The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) (19 page)

Read The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Online

Authors: Nicolette Pierce

Tags: #mystery, #poker, #the big blind, #Romantic Suspense, #nadia wolf, #Romance, #las vegas, #Suspense, #comedy, #thriller, #nicolette pierce

BOOK: The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)
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“That’s why I make the big bucks.”

I smiled. “By the way, how did Gus climb on the table? He normally can’t jump that high.”

“He was waddling near my feet giving me an evil eye. I finally picked him up and set him on the table. He’s been vegetating there ever since.”

“You picked him up?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I can’t even pick him up.”

“Can you relay that to David the next time you talk to him? Tell him I haven’t gone one hundred percent soft yet.”

I shook my head with a grin and shuffled to the bathroom. By the time I was showered and changed, my breakfast was on the table and Remy was looming in the doorway talking to Greyson. I took a seat in front of my perfectly executed omelet and dug in.

“You weren’t kidding,” I said as I took a bite. “You make a kick ass omelet. It’s all fluffy and cheesy.”

“I told you I can do a few things.” He strolled over, kissed me on the top of the head, and picked up his laptop. “I have to go back to work. I’ll be in touch with you later about Dagor’s location. We can come up with a game plan once we know what casino he’ll be in.”

“Okay. I think I have to work with Lupier today. I should be free later.”

“You’re working with Lupier again? Even after the last performance?”

“I’ve been told I boosted the ticket sales by mooning every one and then lighting myself on fire.” I cut a piece of omelet. “You know, not every one can be as entertaining as I supposedly am.”

“When do you perform?”

“I think Frankie told me tomorrow night.”

“I’ll make sure to buy tickets.”

“Sure, why not. You’ve already seen me make an ass out of myself a handful of times. What’s one more time?”

He cracked a smile and left with Remy. As he was closing the door I heard Remy say, “I don’t even need a ticket. I caught her last performance on YouTube. You should see how many hits it got.”

I would have groaned but I was still wolfing down my omelet.

After the omelet, I gathered Gus from the table and held him in an almost controlled fall to the floor. I only toppled at the very end when he shifted his weight to sniff the omelet smell coming from my hands. My leg crashed to the ground where the bruise on my shin from yesterday’s calamity was already blue and purple. I winced as a zip of pain shot through my leg.

Gus gave me a sideways glance and waddled to his food bowl.

I heaved myself up and made a call to Lupier’s manager to see when they wanted me. I was told Lupier would be in the theater within the hour.


A taxi dropped me off behind the theater. I entered through the backstage door and immediately heard Lupier’s voice echoing from the stage.

“No, you can’t do it that way. You’ll show the audience too much.”

I peeked around the curtain to see an assistant floating vertically upside down so her head was near the stage. Lupier lit a fire under the assistant. My eyes widened as the fire engulfed her. Lupier splashed liquid on the fire to distinguish it. The assistant had vanished.

I clapped. I couldn’t help myself. Lupier’s hard eyes searched for the annoying noise. His eyes caught mine and they glittered.

“Bella, how happy I am to see you. I am going to make you a star.”

I approached him on stage. “As long as I don’t have to be set on fire. I’ve already done that once.”

“No, my bella. I don’t want you to be set on fire or disappear. You are going to take center stage.”

“Do I need to do any thing?”

“You need to be my personal assistant.”

“What does that entail?”

“Mainly to be near me and hand me things and do small tasks, but I do have one special surprise for you.”

“That makes me feel better. I’m sure I can do that. But what’s the surprise?”

He wagged his finger in front of my nose. “I can’t tell you the surprise, bella. Why don’t you go backstage and talk to Yvette. She will set you up with a costume and will go over the show details. Then come back to me and I’ll show you some tips to make the show go smoothly.” I turned to leave but he caught my arm. “You also need to swear that any thing you learn here you won’t share with another living soul. Magicians can’t survive if their secrets are revealed.”

“I promise I won’t tell any one. It wouldn’t be fun otherwise.”

“That’s my bella. I’ll see you in a little while.”

I wandered backstage to find Yvette. Instead, I found a stagehand fixing a curtain.

“Do you know where Yvette is?”

“I believe she’s in the dressing room. Go all the way back and turn left. Go through the doors and once you’re in the hallway it will be the third door on your right.”

I repeated the instructions over and over in my head so I wouldn’t forget. I passed through the doors and found the third door on the right. I brought my hand up to knock on the door but stalled when I heard a muffled sound of a woman. It sounded like she was in pain, but I wasn’t sure. I knocked on the door. A flurry of noises came from the room. After a minute of waiting, a woman with mussed makeup and dark hair flung the door open. Her top was inside out.

“What?” She demanded.

“I, uh, are you Yvette?”

“Yes. What do you want?”

“Lupier sent me back. He said you could get me a costume and show me the ropes.”

She gave me a speculative glance. “Are you Nadia?”

“Yes, I am.”

Her eyes narrowed. “So, you’re the new bella.”

“The new bella?”

She huffed and stepped out of the doorway to let me pass through. As I entered her dressing room, I caught a glimpse of a man standing near a couch at the opposite side of the room. He abruptly moved to the door and pushed past to exit. He looked exactly like Jason Biggs.

“Jason?” I asked.

He stopped in his tracks and peered back. “Nadia? What are you doing here?”

“Lupier hired me for another performance.”

Yvette snorted. “Yeah, like the last one was so great.”

“That’s great you can be in the show again,” Jason said, stepping closer. He hesitated before saying, “Nadia, even though it’s my day off, please don’t tell Greyson you saw me here. I really don’t want my relationships brought up at the office.” His eyes traveled over to Yvette. “I try to keep my work life and private life separate. Yvette and I met while I was working with Lupier and the directors to get the show up and running. We just clicked.”

“Yeah, sure,” I said.

“Thanks, I’ll see you around.” He turned and left.

“Come on,” Yvette grumbled. “Let’s find you a costume.”

She dug through a rack of costumes and chose one. “This might fit you.”

It was a v-neck red sequined jumpsuit that covered my entire body. I smiled. Frankie would have a fit it wasn’t even remotely risqué. There wouldn’t be a moon appearance for this performance.

“Perfect,” I said.

“Let me give you a tour. You don’t have to change into the costume today.”

Between her tour and the not-so-helpful information about Lupier and his obsession with eating pie during sex, I was ready to pack it in and leave. But I still had to work with Lupier. She dropped me off at his side.

“She’s all yours,” Yvette said to Lupier before she retreated.

“Bella, I’m glad you have returned.”

He narrowed his eyes at the assistant he was working with. She slanted her eyes at me and left the stage.

He turned back to me. “Let me show you a few things that might make both our lives easier.”

He brought out a few objects that seemed harmless. There was a pole, a hoop, and some odds and ends. He showed me how to hand each one to him the proper way.

“If you hand it to me like this, then I can move swiftly,” he said, moving gracefully. “Do you see how these little movements can help?”


“They trick the audience’s eyes. I want to teach you how to pass me something that will be undetected by the audience. Part of the trick is to throw focus. It can’t be more than a split second. Any longer and the audience will suspect something.”

He brushed past me. I found myself holding an object I wasn’t holding before. He brushed past me again. This time he had my keys in his hand.

“You see?”

“I didn’t see or feel any thing.”

“Perfecto!” He clapped. “Now you understand what the audience will perceive. Let’s perfect your technique otherwise the show will suffer.”

“Are you sure you want to give me such an important role?”

“You are part of the magic of the show. You need an important role. By the way, what is your favorite pie?”


Chapter 13

It was nearly three hours later when I finally managed to escape from Lupier. I hurried outside to the sidewalk and called Frankie to give me a ride. He answered the phone with a yelp. He was in the middle of a wax and wasn’t able to pick me up.

I stepped out to the curb to hail a taxi. There were none in sight. I needed to fix my car and fast. Maybe Remy could come and pick me up. I vetoed the idea. I couldn’t use Greyson’s limo for my needs. I flipped through my contacts in my phone until I found the taxi company. It’s sad how quickly they became my most used contact.

A black Porsche pulled along side of me. I knew who was inside before he rolled the window down. I bent down to peek inside at Caleb.

“Do you need a ride?” Caleb asked.


“Then why are you standing here?”

“I’m waiting for someone.”

“Do you want to wait in the car? It’s a hundred and ten degrees.”

“I hadn’t noticed,” I said even though my back had beads of sweat trickling down it.

“I’m not leaving until someone picks you up.”

“Whatever floats your boat,” I said. As I dialed the taxi company, I watched Caleb slide out of the car and advance towards me. “Hi, I need a ride. I’m standing on the corner of . . .”

Caleb snatched my phone. “Never mind,” he said. “She just found a ride.” He ended the call and deposited my phone in his pocket.

“Give me my phone back.”

“You’re very stubborn. Once I’ve given you a ride home I’ll give you your phone.”

I blew out an enormous huff of air for effect and plopped down in his car. I was actually relieved for the ride since I’m sure I sweated out a gallon of water in those few minutes.

He slid in behind the driver’s seat. “You’re going home, right? Or do you need to go somewhere else?” He asked as he accelerated the car.

“Just home.”

“How did you get the bruise on your leg?”

“Didn’t your girlfriend tell you?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“My mistake. The forever bachelor.”

He slid a narrow glance. “So, how did you get the bruise?”

“An elevator picked a fight with me.”

“That doesn’t make sense. From the size of the bruise it had to hurt.”

“It hurt like hell.”

“Nadia, we need to talk about what happened.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“We’re going to talk.”

My phone rang in his pocket. He extracted it from its prison and peered at it. Without a word, he stashed it back in the prison, clenching his hands tightly around the steering wheel.

“Who was it?” I asked.

“No one.”

A silent pause ballooned.

“I thought you wanted to talk.”

“I don’t want to talk,” he growled.

I shrugged and relaxed in the seat. A few minutes later, he dropped me off in the parking lot of All Celebrities Chapel. He handed back my phone as I slid out of the car.

“You still owe me a weekend,” he said and zipped out of the parking lot.

I scanned my phone to see a missed call from Greyson.
Now Caleb is mad. I shrugged it off; he deserved it. I rambled through the chapel doors and called Greyson on my way to my apartment.

“We’re on for tonight,” he said. “I found out where Dagor’s going to play. You need to contact David.”

“No need,” I said as I opened the door to my apartment. “He’s here.”

Greyson made a noise of what I could only assume was exasperation. “Tell him he has a wife and to . . . just let me talk to him.”

“Okay,” I said, handing the phone to David. “Greyson wants to talk to you.”

David took the phone. “Yeah?” David listened for a moment and cracked a smile. “You said you want me to take Nadia out on a date?” David winked at me. “Sure, no problem; anything for my brother. Don’t wait up for us.” He hung up the phone and handed it back.

“Were you guys always like this?” I asked.

“You mean giving each other a hard time? Yeah, I can’t remember a time when we didn’t. I’m sure I push his buttons a little bit more.”

“So, what’s up? Why are you here?”

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