damned.

"Then fuck me, Sir, because I'm not going to use my safeword."

With his head exploding from her dare, Dex didn't hesitate or check to see if she was ready. That one sentence had burned through the last of his resolve. He had to be inside her now or lose his sanity. This amazing woman, who so often failed at fighting her demons, wasn't giving up. He surged forward and pushed at the shockingly tight channel that didn't want to let him in. "Fucking A, I can—". He eased back and tried again. "How can you be this tight?"

She sucked in a breath and the previously wild look on her face blanked. What the hell? He stopped pushing and tamped down on the need to force his way in. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto her belly and he tried to focus on something besides her clutching cunt.

"Bonnie," he said, growling. "What the fuck are you not telling me?"

"It's been a long time since I've had sex and you're a lot bigger than..."

Fuck. He was screwing this up big time. But he couldn't stop. Her vice tight heat was strangling him and taking his common sense at the same time. He closed his eyes and moaned. It wouldn't kill him to stay just like this a while, except right at that moment she tightened around him and his thoughts snapped. She was shaking all over with hunger blazing in her eyes.

With her body striped and reddened from the flogger and still tied in a position that gave him access to anything he wanted, their moment had arrived. Do or die.

"You are so amazing." He reached forward and cupped her breasts. He thumbed and then pinched her nipples until she moaned for him. Damn. Her responsiveness amazed him all over again.

"You make me want to come when you look at me like that, Sir. It's a little shocking to feel that way."

Dex groaned. Yep, she was definitely going to kill him. That kind of honesty awed him. Finally, she stopped thinking about the past and appeared as in the present as him. He inched his hips forward and her body accepted the rest of his length without fight. His first shocking thought beyond the incredible heat squeezing him was how much he loved the way she looked when he filled her. Her mouth popped open as she panted for breath. And God her eyes, the pupils were huge and dark with so much lust and need filling them he knew every night when he tried to sleep it was all he'd see.

"This is going to be rough. We waited so long..." It was his only thought when he felt his control slipping. He wasn't sure she understood just how long he'd waited for her or what it meant to him.

"Please," she said. "Give me more."

Her arms were struggling against the cuffs holding her in place and he imagined her little nails shredding his back if they were free. In this position he was as deep as he could possibly go and it still didn't feel like enough.

"Be careful what you ask for little one." He watched her closely as he pulled back, then shoved deep inside her again. Her body jerked, her tits bounced and her mouth opened on a deep mournful wail.

This time, his body wasn't going to wait. He immediately jerked back and thrust forward in one continuous movement. Her muscles pulled tight on him with every drag and stroke, making every move even more intense. He leaned forward and grabbed a nipple between his teeth and pulled. This time he got exactly what he wanted. She screamed. The sound was so loud he hoped every damned member in the club heard her.

Bonnie belonged to him.

He rose up on his toes and fucked deep inside her again, this time putting all of his weight behind his thrusts. Her body jerked hard on the table, only the ropes keeping her in place each time. How many nights had he fantasized about this very scene? And the reality far surpassed his imagination.

He let go of the tortured nipple and laved it with his tongue. The deep imprints of his teeth made him even harder. "Seeing your skin marked really turns me on."

"Me too, Sir," she said, struggling for breath.

He didn't give her much opportunity to catch it before he surged into her harder than before. Despite the ropes holding her down she still managed to move her hips and meet him thrust for thrust. He loved fucking women but this—this was different.

This was Bonnie.

The near constant tremor through her body under his made him ready to give up the fight and come inside her. It was a damned shame they had a condom between them. He'd already marked her as his on the outside from head to toe. Now he wanted to mark her on the inside.

Dex gritted his teeth against the wild thoughts running through his head. With the near constant cries falling from her beautiful lips and the way her body shook, it was obvious she needed to come and couldn't hold back much longer. Neither could he.

He grabbed her right shoulder and left hip and pumped harder. Deeper.

"Oh shit," she cried. "Please, Dex. Oh. My. Please."

For a few moments, he focused on their bodies. The sound of slick skin slapping against each other in violent thrusts. Grunts alternating with moans. The all-consuming pleasure of being exactly where he was supposed to be.

"Come for me, Bonnie girl. Come now." Another shift of his hips and he banged against her clit as he slid deeper.

"Dex. Dex. Oh my God. Dex. Deeeeeeeeex."

Shit. He was losing his mind. He couldn't stop fucking her as she clenched around him. With the orgasm rolling through her, every muscle in her body tightened and froze taught against his ropes and cuffs. But it was the ear-piercing scream that did him in. He'd never heard a more incredible sound. It was the glorious music of Bonnie truly letting go and she was fucking beautiful this lost in passion. As he watched her in awe, his cock jerked and took him with her whether he wanted to or not.

Dex bellowed through his orgasm as fire burned from the base of his spine to the top of his head. It felt so fucking good and it hurt all at the same time. Pleasure then pain. Pleasure then pain. His body had lost control.

His pulse thundered in his ears and all he could think about was more. It couldn't end yet. He eased free from her tight clasp and quickly discarded the condom. He scanned her flushed face only to find her breathing hard with her eyes closed. While there was a look of peace across her features now, the rest of her would carry his marks for quite some time. Besides the red streaks from her whipping, he saw marks already rising on her hip and shoulder where he'd held her down and fucked her. And the ropes... She had to be getting stiff by now. He returned to her side and began untying the bindings around her legs first.

He eased one free and rested her foot in the convenient stirrups of the medical table. Dex took his time and massaged her muscles back to life in order to minimize any cramping. By the time he'd worked her second leg free, his body had flared back to life and he was contemplating whether he wanted his dick in her mouth or her ass next. Apparently, when it came to her he was insatiable.

"Dex?" Her quiet voice drew his attention back to her face. She looked a little nervous now with her teeth nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Not yet. I need a minute." He had to get his head on straight before she asked. At the end of every scene. She always asked him to hold her close and it wasn't in him to deny her. Nor did he want to. He needed nothing more than to wrap her lush body against his and welcome the comfortable silence they always shared.

Except tonight. Dammit. He'd changed everything. Part of him wanted to take her home and keep her there. With his thoughts going a mile a minute, he slowly undid the cuffs at Bonnie's wrists and massaged the red abrasions caused by her mindless struggles. They didn't need words to communicate after a scene. When it came to this woman, he only needed to feel her touch or listen to her breathing.

Dex lifted her from the table and carried her over to the couch. He gingerly set her down, taking care not to bump anything sore before he walked away long enough to gather a cool cloth, a bottle of water and a soft blanket.

After he wiped the dried sweat from her face and arms he wrapped her in the blanket for some much needed warmth. "Here, drink this. You need it." He handed her the uncapped bottle and watched her place it against slightly swollen lips and take a few small sips. Unshed tears were shining in her eyes and they decimated him. He both wanted to know why she was about to cry and didn't. But they shredded him nonetheless.

Unable to watch her pain for another second, he gathered her into his arms and reversed their positions with him sitting on the sofa and her snuggled on his lap. Her arms immediately wrapped around his neck and she drew herself closer. As he rearranged the blanket so it covered her back, she twisted around and buried her face in his shoulder. Somehow, she'd managed to get her thighs around his hips with her breasts pushed against his chest as the quiet sobs racked through her.

He wasn't surprised at the outpouring of emotion. He'd pushed her harder than ever before in the hopes she could release some of the guilt she couldn't get past. At twenty-four, she was too damned young not to find her way past the loss of her Dom.

After a while the tears stopped and her breathing evened out. It was then he finally realized how dangerous their position was.

Dear God. She always felt perfect in his arms. But shit, this was fucking amazing. For the first time they were both naked and attached from thighs to shoulders. She wasn't tied up and he wasn't pushing her limits of pain. This was simple flesh on flesh. His body heated and his dick thickened, until every insistent throb in his groin nudged him against her sex.

The only indication he got from her that she'd noticed were the fingers tightening around his biceps. Damn, he wanted to fuck her again. No needed to.

Before he formed a coherent thought on what to do next, Bonnie changed position in his lap, shifting her hips until he slipped half inside her.

Dex hissed. "Bonnie," he said, hoping like hell she'd heed his warning.

Still she said nothing. Instead, she lifted slightly and sank down on him again with more force until he filled her completely.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head as her heat seared through him. This woman felt even better the second time. He grabbed the sides of her face and lifted her head until their gazes met. The wet sheen of tears recently shed still clung to her skin and lashes, but the need staring back at him was unmistakable.

She might not be fully healed yet, but somewhere deep inside she'd accepted the change between them. With his gaze locked on her face he gripped her hips and lifted them a few inches before lowering her again as he thrust hard.

The scent of fresh feminine arousal assaulted his senses. She was slick, hot and so damn tight. He wanted—Dex froze.

"Oh shit. Bonnie. I don't have a fucking condom on. He spoke through teeth grit so hard, it felt like his jaw might break. He had to find the control to stop them, but he really didn’t want to.

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