The Best Man (21 page)

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Authors: Adriana Kraft

BOOK: The Best Man
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Kitty lost herself with both cocks
but couldn’t completely ignore the redheaded Serena, sitting on the edge of a
lounge chair, bringing herself off. Serena’s fingers became a blur. The man
behind her bellowed and pulled out to splatter warm come over her backside. Her
feet again touched the bottom of the pool.

“Now me,” Jared grunted, helping
propel her head up and down his cock. “Oh hell,” he hollered.

Fingers from behind clawed at her
clit as Jared filled her throat. She dropped Jared and buried her head in his lap
as she quivered and quaked. “Oh my God,” she whimpered, trying not to lose

She opened and shut her eyes,
breathed through her straining nostrils, and stood. She glanced at the patio
chairs. Serena was nowhere to be seen.

The man who had been behind her was
pulling himself up out of the pool. Without a word or a glance, he slipped into
his worn jeans and left.

“What the hell?” she said, looking
at Jared.

He held out a hand and helped her
out of the pool. “You enjoyed?” he asked.

“Yes, but…”

“Ssh,” he said, slanting a finger
across her lips. “Let it be. Just accept. You know what curiosity did to the

Jared helped her to a blanket. Her
heart still beat rapidly and she continued to gulp in air.

 He lay down beside her and snuggled
tight. “You’re something real special,” he murmured, drying her with another
bath towel.

She couldn’t hold off sleep. There
was so much to sort out, but she didn’t have the energy to think and certainly
not to mentally fence with Jared.

She let herself go, trusting her
world wouldn’t be any more confused when she woke from her nap. She clenched
her butt, which still throbbed. Damn, she was a glutton for two cocks.


- o -


Jared held Kitty close. She’d rolled
away from him as soon as they’d gone to bed. He realized neither one of them likely
wanted another bout of lovemaking, but Kitty had been rather quiet since the
late afternoon encounter in the pool. She’d surprised him with her lack of

When they were finished in the pool
she’d looked as sated as he’d ever seen her. That, in itself, was noteworthy.

He dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “I
know you’re still awake.”

She shrugged.

He hoisted a leg over hers and
ground his semi-hard cock against her rump.

“I’m done for the day,” she murmured,
not turning to face him.

“I know. So am I. Just letting you
know he’ll be around when you want him next.”

“Did you know she was on the patio
watching, finger fucking herself?”

Jared stiffened. So that was it. He
didn’t have eyes in the back of his head, and he hadn’t heard Serena come onto
the patio. He probably wouldn’t have heard a Mack truck, with all the splashing
in the water and the throbbing in his head. “I didn’t know she was there, but
Serena does like to watch.”

“I’m not into women.”

“You told me before. Neither is Serena.”

After a prolonged silence, Kitty
murmured, “Oh.”

Jared couldn’t tell if she was
surprised or disappointed.

“So I guess exclusive only applies
for you when you’re away from the ranch.”

He was surprised by the pain lacing
Kitty’s tone. He slid his tongue along her collarbone before responding. She
shivered and he smiled. “You’re jumping to conclusions. I haven’t been with
Serena since we agreed to remain exclusive for the time being. I must admit I
was beginning to wonder if that agreement held, after you didn’t call.”

“And you haven’t fucked Serena since

“Ask her, if you want. She’s not
thrilled about that.”

Kitty emitted a soft giggle. “I
suppose not.”

“Any more questions?”

“Who’s Savannah’s father?”

Jared tried to keep tension out of
his voice and his body. “Does that matter?”

“Probably not. Just curious.”

“Thought we talked about you and
your penchant for curiosity. To answer your question, we decided we didn’t want
to know. Now,” he said evenly, “I’m done with Twenty Questions, if you don’t

“Sorry,” Kitty said, finally rolling
over to face him. She placed a hand on each of his cheeks and kissed him

Jared tried not to melt from this
sudden change—Kitty had never kissed with such tenderness.

She nibbled at the corners of his
mouth. “Sorry if I overstepped by prying too much. I’m not trying to judge. And
from what I’ve seen, someone is doing a very good job of parenting with Savannah.”

“Thanks,” he chuckled. “Maybe there’s
an advantage in having three parents.”

Kitty kissed his neck. “There were
many times with Susan that I wished she had three parents concerned about her

Kitty propped her herself on an
elbow and grinned broadly. “I’m sure I deserve a sound spanking for prying so

“You’ve earned it,” he grunted.

“But not now,” she said, “I’m too
bushed even for that. In the morning, if you can wait that long.”

“I can wait,” he growled. “I might
not get to sleep thinking about it, but I can wait.”

“And do you have a woodshed to take
me behind?”

He laughed at her wide-eyed look of feigned
innocence. “The bedroom will do fine. So were you turned on watching Serena
bring herself off?”

“A little,” Kitty admitted. “But so
much was going on I didn’t really pay much attention to her.” She kissed the
tip of his nose. “It was exciting, though, knowing we were being watched. Night-night.”

He hugged her close when she again
turned and pressed her backside against him. He patted her bottom lightly. “Sweet
dreams. Until the morning.”


The next morning, looking much
refreshed, Kitty stepped out of the bathroom and stretched in front of him. Standing
on her toes, she pulled on her nipples. “I’m ready,” she announced. “Where do
you want me?”

“Are you sure?” Jared closed the
distance between them and gathered her in his arms. He trailed his fingers down
her back until he cradled her buttocks.

Kitty snaked a hand between them to
gently squeeze first his balls and then his cock. She leaned back to meet his
gaze. “This guy,” she said, peeking down at his penis, “seems revived.”

She pushed out of his arms and bent
over to plant a kiss on his soft crown. She straightened. “My pussy and mouth
are still sore from yesterday’s play. Perhaps once you have my backside warmed
up enough, you’ll want to let this guy claim my ass again. It’s been a while. I’m
already lubed for him.”

“You do plan ahead. Why don’t you
kneel on the floor and stretch over the bed?”

“That sounds lovely,” Kitty said,
dropping to her knees and crushing her breasts against the bed. She craned her
neck and grinned. “Like this?” She waggled her ass.

“Excellent.” Jared stood beside her
and brushed his fingertips along her back from her shoulder to the crest of her
rump. He repeated that simple gesture several times, watching Kitty’s flesh
quiver with anticipation.

“Are you going to tickle me to death,
or paddle me?”

“Are you trying to tell me what to
do?” He made a show of glowering at her.

“Oh, now I am so scared,” she said,
playing her own game. “Is my cowboy going spank my butt and fuck my ass?”

“Damn.” He smacked her ass and she yelped.
“You sure have a mouth.”

She turned to look at him and smiled.
“I haven’t heard you complaining about my mouth. Are you complaining now?”

Again he slapped her butt before
answering. “I’m not complaining—though you might want to shut up now so I can
concentrate on what I’m doing.”

His palm connected with her right
butt cheek, stinging his hand and no doubt her ass. His hand print was quite
apparent on her soft flesh. “Damn,” he grunted.

“I’m fine,” Kitty purred. “Super. You’re
not going to quit on me, are you?”

“Son of a bitch,” Jared muttered,
rapidly slapping one cheek and then the other. He maintained a steady cadence. At
least that seemed to quiet Kitty. She squirmed her butt some and tossed her
head back and forth. Her ass had turned red under his steady barrage. Perspiration
clouded his vision. Would she ever admit she’d had enough?

“So good,” Kitty yelled. “In my ass,”
she whimpered. “Jared, I need you in my ass.”

Jared nodded and smiled. She
probably wasn’t going to give him any greater praise for paddling her ass to
her liking. He grabbed the lube bottle and applied some to his eager cock
before moving to stand behind her.

She spread her legs, clearly expecting
him to kneel, but he didn’t. Instead, he remained standing and moved up to
straddle her butt. She peeked around when he tapped his cock against her dark

“You wanted to be ridden,” he
explained. “Here I am. Your cowboy at your service.” He didn’t wait for her to
respond but pushed his cock head into her entrance.

“Oh, yes,” she sang out. “You are
going to be so deep.”

He didn’t have long to wait before
she opened for him and he sank farther into her heated channel. She arched her
head back and moaned. “You okay?” he asked.

She nodded. “He’s never been this
deep. Give him a try.”

Jared flexed back on his heels
watching his penis reappear and then he flexed inward, watching it disappear
again. His heart pounded. He wouldn’t last long this time, but he didn’t think
that mattered. He quickened his tempo.

“Oh damn, damn,” Kitty groaned. And
then she began rocking on her knees. “Come on cowboy, ride me.”

Jared settled into a steady pace,
wanting to prolong the inevitable as long as possible, but he couldn’t ignore
Kitty’s shouts: “Ride me. Ride me. Ride me!”

Jared leaned over to dig his fingers
in her shoulders. And then he erupted, spilling into her.

“Yes, ride me. Fill me. Ride me.”

Kitty’s words were softening. Was it
her, or his ears? He continued to spasm inside her as he stretched out across
her back. Her body shook beneath him.

Minutes later, he stood long enough
to gently withdraw from her and then they both collapsed crosswise on the bed.

She stroked his chin and his
mustache. “Magnificent,” she murmured. She giggled.

“Now what?”

“I wish I’d thought of having you
wear your western hat.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Guess
that would’ve been better than spurs.”

“Ouch.” She winced, then sobered. “You
know I’m going to have to go back to Chicago one of these days.”

“Thought you might. But not today.”

“No, not today.”

“I believe Serena is planning a
cookout for tonight. She does think you’re good for me.”

“A lot she knows.” She smirked. “Of
course the real question is, are
good for me?

“I seemed to be a few minutes ago.”

“Umm. Very good.”

“Are you beginning to wonder if we might
have something that could last?”

Her brow furrowed. “Don’t push me,
Jared. Let’s be happy with the moment.”

“Okay. But you have to know I’m
beginning not to like the idea of having moments without you in my life.”

“You’ve just never had a woman who
likes playing as much as I do.”

He leaned back and gave her a
meaningful stare.

“Oh, I forgot. I imagine the redhead
is spitfire in bed.”

Jared chuckled softly. “The two of
you are well matched, actually. Too bad neither of you is into women.”

“Dream on.” She arched an eyebrow. “But
I suppose I’ll have to have a woman to woman talk with Serena to clear the air.
I don’t want anyone to have unrealistic expectations about me...” she
hesitated, “or about us.”


- o -


When Kitty entered Jared’s outer office,
Serena showed no surprise at seeing her visitor. Kitty knew Serena’s routines
well enough to know she wouldn’t leave for another hour or so to drive into
town to pickup Savannah. And Jared was out somewhere on the ranch “taking care
of things.” Probably he didn’t want to be around if she and Serena got into a
catfight. That didn’t seem likely, but then she probably understood women
better than Jared did.

“I’ve been expecting you,” Serena
said politely. “Would you like some coffee or tea? The coffee is decaf, this
late in the day.”

“Then I’ll have some coffee,” Kitty
replied, wanting to keep things friendly. She familiarized herself with the
large outer office while Serena came around her desk to pour coffee. The space
exuded comfort, with a couch and easy chair as well as the more standard file
cabinets and desk. Kitty noticed the toy box in the corner and smiled. “You
have a cute little girl,” she remarked, studying pictures of Savannah. She
chuckled at crayon drawing of what appeared to be a fire eating dragon. “And
she has quite the imagination.”

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