Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (23 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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With that, she climbed over
Riya’s body on her hands and knees.  She was athletically slender with small
breasts and pale skin.  Lovely in an elfin nymph way.  Joshua was on his side,
head propped in his hand, watching them while he idly stroked Riya’s body. 


“The two of you are so
gorgeous, even fully dressed without doing anything to your hair or putting on
makeup.  To see you both like this, I can’t describe what a stunning picture
you make.”  He reached up and smoothed Jessica’s hair from her face, stroking
one finger down her chin.  “I’ve missed you, Jess.  You don’t need to do this
for me.  I shouldn’t have said anything about the stereotypical fantasy every
guy on the planet has because I wanted you.  Just you, Jess.” 


Joshua’s warm palm was
cupped around Riya’s breast; Jessica had a cool hand curled around the nape of
her neck.  They leaned toward one another over her body and kissed, gently and
lovingly.  When they pulled back, Jess dipped down and claimed her mouth with
sensual expertise.   


Glancing up at the man
watching hungrily, she said, “Thank you, Joshua.  I believe you; I should have
believed you before.  I wanted to but my pride was hurt.  I’ve punished both of
us and I’m sorry.  This isn’t just for you.  I’m attracted to her.  Help me put
her at ease, Joshua.  It’s her first time with a woman and I don’t want to
scare her.” 


Suddenly they were a team,
turning all their combined attention on Riya.  Joshua pulled Riya into the
center of the bed and they settled on either side of her. 


They started at her head and
worked their way down.  Playing with her hair, kissing her, sucking and licking
her nipples, palms sliding over her abdomen, a hand going to each inner thigh,
sliding up and stroking her outer lips, two fingers slipping over her clit and
down, sliding smoothly into her pussy. 


“Jessica, she’s so
responsive.  You’re going to love making her come.”  He leaned over Riya to
kiss Jessica again as they stroked and finger-fucked her.  “I’m glad you went
back to the natural color.  You look so pretty.”


The smile she gave him was
filled with feminine pleasure, “Thanks…my god, she’s so wet.  Do you mind?”  He
shook his head and watched as Jessica worked her way down Riya’s body and put
her mouth over her clit in a whisper of touch that had Riya’s entire body
arching off the bed.  Joshua soothed her and stroked her while he watched
Jessica settle in to eat her pussy. 


Jessica’s fingers slid down
and separated the lips so she could get her tongue on every surface.  “Riya,
you are delicious.  Your clit is swollen and begging for attention.”  She slid
her first two fingers in her pussy, curling them and pulling them out, twisting
and going in flat then repeating the motion again. 


Riya was trembling and put
her hands in Joshua’s hair, clutching at him.  “Joshua, kiss her and love on
her,” Jessica told him before she started sucking Riya’s clit like she was
giving a small blowjob. 


Joshua had both hands and
his mouth on Riya, kissing and talking to her.  “Riya, you look so beautiful
right now.”  He sat up and climbed behind Riya’s body, pulling her against his


“Watch her, baby.  Watch
Jessica eat your pretty pussy.  She’s working your clit so nicely.  I’m going
to play with your pretty nipples and we’ll watch her together.  Does it feel
good?  Do you like what Jessica’s doing to you with her fingers and her
mouth?”  Riya nodded incoherently with a small whimper. 


“I’m glad you like it, I can
see Jessica likes it too because her nipples are tight little pearls while she
licks you.  I can’t wait to get her pretty pussy in my mouth.  Once both of you
are relaxed from playing together, I’m going to thank you both for this gift. 
I won’t let myself come for a long time.  I’m going to hold back until both of
you have everything you need and want.”


Riya was coming apart, any
inhibitions she may have felt when she woke up to Jessica’s hands on her body
had disappeared.  The young woman’s touch was lighter, more delicate than a
man’s and it was driving her insane with the need to come.  When she stroked
the flat of her tongue from her pussy to her clit, she tightened her thighs on
Jessica’s shoulders and the orgasm spread out almost painfully it was so


Sealing her open mouth
against Riya, her sucking and licking triggering another climax top of the
first.  Licking her as she came down, she planted a kiss on her clit and
crawled up her body.  Planting her knees on either side of Riya’s body, inside
Joshua’s thighs, she gathered Riya to her and kissed her deeply.  “Taste yourself,
Riya.  Your come tastes so good.” 


Riya found her arms going
around the other woman, clutching her and bringing her closer.  She returned
the kiss with aggression.  When she broke it, Jessica smiled.  “Fuck…very


Riya went up on her knees
and pulled the other woman with her.  “Can I try something?  I only know what
it feels like when I play with myself.”  At Jess’s nod, she moved behind her,
plastering her breasts to her back.  She was kissing her neck and shoulder,
sliding both hands down her body, and caressing her breasts, “It feels so
different…you feel wonderful but I never would have thought about this


Both women were on their
knees facing Joshua.  Riya was slightly taller and darker, making it easy to
see what she was doing against the smaller and paler woman’s body in the dim
light of the bedroom. 


She took her time touching
Jessica’s sides, her hips, her ass, slipping around over the slope of her hips
and following the angle to her inner thighs.  “Joshua, do I look like I’m doing
this right?”  Jessica’s head dropped back on her shoulder.


He was climbing to his
knees, “Oh yeah, Riya, it looks like Jessica likes that very much.”  He
positioned himself in front of them, facing Jessica.  He took her face in his
hands and kissed her deep.  Her hand went up around his neck, the other up
around Riya’s.


Riya used one hand to
separate Jessica’s lips, the other to find and touch her clit, “Oh, Jessica,
you feel just like me.  I knew that, but to feel it, that is so…hot.”  She took
her time stroking over the hard little clit in the same way she did for herself. 


“Am I doing this right,
Jessica?  I want you to feel good.  You made me feel so good.  When I play with
myself, I play with my clit like this, then I stroke back and slip two fingers
inside my pussy.  I go back and forth, taking my whole hand up to my clit, like
this, and then stroking back down into my pussy.  You’re dripping wet,
Jessica.  I think that’s wonderful, because I only get wet when I’m really
turned on.”  She moved one hand to Jessica’s breast, cupping up and stroking
her thumb over the nipple.  “I like to play with my nipples when I’m getting
myself off.  You’ve got beautiful breasts, Jessica.  So high and tight.” 


Her hips were grinding
against Riya’s hand, her arms clutching both of them closer.  “I’m coming,
Riya…oh my god, you’re a fast learner.  That feels so good.  Oh, yes…”  Then
she was moaning softly and trembling in Riya’s arms. 


She got wetter and hotter as
Riya stroked her through it, amazed to feel the walls of her pussy milking
around her fingers.  When she recovered, Jessica turned her head and the women
kissed again. 


Joshua lay on his back and
pulled a condom over his cock.  He motioned to Riya, “Ride me, baby.”  He
tugged Jessica forward and positioned her over his face, where she was looking
at Riya straddling Joshua’s body, “I’m going to eat you until Riya comes at
least twice.  Then I’m going to change condoms and you two are going to switch
places.  I won’t mind if you both play with one another while I’m eating and
fucking you.”


Then he went to work and the
man could last forever.  The women were clutching one another for strength by
the time they switched places.  He was able to multitask, never pausing in his
upward strokes as he ate Jessica’s pussy.  Never so caught up with fucking Riya
that he forgot his attention to Jessica.  Both women were trembling, watching
one another climax again and again adding extra stimulation to an already
stimulating situation. 


When both women had
accomplished Joshua’s quota, he allowed them to rest for a few minutes then
came for them again.  Riya put her hand on his chest, “Baby, if I come too much
more, I’m going to be in danger of dehydration.  I’m going to lie down with
Jessica on top of me while you take her from behind.  You need to start
coming…this isn’t human.”  All of them laughed. 


He worked them over for a
long time; kissing the back of Jessica’s neck while he was looking deeply into
Riya’s eyes and stroking slow and steady.  Jessica’s hand got Riya off
underneath her and as soon as Jessica tightened into a tight knot then exploded
Joshua came with a roar, arching back as his come pumped from him. 


When he could move, he
collapsed on the bed with a woman on each side, stroking their shoulders and
playing with their hair.


Jessica glanced at Riya with
a smile over the hard planes of Joshua’s chest, “How was your first
girl-on-girl experience?”


Riya sighed contentedly,
“Very, very nice, Jessica.  Thank you for fulfilling a fantasy I didn’t realize
I had.  You should go out with us tomorrow…wait, tonight.  We’re going
clubbing.  Do you like to dance?” 


At the other woman’s nod,
she said, “Go with us.  We’ll play with Joshua together and really fuck with
his friends’ minds.  I’ll be gone in the next couple of days and he’s totally
into you.  I don’t know if you know that.  Every male on the planet wants to
watch women together but even if he’d never experienced his fantasy he would
have been happy with just you.”  She smiled, “You won’t have me around to cramp
your style.  And you two are so hot together.”


Joshua laughed, “My god,
Riya, you keep talking about me to everyone like I’m something special.  I’m
really not.  I’m just a normal guy.”


Riya lifted up to look him
in the eye, “No, you’re not, Joshua.  Very few men, especially in your age
group, have your work ethic or sense of moral fortitude.”


His laugh this time sounded
strangled, “I’m going to have to stop you there, since I’m currently wiped the
hell out from fucking two women at the same time after enjoying watching them
play with each other,” he said, laughing harder now.


“You know what I mean.  You
want to focus on your education, not getting laid every night.  Yeah, you have
needs and you eventually meet them…especially since you were pining for Jess.” 


Meeting Jess’s surprised
eyes, she nodded, “Yeah, he really was.  See that big stereo…Phil, sweetie. 
Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.  There you go, kiss him all better. 
Anyway, you’re driven for all the right things, Joshua.  You have a huge family
and a good foundation.  You have a body chiseled to perfection.  Plus, you fuck
like a machine.  I’ve never seen your stamina in anyone.  Hell, not even porn
stars can go on and on like that.  And it’s all about the woman’s…or
women’s…pleasure for you.  I find you fucking fabulous.  And since I’m leaving
in a couple days, I want to know you’re happy.  And you better call me and tell
me how everything works out.”  She snuggled down to sleep. 


Hours later, the sun was
streaming through the windows and Riya came awake with Jessica’s mouth loving
her pussy thoroughly while Joshua took her from behind.  She looked up and met
his eyes and he winked right before he came hard gripping Jessica’s hips. 
Riya’s climax rocketed through her watching his entire beautiful body flex with
his orgasm.  She curled up with them both and they slept some more. 


Much later, they showered
and went for food, all of them starving.  They were going clubbing and the
girls dressed together.  Jessica was wearing a babydoll sundress with four-inch
leather strappy heels.  Riya chose a leather skirt and tie back top with no bra
in red.  Three-inch heels put she and Jess at the same height. 


When they walked out to
collect Joshua he had to stroke himself, he was so hard.  Both women watched in
complete fascination and when he was ready to come they took turns swallowing
him down. 


They took Jessica’s big
truck because they could all fit across the front seat.  They made Joshua sit
in the middle.  When his friends saw them pull up in front of the club, all of
them getting out on the same side and walking up with their arms around each
other, most of their jaws dropped.  The dance floor was hot, with both women
brick housing him all night.   

BOOK: The Barter System
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