Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (17 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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“Then I realized something
very important, Victor.”  As he started to get up from the chair, she gently
pushed him back down.  “Would you like to know what that was?”


His jaw was locked hard,
causing a muscle to tick in his cheek.  He nodded brusquely.


“I realized it wasn’t
weakness.  It was flat-out cowardice.  I’ve been by myself for almost ten
years, since my marriage of five minutes was annulled to that low-life rodeo
boy when I was eighteen.  Haven’t had any interest in life or living.  In
dating.  In having children.  No interest in anything.  Except you, Victor. 
And since I’m best friends with Sissy, I’m around you a lot, which is like my
own personal hell some days.”  She added softly, “But I did it because I was
willing to take whatever I could get.  Riya told me to grow up and either go
all-in or I’d be stuck with nothing.”  She leaned in close, “So here’s my


Then she dropped her silken
lips over his.


Victor exploded from the
chair with his arms locking around her waist like a vice.  Pulling her into the
back room where the big windows wouldn’t advertise this moment to the entire
town, he put her firmly but gently against the wall.  One huge hand was around
the back of her neck, the other flat against the wall behind her. 


He looked at her for a long
moment, taking in her tiny freckles and green eyes.  Peaches and cream
complexion.  Trim body with all the female curves women were meant to have. 


He traced his thumb along
her jaw line.  “I don’t think you know what you’re getting into, Shay,” he said


“Really?  If that wood in
your pants is any indication, I know exactly what I’m getting into.  Do you
have any idea how many times I’ve accidentally walked in on you at your mama’s
house before you moved out?  Seen you peeing, changing, or showering?  You’ve
got a huge cock and I’ve had exactly one sexual partner.  So what?  We’ll
figure things out as we go.” 


Then she licked her lips and
Victor was lost.  He dropped his mouth to hers and worked her over with his
teeth, lips, and tongue.  Sucking and nibbling and inhaling the taste of her. 
She slipped her hands around his waist and up his back exploring the muscles
under his tank top.  His cupped her shoulder, then slid down her back to her
waist.  They pulled at one another in sync, getting as close as they could with
their clothes on.  She ground her pelvis against his cock.       


When her hands went to the
waistband of his jeans, he stopped her.  She turned her palms up and gently
moved his hands aside.  “Did Sissy ever tell you what I was known for in home


She undid the button and
lowered his zipper with care.  Slipping her hands in flat against his hip
bones, she nudged his pants and briefs down.  “Not very ladylike when we talk
about it now.  We had this game to see who could fit the most food in their
mouth, or swallow a wooden spoon, or hold an entire bunch of grapes.” 


She ran her hands around to
his ass and kneaded the taut muscles there.  “Turns out, Victor, I not only
have a really big mouth…” she was lowering to her knees and kept her eyes on
his, “I have no gag reflex.”  Then she took him in her mouth almost to the


Victor groaned.  He was leaned into the wall, his head against his arm rolling
back and forth.  “Is this even fucking happening…are you really going down on
me in the middle of your shop?” 


He gritted through his
teeth.  “Don’t answer that…I don’t care if I knocked the shit out of my head
and I’m hallucinating.  Oh, god,
, Shay.  So fucking deep in your hot
mouth.  Jesus.  Please don’t stop.” 


She pulled back enough to
look up at him, she was still stroking him with both hands stacked and slightly
twisting with each down-stroke.  She whispered, “Yes, Victor, I am sucking your
cock in the backroom of my shop, a pleasure I hope to repeat often.  And I have
no intention of stopping.” 


Shay held eye contact as she
stuck her tongue out to lick the head and a shudder wracked through him. 
“Since it is very rude to talk with your mouth full, don’t expect any more
talking.”  And she went back to working him, hard. 


The suction and depth of
Shay’s mouth were like being buried in a tight pussy, something not even Riya
could duplicate, though without her, he wouldn’t be here right now with the
woman of his dreams blowing him in the middle of the day twenty feet from Main


Then Shay went a little
lower and every thought went right out of his head.  She was almost to his
balls and he didn’t know if he was going to be able to stand up much longer. 
He felt a bit of pre-come escape the head of his cock and Shay moaned around
him.  She moved one hand to his ball sac, kneading them in her palm. 


He was tightening hard and
didn’t want to come in her mouth.  It was too much to ask.  “Shay, baby, pull
back…I can’t hold on much longer.  Honey, I don’t want to lose control.” 


Her answer was to suck him
harder and faster.  His fingers tangled in her hair and the silkiness of it was
the sensation that tipped him over.  His orgasm exploded, his come bursting hot
and hard from the end of his dick.  She milked him, taking every drop. 


When he was almost done
coming, she pulled back enough so the last of it pooled on her tongue. 
Watching her from above as she took his come in her open mouth caused another
small burst from him.  Certain that was it, she closed her eyes and swallowed
in pure pleasure. 


Opening her eyes again, she
took him all the way in her mouth once more, like a final lick on a lollipop. 
Then she smiled and got to her feet between him and the wall.  “Everyone in
home economics said my grape thing was a useless skill.  Shows what they know.”


Victor attacked her, it was
really the only way to describe it.  He pulled her shirt open and yanked up the
hem of her tank top, reaching behind her to unclasp her bra.  All three pieces
went over her head at the same time leaving her bare from the waist up. 


He dragged her into her
kitchen area and unsnapped her jeans.  He had them and her panties down her
legs but they were hung up on her boots. He spread out a hair towel on the
counter and lifted her to it as if she weighed nothing.  She was higher than
him and he reached to yank off her boots, then her jeans and panties. 


She was naked to him now,
thank god.  His pants were loose around his hips and he wore a tank top, but
this was about her pleasure not his.  He wasn’t taking her like some cheap
thrill for the first time in her shop.  When he had her completely for the
first time, it would be in a bed.  For now, he was going to turn her inside out
like she’d done to him.  He kissed her deeply, possessively.  He pushed her
back until she was leaning on her hands behind her.


Then he moved lower and took
her full breasts in his hands, caressing their firm roundness and pushing them
together.  “One day, very soon, Shay, I’m gonna fuck you here.  After I’ve
taken your pussy first.  Then, and only then, will I slide my cock between
these lovely tits and fuck you until I come on your chest.” 


She was moaning and
squeezing her thighs together.  He sucked and laved her nipples, using his
teeth to nibble the hard peaks. 


When she was writhing in
pleasure, he continued down her torso, giving a small bite to the area beneath
her belly button.  Her skin was so soft, but there was muscle underneath.  He
gently pushed her thighs apart and enjoyed the sight of the bright red curls
covering her pussy.  He took his time combing through the downy hair, neatly
trimmed.  She was already arching against his fingers and he could see the
cream from her little pussy glazing her folds, her body preparing her for him. 
He slid his finger from her clit to her pussy and back again. 


When he bent his mouth to
her, using his fingers to separate her outer lips, he realized how wet she
really was.  “Did you come when you were sucking my cock, Shay?  You are so
wet, baby,” he asked, not really expecting an answer.


“I came the first time when
I was washing your hair.  You…breathing on my nipples drove me to it.  Then,
yes, again when you were coming in my mouth.  It was so much…more, so much
better than I’d ever dreamed.  I’ve been preparing my…myself for years,
Victor.  I bought a fake cock, not quite as big as yours, but the closest I
could find.  I use it and I think of you.  I told myself that one day I’d have
you, even if I only got to experience being with you once.” 


He raised his head to look
at her, his cock throbbing with the need to fuck her, “How much time we’ve
wasted, Shay.” 


He went after her clit while
his fingers plundered her pussy, curling to capture her G-spot.  Her inner
muscles were pulsing, sucking at him, and he knew it would feel that way when
his cock was in her.  When she came hard, she was moaning his name as he
tongued her pussy down to keep from missing out on any of her sweet juices.  He
brought her down gently, his fingers and tongue loving her until the tremors of
her climax eased.


He slicked some of her
fluids down to her ass, smoothing them around the entrance, and asked, “Did you
prepare yourself here, too, Shay?”  And about busted a nut when she nodded and


She was red across her
breasts and up her neck.  Her eyes had drifted closed but she opened them
bravely to face him, “I didn’t think I’d enjoy it at first but I wasn’t sure
what you were…you know, into.  Turns out I like it just fine.  I conditioned my
body to be your playground, Victor, because I’ve been in love with you since I
was seventeen.  I married someone who looked like you because you looked at me
like a sister, and I’ve waited for you since I realized what a mistake that


She leaned forward and
kissed him, tasting herself on his lips.  “I know you’re trying not to fuck
me.  That you want to be a gentleman.  But I need you.  I need you right


He gathered her into his
arms and smoothed his hands over her face and body.  “How stupid I’ve been,
baby.  Do you have any idea how long I’ve been in love with you?  I didn’t want
to scare you, to hurt you, and I just didn’t think I was good enough for you.” 
He pushed his pants out of the way and picked her up.  “I wanted you all the
time, jacking off over and over if I had to be around you at family events.” 


He held her against the wall
and slowly lowered her until his cock was nudging the entrance of her pussy. 
“When we did that big Fourth of July barbeque at Aunt Cyndi’s and you came out
in a bikini, I had to get to the bathroom and stroke off so I didn’t attack
you.”  She was moaning and rubbing her body against him. 


“And all this time I’ve been
fighting loneliness, you were lonely too.” 


Her legs were around his
waist, her arms around his neck while she licked the flat nipples on his
chest.  “I don’t want to hurt you.”  She tightened her legs, drawing the head
just inside her body. 


“You won’t hurt me.  Take
me, Victor.  Please don’t make me wait anymore.”  He placed one hand against
the wall under her arm, the other held her in place by her ass. 


He lowered his head to her
shoulder and drew a deep breath.  She raised his face to look him in the eye. 
“You won’t hurt me, Victor.  Now.  I need you inside me now.”


He surged upward and buried
himself more than halfway inside her; she gripped him as tight as a fist and
was sighing in pleasure.  He pulled back and watched her face as he buried
himself to the hilt in one more smooth stroke, her pussy flexing and tightening
around him.  He started kissing her and didn’t stop over the next hour,
thrusting sure and strong until he’d pounded her past two orgasms.


When the trembling of her
third started, she said, “Come with me, Victor.  I want to feel you come, I
want to see it.  Give it to me, baby.  I’ve been waiting for your hard cock for
too long.” 


Seconds after watching her
entire body tighten in her climax, he joined her with a roar, the veins
standing out on his neck and shoulders.  Only after his come was coating her
pussy thick and hot did he realize he hadn’t used a condom. 


His head shot up and his
mouth opened to say…something.  She put her finger over his lips.  “Don’t ruin
it, I’ve never felt anything so good.  I’ll think about it later and I’m not
worried.  We’ve left poor Riya at the diner for almost two hours.” 

BOOK: The Barter System
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