The Battle Over Marriage: Gay Rights Activism Through the Media (33 page)

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Authors: Leigh Moscowitz

Tags: #Social Science, #Gender Studies, #Sociology, #Marriage & Family, #Media Studies

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activist judges, 8

Blumler, Jay, 85

ACT UP, 31

Bonauto, Mary,

Adam, Barry, 19, 49-50

Brokaw, Tom, 3

adoption of children, 88, 125

Brokeback Mountain,

advocacy groups, 9, 21, 24, 34-35, 48, 137

b-roll, 44, 61, 62, 63, 93, 112


Bronstein, Caroline, 18

African Americans, 90-91, 95, 115-18, 123, 131

Brown, Brian, 107

Albert, Edward, 14

Brown, Campbell, 108

Ali, Lorraine, 111

Brown v. Board of Education,
55, 95

All the Rage,

Bryant, Anita, 30-31

Alwood, Edward, 78, 86

Bush, George W., 3, 33-34, 50, 69, 83, 93,

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 42

123, 129; Federal Marriage Amendment

American Federation of Labor and Con-

and, 8, 9, 34, 125; as a source used by the

gress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-

media, 87-88

CIO), 42

Bush, Laura, 123

anti-gay organizations, 8, 22, 30-31, 57, 83-84,

88, 91-92, 131; fractured media world and,

cake toppers, 69

105-9; religious figures and, 88-91

California, 7, 10,
103; Council of Church-

anti-sodomy laws, 33, 55, 93

es, 122; Prop 8, 4, 9, 69, 91, 99, 102, 109,

Arkansas, 8

112, 113, 119-20, 122, 139

Armstrong, E. A., 29

Campaign for California Families, 57, 88

asymmetrical dependency, 30

Canada, 7

Axelrod, Jim, 80

Carroll, William, 30

Castro, the, 63-64, 74, 75

balance and objectivity in the news, 84-92

CBS Evening News,
80, 103, 107, 111, 125

Battles, Kathleen, 15

ceremonies, gay marriage, 44-45,

Becker, Ron, 19, 127, 128


Bennet, Lisa, 81, 86

children and families of gay couples, 46,

Bernstein, Mary, 29

62-67, 74, 82, 88-89, 125

Bertrand, Kathy, 71

Christian Coalition, 8

Biden, Joe, 11

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,


blacks, 90-91, 95, 115-18, 123, 131

99-100, 113



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civil rights issue(s): gay marriage as, 14,

Foreman, Matt, 9

15-16, 26, 42, 45-50, 98, 127-28, 129, 133-34;

fractured media world, 105-9

journalistic frames and, 95-96; organiza-

frames, journalistic, 16-17, 28, 85, 92-96, 131;

tions, 9, 21, 24, 36

tackling “God
Gays,” 109-15

civil unions, 6-7

Frank, Barney, 11, 87

civil versus religious marriage, 109-10

Freedom to Marry, 24, 27, 48, 137

Clinton, Bill, 6, 10


CNN, 99, 109, 114, 116-17

Frist, Bill, 93, 125-26

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