The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado) (15 page)

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Besides, I have a much better man now.

Except, Darius didn’t really belong to her, and he wouldn’t be staying after Beltane. Sorrow disproportionate to the situation settled over her shoulders and she sighed. Why couldn’t it work out like all those movies she liked to watch?
Like it worked out with Tommy?

Perhaps she could take what she could get this time and let the rest go.
She could pretend the man chosen for the May Lord wore Darius’s face. The traditional mask worn for the rituals would help with the fiction. She could make some nice memories to hold on to after Darius left. Hot, sexy memories she could savor for her nights alone.

So I guess I’m doing the rituals.
She sighed again, the truth settling into her gut.
Let’s just hope I don’t get pregnant this time.
And she could pretend Darius cared for her.

Chapter Ten


Sabrina found Tansy chatting with Darius in front of the school
and tender warmth suffused her heart. Mrs. Lincoln hovered nearby, her eyes trained on the stranger speaking with her student, but Sabrina waved her off as she stepped out of her van.

Darius had said he’d be there to pick up Tansy and
his actual presence made her yearning come back. She wished he could be there every day to pick up her daughter from school.
Stop wishing for unicorns. Just do the rituals and hope for the best.

“Mommy!” Tansy leapt into a run for the van. Darius followed more slowly, a welcoming smile curling his lips. “Today we made May Poles with ribbons to tie on for May Day.” Tansy held up a little dowel strung with a rainbow of cloth ribbons. “Now my
dolls can celebrate Beltane, too.”

Sabrina laughed. “
That’s right, honey. What a marvelous idea.” She hugged her daughter. “Clip yourself in. Let’s get home so I can make those brownies for your class tomorrow.”

“Can I help, Mom?” Tansy settled in her seat.


Sabrina retreated around the side of the van before Darius could reach or touch her. She
wasn’t quite ready to tell him about her decision. Darius climbed in the passenger seat as she settled behind the wheel.

did your day go, Darius? Anything exciting happen after I left the police station?”

She ignored the voice accusing her of stalling. She
needed to fortify herself before she took the plunge and admitted she’d participate in the rituals.

“Nothing too exciting.” Amusement filled his voice, but she didn’t know what
he found funny. “Your police Lieutenant is very protective of his residents and required me to vouchsafe my presence here.”

“He didn’t do a background search, did he?” Nothing like getting the Department of Homeland Security involved with a man who lived in the Fae world.

“No, no, nothing so drastic. He simply wanted to ascertain my motivations for being here.”

“Did you tell him about
the Beltane?” Just what she needed; the whole town knowing she had to have performance sex.
It might put a crimp in Merrilee’s tail, heh.

“I did, but only as a reason for my presence, not in regards to your own participation.”

Sabrina sighed. “Yeah, well, I suspect he knows what my participation will be. Goddess, I hope he’s discreet.”

“The L
ieutenant struck me as a man of honor. He won’t tarnish your standing in the community.”

Would it be so bad for the town to know she fucked for the Fae?
Stop being so crude.
It’s a high honor to perform the full rituals.
She’d certainly win points with the Malachite Coven. She rolled her eyes. She no longer wanted to worship with them, especially when Tommy and Merrilee remained active members.
There’ll be no living with them after Durango.

And they’d never know she’d done the rituals here at home.
Thank the Goddess they’ll be away.

“I hope he’ll keep it to himself. After the day I’ve had, I don’t need any other rude surprises.”

“Oh? What happened today?” Darius lost his easy smile.

“Mom! I forgot my gloves at school. We have to go get them.” Tansy’s voice edged toward panic.

Sabrina smiled apologetically at Darius and focused on calming her daughter. “Don’t worry, Tansy. Where did you leave them?”

“In my desk. We have to go back.”

“It’s okay. They’ll be there when you go back tomorrow. No worries.”

“Okay.” Tansy brightened. “Can we make mint frosting for the brownies?”

“Brownies don’t need frosting.” Sabrina laughed.


The plans for Beltane and Tansy’s brownies distracted Sabrina as they arrived home. Holly had given herself a splinter in her hand from trying to stack more firewood, and Matilda seemed happy to head home. Darius helped Tansy get started on the brownies as Sabrina comforted Holly, then dinner had to be made and the demands of the evening superseded the events of the day. Sabrina forgot about Merrilee and the High Beltane rituals until dinner had been cleaned up and the girls put to bed.

Sabrina settled into her comfy chair with a hot mug of tea and closed her eyes.
May Pole erected and covered in ribbons? Check. Firewood chopped and stacked? Check. Cider pressed, boughs gathered, wreaths hung? Check, check, check. Brownies made? Check. She’d finished all her Beltane preparations and could relax.

sprawled on the couch across the end table from her and she sensed his eyes on her, though she kept hers closed. Maybe if she didn’t look at him she wouldn’t remember she’d made the decision to do the rituals.
All because of Merrilee Fuckstwice.
The name brought back their earlier encounter and the corners of her mouth pulled down.

“Are you well, Sabrina?”

The richness of Darius’s voice reminded her she had to tell him about her decision, and she opened her eyes with a sigh. “I’m fine.”

He tilted his head, his expression thoughtful. “You said you’d had a rude surprise today. What happened?”

She chuckled ruefully. “Leave it to you to remember my worse moments.” She shook her head. “Merrilee Fucks—sorry, Lookstwice—came by Mazie’s today, ostensibly to see if I’d survived Marty’s attack.”

Darius raised an eyebrow. “Merrilee Lookstwice is…”

“The slut who Tommy decided is better for him since she has no children and bigger breasts.” She heard the bitterness in her own voice. “Sorry. I’m still a little mad he ran out on his children.”

“I can imagine.” Darius’s face revealed nothing. “What did Ms. Lookstwice want from you?”

Sabrina barked a derisive laugh. “She wanted to make sure I was okay so she wouldn’t have to take up being a mother to Tansy and Holly. Tommy is their father, so he’d probably get them if I should die.” She grimaced as anger surged. “Although knowing how lazy the bastard is, I suspect he’d let them go to the State first.”

Darius wisely changed the subject. “Fortunately, you are unhurt and there’s no danger of losing your children.”

“Thank the Goddess.” She sipped her tea and screwed up her courage to admit she’d changed her mind about the rituals. “She also asked about you and invited us to the big Beltane celebration happening in Durango tomorrow.”

“What did she wish to know about me?” The amusement returned to his expression.

“She wanted to know who you were. I didn’t think she needed the information.” Sabrina shrugged and sipped her tea to bolster her courage. “But I declined her invitation to go to Durango.”

“Oh?” Darius managed to look surprised. “Why? I’d think
such a trip would be the perfect opportunity to get out of performing the rituals here in Cloudburst.”

“It would, you’re right.” Sabrina nodded. “But the idea of spending several days with Merrilee and Tommy, with the added bonus of watching them screw, made me want to walk barefoot across broken glass.”

Darius laughed. “Vivid image,

Deep breath now.
“The point is I said I already had plans for celebrating Beltane and couldn’t attend with them.”

“Oh? And what plans do you have, Sabrina Foxglove?”

She met his gaze, hoping her thundering heart wouldn’t give away her trepidation. “I’ll do the rituals—the full rituals—for the Fae on Beltane.”




Darius didn’t know if he felt relief or sorrow at her admission. He’d expected triumph. Her agreement had been his goal. But knowing she’d probably get with child and he’d return to the Fae Court curdled his stomach.
And I haven’t even told her the best part yet.
She didn’t know he’d be her partner.
Goddess, can I betray her trust more?

“Darius? You don’t have anything to say?”

Sabrina’s voice intruded into his thoughts and he pasted a smile on his face.

“I’m sorry. This is great news. The Court will be pleased to hear of your decision.”

“The Court will.” She cocked her head. “But not you?”

“No, no, I’m pleased you’ve made your decision.”

“It’s certainly easier for you.” She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “But I said it out loud to Merrilee, and while she’s not important, the Goddess is, and I’m sure She heard it.”

“If it really bothers you so badly, no one would force you to it, Sabrina.” Where were these words coming from? Had he changed so drastically he’d throw away his future, and his family’s
standing at Court, for this little witch?

Sabrina raised her eyebrows. “
Are you feeling okay, Darius? I thought you’d be gloating.”

He shook his head. “I’v
e seen how you are with your family and you have enough going on. I don’t wish to add to your responsibilities. Your family is beautiful as it is.”

She searched his face, as if trying t
o determine his honesty, and frowned. “What happened today after I left the police station, really?”

Relieved at the change in subject, Darius gave her a real smile. “Good news,
actually. I inquired about the homestead you’d mentioned. The one with the waterwheel and the mill?”

“Yeah. What about it?”

“It has been vacant for quite some time, so the land reverted back to the town’s ownership.” He reached into his breast pocket and withdrew the title papers he’d received. “Today I purchased it in your name.” He spread the papers out on the end table and pushed them toward her. “The homestead and all its environs, is yours.”

“What?” Her gaze dropped to the parchment then back to him. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why is it mine?”

“I bought it for you and your family.”


Darius stopped before he uttered anything else and tried to formulate a coherent answer. Her response to his gift left him scrambling.

“Is it not what you wanted?”

“No. I mean, yes, it’s what I wanted, but why did you buy it for me?”

Her question hung in the air between them and he didn’t know how to answer it. Why
he bought the land? His mind said he’d bought it for her continued prosperity and protection when he’d gone. But his heart said something different.


And guilt. Even though he’d made the decision to purchase the homestead for her before the Queen had assigned him the position of
the May Lord, it rankled. Not only had she agreed to perform the rituals, but he’d enjoy the pleasures of her body in addition to saving his family’s standing at Court.

“I want you to be safe and prosperous once I’ve returned to the Court.” The words tasted false in his mouth despite the truth in them
. He did want her safe, but he wanted so much more. “I want you to have the opportunity to live your dream and find joy in it. Nothing is worse than working for others because you must, rather than for yourself because you want to.” His own life could be summed up by the same notion.

He flattened the papers on the table between them. “This is for you to find your dreams and follow them. It’s not because you’ve decided to perform the rituals. I made this purchase this morning after you left for work.”

“I don’t know what to say, Darius.”

“I believe ‘thank you’ is customary.”

She snorted and grimaced. “Thank you. I didn’t expect this. I…” She shook her head. “Just thank you.” She ran her hands over the papers, her expression thoughtful.

“Shall we go look at your new homestead tomorrow when Tansy is at school?” He wanted to show it to her more than anything. He wanted to prove he’d offered her this gift out of altruism rather than for

“Yes, I think so. We also need to see the sacred site I’ll be protecting and practice some of the warding rituals, at least in motion if not in energy.” She rubbed her eyes and he wanted to gather her into his arms to comfort her. “In the meantime, I think I’m going to bed. It’s been a long week, and it just started.”

“Sabrina, wait.” He rose with her and caught her arm, swinging her toward him gently. “Thank you.” When she frowned, he added, “For agreeing to perform the rituals.”


“And for accepting my gift so graciously.” He pulled her against his chest. “
It means more to me than you could ever know.” He dipped his head and brushed her lips with his.

Sweet woman and tea flooded his senses and ran straight to his cock. Goddess, he’d never grow tired of her taste. He
would have stopped there had she not opened her mouth and licked his lips. Desire for more roared through him and a low growl rose from his chest.

He opened his mouth and stroked her tongue with his, drinking
down her sweet moan. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts to his chest. His cock hardened to granite as he grabbed her ass and held her mound against his aching flesh.

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