The Bear Next Door (Forbidden Shifters Book 1)

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Forbidden Shifters

The Bear Next Door

Vanessa Devereaux


Copyright © 2016-Vanessa Devereaux

rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.

characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to
real persons, living or dead, or events, is coincidental and not intended by
the author.

is the work of erotica and therefore intended for a mature audience.


Published by Coldstream Publishing






to Bay Harbor Springs, one of the first towns in Benningan County to experiment
with the idea that their bear shifter population and non-shifter residents
should finally be allowed to date, have sex, and possibly become mates.

legislation passed, all shifters were known as forbidden and any shifter found
to have anything but a platonic or business relationship with their non-shifter
counterpart, would be forced to wear a radio tracker, be fined, possibly
jailed, and repeat offenders were banished from Benningan County for ten years.

non-shifter female residents sometimes found this rule the hardest to abide by
because everyone knows that a bear shifter is downright hunkalious.

women found themselves unable to resist these sexy werebears and many of the
bad boys paid the price by handing over huge fines for a short kiss while
others spent time behind bars for a quick rendezvous in the backseat of a
parked car.

Non-Shifter Alliance (all male) has decided that each month a limited number of
permits will need to be issued before any sexual activity can commence and it’s
on a purely a first come first served basis.

you can imagine a record number were applied for just minutes after the ban was
officially abolished and sexual encounters with the Forbidden Shifters began
soon after.

are the stories…



Chapter One

been staring out of that window for ten minutes. What’s so fascinating?”

thought Jon was still asleep, or at least he had been when I’d sneaked out of
bed, so his voice startled me.

looking at the garden and thinking about what to plant this year.”

hadn’t been true and that’s why I kept my back to Jon. Not that I lie that
often, but he has the uncanny ability to know when someone’s not telling him
the truth. It isn’t too surprising because for the last five years he’s been an
Enforcer in the Bay Harbor Springs Police Force. Getting bear shifters to own
up to messing around with non-shifters has been his job, and he’s done it well.

sex ban’s been lifted almost six weeks and my first shot at temptation moved in
last month. Jon, who’s been my fuck buddy for the last year, has no idea I now
have a bear-shifter as a neighbor, and that after years of yearning to be
seduced by one, I’m this close. However, this month’s permits have already been
exhausted. And my dream seems only that.

crept out of bed the minute I’d heard my next-door neighbor out in his garden.
I haven’t met him yet, but I’ve caught glimpses of him while he’s been in the back
garden. My previous neighbors have been all non-shifters. Either couples with
toddlers or cranky old ladies who were too old to fantasize about having a werebear
ravish them.

street’s latest addition is over six feet tall and has a great body…in fact,
everything about him is gorgeous and he’s become an obsession for me. Whenever
I hear him outside, I rush to the window and enjoy the view.

was only 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning. We were in the middle of a heat wave and
it was already sweltering. My neighbor was working shirtless and only a pair of
low-rise jeans adorned his gorgeous body. He stopped digging long enough to
wipe the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. I licked my lips,
imagining him wiping the sweat from his face after we’d had an afternoon of
non-stop sex. I thought about sucking his dick and turning him on so much that
he’d transform into the beast within him. I creamed just thinking about seeing
him roaming around as his bear.

are you thinking about planting?”

jumped again. This time it wasn’t Jon’s voice that startled me, but his arms
going around my waist. His already erect cock pressed into my bottom. He kissed
my neck and pulled me in closer to his body.

got to get ready for my business trip so I’ll need to head home soon,” he
whispered in my ear. “How about a quickie before I go?”

love quickies just as much as Jon, but today I wasn’t in the mood for sex. Well,
I was, but just not with Jon. We have a very open relationship so he’s fine
with me thinking about other men, and I’m comfortable if he dates other women.
Today, the only person I wanted sex with was the bear next door. I knew of only
one person who’d had sex with one since the ban was lifted, and she’d claimed
she hadn’t been able to sit down for days after he’d fucked her.

was rough and hard and I think I went crossed eyed when I came.

turn around,” Jon whispered.

his favorite way to have a quick fuck, which worked to my advantage today. It
meant I’d still be able to watch my neighbor and wouldn’t miss a second of
seeing his gorgeous body.

kissed my neck before lifting my T-shirt up over my head. I raised my arms and
saw it land by my left foot. Next, he tugged my panties from my butt and
dragged them down my legs. I stepped out of them and they too joined the
T-shirt. He kissed my neck again as he massaged my breasts. He fingered my tits
until my nipples turned into hard little pebbles.

I’m going to miss touching you, smelling you while I’m gone,” he said.

it might not be too bad. There might be someone to hook up at the training
conference,” I told him.

maybe not.”

hands slid down to my mound while he playfully bit into my neck. He glided one
hand between my thighs. Jon inched his finger through my pubic hair and rested
it on my clit.

tried to play hard to get to add to his fun, but as he went to work on me and
sent zings of electricity through my belly, I had to give in and parted my
legs. He slid his finger into my pussy.

you’re hot and ready this morning,” he mumbled into my ear.

was right. Usually it takes at least a couple of minutes of Jon stroking my
clit to get me this slick.

obviously turn you on. I’ll have to remember that.”

licked my shoulder blade while thrusting his finger gently inside me. I spread
my legs apart farther, raised my bottom up toward him, leaned over slightly,
and placed my hands on the windowsill, bracing for what was to come.

watched my neighbor wipe sweat off his chest as Jon’s cock slid into me. I
almost moaned. I’d be thinking how big and long the bear shifter’s cock was and
how quickly it would take him to send me over the edge. I’d probably be gone in

placed both of his hands on my breasts as he started to thrust. I lifted my
bottom up even higher as Jon slid his hands around to the front of my hips. He
pounded harder, his thighs slapping into my butt.

looked out the window as I gripped its sill tighter, hoping the werebear hadn’t
headed indoors. Nope, he was now sitting in a chair with his legs wide apart. I
licked my lips while focusing on his crotch. There was quite the bulge there.
I’d heard a rumor that the shifters had cocks twice as big and long as the
non-shifter males. Fuck, the Alliance and their once bigoted ban? I pretended
it was the werebear’s cock and not Jon’s that was now deep inside me. For all I
knew this was as close as I was ever going to get to being fucked by one.

I felt
my climax coming on. Not the slow build that usually signifies I’m about to
orgasm, but this was like running at full speed.

was all it took for me to go over the edge. I’ve never needed to use fantasy
during sex but I was pleasantly surprised just how well it worked. It was a
great orgasm. My pussy quivered. My legs shook and I held on to the sill as I
sensed Jon was on the brink of ecstasy too. He hugged me close and kissed the
back of my neck as he found his release.

watched the shifter just to see if he was reacting. I knew their hearing was
ten times better than ours. Had he heard my groan? And I’d read that like real
bears, their sense of smell is a hundred times better. Could he detect my

Jon said, sliding out of me. “Your pussy really gripped my cock today.”

turned around and threw my arms around him. In a way, my fantastic orgasm
hadn’t been caused by Jon. I started to feel guilty about what I’d just done to

had a mind-blowing orgasm,” I admitted.

so maybe we should do it this way all the time now.”

I said.

love to give you another one, but I gotta go and pack.”

kissed me good-bye.

going to miss you,” I said.

miss you too, but it’s only for a week. You be good, okay? Don’t work too hard
in the garden.”

walked over to the chair, grabbed his clothes, put them on, and headed out the

should have followed him, waved good-bye to him when his car made its way down
the road, but I didn’t.

I turned
back to the window. Werebear was gone. Fuck.

I’d head outside and do some gardening for the rest of the day to see if I
could lure him out.



Chapter Two

dug the same hole for the last hour. It was the piece of ground closet to the
fence with the gap in it. Through it I could monitor the situation and see if
my neighbor came outside again.

I was
about to give up when I heard his patio door sliding open. I peeked through the
space on the wooden slats in the fence. I swallowed. He was dressed in shorts
and nothing else. A bear tattoo adorned the bicep of his right arm. A necklace
with a grizzly bear charm hug around his neck and rested on his chest which I
wanted to lick and kiss.


stepped back from the fence while feeling like someone had caught me doing
something bad. I couldn’t respond because my mouth seemed frozen. The bear next
door was now looking over the fence at me.

extended his hand to me. “I’m Andy Chamberlin. I’m glad I’ve finally run into

are?” I asked. Foolish me reading more into it and knowing full well he was
just being friendly.

I’ve lived in this house for over a month and I kept thinking I haven’t met my
neighbor yet. I always seem to miss you when you’re outside.”

been working late.”

too. What do you do?” he asked, resting his elbows on top of the fence.


I’m a
person lost for words because you’re even more gorgeous up close.

looked at him, he had both eyebrows raised and I guessed he thought he’d moved
next door to an idiot.

a personal assistant at a PR firm.”

I’d managed to get that all out without stuttering.

like fun.”

is and how about you?”

a graphic designer. I work from home most of the time and especially late at
night so if you hear noise coming from here, don’t worry. I sometimes design to
music. In fact, if I disturb you or keep you awake, just knock on my door and
tell me.”

on his door and late at night.
Me in
just a towel wrapped around my body and Andy in tight jeans…

how long has it been?”

my fantasies were getting out of control and I hadn’t heard what he’d asked me.

you had sex?” he asked.


just messing with you. The more you get to know the more you’ll be able to
figure out when I’m joking with you.”

we getting to know one another that well?

know I’m a bear shifter right?”

nodded, feeling dumber by the minute.

the first one in the neighborhood,” I said.

don’t have a problem with us, do you? I know some people don’t mind working
with us but some don’t like us as neighbors. I think they feel we’ll scare
their kids or maybe corrupt their females or something. I guess that’s how the
ban initially came about.”

have no problem at all,” I said.

I was going to make a drink if you want to come over and join me. That is if
you’ve finished digging that hole. What exactly are you going to plant there?
That’s one big fucking cavity.”

looked down into it. He was right. I could see a bunch of roots and actual clay
instead of dirt. I guess digging took the edge off my sexual frustration.

not quite sure yet. I mean what I’m going to plant there, not about coming to
have a drink with you which I’d love to do.”

and feel free to just climb over the fence. Saves you going all the way around
to the front of the house.”

pushed one of the patio chairs close to the fence and stood on it. Before I
knew it he had both his hands over the fence pulling me up and over. He placed
me on the ground but the excitement of being this close to him made my legs
buckle. My left ankle gave way and I fell into him.

okay? You’re not drunk are you?” he asked.

face was close to his chest. I took in his scent. I’d never been this close to
a shifter before and realized they smelled different to regular men. Their odor
was sort of musky with a touch of spice. I took a deep breath so I could
appreciate it more.

like that?” Andy asked.

looked up at him. He had some stubble growing on his chin and eyes that were
chestnut brown.

smell divine,” I said.

Had I
just used the word divine? I don’t think I’ve used that word ever before.

supposed to. It’s a sex pheromone we shifters secrete when we haven’t had sex
for a while but need to fuck.”

I was
pretty sure I’d gone red in the face.

about I get us those drinks? Take a seat and I’ll be right back.”

walked into the house so I sat on the chair under the umbrella because being
fair with a few freckles, I burn easily.

glanced down at my t-shirt and saw dirt all over the front. I also noticed my
nipples pushing against the shirt’s flimsy material. I wasn’t surprised that
they were pulling and aching because Andy’s scent had pushed my hormones into

walked out of the house carrying two blue glasses, ice clanging against the
sides as he headed over to me. Had he applied sunscreen while he’d been inside?
It sure looked that way because his chest now glistened.

you like homemade lemonade with honey and not sugar.”

took the glass from him and our fingertips brushed.

it’s true. Bears really do like honey?” I asked.

pulled his chair close to mine and this time it was our knees that touched.

least I do,” he said. He glanced over the rim of the glass at me as he took his
first sip. I noticed the beaded bracelet on his wrist. I remembered my parents
telling me they required all bear shifters to wear them when they first moved
to town so they were quickly identifiable to folks who didn’t want to be close
to them. It had been years since that had been a law. In fact, way before I was
born and he didn’t look that old.

lifted up his hand, obviously sensing I was studying the bracelet.

was my father’s,” Andy said. “I wear it as a reminder of just how far we’ve
come since the days of the bigotry and hate. An angry mob killed him. If you
look close enough you can still see his blood splashed on some of the beads.”

sounded angry, somewhat bitter, but I couldn’t blame him one iota.

sorry. And my apologies for my ancestors for being such a bunch of dickheads.”

laughed. “I like the term you use for them. Describes them perfectly.”

yes it did.

took my first sip of the lemonade. It was sweeter than what I was used to. It
slid down my throat and the coolness suddenly hit my belly.

do you think about the recent lifting of the ban?”

looked up at him. My libido had been subdued somewhat by the talk about the bad
things my kind had done to his, but now he’d mentioned the sex ban being
lifted, it had shot up again.

crossed my legs hoping he didn’t detect my sudden arousal.

think it should have been done a lot sooner,” I said.

raised his right eyebrow. “So I take it you’ll get yourself a permit? I mean
when you find the right werebear?”

found him but I couldn’t admit that to him.

“I suppose
I will.”

you don’t have a boyfriend?”

have a fuck buddy.”

was mid-sip and began coughing. I leaned over and patted him on the back. Big
mistake because my palm met with muscle and strength, and I wanted him even

love your honesty,” he said, his voice now hoarse and even deeper.

what we are so why call it anything else,” I said.

that who was fucking you earlier this morning?” he asked.

didn’t respond, stunned at his candid question.

heard you moaning up in that room,” he said, pointing to my bedroom window. “I
also smelled your juices. Smelled like he’s a great fuck buddy for you.”

that was him. He’s gone out of town for a week on a new training program.”

don’t know why I told him that. It was almost as if he was compelling me to be
perfectly honest about everything in my life.

the way you have some dirt right on the end of that cute nose of yours.”

reached over and swiped his finger over my nose and cheeks. The bracelet
brushed my skin. I saw the blood he’d been talking about.

looked into his eyes. Up this close they were almost mesmerizing. Little flecks
of gold in the irises that seemed to twinkle. Almost like they were hypnotizing

wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or not, but the next thing I knew his lips were
on my mouth. His arms were wrapped around me and his body pushed into mine.

were suddenly both standing and I had no idea how we’d arrived to that position.
Maybe he did have me under his spell. I tasted the honey from the lemonade on his
lips and then on his tongue as it slipped over my bottom lip and into my mouth.
Who knew that a shifter could kiss this well?

erect cock pushed into my belly and I couldn’t resist touching it. I slid my
hand between what little space there was between our bellies and rested my
fingers against it. His dick jerked and grew harder while his tongue slid
farther into my mouth.

wanted him to fuck me right here in the back yard but if someone saw us and we
didn’t have that permit, we’d both be in deep shit. I pulled away before I was
on the point of no return.

really want you to…”

you,” Andy said.

but I play by the rules and we need a permit.”

have 19 days, 3 hours 24 minutes and 27 seconds to wait,” he said.

he just good at math or had he already worked that out before we got talking?

was never one of my virtues,” he said.

either but I’d hate to break a rule and have the Alliance bring back the
non-sexual contact ban again.”

leaned up against the fence and shielded his eyes from the sun. “I wouldn’t
want that to happen either, especially when I’m this close to sampling your

panties grew wet just hearing the last three words of his sentence.

your fuck buddy won’t mind you messing around with a shifter?”

open minded, that’s why we’re friends,” I said.

phone rang from inside the house.

probably the client I’ve been waiting to hear from and I have to go answer it.”

should be going to. My number’s 413-555-0987. Call me if you ever need anything
like a cup of honey.”

didn’t think he’d remember it but at least I was being neighborly. He turned
and left. I lifted myself up over the fence, jumping down on the other side and
looking at the hole in the ground. Maybe I’d plant a tree there now I’d gone to
so much work digging it.

went into the house wondering what it was going to be like to be fucked by

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