The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (186 page)

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Authors: Steven Pinker

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Note: Page numbers in
refer to figures.
Abilene paradox
abolition of capital punishment
abolition of chemical weapons
abolition of corporal punishment
abolition of nuclear weapons
abolition of slavery
abolition of torture
and crime decline
and infanticide
Abrahms, Max
Abu Ghraib prison
Adams, John
and crime
young men
peer influence in
adoption studies
affirmative action
Soviet invasion of
U.S. war in
independence in
wars in
African Americans:
civil rights of
community actions of
family lives of
and hate crimes
homicide rates of
lynching of
Million Man March
and 1960s decivilization
in prison
racist views of
segregation of
as slaves
violence by
African Union
Against Our Will
Age of Dynasties
Age of Ideology
Age of Nationalism
age of psychology
Age of Reason
Age of Religions
Age of Sovereignty

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