The Beach House (25 page)

Read The Beach House Online

Authors: JT Harding

Tags: #lesbian, #threesome, #anal sex, #oral sex, #lactation

BOOK: The Beach House
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From back in the living room Ami’s cries grew

“You’re going to have to go play with her,
you know that.”

Jenni nodded, kissed Kim on the neck.

“She usually goes down just after seven,” Kim

“Yeah?” Jenni’s voice sounded hoarse in her
ears. “What time is it now?”

Kim laughed and slapped her butt. “Soon,
babe, real soon.”



Jenni lifted Ami out of her playpen, surprised at
how much heavier she was, spent an hour rolling around the smooth
wooden floor with her, tickling her stomach, sliding her along on
her little ass while she laughed and giggled.

Some time later Kim asked, “D’you want to
eat, Jen?”

Jenni looked up and shook her head. “Not

“You okay with her for a while? I’m gonna
grab a shower.”

“Sure. Can I feed her?”

“Knock yourself out. She’s due any time now,
but I’ll be out soon if you want to wait. If you really want to
everything’s in the kitchen, through there.”

Jenni played some more, then carried Ami
through and heated a jar of food and spent a delightful ten minutes
leading the spoon in her hand. Ami had caught on fast and by the
time Kim returned in a long silk robe Ami’s face was almost

“If you want to clean up I’ll finish up
here,” Kim said, trailing her fingers along Jenni’s shoulder. She
had applied perfume, expensive and subtle. Beneath Jenni caught the
scent of Kim’s arousal, too strong to mask.

Jenni went through, searching the corridors
until she found a large bathroom where Kim had obviously showered.
She looked through a second door and discovered a bedroom. An
enormous bed with covers turned down, waiting. Jenni stripped and
showered, stepped out and opened the mirrored cabinet, found what
she was looking for and stepped back into the shower. She lathered
herself and placed the razor flat below her navel, smiled and drew
it straight down, removing a band of hair all the way to her
clitoris. She repeated the movement until every trace of hair had
been removed. She rinsed, enjoying the pulse of the shower against
her clitoris, then shaved again, wanting to be as smooth and
perfect as she could be. It would have been better with Joe as
well, but she was so aroused she didn’t think it was going to
matter too much whether there were two or three or ten of them.

She turned the shower off and ducked back
into the hall and pulled her suitcase through, flicked the catches
and took out the garment she had carefully laid on the top of
everything else. She shook the sheer jersey dress once and pulled
it over her head, wriggled the soft material down over her breasts
and belly and hips. She had put on a little weight since September
and the dress was even more obscene than the last time she wore it.
Which suited Jenni just fine.

When she walked through Kim and Ami were
sitting on the wide couch reading a story book. Kim held Ami’s hand
and traced Ami’s finger across each word as she spoke aloud. As she
read a word she plopped Ami’s fingertip at the start of the word,
waited, swishing her finger across as she uttered the word. Each
time Ami laughed.

“Dog…” Laugh. “Cat…” Laugh. “Tree…”

Kim glanced up, did a double take when she
recognized what Jenni wore. Jenni flushed, her nipples hardening

“Wow!” Kim said, and Ami laughed again,
thinking it was a new word.

“You like?”

Kim nodded. She still wore the silk robe, now
parted over her legs, showing slim thighs encased in red stockings.
They stopped near the top of her thighs and Jenni saw pale flesh
above. She sat in a leather armchair across from the couch and
watched, waiting as Kim continued to read. The jersey dress rode
high on her thighs and she relaxed, comfortable to display for Kim,
knowing Ami was too young to care. It was obvious Kim’s attention
was no longer on the book, and Ami sensed this as well and after
five minutes her eyes began to droop.

“I’m going to put her down,” Kim said.

Jenni nodded. “Can I come?” She followed Kim
to a pretty nursery, animal prints on the walls, revolving mobiles
hanging from the ceiling. Kim laid Ami in her cot, kissed her
pretty face and stood while they both watched her drift into sleep.
Jenni stood beside Kim, their fingers lightly brushing, conscious
of heat radiating from her body.

When Ami was asleep Kim said, “So… what d’you
feel like doing now?”

Jenni shrugged. “You wanna go out

Kim laughed and took her hand. “Fuck

Jenni kicked the bedroom door closed behind
them. Kim checked she could hear Ami breathing on the baby monitor
then let the robe slip from her shoulders and pool on the wood
floor. She stood with her back to Jenni dressed in red stockings,
minute red panties and red bra. Jenni walked over and slipped her
arms around from behind, cupping Kim’s breasts.

“Know what I really want to do?”

“Same as me?” Kim said.

Jenni nodded and kissed Kim’s shoulder.

Kim turned inside her arms and they

“I just love you in that dress, Jen, but
d’you think we can take it off now?”

Jenni let Kim work the dress upward. As it
revealed her cleanly shaved pussy Kim stopped, leaned in and kissed
her there, her lips and tongue electric on Jenni’s skin.

“I like,” Kim said.

“D’you still shave yourself?” Jenni

“Why d’you think I was so long in the shower,
babe?” She kissed Jenni again.

“If you don’t stop doing that I think I’m
gonna come right here and now.”

Kim kissed her again. “Good.”

Jenni grabbed her and pulled her up. “Not
yet.” Jenni pulled the dress over her head and tossed it aside.
“Now you’re overdressed.”

“Fix that for me.” Kim turned her back and
Jenni unclipped the bra. Jenni went to her knees and slid her
fingers up inside the tight panties, her palms flat against Kim’s
ass. Her thumb probed between Kim’s cheeks and found her budded
rear entrance.

“Oh fuck, babe, you don’t mess around, do

Jenni kissed her hip, started to ease the
panties down.

“No – tear ‘em off,” Kim gasped, her breath
coming fast.

“But they’re-”

“Tear ‘em,” Kim growled, and Jenni gripped
the fine silk and pulled hard. They tore down the back, parted and
hung loose on Kim’s hips. Kim turned around, presenting herself to
Jenni and she needed no encouragement. She reached up, her hands on
Kim’s breasts and her mouth closed around Kim’s clitoris and drew
it against her tongue.

Kim gripped Jenni’s hair in her fist and held
her against her before pulling away. She walked backward until her
legs met the bed, allowed herself to fall back, parting her thighs,
staring down at Jenni, making her need obvious.

Jenni slipped her tongue along Kim’s smooth
thighs and invaded her sweet entrance. Fluid met her tongue, sweet
and scented of Kim. Jenni wanted more. She pushed Kim along the
bed, straddled her, grabbing Kim’s legs and body and turning her,
pressing her own soaking pussy down against hers, grunting as she
began to ride against the lighter woman. Jenni’s deep breasts
swayed and bounced, her head going back. Kim reached up and touched
her, trying to reach everywhere at once. Jenni leaned forward, her
belly touching Kim’s belly, her breasts trembling against Kim’s
breasts, her pussy flattened to Kim’s pussy and she fucked her,
hard and relentless, watching the fire peak in Kim’s eyes once and
her body tremored against her own and still Jenni ground against
her, grabbed her and turned Kim over and locked her legs back
around her, pussy now against Kim’s ass and she fucked her like
that, fucked her hard and desperately until Kim cried out a second
time and Jenni gripped her hips tight and fucked her until her own
climax peaked and erupted.

“Yes, babe… fuck me,” Kim grunted.

Jenni heaved against her, the fire almost too
much to bear and when she came she gushed hard against Kim’s ass,
her fluids soaking Kim and dripping down onto the covers.

They lay wrapped together, unable to exist
for more than a minute without kissing, unable to resist touching
each other.

“I’ve decided I like fucking girls,” Kim

“Good. ‘Cause I haven’t near finished with
you yet.”

“Ooh, tell me. Tell me what you’re gonna do
to me.”


Kim laughed. “Not enough. You going to squirt
like that every time?”

“I’ve never come like that before.”

“I liked it.”

“Me too.”

“I’ve made a mess all over your bed.”

Kim kissed her nipple, spent some time
playing with both breasts and Jenni lay on her back, luxuriating in
another woman’s hands on her body, a vibration starting up

“Make as much mess as you like, babe,” Kim
said, coming up to kiss her lips. “Someone else can wash ’em

Jenni laughed and pulled Kim up until her
mouth found her soft pussy, tugging Kim’s legs so her knees
straddled her shoulders, holding Kim against her as she tried to
work free, showing no mercy until Kim climaxed against her and
slumped back, loose and tangled against Jenni.

Kim twisted and turned to lie flat on Jenni,
their bodies fitting together.

“What’s Joe going to think when he gets
home?” Jenni asked, nervous again.

“Same as me,” Kim said.

“Are you sure?”

Kim lifted herself up on her arms, glanced
down across Jenni and nodded. “Oh yeah, babe. Just look at you.
He’s going to love this.”

Jenni was in free-fall, wind rushing past.
She had stepped off the edge, trusting to fate, trusting to this
couple she was madly in love with.









Chapter 18

It was Jenni’s first time in an airplane, and
had chosen to break herself in on a long-haul flight. The
entire experience was new to her, the freshness of it all swamping
any nerves she had, fascinated at every step of the process. She
even enjoyed the queue to pass through security. Had she possessed
a passport before coming to New York she would have been taking
this flight sooner, but she had been forced to wait while her
application was processed. Kim had helped Jenni complete the

Now, forty thousand feet over the Atlantic
west of Ireland the pilot came on and announced in the voice Jenni
was already recognizing as
the pilot voice
that they would
shortly be crossing over the south west tip of Ireland and if they
looked through the left side windows they would catch a glimpse of
Cork. Jenni was sitting in a window seat, but on the other side.
There was a name other than left or right, and although Jenni
remembered the names she couldn’t remember which was which. Right
side window suited her fine. She gazed down for the first hour
before becoming bored at cloud and Atlantic. She slept, woke for
lunch, read – not one of Joe’s books but a Steven King which had
been signed and sent to Joe in return for one of his. Jenni had not
wanted to bring the book, even though she did like Steven King’s
writing. Kim had insisted she had to, could not leave the book a
quarter read, the book that had sat on the nightstand on the left
side of the bed. The bed she had shared with Kim every night since
arriving in New York.

Fifteen minutes later Jenni caught sight of
land through her window and the big Boeing shuddered slightly as
thermals rose at the border between water and earth. Her ears
popped as they started a long descent. The pilot came back on and
told them they would be arriving ahead of schedule at three-forty.
The seat belt signs came on and they were asked to put their seat
backs up. Jeni’s had been up throughout the flight. She hadn’t
wanted to miss anything.

As they descended the landscape came up to
meet them. Jenni made out houses, roadways, traffic on highways
although Kim had told her they were called motorways over here.
Lots of houses, lots of roads, many cars. A small country, the
entire British Isles able to fit inside some American states with
room to spare, but only if you flattened it down a little

Jenni noticed some of the passengers around
her gripping their armrests as the big plane came down and the land
streamed backward past the window, but she felt only excitement.
They crossed a wide roadway packed with traffic, some driver
craning their heads up, so close Jenni felt she could reach out and
touch them. Then they were crossing the outer boundary and suddenly
wheels touched. The plane bounced once, gently, came back and
stuck. The nose dipped and the engines roared as panels came out to
deflect their blast. G-force pushed Jenni forward and she grinned,
so many new experiences. She glanced at her watch, the old one with
the scratched face she had been given by her brother as a wedding
present. Ten after three. By the time they taxied and the doors
were opened another fifteen minutes had passed. Jenni was one of
the first through the door. She had nothing other than a small bag
stored in the overhead locker. She stowed the book carefully
inside, determined not to lose it even though Kim had laughed at
her fears.

“Fuck, Jen, we’ll just get Steve to sign
another if you lose it!”

Getting out of the airport was simpler than
getting in had been and by four Jenni was waiting for a train. She
could have taken a cab, Kim said money was not an issue. Jenni had
so far refused to take anything off Kim and Joe. She had her own
money. Her small house had sold faster than she expected, bought by
off-islanders looking for a vacation bolt hole. Wrong side of the
island, but they wouldn’t know that yet. Jenni had enough money of
her own for the moment. She had bought her own ticket, could afford
a cab but she and Kim had sat at the laptop and discovered the
train was the fastest way into central London.

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