The Bigger They Are… (Lovers on the Fringe, Book Two) (5 page)

BOOK: The Bigger They Are… (Lovers on the Fringe, Book Two)
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She paused. “Convention.”

His lips curved. He knew the reason for that blush. “The
Star Trek

Her chin kicked up and she looked him straight in the eyes, as if daring him to make fun of her. “Best week of my life. I met William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.”

He settled back into the couch with a full-blown smile. “I met them
Patrick Stewart and Marina Sirtis. Always had a thing for Deanna Troi. And Nana Visitor. I think it was the ridges.”

Her expression was a revelation. She looked at him as if he’d told her she could wear a red shirt and get a walk-on role in the next film.

God bless J.J. Abrams for ensuring there would be a next film.

Then she started to babble.

About how she’d been a fan since she was eight. How her cousin, a proto-geek who’d been building computers before most people had known they existed outside of top-secret government facilities, had introduced her to the classic series on VHS tapes that he stored in space bags so they weren’t overexposed.

How her parents had spent nearly a thousand dollars to buy her the entire series of classic,
Next Gen
when they first came out on disc because she’d wanted them more than she’d wanted a car.

How she’d chosen her senior prom dress because it’d reminded her of one of the dresses in the
Mudd’s Women
episode. How she’d loved that they’d finally gotten a female captain in Janeway and how disappointed she’d been when the show had been canceled.

He lost track of the conversation a few times because the sound of her voice mesmerized him.

Good thing he knew his
, because he was able to weave in and out of the conversation without losing points for not listening. And he was listening.

Really, he was.

Okay, mainly he was watching her mouth. How she’d pause for a few seconds after every couple of sentences, waiting for him to respond, which he would. And then she’d smile when he said the right things, and keep talking.

Which really wasn’t a problem except he really wanted to kiss her.

So he was ready the next time. Watching for the pause, he was moving as soon as she started to draw in that breath.

He bent his head and stole a kiss.

Although, he didn’t think it was stealing if she didn’t seem to mind him taking it.

She didn’t freeze, didn’t pull away. Her lips remained soft and pliant under his but she didn’t return the kiss and he pulled back before he scared her.

As he put more distance between them, he held his breath, watching as her eyes slowly opened and stared up into his.

She looked shocked.

Shit. That wasn’t what he’d—

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her lips crushed against his.

She kissed him, hard. Her mouth moved against his with an enthusiasm that made him groan and pull her forward.

Her breasts pressed against his chest as he lifted her closer, her legs spreading so her knees settled on either side of his hips. With their height difference, she still had to tilt her head back to keep their lips locked.

His hands molded to her back as her mouth ravaged his. And damn, the woman could kiss. Her lips were warm and mobile and soft against his. He’d never been kissed so well that he was content in the moment to let their lips mingle and mesh.

Usually, he wanted to move on to the
getting naked and getting laid
portion of the evening’s festivities. Followed by the inevitable
sorry, gotta go, call ya later

He had the feeling he wasn’t going to want to say sorry, gotta go all that soon to this woman.

Drawing in a breath, he let the sweet scent of vanilla from her hair and the peach from her skin sink into his lungs. He swore he could taste those flavors on her lips and wanted to feast on her as if she were dessert.

Then she opened her mouth and let her tongue stroke across his lips.

And he swore he saw rainbows flash behind his eyelids.

His groan echoed through the room, probably loudly enough to wake the rest of the guests, though he wasn’t sure anyone else had returned from the Mystyk yet.

It wouldn’t be long before someone found them, making out like a couple of teenagers.

Although what he wanted to do to this woman went way beyond making out. He had an image in his head of Jenna tied naked to his bed.

For some strange reason, he also had a vision of her in a short-skirted red Starfleet uniform and no panties as she sat on his lap on the deck of the Enterprise NCC-1701.

His cock throbbed behind the zipper of his jeans, and his hands moved up her back until he could sink one into the soft hair at her nape. He let his fingers wind through the short strands until he had a firm grip. He wouldn’t hurt her but he had a primal need to hold her tighter.

And she appeared to like it.

Her low moan made every hair on his body stand on end and he strained toward her even as she inched closer.

The height difference forced her head back even farther and he knew that had to be uncomfortable.

Besides, they were sitting in a common room where anyone could walk in.

And knowing the people who stayed here, they’d have no problem sitting down and starting a conversation while he had his tongue down Jenna’s throat and his hands up her shirt.

He thought about saying something like, “Hey, Jenna, would you like to take this somewhere more private?” But the words got lost in the wet heat of her kiss.

He didn’t want to stop kissing her long enough to speak. He was almost afraid she’d come to her senses, take one look at him and run screaming for her room.

Then again, the way her fingers dug into his shoulders like a mountain climber’s spikes heading up Everest, she didn’t seem to be thinking about anything but kissing him back.

And what a boost to the morale that was.

She wanted him. All seven feet and two hundred fifty pounds of him.

If he ever got her in bed, missionary position was out.

Of course, he wouldn’t be complaining when he was lying on his back watching her ride him.

Probably getting ahead of yourself there, hoss.

But now that the image was there, he couldn’t shake it.

He groaned into her mouth, his hands wrapping around her waist as he urged her closer against him.

She didn’t need much encouragement. In fact, she shimmied even closer.

And Andy had a brief moment to wonder when the piano might fall on his head before Jenna broke away with a little gasp and opened her eyes to stare into his.


Wow was right. At least, he hoped she was having the same wow moment he was. Like, “Oh wow, that was a totally awesome kiss, let’s go upstairs where I will rip off all your clothes and ride you like a Christmas pony”.

And not, “Oh wow, I can’t believe I just sucked face with a guy who could bench press a car and might possibly be the love child of Andre the Giant and Brad Pitt”.

All right, maybe Robert Redford. He’d never been a Pitt fan. Dude had way too many kids and Angelina scared the shit out of him. She had more ink than he did, which wasn’t saying much because Andy only had one tattoo on the inside of his wrist because that sucker had

He wanted to ask what that wow meant but he knew he shouldn’t open his mouth. Knew he should wait until she said whatever was on her mind, because she definitely had something on her mind.

Keep your mouth shut. Be smart for a change.

Hell, who was he kidding? He
the guy who bench-pressed the occasional Cadillac if it happened to be in a parking space he wanted. And he enjoyed scaring the shit out of city folk who moved to the country and made the mistake of thinking there really wasn’t anything that went bump in the night.

“Would you like to continue this in my cabin?”

She paused and he swore he saw her brain working. Then she took a deep breath, as if she’d made a momentous decision.

“I would love to continue this in your cabin.”

Not waiting for her to change her mind, he stood, making sure he kept her in his arms. Her eyes widened but she wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her arms around his neck.

“I didn’t know there were cabins.”

He walked through the house, ducking so he didn’t knock his head on the doorjambs until he got to the kitchen. “A few. And they’re not that far from the house.”

Her mouth curled up at the corners as she looked up into his eyes. He wanted to stop and stare, those eyes were so pretty—


Pain splintered through his brain as the top of his head hit the ceiling fan light. Jenna hissed in sympathy and her face screwed up in an adorable frown.

“Are you okay?” She lifted her hand to rub her palm over the sore spot on his head. He nearly tripped over his feet as he trembled and he had to force his legs to keep going forward.

She started to shake and he clutched her closer.

“Hey, are
okay, Jenna?”

Had he hurt her? What the hell—

She burst out laughing and the sound got inside him and lit that fire even hotter.

“I’m so sorry.” She put her hand over her mouth but her eyes shone. “I shouldn’t be laughing when you’re in pain.”

“What pain? You laugh and it disappears.”

Her laughter cut off and she blinked up at him. He was pretty sure those eyes were going to be his downfall.

“Wow. That’s…wow.” Her tongue peeked from between her lips for a brief second. “Please don’t take this the wrong way…”

He tensed, sure she was about to tell him to put her down and get lost.

“But I think you should go a little faster.”

Faster. Yes. He could do faster.

As Jenna wound her arms around him and rested her head against his shoulder, he made it out the back door and down the path to his cabin without dropping her or tripping over something. He wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d actually stepped on his tongue.

Kicking the door closed behind him, he almost expected her to turn shy on him, or at the least, make him continue the seduction.

But he’d barely loosened his hold on her, ready to set her back on her feet, when she tightened her legs and took his mouth in a sinful kiss.

Chapter Four


Jenna let herself drown in the heat of Andy’s mouth.

She’d never kissed a guy like this before. With her entire concentration. It made her crave him with an intensity she’d never experienced.

Her hands gripped his broad shoulders before sliding down to his hard biceps. God, the man was built like a… Well, like a god.

Her breasts pressed against the solid wall of his chest. Her legs remained wrapped around his waist, her thighs registering the tight flex of muscles there.

She couldn’t wait to get him stripped down so she could run her hands along those tight, powerful muscles.

Her brain had a moment to think,
Are you really going to do this
? Which her body answered with a resounding,
Hell, yeah

She was already wet and achy for him. And despite his size, he’d been so careful with her.

If he was going to hurt her, he’d had ample time. But she sensed absolutely no danger from him. And working in the city, she’d acquired a well-developed danger antenna.

Here…now, all she felt was lust.

She slid her hands to his back, bunching his shirt in her fingers and pulling it up. She knew she’d have to release him to get it over his head but her legs weren’t getting with the program. They wanted to cling.

Compounding matters, her pelvis rocked forward, rubbing against his stomach, pressing the seam of her jeans into her clit. Yes, right there.

She moaned into his mouth. She wanted his big, blunt fingers right there, pressing the exact same way. Wanted to feel the heat of his skin against hers.

Wanted to see what he looked like naked and spread out on the ocean-sized bed she’d noticed before she’d attacked him.

Okay, maybe attack was a little harsh but that was how she felt.

She wanted to tear off his clothes, fling him on the bed and pounce.

It was almost like a compulsion, as if she’d been put under a spell. But she, the levelheaded sibling in the Durham family, did not believe in magic. This was pure, old-fashioned lust.

Finally, she unclenched her legs and let them straighten. Andy immediately set her on her feet, his hands tightening on her waist before he released her completely.

Now she looked up until she could look into those dark-blue eyes that stared back so intently.

She saw lust held in check, waiting for her signal to be released.

She reached for his belt buckle, figuring he’d get the hint.

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