The Barter System (14 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: The Barter System
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By the third time, her body
was vibrating long before the orgasm hit and she knew she wouldn’t know simple
details about her life if someone asked her.  “That feels good, doesn’t it,
Riya?  You look so hot when you’re coming.  Your face glows and you nibble your
lower lip sometimes.  I can feel the muscles of your legs, your ass, your back
tightening.  I like making you feel good.  I think I can hold on a little


As Riya’s fourth orgasm
built, he was groaning and she felt his sweat join hers from her shoulders to
her knees, “Watching you come again and again has me so hard it’s almost
painful.  My cock wants to explode inside your precious pussy, to give you all
I have.” 


Two more thrusts, and
another.  “Ah, Riya, there it is.  I’m coming so hard.”  When she felt the
intense pressure of him inside her, his cock expanding even further, getting
even harder, she came immediately.  She barely had the strength to whimper and
the moment the ecstasy released them, they crashed. 


Later, she opened her eyes
and realized they were on their sides.  She was spooned into him, one of his
large hands around her breast while she used his bicep as a pillow.  His face
was buried in her hair and he was snoring softly. 


She also realized he was
still inside her.  Softer and slightly smaller, at least for him, but still
buried in her body.  It was the most bizarre sensation. 


It was dark outside and she
had no idea what time it was.  She was thinking she’d let him sleep without her
weight on his arm but when she started to move, his hand clamped over her and
she felt him getting hard again.  She reached back and gripped his thigh,
amazed at the amount of energy he had but not minding. 


No, she didn’t mind at all. 
Lifting her knee, he placed it over the top of his, opening her body to his
questing fingers and thrusting cock.  He fucked her in that position, barely
moving her at all, until both of them came again and drifted back off. 



The sun was rising when she
opened her eyes.  The view through the pane-glass window opposite the bed was
nothing but trees. 


Riya noticed her tenderness
first, that she was alone second, and the smell of strong coffee last.  The
final one pushed her from the cozy bed to the bathroom.  Pulling the curved
shower curtain around the big tub, she climbed under the steaming spray and let
it wash away her grogginess.


She heard whistling and
then, “Good morning, Riya…I’m setting this nice hot cup of coffee on the sink
and leaving.  I’d like to take you sight-seeing today and if I see you too
soon, it ain’t gonna happen.” 


The sound of the door
closing had her laughing.  After throwing on jeans and a t-shirt, she padded
downstairs with her boots in one hand and her coffee in the other.  Victor was
waiting on the porch for her and sipping his coffee.  The cool air of the
morning was refreshing. 


They smiled at each other in
the shy way two nice people do when they’ve spent a night together as they had
and are facing each other for the first time in the morning light.  They were
dressed in similar clothing and Riya noticed an old duffle bag on the steps.


She sat on the porch swing
and set her cup on the railing while she pulled on her boots.  When she yanked
her cuffs down, her hair fell forward and Victor was there, kneeling in front
of her. 


His look was one of longing
and he leaned in for a small kiss.  She made it a longer kiss and ran her hand
down one side of his face tenderly before pulling her hair in a snug ponytail. 
He grinned and said, “You look like you’re from around here.  I’d never know
you were a city girl.”


Shaking her head, she
replied, “I’m kind of both, country and city.  We spent a lot of time in Georgia
and North Carolina when I was a kid.  I always loved it.  My best friend and I
thought ourselves tomboys until we actually discovered boys…then it was hidden
during the school year and we only ran wild in the summers.”  She looked out
over Victor’s property and added, “You have such a beautiful place here,
Victor.  It’s so clean and peaceful.”


He stood and pulled her to
her feet.  “I’m really glad you think so.  Today, we’re going to tour my
place.  I can either take the Kaboda or we can do four-wheelers.  Your choice.”


Riya’s face lit up,
“Four-wheelers, without a doubt!”  She drank the last of her coffee and went to
rinse her cup before she followed him to the work shop set back from the main
house.  Further than that was a barn and corrals.  “Do you keep cattle,


He shook his head, “Nope, my
granddaddy did at one time but now I don’t have time to care for ‘em.  Maybe
someday.  Right now, I’m working the fishing business.  My first boat is about
paid for, then I’ll save up to get another one my cousin can run.  One thing at
a time.  I don’t like debt, especially since I make my living by busting my
back, it ain’t good to put too much out there you can’t cover.”  Riya was
incredibly impressed with his work ethic and way of looking at life.  When she
told him so, he blushed hotly.  “You’re real good for a man, Riya.”


The workshop was dim but
clean.  Every tool in its place.  The floor was packed clay but even it looked
swept.  Victor used a key and unlocked a storage room inside the shop.  Inside
were two John Deere ATV’s and Riya was giddy as a kid when she saw them. 


He guided them out of the
space and filled the gas tanks before strapping his duffle bag to the back of
one, laughing as she gave a little happy hop.  He watched as she climbed on and
settled in.  “You really are a cool woman, Riya.” 


He was observing her
hungrily and if he’d asked her to go back in the house she wouldn’t have felt
deprived.  She vaguely remembered she hadn’t gone running since leaving Sean’s
place but realized Victor was giving her plenty of exercise.


Talking to himself, he said,
“Nope.  Taking you out to see the place.  Not right to keep you cooped up.” 
They pulled out of the workshop and turned to enter the fields behind it.  Riya
had a blast feeling the wind whip her long ponytail out behind her and laughed
hysterically as she took the ruts. 


Every once in a while,
Victor would come along beside her and point out a hawk flying overhead or deer
grazing in the distance.  They’d race the flats, being careful since neither
had on a helmet. 


After about a mile, they
entered a dense forest.  It was nothing but green canopy overhead and the sound
of running water from a nearby creek.  There were squirrels and birds
everywhere and suddenly she wished she’d thought to bring a camera.  The track
narrowed and she followed Victor at an easy pace. 


Riding several hundred yards
without a trail, they parked the four-wheelers.  Victor pulled the duffle bag
off the ATV and took her hand.  “I want to show you something.”


They strolled easily on the
pine needle carpet and Riya inhaled deeply.  Nothing beat the smell of pine
trees and fresh air.  Before long, he turned and said, “Close your eyes.”  She
did as she was told and he led her forward and to the right.  “You can open
them now.”  In front of her was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever
seen.  A steaming hot spring surrounded by lush greenery and plants. 


“This is on your property? 
Oh, Victor, it’s beautiful.”  She stepped forward and put her hand in the water. 
It was clean and warmer than the creek likely was.  Without another word, she
turned back and began stripping her clothes off.  “Are you coming?”


He smirked, “Not yet, but I
will be.”  And they laughed together.  She was in the water before he’d finished
unpacking the duffle bag.  He pulled out a large old quilt and laid it on the
soft ground.  A thermos and a couple of plastic containers.  The lube and


Satisfied, he stripped down
and jumped in.  He swam hard.  She’d never win a race against him in the
water.  Smooth and fast.  Powerful.


He reached her and suddenly
his hands were all over her.  Her body responded instantly, gripping him to her
for a deep kiss.  Once done, he ducked underwater and disappeared. 


For a big man, he was graceful
in the water.  She felt hands on her from behind, and then he was gone again. 
A touch across her breast.  Fingers between her legs but she never caught a
glimpse of him. 


He could hold his breath for
a long time and when he finally surfaced for air, she was aroused and ready for
him.  He pulled her into a bear hug and kissed her thoroughly. 


Running her hands through
his wet hair, Riya smiled.  Leaning her back, he supported her weight with one
arm and pulled her legs over his shoulders.  Her upper body floated as he
licked and played with her.  It was surreal.  Floating on the warm water, the
sun shimmering through the bright green trees above, and Victor eating her
pussy.  He made certain she came twice, screaming his name, before pulling her


They floated together,
holding hands and enjoying the atmosphere of this quiet place until they
started to prune, then he piggy-backed her out of the water and onto the
quilt.  He fed her fresh shelled pecans and gave her sweet tea from the thermos. 
She let the sun dry her while he fanned out her hair so it wouldn’t tangle. 


Victor laid on his side next
to her, tracing his fingers over every part of her body.  Neither of them
spoke.  She liked that about him.  The fisherman really was a simple man with
simple needs.  The three H’s: home, hearth, and heavy petting.


Riya wasn’t surprised when
Victor pulled her to her knees and positioned himself behind her after rolling
a condom in place and adding lube.  He started stroking into her slowly and sensually,
building momentum.  It seemed after a few minutes that both were taken with the
aspect of being outdoors and the sex was infused with an uncommon wildness. 


He pulled her to him with
force, filling her to capacity past the entrance of her womb, rocking back to
slam into her again.  Her heart was racing and she watched him over her
shoulder.  Seeing a large, primal male fuck her hard from behind out in the
middle of the woods was exhilarating.  She’d never felt anything like it. 


He met her eyes and smiled
with a hint of wickedness, “You like that, don’t you?  You like being fucked
like an animal out in the boonies.  I can tell you like it, the way you’re
pushing against my dick, taking it hard.”  He dropped his head back and groaned
loudly, the muscles clearly defined in his chest and arms as he rode her with a
leashed strength.  “Not a soul for miles, you know…I could fuck you all day,
out in the open in bright sunlight, no one to interrupt us.” 


He pulled her body up until
her back was flattened against his chest.  He never slowed down.  One hand
played with her nipples, the other worked over her clit, his dick solid and
demanding inside her.  Her knees were on either side of his and both of their
bodies were taught with need.


“Tell me you like that,
Riya.  Tell me,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear. 


She reached back and gripped
his ass harder against her.  “I do like it, Victor.  I love it,” she answered. 
“I can feel the breeze on my body while you fuck me.  You are so hard and so
big, this feels so primitive, and I want more.”  She clutched him to her again
as he stroked forward, “Give me more…fuck me harder.  I can take all of you,


Victor pushed her back to
her hands, squeezing the globes of her ass before grabbing her hips with both
hands.  His dick pulled back so far he was almost out of her, then stroked back
in so deep and fast she would have fallen if he hadn’t held her up. 


Again and again, he pounded
into her without mercy until she screamed her release into the trees.  He came
soon after, but didn’t stop pumping until he began to soften.


They napped where they
dropped and took a quick swim when they woke.  Before he’d allow her to leave
the spring, he instructed her to stand in front of him while he knelt to eat
her again.  She came gripping the back of his head against her pussy before
asking him sweetly to fuck her again.  He was happy to oblige and carried her
to the four-wheeler, placing her astride his lap.  She did most of the work,
using the bumpers to push against and the handlebars for balance while he
supported her weight. 

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