The Bigger They Are… (Lovers on the Fringe, Book Two) (6 page)

BOOK: The Bigger They Are… (Lovers on the Fringe, Book Two)
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He got the hint.

He reached for her shirt, gripped the hem and tugged up. Since she was busy with his belt, he didn’t get it very far. And she wasn’t about to lift her arms until that buckle surrendered. And it would surrender.

As her fingers fumbled, Andy’s grew more sure. He lifted her shirt as far as he could get it then stroked his fingertips along her sides.

She nearly melted from the heat. Then she shivered with desire. Okay, maybe she could give the belt a pass for the moment because Andy had magic fingers.

He played them up and down her sides, raising goose bumps and her body temperature. Each time he moved them up, he got closer to touching her breasts. And each time, he stopped just short.

She wanted— No, she
those huge hands on her. On her naked skin. Which meant he’d have to use those hands to strip her.


“I love your voice.”

Oh wow. And she loved his, that dark, husky tone that made her insides quake and made her think of dark, thick chocolate dripped all over that broad chest so she could lick it off.

“Then listen to me and take my clothes off.”

That quick grin of his surfaced and she nearly had to cross her legs to make sure she didn’t leap at him.

“Lift your arms.”

She did what he wanted because she wanted the same thing.

With her arms straight up, Andy grabbed the hem of her shirt and stripped it over her head then unclipped her bra so when she put her arms down, it slid off.

When Andy put his hands on her breasts, the sensation nearly made her come. His fingers plucked at her nipples, sending bolts of pleasure straight to her clit. Her lips parted to take in more air for her oxygen-starved brain but Andy bent his head to seal her mouth with his. The angle was awkward, though, because the man was so tall and he pulled back.

Which gave her the opportunity to get back to that belt buckle. As he yanked his shirt over his head, she finally got the buckle to cooperate so she could unbutton his jeans and—

She actually froze for a brief second to admire the perfect proportions of the man’s sex. Not grotesquely huge but large enough for her to say a quick thank-you to Santa Claus for finally answering her wish and bringing her a man with a cock that could give her vibrator a run for its money.

Andy’s erection stood proud and strong and stiff enough to hang a flag on it. Or make a girl very happy.

With one hand on his chest, she pushed him back toward the bed until the back of his knees hit the mattress and he went down like a tree. Good thing the bed was huge. And sturdy.

Then he smiled at her and held out his hand. “Come here, Jenna. Climb on.”

She didn’t need a second invitation. Shedding her shoes, socks, pants and underwear—thank God she’d worn black satin instead of white cotton—she climbed onto the bed then knelt by Andy’s side.

So much man. Where should she start?

Apparently at his cock, because her fingers had already wrapped around the iron-hard shaft and begun a slow, sensuous glide. Up. Down. His skin, silky soft, warmed against her fingers. The underside was particularly soft and she let her fingers play over that spot again. A smile curved her lips when Andy groaned and his eyes rolled back in his head.


She loved hearing him say her name. Loved knowing she was the one who made his hands clench into fists in the bed quilt.

Tightening her hand around him—and sighing when she realized her fingers didn’t meet—Jenna slipped her other hand between his legs to cup his heavy balls.

He hissed in a breath and her hands froze as her gaze flashed to his face. Had she hurt him—

“Jenna, Jesus, don’t stop.”

The impassioned plea in his voice sent a shiver through her, making her nipples harden into throbbing points and her sex clench, almost painful in its intensity.

She’d never wanted anyone as much as she wanted Andy and knowing she was going to have him made her want to put off the actual act just a little while longer.

Sweet, sweet torture. Andy’s wide chest rose and fell in a ragged rhythm and she leaned forward until she could nip at one flat nipple.

“Ah, shit.”

Andy shuddered as she did the same to the other then bit her way down his chest to his stomach until her lips were millimeters away from the firm, wide head of his cock.

She swore his breath stopped as she pressed a kiss to the tip in preparation for taking him inside. But Andy rolled to the side and she had a second’s doubt before he reached into the bedside table and came back with a condom, which he held out to her.

Torn for a brief moment between not wanting to let him go and getting to the really good stuff, she grabbed the condom and sheathed him, making sure to tease him as she rolled it on.

When she had him covered, she sat back to survey the manscape, her smile growing wider by the second.

She contemplated slinging her leg over his hips and just riding him like a cowgirl. He must have read her mind, because he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her right where she wanted to be.

Which was spread over his hips.

Her lungs felt starved for air as Andy pulled her down while she pulled his cock back, handling him with as much care as he held her.

She thought about teasing him some more but decided she didn’t want to wait. She needed to sink down onto all that firm flesh, take it in then ride him until they both came.

With her gaze on his, she lowered her hips until the tip met her sex. Already wet, she slicked the broad head of his cock with her juices, teasing them both with the heady sensation. Shivers ran through her, causing her sheath to tighten and pulse, already so close to climax, she was almost embarrassed.

But the way Andy stared at her, the way his gaze was glued to hers instead of her body, watching her reactions, obliterated everything but the desire.

Slowly, she sank, hissing a little as he stretched her, silently praising his girth because god knew she didn’t want to say anything stupid aloud but, damn, he felt amazing.

She sank until they were fully joined, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head. They sat there, the only sound their heavy breathing.

Then Andy shifted his hips and tiny fireworks began to pop and sizzle in her lower body. With his strong arms, he lifted her as his hips withdrew, his cock sliding from her until only the tip remained. Then he let gravity do its thing and Jenna decided she was going to worship Isaac Newton, just as soon as she could think again.

Andy started to increase the pace, the muscles in his arms bunching and releasing, providing a stimulating visual that engaged her brain and her body in the act.

It was his expression, though, that made her nearly incoherent with lust. He looked just as lost as she felt. His eyes glazed and barely open, his lips parted. Each finger a brand on her skin.

Sensation built until she felt like a bottle of soda, corked and shaken until she couldn’t contain the pressure any longer. She tried to hold on, tried to retain that edge but…

She exploded, her hands reaching for his wrists as he let her sink until he was buried deep inside, pulsing through his own release.

And when she couldn’t hold herself up anymore, he drew her down onto his chest.

Wow. That was… Wow.

Chapter Five


I really should get out of here.

Jenna stared at the wall of the Andy’s cabin, intensely aware of the heavy arm he had around her waist.

Heavy, but not unwelcome.

Actually, she really liked it.

She liked how big he was. How she felt so completely surrounded by him when they curled together like this. The man gave off enough heat to keep her warm if they were stranded on the ice planet of Hoth. She liked that too.

So why, exactly, should she leave?

She’d had the best sex of her life last night. With a man she’d met only minutes before she’d torn off his clothes.

She should be embarrassed. She didn’t do things like this.

But, oh my. It had been amazing.

Or…maybe she’d just been depriving herself and last night hadn’t been as good as she’d thought.

She sighed. No, that definitely wasn’t it.

So why did she have the overwhelming urge to leave before he woke?

Behind her, Andy shifted and all that naked skin rubbed against hers and she swore she was going to melt.

The arm currently cushioning her head moved lower until he wrapped it around her shoulders, drawing her even closer. She wriggled against him until she felt the wiry hair on his legs brush against the skin of her butt, forcing her to stifle a lusty sigh.

Which became that much harder to do when the arm around her waist tightened and one huge hand engulfed her breast.

Heat shot through her as her head angled back. Behind her, Andy nuzzled her before he opened his mouth and bit the tender part of her neck where it joined her shoulder.

Geez, this was better than an alarm clock any day. And that firm, hot cock pressing against her butt cheek… She wanted to spread her legs and take him inside.

What happened to leaving?

No way was she leaving now, not when things were just getting interesting.

“Good morning.”

His words rumbled through his chest and vibrated against her back, making her shiver with anticipation.

“Good morning.”

“How did you sleep?”

Considering how little sleep she’d gotten, she was amazed at how great she felt. Usually if she didn’t get at least six hours, she felt like roadkill.

Not this morning.

She felt…vivid. Alive. Horny.

Amazingly horny.

Who knew it would take a seven-foot blond god to light up her libido?

About to roll over and see just how much better she could feel this morning, she stopped when she heard the unmistakable ring of her cell phone. She knew it had to be hers because she didn’t think Andy had the theme from
as one of his ringtones.

Having a brother who knew his way around a computer editing program did occasionally come in handy.

Except that was Joss’ specific ringtone.

“Do you have to get that?” Andy pressed closer, making it clear he would be more than happy to take her mind off whatever Joss wanted. She stifled a groan. What could Joss possible want this early—

Wait, it wasn’t this early in Scotland. It was actually probably midafternoon. Maybe something had happened? What if the money had fallen through and he was stranded somewhere in Great Britain? What if—

“Jenna, are you okay?”

Damn it, she really wished she could say yes to that and mean it.

“Yes, I’m fine. I just need to answer that.”

With a sigh, she slid away from Andy, from the heat of his body and the temptation of all that naked flesh.

Which of course meant he could see her in all her naked glory. She didn’t have many hang-ups about her physical appearance. She kept in shape and if she had a few more pounds than she wanted, at least she carried them in her breasts and ass. Both of which Andy didn’t seem to have a problem with.

Still, she reached for Andy’s shirt on the floor and pulled it over her head even as she reached her pants and grabbed the phone from the pocket. “Hey, Joss, what’s up? Is everything okay?”

“Jenna, where are you?”

She frowned. Her brother sounded worried. Joss never worried. Not when he was lost in some state park in Maine in the middle of winter and definitely never about her. He knew she was steady as a rock.

Except, the proof of the decaying bedrock of her stable life was still in the bed they’d nearly destroyed last night.

“Um, I’m at that little B&B in Tioga we talked about. Remember, we discussed this trip before you left.”

She didn’t want to say too much because she didn’t want Andy to overhear anything. Especially not anything that might make her sound as if she was chasing crackpot cryptids, like her brother.

“You actually went? Damn, Jenna, for the first time I was hoping you’d ignored me. Doesn’t matter. You gotta get out of there. And fast.”

A shiver ran up her back at Joss’ anxious tone. “What are you talking about? You’re not making any sense. First you tell me I have to do…something for you and now—”

“Now I’m telling you to go home. Right now. I don’t have time to go into everything, but you need to get out of that town. Now.”

“Joss, slow down—”

“I can’t. We’re getting ready to board the plane and we’re going to get cut off. And they’re confiscating our cells.”

“I thought you’d already left for Loch Ness?”

“Change in plans. Look, Jenna, if you trust me at all, please just go home. There’s nothing there. I was totally wrong. Just go.”

Now he was really starting to freak her out. “Are you okay, Joss? Did you hit your head or something? Do you have a fever, nausea? Did something bite you? Did you eat something you shouldn’t have?”

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