The Best Man (23 page)

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Authors: Adriana Kraft

BOOK: The Best Man
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“It is,” he said, stretching out
between her legs.

She held her vulva open between
thumb and forefinger. “Come and get it,” Serena said, grinning, “pussy is

Jared didn’t hesitate. He dipped his
tongue in the center of Serena’s pinkness. She was already creaming, and he’d
bet neither of them had patience for any more teasing. He’d missed her. He
really had.

“So good,” Serena cooed, pulling on
his ears. “Yes, deeper. Tongue fuck me.”

Jared probed as deep as he could. For
Serena, he knew exactly which buttons to push and he proceeded to push them. Her
squeals were joined by those of Kitty’s.

He caught a glimpse of Seth eating
Kitty only a couple feet away from where he and Serena lay. So they had
followed his lead. He heard Kitty wail, “Glorious. You’re going to make me

Jared chuckled and curled his tongue
higher into Serena.

“That’s it,” she hollered. She
bucked against his tongue as he knew she would. She shifted slightly. He held
his tongue in place, letting her grind against it until she crashed. “Holy
shit!” she screamed, “I’m lost.”

“Drink me, drink me,” Kitty pleaded
with Seth.

Jared had no doubt Seth was
complying with Kitty’s request as she mewed small sounds of pleasure. He rested
his head on Serena’s belly and felt her continuing to nurse aftershocks.

Jared sucked air into his lungs and
opened his eyes to see Seth smiling triumphantly at him as he too caught his
breath waiting for Kitty. His vision in yellow had certainly arranged for very
appealing appetizers for all of them.

His eyes widened when he noticed
that sometime, probably during the throes of orgasm, the women had joined
hands. Their fingers remained intertwined between them as each in her own way
embraced this post climactic glow.

Jared closed his eyes and smiled. Each
woman posed a formidable powerhouse to handle alone. If they joined forces, did
he and Seth stand a chance of surviving?


- o -


Much later, Kitty sat curled in one
of Jared’s living room chairs and watched the three lovers on the carpet. The
three of them seemed to know intuitively what a partner might want or desire. Perhaps
that was a benefit of being long term lovers.

Serena lay astride Jared gliding
slowly back and forth, stroking Jared’s massive cock with her vagina. At the
same time she sucked on her husband’s penis as he knelt beside her.

Kitty shuddered. She knew very well
what Serena was experiencing because she’d been in that same position a little
earlier in the evening. Thank goodness they’d all agreed on not actually
cooking a big meal. They’d done quite fine snacking on cheeses, cold cuts, and
each other.

She hadn’t expected sharing to be
this much fun. She enjoyed watching nearly as much as not—nearly. And it wasn’t
exactly like the observer was left out. Kitty unfolded her legs to begin
lightly tracing the sides of her vulva without taking her gaze off the entwined

Seth pulled away from his wife’s
mouth and stood. He glanced at Kitty while reaching for a condom. “Like you,”
he said, “Serena is quite partial to man sandwiches.”

She nodded and wet her lips and
watched intently as Seth positioned himself between Jared’s legs to nuzzle his
wife’s bottom. Kitty glanced back at Jared. Her mouth fell ajar. He was staring
at Serena with that same kind of brilliance that he sometimes did with her. Serena
nibbled on his lips and Jared preened like a man in love.

Kitty’s mouth went dry. Her hand
stilled on her pussy. She’d seen that look before on Jared. She just hadn’t
interpreted it as a look of love before. Damn, she was in trouble. She’d
responded to that look just like Serena was. Kitty shivered. But she didn’t
love Jared. Serena probably did, but

Serena stopped and winked at her
before saying, “Anytime you’re ready. Looks like someone is enjoying the show.”

Kitty stopped breathing as Seth
pushed his cock into Serena’s ass. Kitty mimicked his movement, shoving her
hand lower until she could widen her own asshole with an index finger.

“That’s right, girl,” Serena said to
her, “join us. Oh my…”

Kitty nodded as Seth completed the
sandwich by sinking all the way into his wife’s ass. Kitty groaned as her
finger slipped in past her knuckle until it could go no farther.

“I could’ve done that for you,”
Jared grunted, slowly thrusting into Serena.

“Too late,” Kitty managed to say. “Another
time. Focus on Serena.”

He nodded and dragged Serena’s mouth
down to his. They exchanged tongues as Seth and Jared began pummeling Serena
alternately with one cock in her ass and one in her pussy. Serena’s eyes rolled
back. She pulled away from Jared’s mouth and roared, “Fuck me!”

Serena was right when she’d said
hearing flesh pound flesh intensified the experience of watching. Kitty drove
her finger in and out of her ass, keeping time with Seth. She sniffed the air,
unable to separate the intermingled scents of perspiration and pleasure. She
couldn’t determine if they were each in their own little erotic world or if
their souls had merged. All she knew was she was about to have a glorious
climax. She dropped her free hand to her clit.

“I’m coming, guys,” Serena wailed.

Kitty’s legs stiffened and her
heartbeat raced as she furiously worked on her ass and clit.

“That’s it!” Serena yelled. “Don’t
hold back.”

“Impossible,” Seth groaned, bucking
into his wife.

Kitty smiled when she saw Jared’s
hips jerking and heard his familiar
son of a bitch.
Did he know he said
that nearly every time he climaxed?

Kitty lurched forward into a pretzel.
She’d been nurturing her orgasm, but this was going to be powerful. She didn’t
stop pushing herself to the edge until she leaped into the abyss. Gingerly she
withdrew her finger, but she remained in place, sitting on the chair with her
head between her knees, gulping for air.

She squeezed her eyes against the
pain and the pleasure. Visions of red vied with those of black. Jared’s look of
adoration flashed before her. She swallowed. She tried to find feeling in her
toes, but couldn’t.

She had no idea how long she
remained like that, seemingly partially paralyzed, before she felt familiar
strong hands massaging her neck.

“You okay?”

Jared’s voice helped bring her back.
“I will be,” she mumbled. “That does feel good.”

At some point, she felt comfortable
enough to open her eyes. Jared stood next to her, continuing to draw small
concentric circles on her shoulders with his finger pads. Serena sat on her
husband’s lap nuzzling his chin.

When Serena noticed her watching,
she said, “Watching can be a turn on too, right?”

Kitty nodded her head and
straightened to a sitting position. “I wasn’t prepared for how much of a turn
on it could be.”

She looked sheepishly at Jared. “I’m
done. I hope no one minds, maybe it’s my age, but I’ve got to get some sleep.”

“We’ll be leaving,” Serena said,
standing and looking around for her clothes. “I have to drive in and pick up
Savannah before noon tomorrow.”

Kitty didn’t have the strength to
get up as she watched Serena and Seth dress. Once dressed, Serena gave her an
odd look before coming over to her.

“This was fantastic. I hope you
enjoyed yourself.” Serena bent down and kissed her cheek. “Can we do this again

Kitty gave the redhead a half smile.
“Spectacular. I hope we can.”

“If we put our minds together, I’m
sure will come up with more opportunities. Good night, guys.”

Serena kissed Jared good night and
Seth leaned down to kiss her good night.

Once the door closed behind them,
Jared pulled her up into his arms and lifted her off her feet. “We need to get
you to bed,” he said, carrying her toward the stairs.

She yawned in his arms. “Thanks. I
don’t know if I’ve ever felt older. Those two could’ve carried on all night.”

Jared chuckled. “From what I saw, I
don’t think either one of us is ready for rockers at the old folks home. But
maybe a decade does make some difference.”

Kitty leaned away from him. “You
mean she isn’t even thirty?”

“Not quite. Don’t worry about it. We’re
all getting older day by day.”

“And tomorrow we’ll be another day

“That’s right. We just have to
decide how we’re going to live each day.”

Kitty drifted, not wanting to deal
with tomorrow until she absolutely had to.


- o -


Jared awoke with a start. He glanced
around in the early morning darkness, unable to determine what had awakened
him. He cast his arm out to caress Kitty.

He jerked to a sitting position. Not
only wasn’t she there, the sheets were cold. “What the hell,” he mumbled, swinging
his legs over the side of the bed.

He headed for the bathroom. Re-entering
the bedroom, he yawned, grabbed a robe and headed downstairs. He’d thought
Kitty would sleep for a week after last night. Maybe she had a craving for
coffee or something.

When he reached the end of the hall
way, he frowned. There was no light on in the kitchen. Hurriedly, he looked
room to room. He called out her name. He slid the patio door open and stepped
outside. The early morning chill slapped his face like aftershave. She wasn’t
in the pool. Kitty had disappeared.

His shoulders sagging, Jared turned
and made his way back to the bedroom. As if sleepwalking, he put on some
clothes. He’d check the stable, though that didn’t seem like a place she’d go

He stepped out the front door and
looked around. Nothing. “Damn,” he muttered. He turned and raced back to the
bedroom. Why hadn’t he thought about checking for her luggage earlier?

He yanked the closet doors open. “Son
of a bitch!” He’d thought she had more spine than this. She’d left him. That
was obvious. She hadn’t even bothered leaving a note.


- o -


Kitty popped another chocolate
covered cherry in her mouth. She winced. She might as well be eating sawdust. Nothing
tasted right anymore, not even her favorite depression treat.

And she didn’t need a shrink to tell
her she was depressed. She’d earned it. Nearly a week had passed since she’d
sneaked out of the adobe ranch house in the wee early morning hours to meet the
cab she’d called after Jared had fallen asleep. No, she hadn’t sneaked off. That
was too grand. She’d slunk off, as if she were the most cowardly beast on

She’d panicked, pure and simple. She
hadn’t been able to shake the image of love on Jared’s face for Serena, but
worse, for her. That look still haunted her. But her own cowardly actions
haunted her even more.

 She’d never had a man look at her
like that before, so maybe she should forgive herself for not at first
recognizing it for what it was. Jared had fallen in love with her. That he also
loved Serena didn’t trouble her at all. What troubled her was…

She popped another chocolate covered
cherry in her mouth and looked frantically around her kitchen. She couldn’t get
away from him. They’d made love in every room of the house. She brushed her
fingers over the end of the kitchen table where she’d lain while Jared had
leisurely eaten her pussy as a midnight snack.

She shook her head, trying to focus
clearly. She resisted the urge to ease the tension in her throbbing pussy. She
pressed her palms against the table top. What troubled her most was, she couldn’t
explain her own feelings.

She missed the damn guy. She’d
always been able to move on quickly to another lover. She never allowed herself
to look in the rearview mirror.

She missed seeing his mustache curl
as he smiled. His soft drawl when he wanted to cajole. His snapping eyes when
she taunted him. His being so completely at ease when he played with Savannah. His pride for his horses. His capacity for dreaming for the future. His apparent
effort to satisfy her in every way possible.

Kitty bit into another cherry and
set it aside half eaten. She shivered and hugged herself. Jared had even
provided her with a second cock. She licked her lips. What else would she ever

Even watching the men with Serena was
enormously provocative and satisfying. What did Serena make of her abrupt
departure? Had Serena ever experienced the kind of fear that threatened to

Kitty remembered the love so
evidently portrayed on Serena’s face encouraging her men to love her. A wave of
jealousy swept through her. Kitty slumped at the kitchen table trying not to
shake. Her efforts proved useless. She quaked and sobbed.

 She pressed her forehead against
the tabletop, letting her body have its way. She drifted, trying to find the
next breath. Images floated behind her closed eyelids.

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