The Battle Within

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Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Battle Within
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Dedications & Acknowledgments


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28


Author’s Note

Other Books by LaShawn Vasser






LaShawn Vasser

THE BATTLE WITHIN © 2015 LaShawn Vasser

All Rights Reserved


This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.






This novel is considered romantic fiction with erotic elements or erotica. This is for mature audiences only. This book contains adult profane language, mild violence, and strong sexual content.


Dedications & Acknowledgments



There are so many individuals who have helped me along this journey and I would like to say thank you, especially to T. Alton and S. Small. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your patience, encouragement, and advice.






Vicky couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was a beautiful Indian summer. The sun was beaming, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.


Angel’s fifth birthday party was in full swing. The circus theme in the backyard was Jason’s idea. He’d hired a magician, a clown, a mime, people on unicycles, and at the end of the night there was going to be a full fireworks display.


Although, Vicky was more confident and comfortable in the world of the wealthy, she still thought this party was over the top by any measure. Especially when Ricky Cheese Pizza House probably would have been just as much fun. Still, everyone seemed to be having a good time and if throwing this party for Angel was what made them happy, then Vicky was fine with it too.


She was also thankful that after months of therapy Angel was running around playing normally with all the other children. Her limp had almost disappeared.


Jason, his father, Franklin, John Lucas, and some of the other fathers were standing around the barbecue grill talking.


John Lucas didn’t want to bring it up but didn’t want Jason blindsided. This was as good a time as any, “So, I hear Ryan Carter has started an exploratory committee to test the waters for another run at the governorship.” He took a sip of his beer, “If he runs, all the craziness from a couple of years ago could come back up.”


Ryan Carter and his ilk didn’t faze Jason, “I don’t give a rat’s ass what he does. If it comes back up, we’ll deal with it. If he messes with my family…I’ll crush him like a bug. He knows I still have that information on him to do it. So, I’m not too worried.”


John Rutherford tapped Franklin on his shoulder, “Well, we could always run someone with morals and integrity against him. Somebody like Franklin.”


Franklin almost spits out his drink, “Oh no. Not me. Politics is definitely not in my future.” While John’s statement was said jokingly, he knew John was partly serious.


Jason teased him, “I don’t know my friend. We could use somebody in the Governor’s mansion to clean up that budget.”


They all enjoyed a laugh at Franklin’s expense.


Vicky was sitting on the other side of the patio next to the pool with Aunt Shirley, Miriam, and some of the other moms.


So much happened over the last couple of years. Angel was now Angel Rutherford, but the most surprising, Aunt Shirley and John Lucas were dating. And the most disappointing was that Franklin and Sandy never got back together. He was still dating April. However, like today, Franklin never brought her around when he thought Sandy might be around too.


Speaking of Sandy, she still hadn’t arrived yet. It was unlike her to be this late. Vicky spoke with her earlier, and she confirmed that she and Roman were coming.


They started dating shortly after she quit CkR International and moved to Atlanta. It was such a small world. She’d met Roman Benton during an early morning run in their neighborhood.


According to her, they literally ran into each other. Although he was a nice guy, Vicky had always held out hope that Franklin and Sandy would get back together. Neither of them had been the same or seemingly as happy since they’d broken up.


What was it? Vicky couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there just didn’t seem to be any spark between Franklin and April. Why he chose her over Sandy was still a mystery. Not to mention, something always bothered her about that girl.


But, Roman seemed pleasant enough and more importantly appeared to really care about Sandy; although, something seemed off there too. At the end of the day, they were both Vicky’s friends so she would support them no matter what.


It was as if Vicky conjured them up. Sandy and Roman walked arm in arm into the backyard with a ton of balloons, a couple of bottles of what looked like wine, and carrying a big gift box for Angel. Yes, they were literally beaming.


“Hello everybody!” Sandy spoke with an excitement that threatened to burst from the inside out. A huge smile spread across her entire gorgeous face.


From across the back yard, Franklin noticed them as soon as they entered. He hadn’t seen Sandy in a while, but she still took his breath away every time he saw her.


“It’s about time you got here!” Vicky was about to get up from her chair to hug her friend.


Sandy put her hands up, “No…don’t you get up. It looks like a lot of work.” She laughed, “Girl, I didn’t think you’d make it until this weekend. I expected the newest member of your family to have arrived by now.”


Jason came over from where he was grilling just in time to overhear Sandy. He bent down to kiss his wife, “Hey Sandy…I know. This little boy or girl is definitely taking their sweet time getting here. But, we’re ready.” He nodded to Roman, “Hey Roman. Let me take that box from you. Would you like a beer?”


Roman held up the bottles, “Actually, I was hoping we could have some champagne instead. I brought a bottle and some sparkling white grape juice for you, Vicky.”


Vicky looked curiously at Sandy, “Champagne? What are we celebrating?”


Sandy held up her left hand, “We’re engaged! That’s why I am so late. Roman just proposed!”


Vicky feigned enthusiasm she didn’t really feel, “Oh my gosh! My goodness…congratulations!”


Jason wasn’t that happy and was sure Vicky probably wasn’t either. But, he still slapped Roman on the back, “Congratulations. You’re going to have your hands full with that one, but Sandy is an amazing person.”


Roman looked lovingly at her, “Yes, she is. And, I couldn’t be happier that she accepted my proposal.”




He looked down at his wife’s face, “Yes?”


“My water just broke.”


“Seriously, are you sure?”


“The pool is over there, and I haven’t been it, but it’s wet over here. So, I’m pretty sure it broke.”


After a moment of pause, there was a flurry of activity. Jason took action, “Okay…okay. I’ll go get the car.”


Miriam yelled over to John, “It’s time! It’s time! The baby is coming!”


John, Franklin, and John Lucas also came running over.


Aunt Shirley chimed in as she ran towards the house, “I’ll go get your bag!”


Vicky’s face scrunched up in pain, “Owwwww!”


Jason came running back to her. He was panicked, “Are you okay?”


“No! I’m in labor! Pleeeeassse go get the car.”


Aunt Shirley came back with the bag, “John Lucas, and I will stay here with the kids to finish up the party. Then, we’ll meet you guys at the hospital.”


The contractions were coming fast and hard, “Jaaaassooon!”





Four hours later….


Jason came out from labor and delivery looking exhausted but proud. “Mom and baby are perfect. John Kincaid Rutherford II is here. He’s healthy and strong.”


Angel hopped up off of Miriam’s lap and ran over to Jason, “He’s here….he’s here!” She giggled as Jason scooped her up into his arms kissing her on the cheek.


He beamed, “Yes baby girl, your brother is here.”


“His name is long. I think we should call him Jay.”


“Jay has a nice ring to it. Let’s see…baby girl and Jay. Yes, that works for me.”


There was a strong feeling of relief that flowed throughout the room. Unlike the last time. Everyone exchanged hugs; John and Miriam hugged each other, Shirley and John Lucas, and Sandy and Roman. Alone….Franklin looked on.


However, he immediately went over to shake his best friend’s hand before Jason pulled him in for a big bear hug.


Surprised at the thickness in his voice, Franklin cleared it before speaking, “Congratulations, my friend. I left the celebratory Cuban cigars in the car.”


“Thank you…godfather.”


Touched and honored, Franklin wouldn’t take his role lightly. He would do his best to live up to the title.


Excitedly, Jason spoke, “Hey all, I’m going to get back to Vicky. They’re cleaning the baby up, but you should be able to see him in about thirty minutes.”


Just as Jason started to speak, Roman received a call. He reached inside of his jacket to retrieve his cell phone. Fully intending to press the ignore button, but deciding against it, once he realized it was his assistant. Roman stepped away for a few minutes so he wouldn’t disturb the Rutherford family.


When he returned, there was a strained look on his face. He leaned over to whisper softly into Sandy’s ear, “Sweetheart, I’ve got to get to the office. There seems to have been an emergency at one of my overseas plants. I’ll call you later and give you an update.”


Concerned, Sandy furrowed her eyebrows as she responded, “Is everything alright?”


“I’m sure it will be.” He kissed her gently on the lips before looking up toward Jason and his family, “Congratulations, Jason! I’ve got to go, but we have a lot to celebrate.”


Jason waved him and his family off as he and Angel went back to be with the love of his life. Roman kissed Sandy one last time and left the building.




Almost thirty minutes exactly, a nurse came out into the waiting room, “If you want to see the Rutherford baby he’s ready but we can only allow four in at a time.”


Sandy volunteered to wait. Franklin did too. Their eyes briefly connected. This was going to be the first time that they would be alone in over two years.


The room was considerably quieter after everyone else left to meet the new baby. They seemed to have taken their exuberant sounds with them. Silence…uncomfortable silence spread out throughout the room. The quiet gave a new meaning to sound being deafening.


Sandy inhaled deeply as she decided that there was no point in being this much tension between them.


He had moved on with his life, was happy, and so had she. Staring down at her flawless seven-carat emerald cut engagement ring gave her the courage to break the ice. Hell,…she was getting married.

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