The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado) (14 page)

BOOK: The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado)
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“Explain yourself, Chamberlain. We made it abundantly clear
this location and witch are needed for the High Beltane rituals. There can be no other. Why is there this hesitation?”

For the first time in his long career as Chamberlain to the Summer Court, Darius didn’t want to
placate her. He had the dangerous urge to tell the Queen Sabrina held no interest in the rituals and had enough going on in her life without the Court’s intrusion. But good sense and self-preservation prevailed and he inclined his head to Her Majesty.

, I’m so tired of this game.

“Yes, Your Majesty. I believe we’ve reached a turning point.
It won’t be long now. I suspect I will secure her agreement this night, and we shall have the sacred site prepared for your arrival.”

The Queen stared at him with thoughtful eyes, but her expression remained serene. Darius had the sinking feeling the other shoe
was about to drop.

that you do, Chamberlain, or the consequences will be dire.” She rose from her seat and turned, raising her chin and looking down her nose at him. “You must convince her to do the rituals or you will lose not only your position in our Court, but also your longevity, your honor, and your sword, which your family prizes so. In addition, the Winterbourne name shall be stricken from our records, and your family shall be banned at Court.”

arius’s gut churned and he clenched his jaw. How dare she take everything he held dear from him over another’s choice? He’d been nothing but loyal and diligent for all his centuries of service. He’d never considered the Queen banishing his family from her Court over his failure to convince Sabrina. As much as he didn’t like his brother’s actions and his sister-by-law’s covetous nature, he couldn’t destroy their hopes. The Court meant everything to them, as it had meant to him once, and he couldn’t take it from them.

But he couldn’t coerce Sabrina into performing the rituals
, either. She’d never forgive him, and he’d never forgive himself.

“I understand, Your Majesty.” He bowed to hide his frustration.

“Ah, Darius.” The Queen laid an elegant hand against his arm and he carefully met her eyes, hoping he presented her with an emotionless face. “Perhaps this will sweeten the task for you.” She smiled at him and his blood froze with premonition. “We would like you to partner with the witch for the sacred Beltane rituals. As a reward for all your hard work, you have been chosen as the May Lord to honor the Goddess.”

Damn, did she overhear
the conversation with Lt. Fitzroy?
A surge of mixed emotions shot through him. On the one hand, he’d get the opportunity to touch and enjoy Sabrina’s glorious body, sinking his cock into her sweet earthen heat. All in the name of the Goddess. But at what price? He’d live up to her fears to save his position and his family’s standing at Court. Sabrina would be left to raise his child while he played the endless Court games in a life of empty smiles and gestures.

You’d be as bad as Tommy Hawthorne

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The Queen gifted him with a brilliant smile and the strength of her magic flowed over him. But he remained unaffected, the magic sliding away into the air. Her smile did nothing to reassure him and he wondered if the connection he had with Sabrina had rendered him immune to Fae charms.

“It is truly
my pleasure to see my favorite Chamberlain rewarded, and perhaps we will further reward you with increased invitations of your family to our Court.” Amusement flickered across her face as he gritted his teeth. “I understand they would like to see you.”

Not bloody likely
. But familial squabbles needed no airing, especially to the Queen.

“So it seems, Your Majesty. I do know my sister-by-law prefers the Court to the country estates.”

“And you, Darius? Where does your heart lie?”

stilled. Did the Queen suspect he no longer had the taste for intrigue and Courtly games? “My heart lies in my duty to my Queen, and to the honor of my family.”

She nodded, a wise smile curling her lips, and Darius hoped she would dismiss him soon.

“Very well, Chamberlain. The time of Beltane draws near and the seasons wait for no one, not even the Summer Court.” She laughed, infusing more of her seductive magic into it, but the energy brushed past him without effect. “Bring your witch to heel and I shall be most pleased with you.” The Queen gestured to the door of her private salon and it opened to show him the slushy alley he’d left.

Bowing deeply, Darius backed out into the Rocky Mountain springtime, grateful she’d let him go with such a light sentence.

Light sentence? Bollocks!
He still had to convince Sabrina to do the rituals, and he no longer had any idea how.




Sabrina tidied up some of the shelves in Mazie’s Five and Dime and wondered how she’d make it through Beltane with her sanity intact.

Just keep your mind on work and you’ll be fine.

She had no reason to moon over Darius Winterbourne, Chamberlain of the Summer Court, or what couldn’t be, but her mind kept filling with images of him. She had no idea what a Chamberlain did, but she suspected it important enough to keep him from staying with her.

And I don’t want him to stay. Which is why I’m not doing the rituals.
Yeah, she knew all the arguments for and against. She’d been rolling them over in her mind every time Darius said something. So why did she even entertain the idea?

Because I want his hands on me.

She groaned, wishing she could slam her forehead into the shelves without her boss looking askance at her. Could she drown her inner sex kitten?

The bell above the front door of the shop jingled and Sabrina raised her hea
d to see who came in. A woman sauntered inside wearing tight jeans, leather high-heeled boots, and a sheepskin coat belted to her narrow waist. Sabrina didn’t have to see her face to recognize her. She’d seen those curves buck-assed naked in her own bed.

Hells bells
! Is it quitting time yet?

“Good afternoon, Merrilee. We haven’t seen you here in a while.” Sabrina’s boss waved from the front counter. “What brings you in today?”

“I’m here for Sabrina Foxglove. Is she in today?” Merrilee’s voice didn’t sound so husky when she wasn’t moaning.

“Yes, I think she’s straightening the shelves. Do you want me to call her?”

“No, I’ll just find her.”

Sabrina stifled the urge to bolt for the back door.
Why would Merrilee need to see me? I don’t remember any of Two-Face’s allergies.

“Sabrina, thank the Goddess you’re all right!

Sabrina raised her eyebrows as Merrilee grabbed her hand and squeezed, her expression full of relief. Since when did the woman care what happened to her lover’s ex? A woman who’d stolen her lover from said ex.

“I heard what happened yesterday at the roller rink and I was so worried.” Merrilee scanned Sabrina from head to toe. “Did Marty Robinson really attack you in the parking lot? In front of your girls?”

Gosh, I’m so glad the gossip chain is alive and well.
“But he’s been arrested, so it’s fine.”
And thank you for reminding me of how scary it must have been for my kids.

“Oh my, I would’ve been so scared.” Merrilee shifted her weight back on one leg and patted her ample bosom. “But they and you are all right, right?”

“Yes. Thank you for asking.” Maybe Merrilee had some compassion after all.

“Good, good.” Then a perfectly crafted smile slid across her plump rosy lips. “Maybe he
’s jealous of your new beau. I hear he’s quite the handsome one.”

Sabrina felt her burgeoning smile freeze and become brittle. The question raised her hackles.
Is Merrilee in the market for a new man?
They’d never been close enough to share “girl-secrets”, even when they’d attended the same coven. But the way she smiled suggested the tart fished for information.
What, tired of Tommy already?

“Oh? Where did you hear
that?” Sabrina turned back to her job, straightening products as she continued down the aisle.

“Well, half the town saw him with you at the rink, skating with your girls.” The way Merrilee kept putting the ownership on Sabrina made her ears twitch, as if Tommy had nothing to do with making their daughters.
Takes two to tango, sweetheart.

“But not you?”

“I don’t have kids. I don’t need to go there much.” Merrilee didn’t quite put her nose in the air, but her serene smile and flat belly said enough. No kids. Tommy liked those things especially about Merrilee.
That, and the big tits

Sabrina nodded. “How’s Tommy?”

Merrilee waved her hand and tossed her head. “Oh, you know, he’s okay. Getting ready for Beltane. We’re having a big celebration and bonfire in Durango. Are you celebrating this year?”

Tommy’s lies stabbed at Sabrina between her shoulder blades, but she’d known they’d been excuses at the time he left. Still, it hurt to think he’d said one thing and done the opposite. Sabrina tried to focus on her work, but
Merrilee’s question hung in the air between them, and she returned to her internal debate. She’d be celebrating, but not the way she suspected Merrilee Fuckstwice thought.

“Because if you’re not, you should come with us.”

“Come with you?”

“Yeah, me and Tommy and the rest of the Malachite Coven. We’re leaving tomorrow night to spend the day
in Durango. Get someone to watch the kids and bring your man. It’ll be fun.” Merrilee gave her a blinding smile as if they’d been secret friends forever.

n the past, Sabrina might have found the trip to Durango for Beltane an exciting adventure, but the idea of having sex with a stranger in a fertility ritual had lost its luster.
Yeah, two kids will do that.
And she had no desire to be with her ex and his current lover.

“Actually, I already have plans, but thank you.” She didn’t know which plans she had, but
she’d do just about anything to put Merrilee off.

“Oh, well,
if you change your mind, you’re always welcome. You and your guy.” Merrilee sounded truly disappointed.

“Thanks. Have a nice time with Tommy and the Coven. Who is performing the rituals this year?”

A smug smile spread across Merrilee’s face. “There are actually three couples from the three attending covens performing the blessings.” She flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. “Tommy and I got the honor for the Malachite Coven this year.”

Ready for motherhood?” Sabrina muttered under her breath.


“Congratulations on the honor. You must be very excited.” Sabrina tried to focus on rearranging baby oil. Between the Summer Court’s attendance at her own festivities and Tommy’s penchant for fertility, Merrilee might get more than she bargained for.

“Yes. I wish you could come see it.”

Ewww! Saw it once in my own bedroom, thanks.

“Are you sure you’re busy?”

“Yep, got my own celebration planned.”
And I’ll be doing it with a man who knows my worth.
Sabrina resolutely ignored the warm glow suffusing her chest from the thought.

“Well, okay, then.” Merrilee looked like she wanted to say more, but she swallowed
her words when Sabrina turned her attention to the diapers. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m glad you are. I can’t imagine what would happen to those kids if you weren’t.”

nothing happened. I’m okay. Thanks for stopping by.”

Merrilee hesitated at Sabrina’s polite dismissal, but she nodded and waved. “Take care and blessed be.”

“Blessed be.”

Sabrina watched the woman saunter out into the spring afternoon and tried not to give her a one-finger salute. Disgust simmered just under her skin. First, Merrilee had fucked Sabrina’s lover in their bed, then she had the gall to invite Sabrina to watch them fuck for Beltane. Sabrina gripped a bottle of suntan lotion until her knuckles turned white as her stomach churned.

Let it go. She’s just a horny little slut. Tommy is perfect for her.

The rest of Sabrina’s day dragged on and she tried not to watch the clock
. The interaction with Merrilee had left her feeling dirty and she desperately wanted a shower. With a whole bottle of body wash. And her kids could help her scrub the ick away.

Freedom beckoned and she almost skipped to her van when the time came. She let her mind wander over what needed to be done and it slid back around to Merrilee’s visit. Sabrina
stopped hard as the real reason the younger woman had been concerned for her occurred to her. If Sabrina had died at Marty Robinson’s hand, Tommy would have to take the kids, and Merrilee didn’t want Sabrina’s kids anywhere near her.

“You smarmy bitch!” The fury in her own voice startled Sabrina and
she forced herself to calm down before she drove off the road. “Let it go. Water under the bridge.” No amount of fury would change what had happened.

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