The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) (16 page)

Read The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Online

Authors: Nicolette Pierce

Tags: #mystery, #poker, #the big blind, #Romantic Suspense, #nadia wolf, #Romance, #las vegas, #Suspense, #comedy, #thriller, #nicolette pierce

BOOK: The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)
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“I hope I’m not putting you out.”

“Not at all. You’re one of the easiest guests Greyson has had in a while. Some of the women that stay here are extremely demanding and high-maintenance.”

I blinked. A raw, angry sensation burned behind my eyes.
Some of the women that stay here
. . . is it a revolving door that some how sucked me in? I ground my teeth.

Mya fixed her large round eyes on me. “Nadia, are you okay?”

Was that his motive for watching me? Just one more woman rotating through the door? Someone that will amuse him for awhile?

“I’m fine,” I said, regaining my composure. “I just have a little headache from the bump on my head.”

I needed to let this go. I knew what Greyson was when I met him. He didn’t have the time nor desire for a relationship, and I’m not prepared to have one with him either. So, why did I want to punch him in the nose?

“Do you need some aspirin or something?”

I gave my best shot at a smile. “No, thank you. I don’t think aspirin will cure this headache.”

“Open the bag and see what I picked out for you.”

I opened the bag and peeked in. I pulled out a white t-shirt that read, “It’s Vegas. Shake it!” written across the chest in fluorescent pink glitter and a picture of dice. The shorts were exactly the same, but the caption was on the rear.


“I didn’t have much of a choice. It’s cute.”

“Would Greyson’s other women wear this?”

“I think most of them would.”

My eye twitched. I breathed in a deep breath, but it didn’t calm me. I was in his complete control. I would have gone as far as he would have asked me. Now to find myself amongst a harem made my skin crawl. He was no better than Caleb. I cringed. They both had me in the palm of their hand. Well not anymore!

“Thank you for bringing me these clothes, Mya. Can you tell Greyson I’ll be ready in a minute?”

“Sure, I’ll see you later. I have to return to my station anyways,” she said, leaving the room.

I slipped on the tiny outfit and walked out to the living room. Greyson was relaxing on the couch with his laptop. He was still shirtless, and the button on his relaxed jeans was undone. I winced with longing as I steeled myself against his careless magnetism. He peeked up from his laptop as I entered the room.

A smile crept onto his face. “That’s what Mya picked out for you?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“I like it.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t doubt that.”

“Let me change and then we can go to breakfast.”


Greyson stood up and set his laptop on the end table. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading into the bedroom. I made sure he was out of sight before I slipped out the door and into the hallway. A tip-toe run led me to the elevator. My foot tapped impatiently for the elevator. Once on the casino floor, I fled to the front door. I spotted Remy with the limo at the entrance. He’d give me away if he spotted me.

A group of tourists were heading to a motor coach idling near the door. I joined the group and followed them to the bus. As soon as I neared the bus door, I veered off and jogged to the sidewalk. A hand grabbed my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

“What’s going on?” Remy said as he turned me to face him.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I see you sneaking out the door with a pack of tourists just as I answer a call from Greyson to keep my eye out for you. What’s going on?”

“Don’t you dare tell him you saw me.”

“I’ll decide that.”

I narrowed my gaze. “This is between Greyson and me. Don’t get in the middle.”

“If this is between you and Greyson, then you should be discussing it with him instead of running away.
it’s my job to get in the middle.”

“I’m not running away.”

He studied me with an arched brow.

“I need some space right now. Let me go.”

“Give me one good reason.”

“Because . . .” I tried to think of something that wouldn’t give Remy too much information. I couldn’t see how I could
give a convincing reason on top it. I narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to counter my excuse. “I have to feed Gus.”

“Nadia, though your cat is scary, you know that’s not the reason.” Remy’s cell phone rang. He read the caller ID. “It’s Greyson. Have you thought of a good reason yet?”

I grabbed the phone from his hand and answered the call. “Greyson, tell Remy to let me go, or I’ll call the police and give them information you might not want me to share.” I shoved the phone back at Remy.


Remy ended the call and backed off. I turned and hailed a taxi.


I shut the door to my apartment and sunk into the couch next to Gus. He grunted as I scratched him behind his ear.

“What the hell did I just do, Gus?”

He didn’t answer.

“I think I made a huge mistake. Should I have left like that?”

“I wouldn’t let it bother you,” a man said behind me. “Greyson can take care of himself.”

I jumped from the couch and swung around. “You!”


Chapter 10

I studied the man standing before me. He was the same one that made the cameo appearances in the security monitor and footage. He was tall, lean, and familiar somehow. His hair was dark, and he had a hard handsome quality to him. His eyes were steel gray like Greyson’s.

“Holy shit!” I was standing in front of Greyson’s missing brother. “You’re David!”

He smiled showing his perfectly straight white teeth. “What gave it away?”

“Your voice, your handsome cologne-model features, and the way you carry yourself; but it’s your eyes that sealed it.”

“Ah yes, the family gray eyes.”

“Why are you here? Am I supposed to be afraid of you?” I was too stunned and curious to feel any real danger.

“You mean you’re not afraid of a stranger standing in your living room?”

“Not really. You’re Greyson’s brother, and I’m too exhausted.”

He smirked. “I hope my brother didn’t keep you up all night.”

I glared at him. “Don’t even start. I have to stay awake for twenty-four hours. It has nothing to do with Greyson.”

“He didn’t even try anything? I thought I taught him better.”

“You taught him enough; I refuse to talk about this further. What do you want?”

“Should I be afraid of you? You have a punching bag in your room and a lack of fear of strangers.”

“It’s for pent up hostility from the poker table.”

“Do the clothes draped on it help or hinder the expulsion of your hostility?”

“Hinder. Which is why I’m still hostile.”

“Good to know,” he said and relaxed on my couch.

“What do you want from me?” I settled into a chair opposite of him. “Why aren’t you talking to Greyson?”

“Greyson’s movements are always being watched. He has cameras everywhere, and his people know where he is at all times.”

“You already broke into the cash room. You don’t seem to be worried about cameras.”

“I did that for evidence. I allowed the camera catch me so Greyson would figure it out. I can’t, however, keep letting the camera catch me.”

“What’s with the hand signal in the camera?”

“We had secret hand signals when we were kids. Greyson knows what it means.”

I arched my eyebrow. “So, you’re trying to help Greyson?”

“Yes, but I need you to relay my messages.” He eyed Gus who was lying on the cushion next to him. “What’s wrong with him? Last time he attacked me.”

“He was on a diet, but I gave up. Why can’t you call Greyson yourself?”

Gus glared at me when I said “diet”. He attempted to curl himself into a ball but couldn’t with all the extra stomach. He settled for a horseshoe shape and sighed.

“I don’t want you to call him. You have to give him the messages in person.”

“Absolutely not.”

“I need your help.”

“I’m not getting involved.”

“You’re already involved.”

I tapped my foot. “I don’t see why you can’t call him.”

“I think some one is tapping into his phone calls.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t there be some kind of bug in his penthouse?”

“I’m sure there is.”

“And his limo?”

“Most likely.”

“Why don’t you ask him to meet you somewhere else?”

“Because I need you.”

I studied his face. “You’re afraid of him.”

“It’s not that simple.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why did you disappear for two years?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“The way I see it, you’re either in hiding or working on some sort of secret case. Otherwise, you wouldn’t go missing and then reappear now. You couldn’t tell Greyson or the rest of your family, and now you’re afraid Greyson will kick your ass for disappearing and not telling him.”

He smirked. “Something like that.”

“Is the reason you disappeared have anything to do with the counterfeit money?”

“No, it has nothing to do with it. But it makes it even more important that I keep a low profile.”

I crossed my arms. “You haven’t been keeping a low profile so far.”

“I only let you see me when I want you to.” He stretched out his long legs making himself at home.

“You mean you’ve been around me before and I haven’t seen you?”

He nodded and scratched Gus behind the ear.

“You’re not making your case any better.”

“Listen, Greyson needs help whether he knows it or not. I can’t help him without blowing my cover. Please do this for me.”

“Why me? Why not Mya?”

“I can’t let her know. I believe she’s being watched as well. Speaking of Mya, did she pick that outfit out for you? It doesn’t resemble the style I’ve seen you in.”

I groaned. “She was doing me a favor. My clothes were drenched, and she bought these from the boutique.”

David nodded. “It has Mya written all over it.” His lips curled. “It works for you. I’m sure Greyson had an eyeful.”

I ignored the remark about Greyson. “Mya is a sweetheart. How could you leave her?”

His eyes softened. “Believe me, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I can go home to Mya sooner if you help me.”


He sighed. “You ask a lot of questions.”

I opened up my mouth to argue, but he raised his hand to stop me.

“I’m working on something right now. I can’t say anything about it, but I always keep an eye out for my family. I had gotten wind of some dirty money coming from Greyson’s casino. I came back to find out for myself. I took a big risk coming here.”

“Tell me what you know.” It appeared I was already involved and was going to be riding this train wreck until the very end.

“I know the money is fake and not done professionally. I’m surprised it hasn’t caught up to Greyson yet.”

“Do you know how it’s filtered into the building?”

“I don’t know. I’m still figuring it out.”

I relaxed in my chair. “Greyson watched all the footage, but some of it is missing.”

David nodded. “That makes sense. Does he have any idea who it might be?”

“He knows it was an inside job. There was a guy hired and paid by the casino, but Greyson said there was no way he would have hired him.”

“I figured as much. So, you’ll help me?”

“I’ll help you for Mya’s sake, but no one else.”

He smiled. “I’m glad Mya has a friend like you.”

“Yeah, just hurry up and come back home so she can dump her jackass boyfriend.”

He chuckled. “You really do have some pent up hostility.”

“Aren’t you mad she’s dating?”

“Of course I am, but I knew what was going to happen when I left. She’s a beautiful and vibrant woman. It would be ignorant to think she would wait for me. I’m actually very happy she waited as long as she did.”

“Well, fortunately for you, she’s still hung up on you.”

David smirked. “The Miller’s tend to have that affect.”

I scoffed at him. “I haven’t seen anything to make me believe that.”

Amused, he raised his eyebrow. “You know what they say about pets and their owners, don’t you? You’re starting to resemble Gus, or is it the other way around?”

I stood abruptly. My hands flew to my hip. I was about to give him a stern what-for when he laughed.

“Seriously, you’re too easy to rattle. Come here.”

I stood my ground. My eyes followed him as he stood up and strolled into my bedroom. He returned a short while later with my boxing gloves.

“Put them on,” he said.

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