The Bear Next Door (Forbidden Shifters Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Bear Next Door (Forbidden Shifters Book 1)
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Chapter Five

arrived at 8 p.m. with a bottle of wine and a tiramisu from the local Italian
deli. He looked more tempting than ever in his tight jeans, T-shirt, and had
that just out of the shower look. His face was slightly flushed, his hair still
damp and slicked back. I got a whiff of his bear scent combined with woodsy
aftershave as he walked by me.

freezer’s being fixed tomorrow so I should have my stuff out of your way by the

it’s no problem. Keep it here as long as you want.”

opened the wine and poured me a glass. I was tempted to drink it down in one
gulp because I was nervous that I might give in to my libido, but didn’t touch
a drop.

your pick of the frozen dinners?” I said, opening up the freezer door.

still scorching hot outside so I think we need something spicy. How about the
Thai shrimp with noodles.”

pulled the box out and set about opening it.

me more about bear shifters?” I asked. I wanted to keep the conversation
neutral. “The only thing I know about you is what I’ve been told by the
authorities and non-shifters.”

shall I start?” he asked.

held the wine glass in his hand and leaned against the doorjamb.

you all bad cooks? Or is it just you who doesn’t like to make meals from

can cook, but I guess it’s not much fun when you’re on your own. It’s a lot of
work and not much reward.”

sipped the wine and glanced over the rim of the glass at me. I followed the
instructions on the package and made two vent holes in the plastic covering.

like you’re an expert at that,” he said.

I’ve lived on my fair share of these meals when I was in college.  In fact, that’s
my next question. Did you go to college when they allowed you into the

decided I wasn’t going to mix with people who didn’t want me there in the first

turned around and looked at him, suddenly realizing just how awful non-shifters
had been to the bears.

a self-taught graphic designer?” I asked him while I put the food in the

I picked
up the wine glass and drank while waiting for his response.

am. I even designed my bear tattoo.”

already seen it the day before but he stepped forward and offered me his bicep.
I fingered it, knowing I’d made a stupid mistake. The muscle in his arm flexed,
almost like he was using it to egg me on.

ping of the microwave, signaling the shrimp dinner was done, saved me however.

good,” I said, pulling it out.

“You want
to take it into your living room and we can eat sitting on your couch?” asked

take my glass and I’ll bring the plates,” I said.

worry with those, just two forks and we’ll eat out of the dish. And no, not all
bears are lazy when it comes to washing dishes and plates.”

sat side by side on the couch, half the dish on his lap, half on mine. Our
forks touching each other every few seconds. Even that was downright erotic.

is good,” I said, spearing a shrimp.

like things spicy?” he asked.

next question is, are all bears as naughty as you?”

think I’m bad?”

didn’t say you were bad. I said naughty, and there is a difference.”

caught on to me driving you just a little crazy with my innuendos.”

I hope that’s all they are because I don’t want to see you banned. I already
like having you as a neighbor.”

was his turn to spear a shrimp. “How long do you think this can go on?” he
asked. “I mean this heat,” he added. “That wasn’t another of my innuendos.”

said three days,” I said.

opening the windows doesn’t even help,” he said. “Shall I get the dessert?”

I was
in a lazy sort of mood so I let Andy go fetch the tiramisu. He carried it in
accompanied by just one plate and two spoons. He sat next to me and I dived
into it.

do bears handle the heat?” I asked him.

over matter.” He turned to me and offered me a piece of dessert that dripped
with cream. I opened my mouth and he slid it inside. I licked my lips and the
next thing I knew his lips were on me. I tasted some of the remnants of the
wine he’d just sipped and the slight coffee essence from the dessert.

pulled away and took the spoon from me, set it on the plate and placed both on
the floor. I shouldn’t have let him, but it seemed to be easier than trying to
convince him that he’d be in more trouble than me, so I let him push me back on
the couch.

set his body on top of mine. The big strong bear body with its supersized cock
straining against my belly and mound had me pinned to my furniture and I loved

kissed me again and pushed his hand up under my t-shirt. It had been so hot
that I hadn’t bothered putting a bra on after I’d showered. Andy fingered my
nipples, twirling them and pinching them. Every nerve ending in my body
reacted. There was no way I could stop him now. However, I’d fallen for him big
time and I didn’t want to see him get in any trouble.


put his fingers over my mouth. “I have something every special in the back
pocket of my jeans.”

hope it’s a condom,” I said.

have those too but I think you’ll love this even more.”

looked at him. “Well, go ahead, reach behind me and pull it out,” he said.

I let
my hand slide over his hip, slipped my fingers inside and pulled out what felt
like paper.

I held
it up. It was a permit.

did you get this?” I asked him.

of mine had it and the lady decided she didn’t want to fuck with a shifter
after all. The poor heartbroken bear gave it to me.”


baby it means this bear’s going to fuck you silly.”



Chapter Six

thought it would be all about the sex but I found out that bears are the most
romantic of creatures. I’d never been carried up to my bedroom before but
that’s what Andy did.

placed me on the bed, his t-shirt now off and there he stood in his jeans
looking down at me.

really thought I was dreaming. You know when you want something so much that it
starts entering your sleeping world. Then you wake up and can’t figure out if
it really happened or if it was just wishful thinking.

way I didn’t care.

think we need to get you out of your clothes so I can lavish some bear loving
on you.”

pussy throbbed just thinking about what bear loving involved.

tugged at the bottom of my t-shirt and then brought it up over my head. I’m not
a skinny girl and I thought maybe he’d find my breasts too big, but by the look
on his face, and the way he licked his lips, I guessed he liked what he saw.

would be delicious with some honey on them. Maybe I’ll have to try that
sometime,” Andy said, sitting on the bed bedside me.

leaned over and took the right nipple in his mouth. His suck was strong and the
flick of his tongue around its outer edge made me whimper. It felt like
butterfly wings beating across it. I sank down into the bed and closed my eyes,
thinking yes, this had to be a dream.

fingered my other nipple as he kept his mouth on the other one. He sucked,
flicked and then gave the one he’d just touched the same lavish treatment with
his tongue.

wet yet, baby?” he asked.

opened my eyes, unaware that he was undoing the button on my shorts.

ashamed to say I’m drenched,” I told him.

I sat
up on my elbows and watched as he pulled down the zipper. I lifted my butt off
the bed to allow him to slip the shorts down my legs and being that they’re a
tad too tight, my panties decided to join them.

me some work,” said Andy.

threw both pieces of clothing on the chair by my bed.

love curves. Have I mentioned that?” asked Andy.

He hadn’t
but I liked him more by the second. Apart from Jon, non-shifter men seem to
only want rail thin girls and I won’t go on a diet for any man. Maybe my body
was made for a bear.

lifted my leg and put my foot on Andy’s crotch.

like the view,” he said, pointing to my pussy. “Can I lavish it like I did your
tits?” he asked.

I set
my head back on the pillow and spread my legs. “Be my guest.”

definitely dreaming.

wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch him go to work on me or if closing my eyes was
the better option. With them shut I could drift to a faraway place where my
pussy was loved and lavished.

got between my legs, leaned in and soon his talented tongue was lapping at my
pussy opening. I creamed on contact and as he placed his big hands on my
thighs, I knew I’d have the experience of my life. Andy tickled the opening of
my channel with the very tip of his tongue. I wiggled but he held me still as
it snaked inside me.  Grabbing the quilt with my fists, I groaned as he flicked
and licked.

fight it,” said Andy. “Just go with it.”

was right. I always moved and tried to make the minutes leading up to my climax
last forever but sometimes you had to find bliss quickly. I settled back into
the quilt and just relaxed. Andy speared my pussy with his tongue and that’s
all it took for me to come. I raised my shoulders off the bed and shook with
pleasure. I’d always associated shaking with being cold or afraid, but I was
neither. I was in the state of erotic bliss. He’d been able to send me there with
just his tongue. What would it feel like to have his cock buried deep inside

take it that was good,” he said.

I sat
up on my elbows again. “Better than good.”

non-shifter fuck buddy do that for you?”

shook my head. Jon was never into oral sex although he did like me going down
on him. It was at that point I realized he’d never reciprocated. Andy had made
me see that maybe Jon wasn’t the fuck buddy I’d once thought.

is that crazy guy missing?” said Andy. “And I bet he doesn’t do this either.”

burst out laughing when he began kissing my ankle, making his way up my calf,
and then to my thigh. He planted a kiss on my navel and then blew across it.

you ready for me?” he asked.

been ready for you all evening.”

got off the bed, unzipped his jeans and then let them drop to the floor. The
bulge in his underpants was huge and I guessed he didn’t need me to do much to
him. He pulled on his underwear and I quickly realized the photo he’d taken
hadn’t done his dick justice.

person, up close…I’m ashamed to admit that it took my breath away. A gush of
juices rushed from my pussy. I hadn’t even seen him remove the condom from his
pocket until he was sliding the rubber over his dick.

held up his cock and pulled it all the way to his body. His balls were gorgeous
too. I’ve never been a fan of that part of a man’s anatomy but his were big and
beautiful. Were all shifters made this way?

got onto the bed.

authorities make me ask you this. Do I have your permission to penetrate you?”

sir, you most certainly do,” I said.

to the size of his cock, I thought entry would be painful and maybe even a
struggle, but after some initial resistance from my pussy muscles, Andy slid
into me like we’d been sex partners for years.

filled me and soon he was thrusting inside me. He made it seem effortless, but
at the same time it felt like he was putting lots of work into bringing me
pleasure. I held his biceps, tracing the bear tattoo with my finger. I brought
my legs up, causing him to slip deeper.

it felt like he was moving into high gear. He thrust at a speed I didn’t think
possible. I glanced in the mirror seeing his bare butt move up and down. He had
a bear tattoo on his left cheek.

so cute.

even had a third gear, that caught me by surprise, almost making me go crossed
eyed as his cock put my pussy walls on high alert. I gripped his biceps and
tried not to scratch his beautiful skin with my nails. Crying out, I lifted my
butt up and my body met with his.

I was
coming. Climaxing like never before. I shook once again and then let out a
murmur as my climax took control of me. I whimpered and felt a sudden force of
pressure inside me and realized he’d come.

leaned over and kissed me before taking his weight, rolling off me and then
settling down on the bed. He took off the condom. It wasn’t until he sheathed
himself again, that I realized he was already hard.

guys can’t get hard again this soon can they?” he asked me.


was in shock. I hated the authorities even more for denying us women the
pleasure of these bears.  Typical men obviously trying to eliminate their

want to ride a bear?” Andy asked me.

didn’t respond verbally, but got on my knees, let one leg slide over his body
and then.

Oh my
god, I impaled myself on his cock.

held hands, palm to palm. I lifted my hips up into the air, allowing my body to
fall back down. The tip of his dick grazed every inch of my pussy walls.

I had
died and gone to heaven.

it baby just enjoy yourself all you want,” Andy whispered

all the shifters unselfish like Andy? I was beginning to see why the
non-shifter men had used such drastic means to keep us apart for so long.

rode his cock, up and down, up and down as I felt a familiar tingling in my
pussy. No, I shouldn’t call it that because there was nothing familiar about
it. I had never felt anything like this ever before.

only was my pussy on high alert, but every nerve ending in my body, from my
toes to my scalp, felt like electricity was running through them.

grasped as the sensation picked up intensity. I guessed I might pass out as I
rode him harder and harder until I screamed out, realizing what a powerful set
of lungs I had. My heart beat so fast it felt like it was going to bounce out
of my chest. My pussy still registered pleasure as I slid forward and rested my
chest against Andy’s. I wiggled just a tad, heard him groan and then sensed by
the warmth inside my pussy that he’d come too.

was that?” asked Andy.

I pulled
myself off of him before sliding down by his right thigh.

can’t describe how good that was.”

bears aim to please,” he said.

I was
about to respond when I heard my doorbell ring.

expecting another bear?” Andy asked me.

one’s enough,” I said. I slid off the bed. “At least for now.” I winked at him
and grabbed my dressing gown from the back of the door. “I’ll just go see who
that is and be right back.”


I said.

walked downstairs, hoping it was just someone selling something and they’d be
gone in seconds. I had the sexiest werebear waiting for me upstairs and I knew
we were no way done for the evening.

opened back the door to see Troy standing there. Troy is an enforcement officer
who works with Jon. He was wearing his uniform which meant that he wasn’t here
on a social call.

April, sorry to have to do this but your neighbor across the street contacted
us about screaming coming from your place.”

blushed. Geez, I had been as loud as I’d thought. Troy clicked on the tablet he
was holding.

also saw that your neighbor Andy Chamberlin claimed a permit from another
shifter. Well, we’ve had similar screams and…”

it was me and yes, Andy’s using his permit with me.”

tapped on the glass of the tablet.

didn’t fill in your name and neither of you have registered that you’d be using
the permit tonight,” Troy continued.

was sort of spur of the moment,” I said.

stuttered slightly and not that I was scared about this getting back to Jon.
Both of us have an understanding that it’s fuck buddy territory only but I was
frightened that Andy was in trouble and I’d never see him again.

have to speak with Andy and get his chip scanned,” Troy said.

he was in some sort of shit. “You’d better come inside,” I said.

stepped into the hallway.

Enforcement is here and need to speak with you,” I called up the stairs.

nodded and smiled. “What do you think about this heat? They said a
thunderstorm’s on its way.”

knew he was making small talk and was probably more embarrassed by this
intrusion and questioning than I was.

walked down the stairs. I expected him to be at least wearing his jeans. But
down each step he came, buck naked, well apart from the bracelet on his wrist
and a devilish grin on his lips.

was the first time I’d seen his cock in a non-aroused state and it hung on his
legs and bounced from thigh to thigh. I knew he’d remained naked most likely to
make Troy feel stupid and inadequate. I’d never seen Troy’s dick but I was
guessing he was feeling like the biggest loser right now.

glared at Troy and then turned around without saying a word. Troy got out the
scanner from his case and waved it over Andy’s neck. I took a peek and learned
that Andy’s middle name was James and that he was 30 years old. No prior
arrests and vaccinations were up to date.

you,” said Troy.

turned around and looked at me.

needed to add my name to the permit and register that we were using it
tonight,” I told Andy.

harm done. All this new stuff will take us all some time to get used to it,”
said Troy.

clicked on a tab on the tablet. “You do know you have to report if you get
sick,” he told me.

drew in his breath and I heard him mutter,
. The rumor had
always been that women could get sick from fucking shifters and hence the ban.
However, nothing had been scientifically proved about them carrying disease or
infecting anyone after sexual contact. Once again, it had obviously been some
weak excuse to keep us apart.

will certainly do that,” I said.

this is a one night only permit, which expired ten minutes ago,” said Troy.

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