Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (12 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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She moved closer until her
bare legs were inside his.  Pulling his head up with one hand, she leaned down
to kiss him.  His lips were like stone but she worked them with delicate passes
until he opened for her, closing her lips over his thick tongue. 


A gentle kneading of her
breast and she felt the now familiar tingle begin in her abdomen and travel up
and out over her body.  His other hand went around to cup one globe of her ass
and she was relieved that primal instinct seemed to be taking effect. 


Her tongue played with his
and he started to return her kiss, the hands on her body getting firmer and
more demanding. 


She was taken by surprise
when he lifted her as if she weighed nothing and deposited her in the center of
the bed.  Victor went after her lips, throat, and breasts like a man starved. 
His hand moved down her body to her pussy and located just the right spot.  He
was rough and strong but knew to hold back on the pressure, applying soft
strokes in a way that surprised and delighted her.  She could feel herself
getting wet and knew she wanted him. 


After several minutes of him
exploring her body, she nudged him to his back.  It had taken a moment for her
to remember she was here for him, not the other way around.  He was already
showing promising signs of patience, generosity, and skill.


His dick stood tall and
thick in front of her.  She crawled between his legs and took the base of him
firmly in her hand; her fingers were over an inch from touching when she
circled him. 


“You have to understand that
only a rare woman will be able to take all of you in her mouth, Victor.  To
expect all women to be able to do it is pushing it, maybe.  But there are
things that can make a blowjob great for you.  I’m going to try some things to
see if you like it.  Gripping the root of your dick like this, applying
pressure and stroking you.  I’ll work as much as I can take with my mouth.” 


She matched action to words,
taking the first few inches of his cock in her mouth and sucking while her
hands matched the movement on the rest.  She let herself get accustomed to his
size then used her tongue to play with the ridge while her thumb did the same. 


Riya was enjoying this,
moaning a bit as pre-come beaded on the head of his dick.  His flavor was clean
and musky.  She was saying a silent prayer of thanks for her short-lived porn


Victor was clenched tight,
his hands fisted in the sheets on either side of him.  Muscles bulged in his
neck and arms.  His stomach was rippled and his knees were up, heels digging
into the bed.  He was a damn fine example of a man.  When she cupped his balls
with her other hand, his head started thrashing from side to side.   


Riya paused and caught his
gaze, “Victor, watch me.”  When he met her eyes, his were glassy and
unfocused.  “Watch me suck your cock.”  He rose to his elbows and she went back
to it, increasing the pressure and rhythm.  He was so hard, his balls so tight
now, she wondered if she’d give him a heart attack. 


He began mumbling out loud,
“Oh my sweet lord.  Yes.  Oh my god, yes.”  He put one hand in her hair but
didn’t try to control her movements, just stroked through it with his fingers. 
“I can’t believe you’re here.  I can’t believe you’re sucking me like this. 
It’s like a dream.  Please don’t stop.”  When she moved her hand to stroke the
top and licked his balls, he was groaning, “No one has ever done that before.  That
feels so good.”


She laved attention there
for a couple of minutes before going back to the head.  Before she took him in
her mouth again, she said, “Victor, your cock is fantastic.  Any woman would be
lucky to suck you off like this.  I want you to give me your come.  You know
you want to.” 


The moment she tightened her
fist on him and took him back to her throat, he spasmed and hot semen shot into
her mouth.  Still stroking and sucking, she waited until she had it all before
collapsing on the bed next to him.  He turned to stare at her.  Speechless. 


When she used her finger to
wipe a drop of his come from her lip and then licked it away with the tip of
her tongue, he attacked her.  Kissing and talking to her. 


“You are amazing.”  Nibbling
her lips.  “I have to have you.”  Sucking her tongue into his mouth.  “I want
you to feel everything I just felt.”  Kissing her throat.  “I’m getting hard
again.”  Down to her breasts.  “Need to be inside you.”  Rubbing gently all
around her pussy.  “Going to taste you.”  Moving his mouth down until his lips
were on her clit.  “Tell me what you like.”  Licking the opening to her pussy. 
“I want to eat you the way you like.”  Darting his huge tongue in and out of
her pussy.


It was Riya’s turn to thrash
from side to side.  “Victor, that feels so good.  Where did you learn to do


He paused in eating her but
kept his fingers playing over her clit, stroking in and out of her pussy and
said, “Girls are afraid of my dick, I think.  Most times, I just get to mess
with them, so I get a lot of practice.”  He licked her clit casually.  “Do you
like it?  Am I doing alright?”


She pushed her upper body up
on her hands to stare at him.  “You are doing it exactly right, Victor.  And
yes, I like it very much.”


He smiled at her, his chin
slick with her juices.  He slid a thick finger, then another, then a third,
inside her pussy, working them like a small dick.  “I want to stretch you so it
doesn’t hurt.  Do you like that?” 


“Victor, you are certainly
full of surprises.”  Her head fell back against the sheets; one leg went over
his shoulder, pulling him tighter.  He returned to licking her and the man was
patient.  He worked her inside and out with his mouth and fingers until she
could literally feel her juices dripping from her body. 


When he took her clit in his
mouth and sucked at it gently, she arched off the bed and came hard.  He sat up
on his knees and pulled the condom on as she came down from her orgasm.  She
watched as he rubbed lubricant on himself then reached down to lube her pussy
opening as well.  He was a fast learner. 


My, my.


He was very hard and ready
again.  Positioning himself between her legs, he glanced up at her nervously. 
“Tell me if I hurt you, Riya.  I don’t want to, okay?” 


She lifted her head to kiss
him, tasting herself, and smiled.  “It’s going to be fine.  Go slow and let me
stretch to you.”  He slid into her slowly, resting his head on her shoulder,
and stopped about halfway.  Riya wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled
him deeper.  Both of them went still. 


Lifting his head to look at
her he said, “You okay?”  She nodded encouragingly.  She could feel her body
stretching in pleasure/pain.  She pushed herself further and applied pressure
again with her legs.  When she felt his body flush against her, they both
looked at each other.  He looked so genuinely happy Riya felt her heart clench.


“Stay like this for a
moment, Victor, if you can.  Let me get used to you.  I’m stretching to take
you and it doesn’t hurt.  I’ve never been so full in my life.”  And it was
true.  Victor’s dick was enormous.  It was an unusual feeling, though not


There were beads of sweat on
his forehead and the veins were bulging in his neck and arms.  “You are so
tight.  It feels really good to be in your tight little pussy, Riya.  But I can
stay like this all day if you need me to.  I won’t move until you’re ready.”


“Victor, I think anyone
would feel tight to you.  One day, when you’re married with kids, your wife is
going to be so happy to still feel tight to you.”  Riya arched her body and
felt him stiffen.  “Now you need to move, because I want you to fuck me.” 


He groaned and nuzzled her
neck.  He moved gently at first, small strokes in and out to let her adjust. 
Sweat slid down his cheeks. 


“Oh god, you feel good.  I
can feel every ripple in your pussy.  And so tight, just milking me.”  He
paused.  “Why don’t you get on top?  Then I’d know you weren’t getting hurt.”


“I’m fine, Victor, but I
certainly don’t mind being on top.”  Before she’d finished speaking, he flipped
over on his back, taking her with him fast, his cock still deep inside her. 
She braced her palms on his chest, almost dizzy, “My lord you’re strong.”  


There was no give in his
pectorals, nothing but muscle.  This position put him even deeper.  She leaned
forward and kissed him as she started to move. 


His hands were hard where
they gripped her waist.  He did most of the work lifting her, letting her glide
back down gently on him.  Slow, steady strokes bringing him almost all the way
out before taking all of him in again.  The tension was building in her and she
sensed the first orgasm coming fast and hungry.  She felt her abdomen tighten
and the chills up and down her back just before he pushed her over the edge. 


Since he never stopped
moving inside her, it felt like the climax went on and on.  He arched up to
take her hard nipple in his mouth, and she moaned with honest pleasure.  He
kneaded the other nipple between his fingers and she didn’t move as he began
stroking up and down from beneath her. 


“Victor, oh my god.  That
feels wonderful.”  He held her in place as he fucked her.  She didn’t have to
do any work.


“You’re so wet, I can’t take
much more.  So wet and hot and
.”  He was licking her nipples and
kneading her breasts, putting her nerves on overload.  “God, you’ve got great
tits.  I could lick and suck them for hours.  Riya, you’re tightening around me
again, I hope I’m making you come.  Oh god, the way you…tighten…gripping me
like a fist.  Riya, I’m coming, I can’t hold it back.” 


He was thrusting up into her
with firm controlled strokes, coming when she did.  His dick grew even bigger
before she felt him fully release.  The heat of his come in the condom was so
intense.  When his fluids finally stopped pumping so did his hips.  Victor
kissed her tenderly and lifted her off of him like a doll to lie on his chest.


Neither said anything for
several minutes.  Finally his southern accent whispered into the room, “Damn,
Riya.  I needed that.  I haven’t been with a girl in months, maybe a year.  And
you’re so damn good.  Like you enjoy sex, not like it’s a chore.  Thanks for
being here.” 


She raised her head and
rested it on her hands to stare into his face.  “I do enjoy sex, Victor.  Sex
with you is incredible; you’re a very giving lover, more than most men.  I
think you’re going to be just fine going forward.  You have all the tools.  Not
only do you have a beautiful cock, you know how to use it.  You just need
someone willing to trust you.”  She pushed his damp shaggy hair away from his
face.  “You also need a makeover.  So you have to trust me.  Can you do that?”


He nodded and pulled her to
his side, nuzzling her in the crook of his shoulder.  Her feet came only to his
calves.  They drifted off to sleep.  The last thing she heard were birds
chirping outside.


Riya woke hours later to the
sensation of his mouth on her again, gently sucking the outer lips of her
pussy.  She glanced down to see his head between her thighs, his body stretched
down the length of the bed and onto the cedar chest.  He licked and sucked her
clit, his fingers lazily stroking in and out of her in a lovely rhythm. 


She laced her fingers in his
hair, watching from above while he ate her.  He kept going, bringing her to the
edge again and again but not letting her come until she was begging. 


“Victor, I need to come,
your mouth is magic.  Let me come.  Please let me come.”


As he began to lick her to
the edge again, her body tightened and she felt her orgasm gathering from her
entire body.  Just when the shakes began, his long tongue darted in and out of
her pussy making her melt then explode.  He brought her down gently, licking
lightly and telling her he’d like to eat her with peaches. 


He finished with a kiss on
her clit and smacked his lips happily.  When she tried to return the favor, he
said, “Nope, just wanted to say thanks again.  I need to get you something to
eat.”  He rose over her on all fours and reached one hand down to play over her
clit, adding shyly, “Later, I’d like to try the 69 position.  Have your come
dripping on me while I eat your pretty pussy.  Can we do that, Riya?”

BOOK: The Barter System
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