The Barbershop Seven (12 page)

Read The Barbershop Seven Online

Authors: Douglas Lindsay

Tags: #douglas lindsay, #barney thomson, #tartan noir, #robert carlyle, #omnibus, #black comedy, #satire

BOOK: The Barbershop Seven
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He looked at the names and the ages, trying to decide by looking at them what might have happened. As usual, four of the six were teenagers. The options were numerous for this lot and dying at the hands of a serial killer was unlikely to be one of them. They could be lying in a gutter somewhere creamed out of their faces from the night before; they could be on the bus to London with £150 in their pocket and a collection of ridiculous dreams in their head; they could be lying in some bed somewhere enjoying again all the things which they had enjoyed the night before, (lucky, lucky bastards); or, and at this he brightened up a little, they might be lying dead in a ditch, by their own hand. And at least two of them would've probably already reappeared by the time he got to their homes. There was always that as consolation.

He studied the other two on the list. A thirty-eight year-old woman with seven children, aged between eighteen and two, all of whom still lived at home. There appeared to be no particular father figure. Big mystery, he thought, and mentally crossed that one off. She would be back in a day or two, feeling guilty and angry that the kids had called the police.

One remained. A man in his late twenties. Ran a barber's shop, lived with his wife, no children. This one wasn't so easy to dismiss. He might've gone out and got drunk, ended up in some woman's bed somewhere, but he should have turned up by now.

Maybe this was it. For all he scoffed at this ridiculous goose chase, there was a fair chance that he would come across victims of the killer at some stage. They would, of course, already be dead by the time he began to investigate their disappearance, a small flaw in the great plan, but perhaps they might stumble across some clue. The exercise itself wasn't a waste of time, but he resented Robertson having given it to him.

He looked out of the window, at the rain hitting steadily off the glass. Of course it was. This was Glasgow in March. It always bloody rained.

The door to his office opened, Detective Sergeant MacPherson came in, his face the usual mask of taciturnity. The two men nodded. MacPherson placed some papers on Holdall's desk.

'When'll you want to start out this morning, sir?' he asked, having withdrawn a few feet.

Holdall sighed heavily, stared at nothing. The horror of going out. He didn't even want to think about that yet. Wet and cold, concerned mothers and children. Jesus. He thought some more, his mind on a variety of things, and just as MacPherson was beginning to shuffle his feet and glance at his watch, Holdall looked up, made up his mind.

'Let's give it half an hour, eh, Sergeant? I think I need a good deal of coffee and something to eat before I can face the rigours of the day, if rigours they're to be.'

MacPherson nodded, issued a short 'very good, sir', and marched out of the door, a hundred things to do in the next half hour.

Holdall sat back, laced his fingers behind his head, stared at the ceiling. How long could he do this before he'd tell them to stuff their job? So, it'd be a blindingly stupid thing to do and Jean would be unbelievably annoyed at him, but he was damned if he could put up with much more of this. He could find something else to do, it couldn't be that difficult.

Maybe he could set up his own private detective agency. That might not be a bad idea. Sure, he'd have to start with small time stuff. Divorce cases and missing children. He winced at the thought. But it wouldn't be long, surely, before he'd be getting into adventures, mixing it up with glamorous women and being sent on the hunt for golden falcons and the like. God, that'd be the life. Maybe, he reflected, Jean wouldn't be able to handle it. She'd maybe even leave him, but hey, he thought, what the heck. There'd be plenty more babes out there given what he'd be doing. He'd watched enough private dick shows on the TV to know that it would be one stunning chick after another in that job. Heaven.

His eyes fell on the list in front of him and the pile of papers which MacPherson had placed on his desk. With a weary sigh, and wondering if MacPherson would have taken the hint and instigated a cup of coffee on his behalf, he turned off his dreams and looked at the reports at his right hand.


nd when did you last see Stuart, Mrs. Hutchinson?'

The woman stared over her cup of tea at the wall, trying to remember. 'Tuesday,' she said eventually. 'Tuesday about eight o'clock. Aye, that'd be about right.'

MacPherson nodded, looked at his notepad. Holdall was sitting beside him, quietly sipping a cup of tea, doing his best not to listen to any of what was going on. The chief inspectors' trick – let the sergeant ask all the questions while pretending to be coolly paying attention at his side.

'And you expected him back about when?'

'Oh, well, I don't know. He says he was just going down the boozer, you know, and I'm like that, don't you be too late and all that, you know. Expected him back about eleven.'

MacPherson nodded, appeared concerned. 'So, if you expected him to return at about eleven o'clock on Tuesday, why did you wait 'til this morning to report him missing? Did you not think about doing it yesterday?'

She took a loud slurp from her cup, placed it on the table.

'Well, you know officer, I just assumed he'd scored with some bit of skirt and buggered off back to her place. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened, you know.' She smiled weakly at MacPherson, he nodded back. 'I was a wee bit worried by yesterday afternoon, but I don't know, I just didn't like to bother anyone, you know. I mean, I remember once when Missus Thingwy from down the road reported her wee boy missing and if it wasn't just the thing, but he turns up...'

Holdall interjected. Strained patience; teeth ground together.

'All right, Mrs. Hutchinson, can we just stick to the story?'

'Oh aye, aye, no bother,' she said.

MacPherson scribbled something else in his notebook.

'Look Mrs. Hutchinson, you've done the right thing by reporting your son missing now and you're not putting anyone to any trouble.'

Like hell she's not, thought Holdall, as he began to drift away from the conversation.

'Now, can you tell us who he usually met down the pub and if you've been in contact wi...'

There was a noise at the front door, followed by the sound of footsteps marching into the house. Holdall rolled his eyes extravagantly, stood up. The prodigal son, he thought. No point in delaying; might as well get out of the damn house before she killed him.

MacPherson joined him as the door to the sitting room opened and a young man of around nineteen walked into the room. He stopped, stared at the two strangers, looked at his mother. His mouth opened but he didn't get as far as formulating a sentence.

'Where the bloody hell have you been, eh? I've been worried sick, so I have, but no, you wouldn't give a shite about that, would you? You're too bloody busy thinking about yourself and to Hell with everybody else! And look what you've made me do, you stupid bastard. I've called the polis, so I have. I'll probably be in trouble now but you'll not give a shite about that, will you? No, you bloody won't. You're just too busy thinking about yourself. Bloody Hell, to think that I raised you from nappies. And what thanks do I get?'

She paused for breath, started talking again before anyone else had time to speak.

'Look, I'm really sorry about this, officers, wasting your time and all that. Can I not offer you another biscuit?'

Holdall and MacPherson held out their hands in unison to refuse, inching slowly towards the door. Following the biscuit refusal, the mother turned once more upon her son.

'Well, don't stand there like a bloody great pudding. Where have you been?'

He shrugged and stared at the floor. 'I just met this girl, Mum, you know. She was really nice. Anyway, I spent the night with her, nothing happened! And then we went away for the day yesterday. Millport.' Ah, Millport, thought Holdall. Land of Fantasy. Or was he confusing it with California? 'I tried phoning but, honest I did, Mum, but you weren't in. Then I ended up spending the night last night 'n all.' He turned to Holdall. 'How, am I in trouble?' he said.

Holdall shook his head and laid his hand on the lad's shoulder. 'No, son, you're not in trouble.' He smiled and began to walk past him. Stopped, looked the boy in the eye. 'Was she a babe?'

Stuart Hutchinson – The Hutch to his friends – looked surprised, then the smile broke onto his face.

'She's a wee stoatir,' he said.

Holdall grinned and turned to the mother. 'We'll see ourselves out, thank you, Mrs. Hutchinson.'

He walked from the sitting room with MacPherson at his heels and as they opened the front door they could hear the woman begin to berate her son in earnest now that they'd gone. They stood out in the light rain for a second, looking at the dank and depressing street before them. Lost in thought.

'This is a lousy job, Sergeant,' said Holdall, beginning to trudge towards the car.

'Bloody right it is,' replied MacPherson, following on, his stride nevertheless the more purposeful.

They got into the car and MacPherson studied the list he was carrying with him.

'Just one more to go, sir. A William Henderson. The barber.'

Holdall winced at the thought that this one might prove to be more serious than the others, started the engine and drove off into the gloom.

Interview With A Barber


ig Billy McGoldrick was in danger of getting his ear cut off, so animated was he becoming in the discussion; constantly trying to turn his head to look at Chris.

'But why,' he said, 'why is it that our teams can't beat anyone in Europe? Christ, we lose to them all these days. Teams we'd have pumped the pants offa twenty years ago. All they wee pish teams. Now we're the wee pish teams.'

Chris studied the back of McGoldrick's head, executed a couple of smooth moves, the scissors sizzling in his fingers, then straightened up, catching his eye in the mirror.

'Cause, and this is what I keep trying to tell you, they play cultured football, not like our kick and rush game. With us it's all heads down and last one in the penalty area's a big poof.'

McGoldrick shook his head, narrowly avoiding a scissor in the ear. 'Aye, all very well, but why can't we play cultured football, if they can do it? It's places like Turkey and Latvia for Christ's sake, we're talking about here, not Brazil.'

'Because the fans wouldn't stand for it. Nobody in Scotland wants to see cultured football, do they?'

'Are you saying that I don't like cultured football?' McGoldrick said, straightening his shoulders and slightly raising his head, changing forever the course of the growth of his hair.

'Who does in Scotland?' said Chris, already beginning to make the necessary adjustments. 'I mean, look. Do any of us really want to see our team come out and fanny about in the midfield like a bunch of Jessies? It's not the Scottish mentality. If the Thistle haven't scored after about ten minutes, we're all baying like dogs for them to blooter the ball up the park as hard as possible. That's what Scottish football's all about.'

McGoldrick looked doubtful, but Chris was flowing, the barber in his element.

'It's typical of the generally aggressive nature of Scottish behavioural patterns. It's like if two blokes get into a fight in a pub. What do they do? Do they glass each other, or do they pass the ball about in midfield?'

McGoldrick held up his hand and made to reply, but Barney switched off, tried not to listen to the rest. He was in the middle of a haircut and had already committed two or three too many stinkers today; didn't want to do any more.

He was attempting to embrace denial but it wasn't easy. Combined with worry about what Cemolina would do with the corpse and worry about what he would say to the police when they finally showed up, as he was expecting the inevitable, his head was a mess. Much the same as most of the customers he'd dealt with this black day.

Moira had phoned the shop that morning to say there was still no sign of Wullie, and had asked Chris if he knew of anywhere he might have gone. If Chris was worried about Wullie's disappearance, he wasn't showing, telling himself that Wullie had probably just gone off somewhere, got drunk, and fallen in with some woman. He would stagger home later that day, an apologetic look on his face and a stream of spectacular excuses pushing each other out of the way in order to be first to get to his mouth.

Barney surveyed the task in which he was currently embroiled, and wondered about how hideously wrong it had already gone. The man had asked for a Charlton Heston '86, always a tricky proposition, but especially so since Barney's hands were shaking; involuntary spasms, sporadic bursts. Barney had been tempted to suggest that his customers take out ear insurance before they sat down. Thought, however, that if he had nothing to do but sit and brood he would feel even worse.

Of the customers that had come in looking for Wullie, some had immediately departed on finding him not there and the rest had mostly gone to Chris. There were a couple who'd reluctantly agreed to be prey to Barney's fickle hand, being rewarded with hair which received a fright every time it looked in a mirror.

It had been a long morning, and Barney was in the middle of his Charlton Heston, when he finally got what he'd been expecting. Two men walked into the shop, their coats buttoned up against the rain. They looked miserable and unhappy, but it wasn't the usual misery of men coming to get their hair cut. They stood for a few seconds looking at the barbers and then one of them walked forward, his hands fishing around in his pockets. Finally he produced his card, holding it up between Chris and Barney.

'Chief Inspector Holdall, Maryhill. I wonder if I could have a word with you two gentlemen?'

'Is it about Wullie?' asked Chris. The police, instant worry. Same for Barney, but for different reasons.

'Yes, it's about Mr Henderson.' Holdall waved a hand at Barney and Chris, moved to sit down. 'The two of you finish what you're doing, and we'll speak to you then. It shouldn't take too long.'

They sat down at the end of the queue. The two customers ahead of them looked nervous at the closeness of the law and shuffled as much as they could towards the other end of the long bench. Finally the strain became too much for one of them and he stiffly rose and walked quickly from the shop. MacPherson looked suspiciously after him. He'd arrested people for less, but Holdall quelled his enthusiasm with a wave of the hand. Whatever reason the man had to remove himself from the presence of the police, it wasn't their problem. If they chased every idiot who looked suspicious... and he let the thought run away.

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