The Battle of White Sulphur Springs

BOOK: The Battle of White Sulphur Springs
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Gettysburg's Forgotten Cavalry Actions

We Have It Damned Hard Out Here: The Civil War Letters of Sgt. Thomas W. Smith, Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry

One of Custer's Wolverines: The Civil War Letters of Brevet Brigadier General James H. Kidd, 6
Michigan Cavalry

Under Custer's Command: The Civil War Journal of James Henry Avery

At Custer's Side: The Civil War Writings of James Harvey Kidd

Plenty of Blame to Go Around: Sheridan's Second Raid and the Battle of Trevilian Station

With Sheridan in the Final Campaign Against Lee

Little Phil: A Reassessment of the Civil War Leadership of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan

Protecting the Flank: The Fights for Brinkerhoff's Ridge and East Cavalry Field, Battle of Gettysburg, July 2–3, 1863

The Union Cavalry Comes of Age: Hartwood Church to Brandy Station, 1863

The Battle of Monroe's Crossroads and the Civil War's Final Campaign

Plenty of Blame to Go Around: Jeb Stuart's Controversial Ride to Gettysburg
(with J. David Petruzzi, 2006)

Rush's Lancers: The Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry in the Civil War

One Continuous Fight: The Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, July 4–14, 1863
(with J. David Petruzzi and Michael F. Nugent, 2008)

Like a Meteor Blazing Brightly: The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren

The Battle of Brandy Station: North America's Largest Cavalry Battle

Published by The History Press

Charleston, SC 29403

Copyright © 2011 by Eric J. Wittenberg

All rights reserved

Cover images
: Portrait of Colonel George S. Patton.
Courtesy of Virginia Military Institute Archives
; Portrait of General William W. Averell.
Courtesy of Brady National Photographic Art Gallery

First published 2011

e-book edition 2012

ISBN 978.1.61423.326.8

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wittenberg, Eric J., 1961-

The Battle of White Sulphur Springs : Averell fails to secure West Virginia / Eric J.


p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

print edition ISBN 978-1-60949-005-8

1. White Sulphur Springs, Battle of, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., 1863. 2. West Virginia--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Cavalry operations. 3. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Cavalry operations. 4. Averell, William Woods, 1832-1900. I. Title.

E475.7.W59 2011



: The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. It is offered without guarantee on the part of the author or The History Press. The author and The History Press disclaim all liability in connection with the use of this book.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

For Susan, with gratitude for her perpetual and cheerful willingness to serve as navigator, battlefield photographer and battlefield stomping companion




1. William Woods Averell and His Raiders

2. For Want of a Nail: The Raid Begins

3. The Confederates Respond

4. The Battle Is Joined

5. Costly Climax on August 26

6. Averell Withdraws

7. Averell's Retreat and the Confederate Pursuit

8. An Assessment of the Battle of White Sulphur Springs

Appendix A. Order of Battle

Appendix B. Captain Paul Freiherr von König



About the Author


In February 2010, my wife Susan and I were traveling west on I-64, headed for our home in Columbus, Ohio, after I spoke at a conference at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. We'd been on the road for a while and decided to stop. We got off I-64 at the White Sulphur Springs exit, which is the first westbound exit in West Virginia. After coming down the exit ramp and stopping at a convenience store there, I was stunned to find a West Virginia state historical marker that discussed the Battle of Dry Creek, fought on August 26–27, 1863. I eagerly read the marker and realized I had never heard of this battle, even though I had spent a fair amount of time studying the career and life of Brigadier General William Woods Averell, the Union commander in this engagement. I was intrigued, and I wanted to learn more about it. Later in the trip, we made a stop on the West Virginia Turnpike, and in the gift shop there, I found a book on Greenbrier County, West Virginia, in the Civil War and saw that it had a chapter on the battle, so I bought it.

When we got home, I eagerly tore into my new book, hoping to learn more about this mysterious battle that I had stumbled upon that day. The brief narrative of the battle contained in that book intrigued me further, so that night, I decided to tackle researching and writing about this battle because I realized that doing so was the only way I would really come to understand what happened there. The book you hold in your hands is the product of that research and writing.

I soon learned that the bulk of the battlefield was destroyed in the 1980s to build a strip shopping center. I also learned that there were three monuments just outside a fast-food restaurant that had been built on an out lot to the shopping center, so we made a point of visiting again a few weeks later when I returned to Virginia for another conference, this time at Liberty University in Lynchburg. I saw the monuments and became intrigued by the question of why there is a handsome granite monument with a bronze plaque to a German baron, Captain Paul von König, and decided to try to learn the baron's story. Researching him and his life proved to be a real challenge, and I hope that I have done his story justice.

A few notes are necessary to understand my interpretation of this battle. First, this engagement has at least five different names. Union veterans tended to call it the Battle of Rocky Gap. Confederate veterans usually referred to it as the Battle of Dry Creek, for the settlement located there. Others call it the Battle of Howard's Creek, and yet others call it the Battle of the Law Books. More modern treatments have called it the Battle of White Sulphur Springs, and I have elected to use the more modern name in this book. Hence, unless I am quoting from a source, all references to the battle will be to the Battle of White Sulphur Springs. However, the reader should understand that references to the Battle of Dry Creek or to the Battle of Rocky Gap in the primary source material all refer to the same engagement.

Second, the overwhelming majority of the soldiers who fought at White Sulphur Springs came from what we now know as the state of West Virginia. However, at the beginning of the Civil War, the area that constitutes West Virginia was still part of the commonwealth of Virginia. The state of West Virginia only came into being on June 20, 1863, and many residents of the new state remained loyal to the commonwealth and fought for the Confederacy. But many also fought for the Union, and most of the Federal regiments were only redesignated as being from West Virginia and not from Virginia at Bridgeport, West Virginia, on May 20, 1863. For many people, and especially for the Confederates, these units still carried a designation of being from Virginia in the summer of 1863. In order to avoid confusion, I refer to them as West Virginia units here. Further, the West Virginia regiments of Averell's Fourth Separate Brigade had just been converted from infantry to mounted infantry at the time of the battle, and they had not yet been redesignated as cavalry. They were redesignated as cavalry in 1864. I have elected to refer to them by their original designations—as infantry regiments—rather than by their subsequent mounted infantry and cavalry designations for the simple reason that the contemporary accounts of this campaign use the infantry designations, and it would be far more confusing to the reader to change them than to simply use their original designations.

Any errors of interpretation set forth herein are exclusively my own, and I take responsibility for them as such.

As with any project of this nature, I owe a number of debts of gratitude that may never be repaid. First and foremost, I am grateful to Terry Lowry, the dean of West Virginia Civil War Historians. Terry not only arranged a tour of the battlefield—all of which is private property—and escorted me on it, but he also provided me with the contents of the research files that he has spent years accumulating, greatly shortcutting my process of gathering material for this project. Finally, Terry reviewed this manuscript for me in order to identify and correct the inevitable factual errors that I made along the way. Steve Cunningham, the authority on the 7
West Virginia Cavalry, also provided me with some research material and many of the photographs of participants that grace these pages and reviewed the manuscript for me. Brian Stuart Kesterson, who had an ancestor who fought at White Sulphur Springs and is also an authority on West Virginia Civil War history, provided me with the benefit of his insight and lots of interesting photographs of artifacts recovered from the battlefield and also reviewed the manuscript for me.

My friends Daniel Mallock and J. David Petruzzi both read the manuscript for me in order to ensure that even someone without any working knowledge of the battle could understand what happened there, and I appreciate their contributions a great deal. Duane Siskey and Chris Van Blargen both rendered invaluable research assistance, and I appreciate their help. Steve Stanley, the best cartographer in the business, drew the excellent maps that grace this volume, and I appreciate his contribution.

I also want to give a special thank-you to two people who played an invaluable role in the completion of this project. Finding information about Baron Paul von König proved to be a real challenge. Finding information about his ancient ennobled family proved even more difficult and was further complicated by the fact that I do not speak or read German. Hence, the few sources available on the Internet were useless to me. The current Baron von König, whose name is Dominik, provided invaluable information about his family, and about Paul von König in particular, that has never been seen before by anyone outside the family. Dominik is the great-great-nephew of Paul von König. Dominik and his son Florian, who works at the United Nations in New York, have been consistently gracious and unfailingly helpful, and both went out of their way to help a stranger. I owe them both an enormous debt of gratitude. Without their assistance, the biographical sketch of Paul von König that makes up
Appendix B
of this book would not have been possible.

I am likewise grateful to the good people at The History Press. This is the second book we've done together, and I enjoy working with them. I am particularly grateful to Will McKay, who shepherded this project to completion. I had some medical issues that delayed this book for a number of months, and for the first time in my writing career, I did not deliver a manuscript on or before my deadline. Thanks to Will, what might have been a thoroughly unpleasant situation was made easy.

Finally, and as always, I owe the greatest debt of gratitude of all to my best friend, traveling companion, battlefield photographer and much-loved wife, Susan. Without her love and unwavering support, none of my historical work would be possible.


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