The battle for Spain: the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 (102 page)

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Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #Europe, #Revolutionary, #Spain & Portugal, #General, #Other, #Military, #Spain - History - Civil War; 1936-1939, #Spain, #History

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failure in Valencia
fear of Franco
and fall of Catalonia
crosses into France
succeeds Azaña
in exile
Martínez Campos, General
Martínez Monje, General Fernando
Martínez Cabrera, General Toribio
Marty, André
and International Brigades
opinion of Malraux
and Negrín’s administration
involved in recriminations
last editorial
determination to eliminate opponents
Marx, Karl
Das Kapital
Masquelet, General Carlos
Massana, Marcelino
Massis, Henri
Matallana, Colonel (later General)
opposition to Negrín government
negotiates with nationalists
Matthews, Herbert
Maura, Antonio
Maura, Miguel
Mauriac, François
Maurín, Joaquim
Maurras, Charles
Mauthausen (concentrartion camp)
Mayalde, Count de
Medina, Diego
Mediterranean Sea
increased nationalist control
French presence
republican ports
and Second
World War
Medvedev (partisan leader)
Méndez Aspe, Francisco
Méndez Nuñez
(republican cruiser)
Mendiola, Leocadia
Menéndez, General Leopoldo, opposition to Negrín government
Mera, Cipriano, and battles of Jarama and Guadalajara, frees chief of staff, and Brunete offensive, and Aragón offensive, commands IV Corps, opposition to Negrín government, returned to nationalist Spain
Mercader, Caridad
Meretskov, Colonel Kirill, (Soviet adviser)
Merry del Val, Pablo
Metaxas, Yanni
Mexico, support for republicans, accepts Spanish refugees
Miaja, General José, and defence of Madrid, communism, and battle of Corunna road, and battle of Jarama, squabble with Pozas, and battle of Gudalajara, obtains Verardini’s release, and Estremadura offensive, and Brunete offensive, and Gudalajara offensive, and battle of Ebro, requests negotiations, determines to fight on, opposition to Negrín government, promoted, heads National Council, flees to Orán, in exile
Miguel de Cervantes
Mije García, Antonio, (communist leader)
Milicias Antifascistas Obreras y Campesinas (MAOC)
militias, nationalist
militias, republican, in defence of Madrid, experience and conditions, incorporated into republican army, in Málaga campaign, Catalan, wages, Basque, belief in victory,
see also
militias, republican, columns, Erich, Muhsam
[these 5 lines moved from republican army]
Sacco and Vanzetti
Durruti Column
Giustizia e Libertà Column
International Column
Militias’ Cultural Service
Millán Astray, General José
Minéevich, Stoyán (‘Stepánov’)
(Italian warship)
Miranda de Ebro
Miravitlles, Jaume
Miró, Joan
Modesto, Juan, personal qualities, and battle of Jarama, and Brunete offensive, and Aragón offensive, and battle of Teruel, and battle of Ebro, promoted, leaves Spain
Moix, José
(nationalist submarine)
Mola, General Emilio, role in
coup ďétat
, politics, Basque operation, and Franco’s rise to power, commands army against Madrid, and ‘fifth column’, commands Jarama offensive, and Basque campaign, death, Church and
Mölders, Oberleutnant Werner
Molero, General Nicolás
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich
Monasterio, Colonel Félix (later General)
Mont de Marsan
Montana project
Montaud, Colonel
Montseny, Federica
Monzón, Jesus
Monzón Telesforo
Moors, Moroccan troops,
see regulares
Móra ďEbre
Mora del Ebro
Mora la Nueva
Morel, Colonel
Moreno, Admiral Francisco de
Morgan’s Bank
Moriones, Colonel Domingo
Moroccan troops,
see regulares
Morocco, French presence in, rebellion in, military rising, recruitment in, colonialism and independence, mustard gas used in, and Second World War
Moscardó, Colonel (later General), defence of the Alcázar, represses anti-fascist rising
Moscardó, Luis
Moscow, influence of, reports to, organized demonstrations, Republic establishes embassy, Spanish gold reserves shipped to, purges and show trials, and suppression of POUM, radioed for instructions, passports sent to, German invasion halted, defence of Kremlin
Mosley, Oswald
Múgica, Bishop Mateo
Mujeres Libres
Muley Hassan, Caliph
Mundo Obrero
Munich agreement
Muñoz Grandes, Colonel (later General)
Museo del Prado
Mussolini, Benito, funds Falange, symbolism, trains Carlists, invades Abyssinia, assistance to nationalists, frustration with Italian king, international responses to, uses phrase ‘Rome–Berlin axis’, compared with Franco, appetite for military glory, and Guadalajara defeat, and Basque victory, response to international protests, reinforces nationalist navy, and bombing raids, relations with Franco, ambitions in Albania, predicts Franco’s defeat, and France, fears European war, orders captured Italians executed, and Second World War, fall of
Mussolini, Bruno
MVR (Militias of Rearguard Vigilance)


Nanetti, Nino
Narváez, General, Duke of Valencia 1800–1868)
Nathan, Major George
National Block
National Council of Defence
National Republican Guard
nationalist air force,
Brigada Aérea Hispana
nationalist army, leadership, training, strength
Army of Manoeuvr
Army of the South
Army Corps of Aragón
Army Corps of Castille
Army Corps of Galicia
Army Corps of Maestrazgo
Army Corps of Morocco
Army Corps of Navarre
Army Corps of Turía
Army Corps of Urgel
1st Cavalry Division
5th Navarrese Division
10th Division
13th Division
50th Division
51st Division
52nd Division
81st Division
105th Division
108th Division
150th Division
Navarre Division
Soria Division
1st Navarre Brigade
4th Navarre Brigade
5th Navarre Brigade
San Quentin Infantry Regiment
see also
Army of Africa
nationalist navy
Almirante Cervera
España; Mola; Navarra; Sanjurjo
Taranto; Velasco
nationalist spy networks
nationalists: military strength politics, zone of control, strengthened morale terror tactics, receive international support, leadership, and international opinion, power struggle and formation of JONS, air superiority, increased military superiority, tensions in alliance
Navalmoral de la Mata
(nationalist cruiser)
Navarre support for Carlists, nationalists hold, political killings
Navarro, Captain Enrique
Nazis, Spanish admiration for, expansionism, ‘Four Year Plan’ and Catalonia, motives for campaign in Spain
Nazism, compared with Falangism
Negrín López, Juan, finance minister, and shipment of gold reserves, commands
, government of, and republican power struggle, policy of ‘controlled democracy’, and assassination of Nin, war policy, addresses League of Nations, visits Paris, refuses Prieto’s resignation, character, resists joining Communist Party, and SIM, sells silver reserves, rebuffed by Stalin, end of friendship with Prieto, supports Prieto, government reformed, Thirteen Points, failed peace overtures, and battle of Ebro, asserts authority, centralism, new government, surrender negotiations, bids farewell to International Brigades, plans for National Front, and fall of Catalonia, crosses into France, return to Spain and continuation of war, coup against, leaves Spain, in exile
Nelken, Margarita
Nenni, Pietro
Neruda, Pablo
Nervión, River
Neurath, Konstantin von
New Castile
New York
Daily Worker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
News Chronicle
Nicolson, Harold
Nieto, Major Andrés
Nikonov, Anatoly, (deputy chief GRU)
Nin, Andrés, and ‘events of May’, arrested and murdered
NKVD, supervises shipment of gold reserves, fake passports, personnel in Spain, ‘active work’, and republican power struggle, control secret police, defectors, in International, Brigades and SIM, euphemism for, reaction against, republicans serving with
Normandy invasion
North Africa
North, Joseph
Northcliffe, Lord
Núñez, Carlos
Nuñez de Prado, General Miguel
Nuño, Amor
nuns, disinterred, rumours about, killed, alleged rapes, as prison warders,
Nuvolini, General
Nyon, conference


O’Brien, Aileen
October revolution (1934)
O’Duffy, General Eoin
oil synthetic
Old Castile
OMSBON, (NKVD Moscow detachment)
Operation Romerales
Organización Sindical
Orgaz, General, in command in Morocco, commands central front
Orlov, Aleksander
Ortega, Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio

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