Read The Battle Within Online

Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #contemporary romance

The Battle Within (20 page)

BOOK: The Battle Within
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“Hey.” Vicky hugged Sandy, “How are you?”

She did her best at putting on a brave face, “I’m fine. Just tired. It’s been a long day.”

“Hmmm…I don’t believe that for one minute. Where’s your champagne?”

“If I start drinking…I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop.”

“That bad, huh?”

“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”

Vicky turned to Jason, “Can you bring us some champagne?”

Andrea chimed in, “Oh…and can you point me in the direction of your ladies room?”

Jason understood Vicky wanted to talk to Sandy alone, “Sure. I’ll grab the drinks and show you where the ladies room is. It’s on the way.”

Vicky took ahold of Sandy’s hand and led her to a quiet room.

“Now…what is going on with you? I’ve never seen you like this before.”

“I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Just begin.”

She was hesitant for a moment, “Vicky, I can’t deal with you judging me or telling me what I need to do with my life…okay?”


“Okay.” She exhaled, “I never told you but the night Franklin and I babysat, something happened. Old unresolved feelings started to resurface, and we kissed.”

Vicky crossed her arms and raised a sculpted eyebrow.

“See! That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I knew you would take this way out of proportion.”

Vicky let her arms fall to her sides, “I’m sorry. I’m listening. I promise…I’m just listening to you.”

“Nothing happened. The kiss was intense, but I stopped it before it got too out of hand. I mean…any kiss was too far, and it should never have happened in the first place. I’m not sure, but I think Roman showed up probably thinking he’d keep me company and saw everything through your picture window. He left before he saw me end it. Or, someone did since he claims he didn’t follow me.”

“Oh wow.”

“Right, I know. The funny part about this whole thing is that…Franklin and I talked. Like I told you, we actually
. And, by the end of the night, I think we were both able to find some real closure in our relationship. I finally felt free of the ghosts from our relationship hovering over my relationship with Roman.”

“I get it. Now Roman is doubting how you feel about him.”

Sandra nodded, “I asked if he wanted to postpone the wedding, but he’s dead set against that, so we’ll be walking down the aisle next week. Vicky, I just don’t know.”

“Then, slow things down. Maybe it is a good idea to postpone the wedding.”

“I don’t know. What if I do? I might lose him forever. I don’t want to lose a good man over a man I have no future with.”

“And, he’s going to come face to face with Franklin tonight.”


“And, I thought Bridget and her family showing up here was awful. Look, if you want to leave, I’m sure the Rutherford’s would understand.”

“Wait…what? Bridget is here?”

Vicky rolled her eyes, “Yes. After everything, she had the nerve to show up here.”

“Now, that takes some balls.”

“I swear if someone doesn’t keep me at least 100 feet away from her, I just don’t know what I’ll do.”

“How about you keep Roman and Franklin apart, and I’ll keep you and Bridget apart?”

Vicky tilted her head, “Deal. Jason said that his parent’s anniversary party was magical. I just hope it’s not black magic. You’ll be okay. Everything will work out…I promise. Now, come on, let’s get back out there.”


Troy was nowhere to be found. He disappeared the moment they entered the main room.

Franklin was chatting it up with some business associates and work colleagues. April didn’t want to stand around listening to that so after he’d finished introducing her; she decided to make a graceful exit. She had two goals…find Bridget and size up her competition, Sandra Catchings.

April knew Bridget would be here tonight since they talked earlier. The foolish girl still had silly ideas about Jason Rutherford. If Bridget’s delusions were going to help her with her goals for tonight, then so be it. She walked around the throngs of people, hoping to spot her in the crowd.

Instead of finding Bridget, April ran right into the back of Roman, “Well…well…well, Mr. Benton. Fancy meeting you here.”

It was obvious that he was uncomfortable in her presence, “Ms. Linden.”

“Oh…come on. Why so formal? For goodness sakes, it was only a week or so ago that our partners slept with each other.” April waved her hand back and forth, “You could almost consider us family.”

Roman was seething, “You’re disgusting.” He turned to leave.

“I’m disgusting?” She laughed, “Call me whatever you want, but what you won’t call me is a liar because you know I was telling the truth. And, since you won’t take me up on my suggestion, I’ll just offer this bit of advice, keep a close eye on your fiancé. Otherwise, you might not get a chance to walk down the aisle next week. I’m surprised you even made it this far.”


Jason came back with champagne and Vicky, and Sandy were not where he left them. He looked around but instead, spotted Franklin in the distance. He sat the champagne flutes down on a nearby table and decided to walk over.

A colleague lifted his snifter in salute as Jason walked toward them, “Speaking of the devil, Jason Rutherford. Congratulations on the birth of your son.”

Jason smiled, “Thank you. Do you mind if I steal Franklin away?”

“No problem, as long as I can get a word with you later about us doing some business together.”

“You’ve got it.” Jason put his hands on Franklin’s shoulder and guided him away.

Once they were where they could talk freely, he spoke, “Is everything okay? Are you good?”

“Jason, I’m good. No need for you to hover.”

“I’m not hovering…just want to make sure you’re okay. When you came in here tonight, all of you looked like you were ready to kill each other.”

“That wouldn’t be too far from the truth. Troy and April can’t stand each other. I feel like a referee every time they are in the same room. This party is also the last place April wants to be.”

“Because of Sandy?”

He nodded.

“That’s got to be tough. Well, I can one up you…Bridget’s here.”

He looked incredulous, “You’re kidding?”

“I wish. Since we’re talking about murder, if looks could kill, Vicky would have melted me with her eyes.”

Franklin smirked, “I bet. You better make sure you stay as far away from Bridget as possible.”

Troy walked up, “What’s so funny?”

Franklin was still shaking his head, “Just thinking about how ironic it is that we’re here to celebrate wedded bliss when April is ready to strangle me and Vicky is ready to hang Jason.”

“Who’s about to hang Jason?” Andrea joined the conversation.

He smiled, “Nobody as long as I stay right here, I think I’m safe. Troy, you haven’t met Andrea have you? Well, let me make the introductions. Troy Erickson, this is Andrea Catchings…Andrea this is Troy. Franklin, I think you two have already met.”

Troy cleared his throat as he extended his hand, “Actually, it’s
Dr. Troy Erickson

Andrea laughed as she shook his hand, “Okay…
Dr. Troy Erickson
, it’s nice to meet you.” She turned from Troy to Franklin, “Hello Franklin, it’s good to see you again.”

Franklin tensed, “You too Andrea.” If she was here, that meant Sandy was somewhere close. He knew she would be at this party but hoped to get through tonight as uneventful as possible.

That was looking less and less likely as Sandy and Vicky were headed towards them from one direction, and Roman was coming from the other with April just a few steps behind.

Roman and April arrived at their group only moments after Vicky and Sandy. The tension in the air was so thick it was crazy. And, it was something Sandy had hoped she could avoid at all costs.

April clapped her hands together, “Well, isn’t this wonderful. The entire gang is here. Sandra, I’ve heard so much about you. However, seeing you up close with your clothes on and not all over my boyfriend, I have to say…does give you a different look.”


Chapter 23


Sandra’s face drained of all color.

Franklin snatched April by the arm and tried to drag her away, “Are you crazy? What the hell is wrong with you?”

April continued to raise her voice drawing attention from the other guests, “What? You didn’t think I knew that you slept with that slut last week? I knew.”

She took her champagne and tossed it in her face, “How could you do this to me?”

Through clenched teeth and champagne dripping from his face he spoke, “We didn’t sleep together! You’re making a spectacle out of yourself and embarrassing the hell out of everyone.”

“Don’t pretend like you care about
. I’m not stupid. You’re only concerned about your precious Sandra!”

Bridget managed to make her way over to the scene, “My goodness, April…I’ve been looking for you all over.” She laughed nervously, “But, you definitely made sure I couldn’t miss you now didn’t you? Why don’t we go out on the balcony to get some fresh air?” Bridget grabbed April’s arm, “I can’t imagine you would want any of this in the press tomorrow. Your father wouldn’t be to thrilled about that.”

She dragged April away toward the balcony.

April seethed, “I don’t need any fresh air.”

As they walked away Bridget spoke, “You need something because that move you pulled wasn’t very smooth! You want her to marry Roman right? Don’t put Franklin in a position to defend her!”

Exhaling loudly, she turned in the direction of the ladies room, “You’re right. Just seeing them together, all I could see was red.”

Once they went inside, her barely controlled rage was unleashed, “Do you know what I’ve done for this man?! All the madness I’ve had to endure? And I do mean madness!”

“April you’ve got to get a grip. I know you and Franklin have gone through a lot but….”

She growled, “You have no idea! I’m the one who has put everything on the line for him…
! Did you know that Franklin was suffering from Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia!”

Bridget was shocked, “What? When?”

“He’s had it for a while. I mean yes, I called off the engagement because of it, but I came back. I came back to take care of him…the bastard.” April beat her chest, “After all I’ve done…he still slept with that

Even Bridget was shocked, “My god April. I’m so sorry.”

“No, I’m the one that’s sorry.”



Sandra didn’t stand around long enough to see what the reactions to April’s tirade would be. She was so embarrassed, and Roman had to be furious. She’ll never forget the expression on his face. How in the world would she ever make this up to him?

She fled towards the ladies room with Vicky and Andrea right on her heels. Sandy arrived just in time to hear April screaming at Bridget from the hallway. She burst into the bathroom, and both Bridget and April turned.

Sandy was stunned at what she’d overheard. Her heart stopped. Did the temperature drop to zero? She couldn’t believe her words.


Was this true? Could it be possible? Franklin schizophrenic? Impossible.


She continued to stare at her unable to move. Until finally managing a blink. Once…twice…then a few more desperately trying to shake off her shock and absorb what had been said. All the while April stood as unmoving and unfeeling as a statue.


How was that even possible? That blank expression? Not for the man she claimed to love. Standing there as if the world hadn’t tilted on its axis. As if her words didn’t have inconceivable consequences.


Then, a malicious smile spread across her face. The smirk of a cold, calculating, and soulless woman. That subtle movement made the air rush back into Sandy’s lungs


“Well, at least I get some satisfaction out of revealing Franklin’s secret. Because from the look on your face, it’s clear that you didn’t know. Yes, he’s schizophrenic. Which means even if I can’t have him…you won’t either.”


Out of nowhere, she pulled back and like a flash of lightening
Her palm connected to the side of April’s face. The sound bounced off the walls like a thunderous crack.


A shooting pain went up her arm from the sting of slapping April so hard that it knocked her back and almost over a chair. While April didn’t fall over…the chair smashed into a small table knocking over a vase. It went crashing to the floor shattering into a million little pieces. April screeched out in pain.


Her voice could barely be heard over Sandy screaming, “You
! How could you? He trusted you for god’s sake! You left him because he was sick?!”


Before Sandy could finish what she’d started, the door opened. The crash of April almost falling over the chair along with Sandy’s shouting caused Franklin, Jason, Roman and Troy to rush into the small powder room.


Her chest was heaving up and down as Roman lifted her flailing body from her feet and into the air.


April shrieked, “She’s crazy! Keep that crazy woman away from me!” And like the good actress she was…on cue, tears started to fall.


Franklin felt trapped and guilty. He looked from April to Sandy. While he should have been comforting April, his first instinct was to go to Sandy. But, she had Roman.


Sandy’s eyes blazed with anger as Roman continued to hold her back to his chest in a bear hug. Her feet still kicking wildly in the air. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot was this over.


He yelled at Sandy, “Get ahold of yourself! Stop this! Haven’t you embarrassed us enough for one night?!”


It wasn’t until her eyes connected with Franklin’s that she instantly calmed down. Why didn’t he tell her? Did he know this two years ago?


Franklin could tell…She knew.


Her eyes said everything. Had she’d known things could have been so different. No, they would have been different.

BOOK: The Battle Within
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