Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (7 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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A wave of a delicate hand,
“Please.  Alyssa was around before I was.  You’re a man and a virile one at
that.  I’m not the least bit offended.  Wondering if she notices?  She doesn’t,
likely thinks it’s completely one-sided.”  Propping her hip against the
bathroom sink she added, “Two people attracted to one another usually feel like
things are one-sided, don’t they?  So…why are you not dating her?”


He shook his head and washed
his hair, “Because she’s so young.  I’m way too old for her, Riya.  I’d
probably break her heart and never forgive myself.  Or take the best years of
her life before she realized it and resented me for it.”


“Whoa, you’re not the
insecure type, which means she’s important.”  She leaned into the shower,
“You’re totally hot.  You have the body of a twenty-year-old and the maturity
of an older man.  Women don’t want boys, Sean.  She’s probably my age, which
doesn’t make her too young to appreciate…everything you have to offer.”  She
ran her gaze over his cock and quirked her eyebrow.  “I get you this week only
because I called dibs…next week, go after her hard.”


He shrugged noncommittally
but closed the door laughing.  Riya grabbed her bag and moved into the bedroom
to dress.  Sighs at what appeared in the open garment bag couldn’t be helped. 
It was a flowing white dress with delicate beadwork and an empire waist.  Just
under her breasts, the delicate material dropped gracefully to her mid-thigh. 
She slipped on a new white thong and dropped the dress over her head.  A bra
would be unnecessary.  As it settled over her body to just above her knee, she
actually spun in front of the mirror to catch all sides.  It was gorgeous. 


Wait, he mentioned accessories. 
Oh goody. 


She began pulling items from
the Neiman Marcus bag.  Generally, designer clothing and shoes didn’t even
register, though Tawny was an expert.  But Riya knew pretty.  These were
strappy and classically feminine, about three inches high and they went
beautifully with the dress. 


Slipping her feet into them,
she took off for the second bathroom off the living room to dry her hair and
dash on some lipstick.  She left her hair loose, with two tiny braids pulling
the hair back from her face.  There was a beautiful amber bead necklace that
fell delicately into her cleavage, picking up the color of the tiny beads on
the bodice of the dress.  A matching clutch would hold her ID and emergency
items.  By the time she was finished, she heard Sean’s footsteps in the
kitchen.  Suddenly shy, she practically tiptoed from the bathroom and turned
off the light. 


They caught sight of one
another at the same time.  He was wearing black slacks, a cream button-down
shirt, and black dress shoes.  There wasn’t a woman alive who could help being
impressed.  In return, he simply stared for a moment before coming over to take
her hand and twirling her in a circle as he stood still watching.


“You look positively
stunning, Riya.”  His sincerity was obvious and so good for her ego.  “Does
everything fit comfortably?”  At her nod, he added, “You’re almost the same
size as my little sister.  I hoped…I’m glad it fit.”  They smiled at one
another.  “Tonight, I’m wining and dining you.”


Riya laughed, “You really
don’t have to go to so much trouble.  Honestly.  I feel like I’ve completely
disrupted things for you.  Also, I don’t usually leave the house without Tawny
holding me at knifepoint.  I’d love to say I’m kidding about that but if you
met her, you’d understand.”


He answered solemnly, “I
take my position as host seriously.  Besides, I’m enjoying myself much more
than I anticipated.  It floors me that you rarely go out, don’t date, and
haven’t had sex in three years…do you have mirrors in your place?”  She laughed
and didn’t bother to answer any of it.


They left the kitchen and
entered Sean’s garage.  Sitting in the dim light from the kitchen door, Riya
laid eyes on the most stunning black 1964 Corvette Stingray she’d ever seen. 
She stepped closer and peered at the more distinguished interior details of
this model as well as the split rear window.  “I can’t believe you have the
’64.  Most people prefer the later 60’s but this year is my favorite.  How long
have you had her?”


Sean was watching her,
surprise on his face.  He said, “Well, this is definitely a surprise.  Are you
a Corvette enthusiast or classic cars in general?”


“I love all the classic
muscle cars thanks to my dad, but have a special place in my heart for the ’64
Vette and ’69 Camaro SS.”  She glanced longingly at the car behind her, “Please
tell me you’re driving to dinner in this.”


He burst out laughing and
stepped forward to open her door.  “If I hadn’t planned to, the look on your
face would have changed my mind.”


The garage doors lifted
quietly and Sean turned the key.  The sound of the engine revving gave Riya
goose bumps.  He reversed onto his street and smiled at her reaction, driving
around aimlessly for longer than it would have taken them to get to the restaurant,
listening in amazement at the questions his passenger posed about the car, the
engine, and the restoration. 


When they eventually arrived
at the restaurant, Sean came around to open her door, offering his hand to help
Riya out.  He handed the keys and a healthy tip to the valet with a quiet plea
to be careful.


Their reservations ensured
them a quiet table looking out on another Orlando lake.  Candlelight flickered
between them as they drank their iced teas.  Both of them chose steaks and
settled back into conversation the moment the waiter turned away. 


They talked about their
childhoods and families, never hitting the awkward silence both had expected. 
When the food arrived they continued talking between bites.  Sean ate a lot and
happily finished the rest of the steak she couldn’t manage. 


It was as if they’d known
one another for years.  They laughed and flirted, holding hands as they
returned to the car.  As he held the door for her, Sean said, “I’d originally
planned to take you to a concert, but I think a drive would be better.  What do
you think?” 


“The longer we’re in this
car, the happier I am.”  They drove with no particular destination in mind,
talking and listening to music.  He was thrilled Riya loved classic rock. 
“Should you listen to anything else in a car like this?”  They sang along to
the Rolling Stones, both admitting laughingly they shouldn’t. 


When he stopped for gas, she
got out to stand beside him.  “What does this baby get, like eight miles to the


“More like seven but it is
so worth it.  When it comes to this car, I forget the environment for just a
little while.  I try to make up for it by using all eco-friendly products in my
house and business.”  He looked at her and smiled, “You even look good in fluorescent
lighting…at a crappy gas station in the middle of nowhere.”


Her blush gave her away
immediately and she cursed it.  A quiet “thank you” was all Riya could manage. 


“You must be exhausted, it’s
been a long day.  How about we head back to the house and watch a movie?”  At
her nod, Sean capped the gas tank and both of them got back in the car. 


It was very late when they
pulled into his garage and he cut the engine.  She leaned to kiss him.  “Thank
you for such a lovely evening.”  He pulled her head closer and fell into the
kiss.  Before he could react, she climbed over the center console to straddle
his lap and kissed him hungrily. 


He was already hard for her and
that knowledge gave her a sense of feminine power she’d never experienced. 


She leaned back to stare
into his eyes, surprised at how bold she felt.  “I considered sitting beside
you in the restaurant, but didn’t want to be tempted to misbehave under the
table.  I thought about blowing you while we were driving, but was afraid we’d
wreck your beautiful car.  But now we’re here and I want you.  Is that


His answer was yanking her
hard to his mouth as he slipped his hand roughly under the dress bunched around
her hips.  Tracing the lines of her thong and using both hands to knead her
ass, the panties were soon a memory as Sean tore them away and dropped them on
the passenger side.  He slid the zipper on the dress down just enough to loosen
the bodice. 


Pulling the material away
from her breasts, he took one nipple in his mouth and played with the other,
rolling it in his fingers.  The suction sent a shiver of feeling straight to Riya’s
womb.  She was wet and overheated, her own need ratcheting higher with each


There was a moment of
awkwardness as she wiggled Sean’s pants away and he rolled on the condom from
his wallet.  When she lowered onto him, taking him inside her pussy as quickly
as she could, his head collapsed against the leather.  She braced her hands on
the back of the seat and took her time, setting a rhythm she liked and watching


Having him under her, sweat
on his brow and both of them fully dressed, she whispered breathlessly, “Oh my
god, I didn’t do this when I was a teenager…I had no idea this would be so


In a voice little more than
a growl, he returned, “Riya, I
do this as a teenager and it was
this hot.  Watching you ride me like this is making me even harder.”


Riya was unfamiliar with
being aggressive, taking what she wanted from a sexual encounter.  Her previous
two lovers hadn’t been interested in her pleasure and usually sex had been over
before she could examine how she felt about it.  This was different.  Sean’s
entire approach to sex was new to her and he was obviously comfortable letting
her take the lead.


Fully involved,
participating on a level never allowed her before, she reveled in her freedom. 
His dick was hot and hard inside her, hitting deep within her body.  After
fewer than a dozen thrusts she was at the brink already, every muscle in her
body coiled and expectant.  Deliberately prolonging her climax as long as she
could, Riya wanted to watch him. 


Being in the car heightened
every sensation, especially when the windows starting fogging up.  The interior
smelled of sweat, leather, and sex.  There was tension in his muscles, his
hands gripping her hips as she rode him. 


His eyes stayed on hers,
seeming to see more than anyone had before.  Sensual male lips parted and he
leaned forward to take a pebbled nipple into his mouth without breaking eye
contact.  They were both breathing hard and Riya wondered if her heart sounded
as loud as it felt. 


Clamping his teeth carefully
around her nipple, she couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure and he watched
as her orgasm ripped free of her control and rocked through her.  Riya moved
her hands to his shoulders as her head fell back with the force of feeling. 
Tightening his hands and suckling her more firmly, he thrust up into her twice
more and came with a loud groan.   


It seemed like a long time
before either of them could move or speak.  At last, she lifted her face and
smiled at him.  His answer was a possessive kiss, his hand clutching the back
of her head to keep her trapped against his mouth. 


When they broke away, able
to breathe again, Sean opened the driver’s side door and helped Riya climb out
first, giving him an unintentional glimpse of her bare ass before the dress
settled around her again.  She shrugged the delicate material from her
shoulders and stepped out of it gracefully.


When he moved from the car,
he tossed the used condom in the trash.  Sean toed off his shoes and left them
with his socks on the garage floor.  She turned to walk into the house,
dropping the lovely dress on the kitchen counter, wearing nothing but the
strappy heels as she crossed his living room. 


Never in her life had she
allowed her inner self free like this.  Her heart was pounding and she fought
down her natural shyness.  Knowing he was watching her walk naked through his
house was like nothing she’d ever experienced.


He pulled his shirt off and
threw it over the back of the couch.  Pants and briefs were shed down the hall
and he never took his eyes off the view of Riya’s naked ass in front of him. 
He stalked her like an animal ready to mount its’ mate.  By the time they
reached the bedroom, he’d removed his heavy dive watch and had another condom
in his hand.  The bathroom light cast ambient shadows through the connecting

BOOK: The Barter System
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