The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress (20 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress
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With a sob she had thrown herself into his arms, the one place she most longed to be “I miss you too…so much Nikos” she had sobbed, feeling as his mouth had kissed her hair, his hands pulling her harder against him “I don’t want to let you go ever again Mina” with that his mouth covering hers, his kiss demanding as his tongue had once more laid claim to hers, his hands moving round to hold her tightly against him

“You’re mine…only mine” the words spoken against her mouth as she had groaned back nodding softly, her arms flying around his neck, fingers raking through his hair. With arms which shook he had swept her up, rising quickly before making to the stairs in the hallway, every part of him needing to find a bed.

As Mina had woken, she had felt the weight of Nikos’ arm resting over her waist, her back tight against his chest as he had held her loosely in his embrace. His breath had fanned her hair, his breathing deep and even, Mina closing her eyes, smiling happily to feel him holding her. Their lovemaking had always been intense, but last night it had been even more so, both having come so close to losing the other.

With a frown, she had replayed the night, the realisation hitting her that at no time had he told her he loved her nor had he made any commitment to her, a soft groan leaving her lips at the realisation that he had come back to claim her as his mistress, remembering the night before she had left, his offer to her then. Her mother had been mistress to the man she loved, living from moment to moment when she would see him next, Mina knowing that she could not live like that, while knowing that she could not live without him. The realisation hitting her that soon she would have to make a choice, be miserable without the man she loved or enjoy snatched moments of happiness with him.

Her slight movements had woken up the man so deep in her thoughts, Nikos pulling her in harder to him feeling as his mouth had curled into a large grin against her cheek.

“Good morning beautiful” he had whispered softly, Mina feeling the twitching hardness of him against her back, her body stiffening in automatic response to him. Smiling she had allowed him to roll her onto her back, her hands moving to stroke his cheek, seeing how his skin seemed rejuvenated, not aware how her own had glowed. His eyes shone once more, the darkness full of warmth and fire.

“Did you sleep well?” she had chuckled as he had nodded, his head dropping to kiss her soft lips.

“Best sleep in over a week” he had grinned in response as his eyes had flicked down her luscious body, seeing the hardened nipples, his hand moving to flick them as she had closed her eyes softly, the wetness gushing between her legs.

As much as she wanted him, she needed to talk to him, to clarify his expectations.

“Nikos…..I’m not sure that I can do what you want”

Her voice soft, as he had frowned, not fully understanding what she was talking about, her eyes flicking up to meet his.

“I had to watch my mother be mistress to the man she loved. I don’t know that I can do the same”.

She had seen as he had frozen, his eyes full of a strange fire “Love?” looking down so intently at her “Are you saying you love me Mina?”

She had savaged her lip, a denial on the tip of her tongue, before the need for honesty had silenced her, her head nodding gently “Yes…I love you with all my heart Nikos, but I am not sure that I can go through what my mother did”.

She had frowned, as he had given a soft laugh, Mina feeling hurt at his mocking of her heart-felt declaration, until he had once more looked into her eyes, his burning so brightly.

“Mina. I love you”.

His eyes sparkling with merriment “I think I knew it from the moment I thought that you had kissed another man. I love you with everything in me”.

Mina had remembered the way he had smiled as he had moved into the sea to reach her so many weeks ago, her eyes wide with disbelief.

“Y…you do?” she had asked softly, seeing as he had nodded his head before kissing her. As she had once more felt herself sink under the torrent of sensations and her need for this man, he had pulled back, groaning softly needing to speak “And I don’t want a mistress Mina”.

Dropping a small kiss on the end of her nose “I want a wife…..I want you to be my wife”.

Mina had stared at him in shock, her beautiful eyes shining so brightly now as she had stared at him “D…d…did you just ask me to marry you?” she had eventually stuttered, seeing as he had laughed.

“Well I had planned on doing it more romantically” his voice more serious as he had smiled lovingly at her “But yes…Mina Lane. If you will have me…I am asking you to marry me and be my wife”.

A sob had left Mina, as her hands had flown to cover her mouth, before she had thrown her arms around his neck, laughing so happily “Yes…yes I’ll marry you. I love you so much” the two holding the other tightly as they had laughed at nothing other than their sheer joy of that moment. Finally they had both laid still, the atmosphere no longer funny, but filled with a barely contained need for the other.

As Nikos had dropped his mouth to kiss her it had been slower, more languorous, their lovemaking tender, both knowing that they had the rest of their lives together. Finally he had realised that Claire had been wrong. Mina was not meant to be a mistress nor had her mother been. She was meant to bring love to one person, just as her mother had. His stepfather had realised this he knew, finally letting go of the anger he had harboured to the man for so many years with the realisation of how hard it must have been to only share snatched moments with the woman he loved. Gazing lovingly at Mina he had been thankful at having her enter his life, the life that had unknowingly been so empty, his eyes full of love as he had whispered gently against her “I love you Mina Lane” her smile against his mouth answer enough before there was no more talking.

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