The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress (11 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress
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“It’s late Mina…I understand that you are living on the Dupris estate”.

Mina had nodded her head softly, frowning as she had looked at the time giving a small groan seeing that it was nearly 1:00 in the morning.

“Yes…But if you don’t mind Alice, I would like to move in tomorrow. I want to be with my mother as much as possible”

Patting her arm softly the nurse had nodded.

“Well I am sure that she would appreciate having you here” her face kindly, as she had walked with her to her car.

At the villa, Nikos had once more paced the room, his eyes again looking at the clock. Frowning he had wondered for the thousandth time where she was, what was happening, his only information being from the Team lead who had informed him that her mother was comfortable and doing well.

Moving over to pour himself a drink, he had flicked another look at his mobile phone, tempted to call her, knowing that he couldn’t. She had enough to deal with. She didn’t need his constant interference. With a sigh, his mind had once more flashed to the last time he had seen her that morning, everybody waving Dina off to school, Mina radiant with her large smile as she had laughed at him, her eyes sparkling, the joke he had already forgotten as once more he had needed to hold down the way his body had responded to her.

The opening of the door had brought him around quickly. Moving from the study he had seen as she had already ascended half-way up the stairs.

“Mina!” he had called, seeing as she had froze at his voice, her back stiffening as she had not turned around.

“It’s…it’s fine Nikos” she had managed, so aware of the quiver on her voice.

“Thank you for everything…you have no idea what being able to stay in the Villa means to my mother”.

Moving to the stairs himself he had gently spoken.

“Are you OK?”

Seeing as she had nodded her voice breaking as she had moved quickly up the stairs to her room.

“I’m fine…please I just need some sleep…sorry Nikos please…I’ll speak with you in the morning”.

She had then ran the rest of the way, pushing the door of her room open to escape from him, to find the peaceful solitude of her room, where she could really let go of all of the emotions rushing through her.

Sinking down onto her bed, she had finally let the sobs tear through her, as her heart had broken. Hearing the soft tapping on her door, she had pulled herself up, dashing away the tears as she had tried to pull herself together enough to answer, her voice coming out shaky and higher than normal “Yes?” the sound of Nikos, raising panic within her. Of all people she did not want him to see her so upset.

“Are you OK Mina?”

“I…I’m fine” she had managed the tremor in her voice still audible “Please…..just …leave me alone” her hands frantically wiping the tears which flowed down her stricken face.

“I’m coming in” his determined voice had made her groan, as the door had opened, Mina turning so that he would not see her face. Looking down at the bed she had coughed softly, trying to sound calm, despite the pain and hurt which invaded every part of her.

“I said I was fine Nikos, please just leave me alone…I’m tired”.

She had heard the sound of his footsteps moving closer to her, wishing that he would just go and leave her to her heartache. Nikos had stopped before Mina, watching as she had kept her head down, her face turned away from him. Still the tears on her cheek were visible as he had paused unsure what to do.

“What happened Mina?” he had asked softly, seeing as her shoulders had begun to shake gently as she had lost control once more.

“P…please just go” she had stammered, as with a soft sigh he had squatted down before her and pulled her into his arms, feeling as hers had flown around his neck, her head burying itself deeply into his shoulder, her small body wracked with heartrending sobs.

For several minutes he had just held her, his hand softly stroking her hair as she had released all of the pent up hurt deep within. Finally the tears had subsided as she had pushed herself gently from him, the back of her hand dashing the tears away as she had tried to compose herself. Finally sitting straight, her hands clasped on her knees with Nikos still hunched level with her she had spoken, her voice full of despair and anger.

“Six months they told me. They said that she had up to six months” her voice cracking as she had bitten her lip before continuing.

“I know that it was up to….but I wanted that time Nikos. I wanted every single day…and now….” the sentence left unfinished as she had finally looked up at him her soulful eyes full of such despair “What will I do without her?”

Nikos had groaned gently, taking in the tear-streaked face, bleary red eyes and the reddened lips which quivered with such vulnerability and he had gently cupped her face.

“You will go on Mina, and you will make her proud. Because that is who you are”.

His words had shocked Mina, who had stared back into his eyes, something so deep passing between the two before he had moved forward, his mouth touching hers, Mina’s eyes closing softly, her hands moving to rest on his shoulder, as with a small masculine growl he had pulled her in harder, kissing her with a passion which had her head spinning, Mina kissing him back with a heat equal to his.

She had felt as he had pushed her back onto the bed, his hand moving to slide down her body as she had groaned, hers flying up to his head to pull him in even harder against her, this pushing him even further as his mouth had trailed down her cheek, his tongue licking the salty tears, Mina shuddering with the torrent of sensations flying through her.

As he had pulled back, rising quickly from her and the bed, she had blinked in shock and confusion, seeing him stood with his back to her, his hands on his hips as he had muttered in Greek, his voice full of frustration and anger.

“No…no…this will not happen” he had eventually bitten out before finally turning to face Mina, who had managed to pull herself back into a sitting position, her hair still mussed, her lips red from their kiss, her beautiful eyes full of so many different emotions.

His voice had been angry, accusing as he had rounded on her.

“I know what you are up to Mina, and do not believe me as stupid as my stepfather. I have no intention of inheriting his daughter as my mistress. That seems to be the way the women in your family work, but I am not about to become your next meal ticket”.

Staring back at him with complete disbelief on her face, Mina had leapt to her feet, her hands balled, fury pushing the pain of loss from her.

“You arrogant egotistical jerk” she had cried at him, her eyes now full of an anger which burned so brightly in her small face.

“How…how dare you! I want nothing to do with you or your entire damn family. You kissed me…I didn’t ask you to” seeing as he had given a small pfft noise, as he had moved closer to her “Yes very clever, the poor distressed damsel act, what else was I to do?”.

Looking at him with complete disbelief she had glared at the man before her, her body still tingling from his kiss.

“My God Nikos, it really, really eats you up that you are attracted to the daughter of a man you so despised doesn’t it?”

He had frowned, seeing as she had raised her chin defiantly at him.

“Well that is your problem not mine, I will be out of your hair soon enough”.

A shadow of pain crossing her eyes as her voice had broken slightly, her anger the only thing keeping the tears from once more sliding down her face “so just stay the hell away from me”.

With that Mina had turned from him, as her hands had moved protectively around herself feeling the tears once more rising to her eyes, her new found bravado slipping as the conflicting emotions of fear and sorrow and anger had washed over her.

For several seconds there had been silence, before in a softer quieter voice he had spoken “So what do we do about this attraction we have Mina?”

Giving a small half-laugh full of no mirth she had raised her head to stop the tears spilling over “Your problem Nikos…not mine. I want nothing to do with you. Now just leave.”

His hands on her shoulder turning her around had been firm, and his eyes had blazed down at her full of such fire.


He had spoken, as his mouth had once more descended to take her lips, his hands moving around her waist to haul her hard up against him. Mina had wanted to fight him, to push him from her, but the moment their bodies touched she had been lost, her arms flying around his neck to deepen the kiss.

With a hunger that was frightening with its intensity she had pushed her body harder against him hearing the small masculine growl and feeling the hardened bulge of him against her body making the very blood within her veins sizzle with a wanton need for this man. He in turn had moved his hands to cup her small face, ensuring that her mouth did not escape him as he had plundered its softness his tongue sliding against hers as she had quivered and shuddered with the searing heat filling her.

Gripping the small summer dress she wore he had pulled it up and over her head in one sure action, Mina gasping in surprise, Nikos cradling the back of her head in his hands her hair falling silkily through his fingers, as he had kissed her again this time moving her backwards with him. The feel of the bed against the back of her legs had been almost a relief, her legs shaking so badly with the tremors which ran through her. Bending down he had lifted her against himself, before throwing her bodily onto the soft mattress, Mina panting seeing as he had towered over her, his eyes so dark so dangerous sliding over her body. Her breasts had tightened under his scrutiny as she had held his gaze, the dusky nipples pushing erotically against the wispy lace of her bra.

“My God you are beautiful”

He had whispered hoarsely as shivering she had watched as he had pulled off his t-shirt, her eyes drinking in the perfectly toned and tanned body the groan rising softly to her mouth as his hands had flipped the belt he wore till it hung loose. Her head had screamed at her to get away, to stop what was happening as her body the worst of traitors had lain still watching with fascination as he had slid alongside her, once more finding her mouth and kissing her.

With shaking hands her fingers had traced along his broad shoulders moving down his hair splattered chest his mouth moving down to rain soft kisses down her neck, Mina whimpering as he had moved to pull the lace aside, his mouth covering one hardened nipple, her back arching against him at the pleasure that flooded through her.

“Oh my God” she had cried out, as he had pulled at the wispy material, his fingers shaking slightly as it had torn from her, Mina not caring as his hand had cupped the other, his thumb flicking tantalizingly over it.

“Touch me” he had moaned softly against her, his breath fanning the wet nipple, sending even more tremors through her as she had allowed her hand to stroke the front of his jeans, a loud hiss of breath her reward as it had ran along the hardened bulge of him.

Rolling over onto his back, he had pulled his jeans down, kicking them and his underwear off, until he lay naked beside her, Mina rising to lean on her elbow as she had admired his whole body. That tight hard toned torso, his manhood standing so erect and ready, her eyes widening at the size of him panic filling her, “Maybe…maybe we shouldn’t do this” while her body shook with the intensity of her need for this man. Holding her eyes he had rolled back moving down her, his mouth raining devastating kisses along her wonderful body.

“I think we both know it’s too late for that” each word a soft breath against her, each eliciting a small gasp from her as he had licked down her perfection, his tongue skating along her slim nipped waist and hips leading to the centre of her. Looking up into her passion filled eyes, he had smiled, a roguish heart-stopping smile as his fingers had hooked the small material of the panties, pulling them down her legs and discarding them to some unseen corner of the room. Trying to close her legs in a primness that he had not been surprised at, he had used his body to wedge them open, pushing her legs over his shoulders as he had lain between, his hands gripping her hips tightly as she had cried out. His tongue sliding along her had been almost more than she could bear, her hands flying to his head to push him from her.

“No…no Nikos” she had moaned, even as her body had belied those words with the wetness that met his tongue. Giving a small male laugh he had continued to tantalize and tease her, Mina not even aware as her hips had moved against his mouth, her breathing coming out in pants, her arms flying over her head to grip the soft sheets with fingers that were rigid as she had moaned and gasped in ecstasy.

“Yes…oh yes” a far away voice cried, her befuddled mind not even registering it as her own as he had sucked and licked her with such devastating precision. As she had thought herself lost, he had moved, sliding up and over her, his fingers replacing his tongue as he had teased her even as his erect head had nudged at her slick entrance.

“Tell me you want this Mina……..tell me” his voice in her ear had sent all new kinds of trembling through her as she had nodded, her mouth too dry to speak, Nikos with a small triumphant cry pushing the whole length of himself within her tight welcoming body.

Below him Mina had gone wild, her hands pulling at his hair as she had kissed him, her tongue tasting herself from his, sucking it as her legs had moved around him, her body bucking in perfect rhythm with his own thrusts. Sliding his arms to angle her hips he had slid even deeper, the feel of her around him earth-shattering, as for the first time in his life he had lost control, thrusting harder into her body Mina moving with him, welcoming him. Grunting he had ploughed into her, driving so hard and fast until her head had moved frantically from side to side, guttural moans and cries escaping her as she had climaxed around him, the sensations flying from her belly up and down to every part of her quivering body as she had clung to him, with fingers that shook with the intensity of her experience.

Her contracting muscles against him had been the last straw as his head had spun, and with a final surge he had spilled deeply within her, the power of his release written all over his face as he too had cried out gasping and whispering Greek words that sent shivers all down Minas still tender body.

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