The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4) (29 page)

BOOK: The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4)
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Jackson was beside
himself. “I told Ainsley not to come to the property.”

He strode over to the refrigerator, grabbed two beers, and handed one to his brother.

“Did you really expect her to listen?” Kalan asked. “She’s your mate. When she felt your pain, she didn’t want to sit home idly.”

He spun toward his brother. “Whose side are you on anyway?”

“No one’s side. We’re shifters. We fight. We get injured, but she’ll heal.”

“Why couldn’t she have learned her lesson after going into John Ernst’s home? She almost got caught then. At the battle, she nearly died.” Okay, that was an exaggeration, but she might have. Jackson had only himself to blame. He never should have agreed to let her help the first time.

“Calm down. Missy is doing everything she can to help her. Ainsley will be fine.”

“She’s strong, but I should have been the one who was injured. I can heal faster.”

Kalan chugged his beer. “You should be lucky she showed up. When I looked over at you, wolves were crawling all over your ass. She took out one that was about to rip out your throat. I will say it was spooky that the wolf suddenly dropped to the ground and was dead a minute later.”

Maybe he was being too harsh. “She’s saved my butt a few times now.”

Missy came out from the bedroom carrying a flowered bag over her shoulder. “Ainsley is resting comfortably. When she wakes, she’ll want to shift into her human form. If her cuts are healed, encourage it.”

“I appreciate you coming here and helping out,” Jackson said. Missy was a Wendayan healer who’d helped many of his shifter friends—including Rye and Kalan.

She smiled. “I’m happy to help.”

Kalan set his beer on the counter. He’d driven Missy. “Let me know how Ainsley is tomorrow.”

“Will do,” Jackson said.

As soon as Kalan and Missy left, Jackson rushed into the bedroom. When he saw Ainsley in her beautiful wolf form, his heart ached for her. She had a white patch of fur on her face while the rest of her body was a combination of tans, blacks, and grays. She was so lovely.

He sat on the bed and examined her. Jackson had to admit that Missy was a miracle worker. While Ainsley’s fur was matted with blood in places, the deep cuts had almost healed. Stroking her face, he hummed, hoping the soothing tone would aid her in getting better.

“I love you, Ainsley Chancellor,” he murmured. Her eyelids fluttered, but she remained still.

Then her tail wagged, and her eyes opened. The growl she emitted came out strong and he knew what came next. He jumped up to give her room to shift. Seconds later, she was in her gloriously naked form curled up on the bed.

Jackson returned to her side. “Hey, how do you feel?”

She lifted up on her elbow then glanced down. “Not bad considering.”

“You should rest.”

“What I need to do is take a shower and then find something to eat. I’m starving.”

He smiled. Ainsley was back. He helped her sit up and then held out his elbow to give her some support. She placed her hand on his arm and stood.

“Need help washing?”

“No thanks, but you can keep me company.”

“That I can do,” he said.

She headed into the bathroom. “Tell me what happened before I arrived,” she said.

“When I got there, Connor and the men who had been guarding the stones were being attacked by about seven wolves. I jumped into the fray and injured one of them, but then more wolves showed up. That’s when you arrived.”

She was surprised he didn’t lecture her about how stupid she’d been for rushing in, but if those two wolves hadn’t charged each other at the same time—with her between them—she’d have been fine.

Ainsley stepped into the warm shower. “Ah, that feels good.”

“I bet.”

“Tell me what happened after I kind of passed out.”

Jackson leaned a hip against the vanity. “When you became visible, I picked you up to prevent further injury.”

“You should have stayed and fought.”

He shook his head. “You are more important to me. Besides, the reinforcements had shown up.”

She dipped her head under the water then poured shampoo on top. Once she soaped up and rinsed, she looked over at him. “When I was lying in bed, did I hear you say something super sweet?”

He pushed off from the counter, kicked off his boots, and discarded his pants and shirt. “If you didn’t understand all of it, I’ll be happy to repeat it every day for the rest of your life.” He pulled open the shower door and stepped in.

“What would that be?” she said with a smile on her face.

“That I love you with my whole heart.”

“You do?” Ainsley threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I love you too.”

“That right?”

“Yes. Let me get clean first, and then I’ll show you just how much.”

“Deal.” He tried to snap his fingers, but they were too soapy. “I forgot to mention what Kalan told me. The lab analyzed the blood stains on your pink shirt.”


“Two patches of blood samples matched the blood on Shamus’s body.”

She stilled. “Are you saying two of the men I killed were responsible for killing him?”

“It looks like it.”

She hugged him again. “That makes me happy, though I’m sad that Shamus was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Very sad.”

As Ainsley rinsed her hair, Jackson insisted on washing her back. Just him touching her, had her wolf roaring to go.

“That feels divine,” she said. “How about we dry off?”

Jackson moved closer. “I’d be happy to dry off every drop of water on your body, or I could just lick it all off for you.” He stuck his tongue out and wiggled it at her.

Ainsley grinned and shook her head at him. “How about we just use a towel. I’d like to get something to eat first though.”

He lifted one eyebrow and grabbed his cock. “I’ll give you something to eat.”

Ainsley’s eyes widened as her body filled with heat and desire. Jackson’s laugh snapped her out of her lustful haze. She grinned, stepped out of the stall, and grabbed a towel. “Did you tell me what happened to the sardonyx? I can’t remember.”

“I didn’t. Rye has it now. To keep everyone safe, he’s not going to tell anyone where it will be hidden either.”

She sighed. “I love the sense of community here, something the Changelings never appreciated. You’re lucky to be part of it.”

“They’re your Clan now too.” He lifted her hair and kissed her neck. “And yes, I am lucky because I found you.”

“No, I’m the lucky one,” countered Ainsley.


Three months later

Ainsley was so
excited. She couldn’t believe that Elana was pregnant! Ainsley was so happy for her. Last week, Izzy had called her and said she wanted to throw a baby shower for Elana, and that she was registered at Wilson’s Department store.

While Ainsley went shopping to pick out a gift, her heart ached for a family of her own. Jackson would make the absolute best dad, just as soon as he learned not to bring home his work.

So here she was, seated in Elana’s living room along with Teagan, Izzy, Missy, Blair, Rye’s sister, Chelsea, and Anna, the woman who worked at her store. The baby shower presents for Elana were stacked up on top of the coffee table, looking so festive in blues and greens.

Teagan stood and the crowd quieted. “I just want it on the record that I was the first to know Elana was pregnant—even before Elana herself knew. And may I add that this was my first premonition that was for a good event.”

Elana clapped. “When she told me, all the pieces fell together. I’d been feeling ill in the morning, but it didn’t occur to me what it might mean.” She patted her stomach.

“When are you due?” Ainsley asked.

“In about three months. The doctor said the baby could come any time in April.”

She mentally counted backward. “Is that why you didn’t have anything to drink when you came upstairs to check on how the move was going?”

“Yes. I was three months pregnant, but had only just gone to the doctors. I should have mentioned it to you, but I was still overwhelmed at that time.”

Ainsley smiled. “I understand. I’m so happy for you.”

The doorbell rang and everyone looked at Elana, who shrugged. “I didn’t invite anyone else.”

She stood, and when she pulled open the door, Elana sucked in an audible breath. “Brian?”

Izzy jumped up and rushed over, while Teagan stood with her hands clenched at her sides. She definitely looked ready to protect Elana if need be. From what Elana had told her, Brian had decided he didn’t want her in his life and had walked out. If he planned to do her harm, he wouldn’t get far, not with the talent in this room.

Leading Brian into the living room, Elana had the brightest smile on her face. “Everyone, this is my older brother, Brian.” The group murmured their hellos.

His face reddened. “I, ah, brought you a baby gift.” It was a large box wrapped in blue and pink striped paper.

Elana took the gift and set it on the table. “You didn’t have to do that. Come sit down and join us. I am so happy you came.”

“Thanks.” Her brother glanced around, and from the way he was avoiding looking at anyone in particular, he wasn’t feeling all that comfortable.

Elana sat in her over stuffed chair. “I never expected you to take me up on my invitation.”

“My therapist, Dr. Patterson, encouraged me to. The more I thought about what you’d said in your letters, the more I realized how much I wanted to reconnect with you. I’ve never had a family, and there you were, offering me one. I couldn’t say no. So, I packed up my things in Ohio and moved down here to Silver Lake.”

Elana reached out and grabbed his hand. “You moved here?”

He nodded. “Well, I’m at the hotel for now until I find a place to stay. I want to make sure my niece or nephew knows he’s loved.”

Elana pushed up from her seat, leaned over Brian, and hugged him. Ainsley couldn’t be more excited for her. After Elana lost her parents, she’d thought she had no more family—until Brian came into her life.

“I can’t tell you how happy that makes me feel,” Elana said. “In fact, the last tenant who lived above the flower shop recently moved out.” She then glanced over at Ainsley and winked. “I’d love for you to live there.”

Brian smiled. “You sure?”

“I’ll introduce you to the landlord. I’m sure he’ll agree once I put in a good word for you.”

“That would be great.” He nodded to the presents. “Aren’t you supposed to open them?”

Everyone laughed. The joy had begun.

Ainsley smiled, but her heart was beating a bit too fast. Brian Stanley wasn’t who he claimed to be. He was definitely not Elana’s brother.

The End


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I hope you enjoyed Ainsley and Jackson’s story. Up next is
. It’s Brian’s story along with Jillian Garner, Dalton’s sister. Here is a sneak peek of the first chapter.

Chapter One

hen hired stripper
Sergeant McDirty swiveled his hips in front of the dark haired the bride-to-be, his rotating pelvis failed to match the beat of the sensual music. Given how far the other women’s tongues and eyeballs were hanging out, Jillian Garner was pretty sure none of the women even noticed.

Jillian just shook her head. Sure the hunk was hot. Not only did he have a nice smile, he possessed slim hips and had shoulders packed with muscles, but he did nothing for her inner tiger. Not that this was about her. Her college roommate, Renee Williams, and fellow coworker at her law firm was getting married, and Jillian couldn’t be happier for her.

As Renee stuck dollar bill after dollar bill down the man’s G-string, her older sister Camille who worked Vice at the Los Angeles Police Department (or LAPD for short) shouted, “Go Renee!”

It was good to see the defense attorney loosen up, something Renee hadn’t done in the last few years. It wasn’t until Richie had entered her life that she’d decided to slow down and smell the roses, so to speak.

As for Jillian, Los Angeles had wound her tighter than any Swiss watch, but she wasn’t looking for someone to help her slow down. She was fine the way she was.

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