The Beauty Detox Solution (28 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Snyder

BOOK: The Beauty Detox Solution
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Unlike synthetic laxatives, or even harsh natural herbs with laxative properties, like senna, good-quality magnesium-oxygen supplements are non-habit-forming and promote the strength of all the organs' functions, making them safe for regular use.

This supplement has been a huge help in my personal journey to continue cleansing myself, and I have tried many different brands, as well as powders (yuck!) and capsules. It has been indispensible for my clients who do not have access to colonics, can't afford them or simply refuse to get them. For your Beauty Detox, it is absolutely critical to consistently pull sludge out of your wheel, in addition to eating the right foods! This supplement is designed to help us do just that.


Colonics are a professional procedure that cost about $50 to $125. While they are somewhat pricey, I firmly believe that properly administered colonics are one of the greatest cleansing methods there is. In this type of colonic, water is administered into the rectum by a speculum with split tubing, which simultaneously allows clean water to flow into the colon while waste flows out of the body and directly into the sewage.

Okay, I know it doesn't sound like
per se. But having a colonic is like having the underside of your car power washed for forty-five minutes. The gravity-method colonic shouldn't hurt or feel excessively uncomfortable. The gentle pressure of warm water helps dissolve old waste from the walls of your colon and takes it right out. This old sludge in our digestive tract must be removed to help keep our “wheels” clear! Even if we go to the
bathroom a lot, most of us would be
at how much waste our body can and does hold in our colon, which has the ability to expand and store increasing amounts of garbage. Remember, our bodies are a hot 98.6 degrees, and all that stuck toxic waste can really bake in there!

True Beauty Story

She loves to spoil her large family with her homemade cooking, which is usually pretty elaborate and involves different courses. Actually, it was her twenty-five-year-old daughter that contacted me. She was worried about her mother, Antonia, because she was over fifty pounds overweight—a lot for Antonia's five-foot frame. Her mother was already on blood pressure medication and no longer had the energy she once had to do her own food shopping and run errands. She was spending more and more time in front of the television or perched on the stoop of her Brooklyn home, talking to neighbors that came by to see her.

When I met Antonia, she
made it clear to me that being a vegetarian was not an option. I assured her that she didn't have to become one. We took a look at her diet and started making adjustments, especially early on in the day. We added a lot more raw vegetables and lightened her lunch meals.

Dinnertime was the highlight of her day, and there were frequent occurrences of improper Beauty Pairings (meatballs and pasta, breaded chicken!). However, I knew that with Antonia's cultural upbringing and love of making elaborate dinners for her family, we could not cut all of that out. At least not all at once. We made a deal: she could keep some of what she was eating if she reduced her portions and started adding the Probiotic & Enzyme Salad to all her dinner meals.

Making the Probiotic & Enzyme Salad at home was so easy for her, especially since she was an Italian chef. She thought it was “no big deal.” And she didn't mind the taste at all. Well, it
a big deal when it came to her health! With the dietary changes we made, she started losing weight within a few weeks. The Probiotic & Enzyme Salad was making her so full that her portion sizes for the other foods were even smaller than what we had talked about. Plus, what she was eating was digesting so much better! She was usually too full for dessert and had lost much of her taste for it.

She was going to the bathroom much more, her energy was higher, and after five months she had already lost over twenty-eight pounds. We still have a lot of work to do, but we are on the way! The Probiotic & Enzyme Salad has been key to not only reducing her appetite but also to attacking and rooting out the old sludge to rebalance her internally.

Our colon is the sewer system of the body and encases a large amount of the aging sludge we have been talking about. When our colon becomes overloaded, toxicity builds in the rest of our digestive tract, including our liver, kidneys, etc. When we clean the colon, we start a chain reaction of cleansing in other organs throughout the whole body.



There are some herbs on the market today, such as senna and cascara, that have been promoted by certain short-term cleanse programs as laxatives. These herbs are only okay
very occasionally,
such as when we are very constipated from a day or two of traveling. But when taken regularly, these herbs can actually weaken our adrenals. Weak adrenals and reduced energy in the long term are actually a contributing factor to constipation. Senna should
be consumed habitually.

Though it may sound counterintuitive, the more our diet improves, the more often we should get colonics. As we cleanse and wake up toxicity, colonics help remove the massive amounts of waste that have been hidden in our bodies. Colonics are excellent aids for helping with acne and skin eruptions, as well.
But if we don't change our diet first, colonics won't work very well.

Check out your local area for gravity-centered practitioners. Gravity-centered colonics typically do not cause major discomfort from having to “hold” water in the body, an issue
usually associated with hydraulic pressure colonics. Some people think colonics are “bad” because they can wash out some friendly bacteria from your digestive tract. But we can rest assured that any friendly bacteria that might be removed are easily replaced with a daily probiotic supplement and the consumption of Probiotic & Enzyme Salad. Gravity-centered colonics also work with gravity and your body's energy to release waste, so you'll actually strengthen peristalsis and your body's natural bowel moments, not weaken them.


Bring Color Back to Gray Hair

Gray hair can be an indication that our bodies are not properly absorbing proteins and minerals. As we clean out our digestive tract and improve our diet to include more mineral- and enzyme-rich foods, we might very well see our hair return to its original color! The great Dr. Ann Wigmore, who advocated eating a large percentage of raw greens and blended raw green drinks, and having colonics, had her gray hair turn back to jet-black naturally!


There really is no substitute for getting a gravity-centered colonic, but it is not always convenient or affordable for everyone. In these cases, another option would be an enema kit, which you can self-administer. You can get enema kits at certain drugstores. With an enema, you release fresh water into the rectum through a tube connected to a bag as you lie relaxing on your side and then sit on the toilet to release old matter. Do this multiple times. Be sure to follow the instructions that come with the enema kit closely. If you are releasing only dirty water and no actual waste, then you should stop the process, as you may be backing yourself up more, and try it again a few days later.

Remember, a cleansed body is one that can regenerate, heal and take in fresh nutrients. How we are cleaning out the sludge is just as important as improving the quality, combination and order of foods we are putting into our body. It is our key to growing younger and more beautiful and becoming more vibrant!


The world will be saved by beauty.

—Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Brothers Karamazov

In the next few chapters I'll walk you through the three-phase Beauty Detox program. These pages hold the key to putting the powerful cleansing practices I talk about throughout the book into practice. Before too long, you'll start to see the results with clearer skin, reduced eye circles, shinier hair and a healthy, radiant glow. And from the very start you'll experience the results in terms of renewed energy that stays strong through the day and diminished stress—you will actually feel the difference when you free up Beauty Energy!

Before we dive in, it's crucial to understand how important it is to pace yourself throughout this process. When we begin to see how we can directly affect our health and beauty with alkalinity, it is easy to get really enthusiastic and want to do a complete overhaul of our diet or jump to the conclusion that we should eat only raw fruits and vegetables…starting right now! That's what happened to me. I was so fascinated with the concepts I was learning that I made drastic changes overnight. I didn't suffer any severe trauma, but I did hit physical and mental roadblocks and detox walls along the way, which I want to help you avoid.

Moreover, I now believe that eating all raw food or trying to stick to any dietary classification (raw foodist, etc.) is not always realistic, nor is it necessarily compatible with everyone's genetic makeup or lifestyle. Plus, incorporating the right kind of cooked food that digests easily can be highly beneficial and helps keep us on the overall plan. I personally do eat some cooked food (veggies and alkaline grains) now and feel better than ever! A diet with a lot of alkaline foods and some cooked foods is more healthy than the diet of raw foodists who eat a ton of agave, dehydrated, concentrated foods and copious amounts of oil!


Transitioning the diet is key to the Beauty Detox Solution. We already discussed this a bit in the Ongoing Cleansing section, but it is so important, it is worth mentioning again. Most people never talk about transitioning, but it is one of the vital keys to long-term success. Why? Well, consider that most of us have spent at least a few
eating acidic foods, the putrefying and fermenting residue of which is lodged as sludge, in varying degrees, in different parts of our body. If we decide one day to make a radical shift to a diet with a high percentage of alkaline foods, namely fruits and vegetables, we are also unleashing the strongest possible cleansers that we can put into our bodies.

What happens when we pour a dozen bottles of Drano down a clogged pipe? We peel free a massive amount of matter from the sides of the pipe, and we better be sure that this old matter leaves the pipe altogether. Otherwise it will get stuck right in the middle and we will be worse of than if we had just left it all encrusted on the sides of the pipe!

This is exactly what can happen when we make drastic switches in our diet very quickly, even when we are incorporating very good foods. We wake up sleeping demons that are in the form of toxic waste! If we neglect to wake up a
amount of toxins at a time, which can then leave the body in a controlled way, we might experience very unpleasant side effects, such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, breakouts and other skin eruptions, and diarrhea, and actually feel quite sick. In some cases, as lots of acidic waste is kicked up, our body has to retain more water to neutralize it, and we might feel a couple of pounds heavier right in the beginning. Don't worry. This will go away!

It is essential to transition our diet properly. If the toxins don't leave the body quickly, or don't all leave, all we've done is reawaken poison and bring it to the surface, where it will be reabsorbed by the tissues. I've seen it way too many times with overly enthusiastic clients and readers of my blog! Oftentimes when people make a transition to more alkaline foods and become vegetarians, they feel weak. Their friends and family say, “See? You can't eat that way. It doesn't suit your body, and you are deficient in protein and nutrients!” Have you ever met someone who tried to become a vegetarian and started to feel awful after a few weeks or months? That person goes back to eating meat and how he or she was eating before and immediately starts feeling

What is actually happening is
a lack of nutrition in the body or a lack of some key nutrient, like protein (assuming that person is eating the greens and plant food–based Beauty Detox way). Rather, that person is getting poisoned from the inside out by toxins, which the newly integrated, powerfully cleansing foods have shaken loose. Those very poisons are the acidic, toxic residue that keeps us from efficiently absorbing nutrients into our body. That is why transitioning and cleansing along the way are so crucial to break through to new levels of health, healing and beauty.

The three phases of the Beauty Detox Solution—Blossoming Beauty, Radiant Beauty and True Beauty—take this into account. Transitioning your detox from phase to phase so that you arrive at a diet with a high percentage of alkaline foods over time and in a controlled manner is critical. No matter which phase you are in, you will see results.

The Beauty Detox Solution is not a “cleanse” or “diet” in the sense that it is something that we adopt for twenty-one days or a few months, only to go back to our old ways. It truly is a long-term way of eating. It is a lifestyle, and therefore there is no need to “sprint” and get there immediately. Take your time making changes along the way, and definitely slow down your transition while still applying the broad principles and paradigm of whichever phase you are in.

True Beauty Story

too quickly with dietary changes. She is a reader from Denver, Colorado, who found my blog and we started doing phone consultations. Her main goals were to drop about seven pounds and improve her skin. We talked about making gradual changes so her body could catch up and she would not detox too quickly. She started making some changes, and she dropped three pounds in the first week and a half. Her energy became really high and, instead of taking the gradual steps we talked about, she got so excited that she went from a partially cooked, meat-filled diet to raw food veganism within a mere few weeks.

I got a call from her one afternoon, and her voice sounded hollow and far away. I thought we had a bad connection. But then she piped up. “I'm on the floor of my bathroom. I'm really light-headed, and I have diarrhea and a bad headache. I don't feel great.” Sarah had suddenly gone from feeling like a million bucks to feeling at a very low point. She had made changes too quickly, and her diet had awoken toxins that her body was struggling to eliminate. I counseled her, saying, “It's not that you are deficient in anything. It is not that this diet doesn't work for you. It is that you have changed your diet too quickly without cleansing!”

We brought in cooked and heavier foods to slow down the cleansing process, then adopted a reasonable transition level. She felt better quickly and learned her lesson! Now it has been over fourteen months since we started working together. She has made many great shifts in her diet, though she decided that being a 100 percent raw vegan is not for her. Nor does she need to be. She enjoys fish, eggs and healthy grains. She has lost ten pounds, her skin looks great, and her body has firmed up. She sent me a recent picture and she looks gorgeous! We have found a balanced diet that is right for her, one that makes her feel great and that suits her lifestyle.


This is
time. You can do this. Make it your own and own it! There is a phase to fit your lifestyle, budget and where you are right now.


Now the real excitement can begin! Now that you have read all of Part 1 (and you have, haven't you?), you have a firm understanding of why the phases are structured as they are. You have new insight into evaluating which foods are healthy and why, and you have learned new information on how to properly combine your foods and order them throughout the day to maximize Beauty Energy.

Regardless of which phase you enter into, you will experience huge improvements as your body takes in a tremendous amount of alkaline-forming, chlorophyll-rich plant foods, and true antiaging can begin as we start to unearth the sludge. Though this may be a totally different way of eating than you are used to, or may go against some information you heard in the past, I am confident that once you start to experience the results for yourself, you'll know that you truly have found the Beauty Detox Solution!


In this phase you have adequate time to adjust to your new, alkaline-forming diet, made up primarily of foods from the Beauty Food Circle. Not only do you not have to buy any new kitchen equipment, but many of the foods are upgraded variations of foods with which you are already familiar. Even without making drastic changes to your diet, you will still make huge progress thanks to all the alkalizing greens and proper food combinations you'll be enjoying! You will have more energy and less bloat, and you will lose weight, especially in the belly area.

In order to avoid making changes too quickly, you will consume some cooked grains for breakfast and lunch. Animal products can be kept in your diet, except for dairy, but you will cut them out of lunch, since they can disrupt your Light to Heavy food order, and should be consumed only once per day at a maximum. You'll cut out highly refined sugars and carbs, and start to wean yourself off of gluten-containing foods, like wheat, rye and barley, which cause bloating and are difficult to digest. But you won't miss any of
those foods, anyway, as we have Beauty Grains, such as quinoa and millet, and products made of them, such as bread, crackers and pasta.

If you are more than fifty pounds overweight, are exhausted, suspect you have candida, have a lot of skin issues and/or are an absolute beginner, I recommend starting with Blossoming Beauty. If these concepts seem totally foreign to you and you are used to eating some form of animal protein five times a day, Blossoming Beauty may be the right place to start. If you are keen to start on the Glowing Green Smoothie and don't have any of the aforementioned issues, you might just try diving into Radiant Beauty!


In this phase you start enjoying the Glowing Green Smoothie, which is super exciting! You will eat only alkaline-forming plant foods in the mornings—no more cooked grains for breakfast. This extends the “cleanse mode” that your body has been in through the whole night, so that the hours that you are cleansing start to add up on a daily and weekly basis, and you are consistently getting more sludge out of your wheel!

You'll reduce your intake of animal products further, but you can still have them a few times a week, especially fish and eggs. You will have lots of beautifying fats from avocados, as well as all the Beauty Grains and the products that come from them.

This is the phase where you may experience the biggest results and lose the most weight! Your skin will start to glow and become smooth, your under-eye circles will diminish and your hair will start to shine.


Stick to It!

We are all improving as long as we don't give up! Stick to the phase you are in, and if you stray, get right back on the path. You
have the inner strength and power to improve your health and look gorgeous. Keep your bigger goals in mind. Visualize how you want to look and feel, and stick to that clear picture. This is your time! Make it yours. Own it.


In this phase you drink the Glowing Green Juice in the morning (or stick with the fiber-containing Glowing Green Smoothie if you like). You'll reduce the amount of animal products in you diet to only a small portion of fish, eggs and goat's cheese, eliminating land animals altogether. Once you get to this point in the program, you may decide that you don't want to eat any animal products at all.

You'll eliminate cooked grains not only in the mornings but also at lunch and in the middle of the day, which keeps the “road” even more clear and accelerates cleansing for longer periods of time.

This is a pretty high level of diet that may not work for everyone's lifestyle or genetic makeup. If you moved to this phase from Radiant Beauty but simply find it to be a daily struggle and too much effort, or feel too deprived or too obsessive about your diet, then you should move back down to the Radiant Beauty phase. That might just be the right phase for you over the long term! But if the True Beauty phase feels right to you, you will be rewarded with a very high level of health and beauty.


Stay in each phase at least one month before moving on.

If you are feeling good in a certain phase, you can stay there for as long as you want. You will improve at any level, though you will see the most radical change when you progress to (or begin at) Radiant Beauty and start enjoying the Glowing Green Smoothie. When you want to achieve higher results, you can move forward and try the next phase. The degree to which you want to improve, and the current state of your health, will dictate how quickly you move up to a different phase.

If you
losing weight and feeling good, but it requires debilitating discipline—you are constantly dreaming of food and your will is keeping you on the path, but part of you wants to eat the way you used to—you are not ready to move up yet! Cravings mean that your body is still finding the diet too restrictive. Drop down to the next level or stay where you are for as long as it feels comfortable and natural. Stay in a phase until the lifestyle feels automatic, that is, until you don't have to think about it, as it has become ingrained in your life. If you move up before then, you will feel deprived and will “cheat.”

Avoid feeling judgmental and competitive with yourself, or attacking yourself for feeling weak at times. Remember we are creating a whole new lifestyle that is meant to last the rest of your life. Take your time transitioning!

The best idea is to keep things simple. What we need more than anything is salads and lots of greens. We have to retrain ourselves to regard salad as the
part of our meal, not an appetizer or a side dish. Instead of fancy recipes, focus on creating a few basic salads and vegetable/grain dishes that you love and that can be your staples.

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