Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (27 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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Lucas chased her to the
living room where she did a ballet leap over the back of his couch to the
middle of the living room.  He followed her with a fence jump and just missed
her as his socks lost traction, losing precious seconds.  Riya was back in the
kitchen, keeping the island between them, a huge smile on her face. 


He feinted left and caught
her going right. 


She was laughing and they
were both breathless.  He wrapped his arms around her and backed her to his
bedroom, kissing her.  She slipped off his button down shirt and he pulled the
t-shirt from his snug Wranglers.  As it went over his head she was running her
hands over his chiseled chest and stomach. 


“There is no give…my god,
you’re in good shape.” 


Going to the buckle of his
belt, slipping it from the clasp before dropping her hands to the fly and
working it loose.  He wore nothing underneath and the head of his cock pressed
against the zipper.  Afraid to catch his skin, one hand slipped inside the
jeans, shielding the underside as she lowered the metal. 


His breath was coming hard
and fast when she finally slid the jeans from his hips.  He was about nine-inches
fully hard and her fingers didn’t quite meet as she circled him. 


His voice barely more than a
croak, he told her, “Riya, if you don’t stop playing with it, I’m going to
come.  I’ve lost count of how long it’s been since I was with a woman.  What
are you…oh dear god, save me.”  She sank to her knees and took him in her
mouth, gently at first, learning him, then harder as she began to really enjoy
it.  “Riya, please baby, I’m going to come so fast.”


She took her mouth from him
and gave the head a lick.  She looked up from her knees and smiled, “I know
that…but you’ll feel so much better if you come once and get it out of the way,
won’t you, Lucas?” 


Without waiting for an
answer, she resumed sucking and stroking him.  As her other hand slid up his
bare thigh and cupped his balls, she felt him harden further.  The first drops
of his pre-come made her moan and increase her speed and pressure. 


“Riya, let me get something
to catch it…”  When Lucas tried to take a step back, she moved one hand around
and gripped his hard ass cheek, holding him to her.  “Riya, I don’t want it all
over you…Riya, your mouth feels so fucking good, back up baby, I’m coming,
Riya, oh Christ!” 


His hand tightened in her
hair as if to pull her back when the first jet of hot semen hit the back of her
throat.  She milked him and he came for a long time, by the time the last
shudders were working through him, he was clutching her to him, not pulling her


When he was half-hard and
able to breathe again, he watched as she kissed the head of his cock and
nuzzled his hip.  Then she pulled his jeans completely away and stood. 


He smoothed the hair away
from her face.  “Thank you, Riya.  I’ve never, that is, no one has ever…swallowed


Riya leaned up to circle her
arms around his neck and his arms went hard around her.  “Well, that’s stupid,
you’re delicious.”  Then she kissed him lightly and the fact that she was still
fully clothed hit him like a brick. 


He set her away far enough
to pull both of her t-shirts over her head, watching as her hair fell around
her shoulders and down her back.  “Good lord but you’re beautiful, Riya.” 


He unsnapped and unzipped
the jeans she wore and crouched in front of her, watching as her hips and
thighs were bared bit by bit.  When they were below her knees, he lifted first
one leg, then the other, pulling the jeans and her thick white socks off. 


She was standing in front of
him in a beige bra, her nipples hard and straining against the lace, and
matching panties that were slightly damp.  Tanned and toned over every inch of
her body.  Sliding his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, he asked,
“Are you sure about this, Riya?  I feel like I’m taking advantage of you, using
you.  I don’t want to do that.”


Riya said nothing for a long
time as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra.  She watched his
face as it fell away from her and Lucas was suddenly predatory.  Hooking her
thumbs in her panties, she pushed them off her hips and his eyes widened when
he took in her bare pussy.  He was fully hard again and his entire body was
thrumming with need and control. 


“Lucas?”  When his
lust-glazed eyes met hers, she said, “Stop talking.”


He had her against him, feet
off the floor, as he stalked to the bed, climbing up on his hands and knees
with her clasped to his chest.  He stretched out beside her, looking at the
picture she made in his bed.  Hard kisses before gentle kisses turned hard and
urgent again.  He played with her hair, lifting it and spreading it out above
her.  He nibbled her ears, licking along the shell. 


Lucas was stroking Riya as
if she were a fine instrument.  Calloused hands coasted over her shoulders and
arms, back up and across her collarbone into the valley of her breasts. 


He whispered to her about
her beauty, her fire, her giving nature as he paid homage to every inch of her
skin.  Almost talking to himself about how long it had been since he’d touched
a woman, how good that it was her. 


Groaning when he took a
hardened nipple in his mouth, stretching out over her.  Using both hands to
plump her breasts, knead them in his palms, and play with her nipples.  He
kissed and licked every rib and sucked at the taut skin below her belly button. 
Her legs were massaged and kissed, over her hip bones, her inner and outer
thighs, her knees, her calves, her ankles, even her feet.  By the time he
reversed, travelling back up her body, she was trembling with need. 


He settled his upper body
between her thighs, broad shoulders opening her to him.  He slipped her leg up,
resting her knee on his shoulder, her calf pressed against his hard upper
back.  Lucas ran his fingers along her pelvic bone, following with his tongue. 


Then her outer lips were
licked and sucked until she was moaning, her fingers going into his hair.  He
slid his fingers over her, opening her folds as he explored her with his lips
and teeth and tongue.  She was writhing beneath him, shaking as he worshipped


When he slid two fingers
inside her he growled, “You’re so wet, Riya.  I didn’t think you’d be wet for
me.”  His strokes were gentle as he sucked her clit for a long time, wanting to
watch as she enjoyed what he was doing to her. 


When one of her hands went
to her breast, his cock twitched against the bed.  “You’re so sensual, Riya, I
could watch you like this all day.”  She ground against his fingers inside her,
fucking him as he ate her.  He felt when she was about to come, her inner walls
gripping his fingers as he curled them inside her and sucked her clit hard. 
Her body arched off the bed as the leg on his back clutched him to her while
she came, shaking and moaning, against his mouth. 


He didn’t stop, he couldn’t
stop, and continued to lick and suck her until another orgasm built and she
came for him again.  He moved his fingers and sank his tongue into her pussy,
her hips lifting to him, needing more.  He drank her juices, wishing his cock
would let him stay here until she came again and again against his mouth. 


She was pulling his hair,
whispering his name in a plea for what she needed, what she wanted.  He leaned
back and took a condom from the table by the bed.  When he was covered, he
crawled up her body and settled against her, his cock sliding back and forth in
the come that coated the cleft of her pussy. 


The moment he was close to
her, she wrapped herself around him, whispering roughly in his ear, “Please,
Lucas, please don’t make me beg.  I need to feel you inside me.”


He kissed her gently as he
positioned himself at her entrance and stroked slowly into her, agonizing for
both of them, until he was seated fully inside her. 


He rested his head on her
shoulder, his voice rough and broken, “Oh, sweet Riya, you are so tight and hot
around me.  I haven’t felt like this in twenty-five years.  I want to hold on;
I need it to be good for you.”


She lifted his head and
kissed him, loving his mouth.  The taste of both of them still found in the
kiss.  “Lucas, I need you to move.”  She pinioned her hips, getting a small
taste of what she needed, “You are so hard and both of us are so ready.  Don’t
deny yourself anymore…fuck me, Lucas.”  When she said it that way, his hips
jerked, causing them both to moan.


He pulled almost all the way
out and slid in slow and full.  He did that for a long time and she came,
tightening around him while her body shuddered.  He picked up the pace and kept
it that way until she came again.  Then, and only then, did he give her what
she really needed. 


Going up on his knees,
lifting her hips to rest on his thighs, he began driving down into her body
hard.  He held her still as he made every stroke deeper and more aggressive,
whipping her nerves into a frenzy of desperation until she shattered in his
arms.  As he watched her come again, he exploded with a roar, pulling her up to
his chest and holding her until the last of his seed filled the condom and they
could breathe again.  “So glad.  So fucking glad you’re here, Riya.”



For two days, they stayed in
the house.  Eating and showering when they needed to, but staying in bed
together as Lucas reconnected with the sexual side of himself.  He swore she
healed him with her touch, plucking out the knot of anger and sorrow he’d carried
for so long and replacing it with kindness, laughter, and generosity. 


By the third day, when
they’d talked about every moment of both their lives and he knew who she was
and who she wanted to be, he realized he was in love with her. 


He wouldn’t tell her.  She
wasn’t meant to stay with him.  But he was happy to
the love, to
know he was capable again.  When she left, it would hurt, but he was okay with
that.  It was new pain, a fresh pain he could overcome faster than the twenty
years of bitter pain he’d allowed to fester. 


He loved her with his body,
telling her physically all the things he would never say out loud.  She took
him in and gave completely of herself, stroking his heart and healing his soul
with every kiss, every look she gave him.  He wanted memories with her before
she left, enough to get him through the lonely nights when she was gone. 


He loaded packs on the
horses and took her camping in the cave on the ridge so they could make love
under the stars.  After cooking and talking for hours, they laid out the
padding and set up a thick sleeping pallet at the entrance of the cave. 


He watched as she stripped
naked then crawled into the warmth with him.  She pulled off his clothes, and
slid her bare body all over him. 


He couldn’t take much of it
before he pushed her on her back and brought her to climax the first time
simply by stroking her softly and talking. 


“I love watching you come,
Riya.  You love with your whole body…and when you come, your entire body is
engaged.  Straining and focused on the pleasure.  Your nipples tighten, you
hold your breath, suck in your stomach, nibble your lower lip, your hands
stroke or scratch with little spasms, your toes curl…but best of all, your
heart begins to race moments before you explode.  That’s how I know you’re
almost ready.  And it turns me on so much because I know you’ll start to moan
and tremble.  Then you’ll tighten, all those long lean muscles clenching around
me, your pussy milking around me, and you go over the edge like water, smooth
and graceful.”  She came, arching into him and pulling his mouth to hers.


Slipping her thigh over him
in their sleeping bag, she positioned herself over his body and rode him while
keeping the fabric over her back.  Her hands never stopped moving over him,
exploring and memorizing every hard span of muscle with her fingertips.  Loving
the feel of his hands on her hips, her breasts, sliding over her skin until she
felt like she was on fire. 


Getting so warm she never
noticed the sleeping bag pooling at her thighs or the cool air on her back. 
Coming hard and shouting her release to the mountains as he joined her, rising
to capture her mouth as they shared the wildness of the moment.

BOOK: The Barter System
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