The Bell Witch: The Full Account

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Authors: Pat Fitzhugh

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Bell Witch

The Full Account

Pat Fitzhugh

The Armand Press


This book is a work of both history and fiction. The names, places, and dates

mentioned herein are the product of extensive research and are believed to be accurate.

The individual stories contained herein were either given to the author by other parties or handed down over the years as folklore, either of which may or may not be true.

The conversations between the various characters in this book are a product of the

author’s imagination and are used for the purpose of bringing the characters and story to life.

If you purchase this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book may

have been stolen property and reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher. In such case, neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this

“stripped book.”

THE BELL WITCH: THE FULL ACCOUNT Copyright  2000 by Pat Fitzhugh. All

rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems,

without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. All correspondence regarding this book is

addressable to The Armand Press, 7051 Highway 70 South, Suite 176, Nashville, TN


Cover art by Kris Stuart-Crump

Photography by Pat Fitzhugh

Book design by The Armand Press

ISBN: 0-9705156-3-4

Printed in the United States of America


Prologue .................................................................................... 14

A Word of Thanks ................................................................... 18

Author’s Note ........................................................................... 20

Early History of the Bells ........................................................ 21

The Bell Farm in North Carolina .......................................... 22

The Evil Overseer .................................................................. 23

John Bell Shoots the Overseer ............................................... 25

The Farm’s Downfall............................................................. 26

The Bells Leave North Carolina ............................................ 27

The Bells’ New Home .............................................................. 28

The Red River Community ..................................................... 29

Religion.................................................................................. 31

The Bells Prosper................................................................... 33

Trouble Begins ......................................................................... 36

Strange Animals and People Appear ..................................... 36

Knocks on the Walls............................................................... 38

Bedcovers Pulled from Children............................................ 39

Elizabeth is Tortured ............................................................. 41

Terror Takes Over................................................................... 44

A Lifeless Body in a Tree ....................................................... 45

Faint Whistles and Whispers ................................................. 47

- i i i -


Mysterious Lights in the Dell................................................. 47

Elizabeth’s Bed Catches on Fire............................................ 49

A Voice is Heard .................................................................... 50

John Bell’s Mysterious Illness ............................................... 50

The Bells Share the Secret....................................................... 52

Friends Vow to Help .............................................................. 53

Neighbors Encounter the Spirit ............................................. 55

Calvin Johnston Shakes an Invisible Hand............................ 56

John Johnston Tests the Spirit ............................................... 57

Frank Miles is No Match ....................................................... 58

Visitors from Near and Far..................................................... 62

Skepticism .............................................................................. 62

Peddlers and Quacks ............................................................. 64

The Englishman ..................................................................... 64

Mr. Williams .......................................................................... 66

Dr. Mize the Witch Hunter..................................................... 69

The Spirit Loved to Gab.......................................................... 75

Gossip .................................................................................... 77

The Spirit Reveals Jesse’s Whereabouts................................ 78

John Bell, Jr.’s Business Trip ................................................ 79

John Bell is Scrutinized ........................................................... 81

Dispute with Benjamin Batts.................................................. 81

Dispute with Josiah Fort........................................................ 83

John Bell’s Excommunication................................................ 84

- i v -


The Spirit Attends Elizabeth’s Party...................................... 86

Rev. Fort Keeps his Vow to Help........................................... 88

John Bell Tortured at Dinner................................................. 89

The Spirit Quotes Two Sermons............................................. 90

The Spirit Tells About a Wedding.......................................... 91

The Spirit’s Identities and Forms........................................... 93

Spirit Looking for a Lost Tooth.............................................. 93

A Search for Buried Treasure................................................ 95

The Spirit Assumed Many Forms........................................... 97

The Spirit Rides a Horse........................................................ 97

The Playful Rabbit ................................................................. 98

The Spirit Appears as a Dog.................................................. 99

The Spirit Turns Dean Into a Mule...................................... 102

The Spirit Appears as a Rabbit and a Bird.......................... 103

The Terror Escalates ............................................................. 105

The Witch Family – Multiple Entities .................................. 105

Apparition at the Porter Farm............................................. 106

A Sick Dog at the Door ........................................................ 109

Elizabeth’s Problems Escalate ............................................ 110

The Spirit Spanks a Baby..................................................... 110

Powell Learns of Elizabeth’s Courtship .............................. 111

The Spirit Denounces Elizabeth’s Courtship....................... 111

The Spirit is Named “Kate”.................................................. 113

The Spirit Claims to be Kate Batts ...................................... 113

- v -


Kate Batts’ Odd Ways.......................................................... 114

Kate Batts Creates an Uproar ............................................. 115

Kate Batts is Scrutinized ...................................................... 117

The Spirit’s New Nickname.................................................. 117

Evil to Some and Good to Others ......................................... 119

“Kate” Empties the Milk Viles ............................................ 119

“Kate” Kicks Drewry’s Chair ............................................. 120

Joel’s Spanking .................................................................... 120

“Kate” Saves Children from Storm ..................................... 122

A Rescue in the Cave............................................................ 123

“Kate’s” Adoration for Lucy Bell........................................ 124

Mrs. Bell’s Illness ................................................................ 124

Stockings for Martha Bell .................................................... 126

“Kate” Sleeps with William Porter ..................................... 128

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