The Billionaire's Favourite Mistake: Billionaires and Bridesmaids 4 (18 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Favourite Mistake: Billionaires and Bridesmaids 4
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“Oh, I’m going to try, all right. It’s my new goal.” He kissed her fingertips again, liking that she visibly shivered at the small caress. “Make Greer lose her mind and scream my name out.”

One of her elegant eyebrows arched. “Do I seem like a screamer to you?”

“What can I say? I’m a man that loves a challenge.” He clasped her hand in his, and then lowered their linked palms to her side so he could lean in and kiss her. “And I intend on having a lot of fun trying.”

“You’ll forgive me if I point out that you should try and make this fun for me, too?”

Oh, it will be.
But Asher only grinned at her. Let her be full of reluctance and doubts. They’d be gone by the time he was done with her tonight. He wasn’t leaving this bedroom until she was an utterly boneless, sated mess. . . . who had screamed his name at

And to start out? He needed to get that adorably skeptical look off her pretty face. “I did promise you foreplay, did I not?”

“You did.”

“We should probably start with undressing, then. May I?” He released her hand and put a finger to one of the buttons on her blouse, right under the high collar. No sexy, low-cut flashes of skin for Greer. She was all business, clothing-wise. He kind of loved that. She was like his own sexy teacher fantasy to undress. Except, well, she was a wedding planner, but he didn’t care. It was Greer, and that was enough fantasy for him.

This time, she visibly swallowed, and then nodded. “Of course. This will go much faster if we’re undressed.”

“Didn’t realize you were so eager.”

“The sooner we’re naked, the sooner we’re done.”

“Greer, my sweet love, I do believe you could give classes on how to easily shatter a man’s ego,” he teased, and undid the first button. The hint of creamy brown skin underneath made his dick twitch in response, and he moved immediately to the second one and undid it, too. The barest hint of cleavage was revealed, and he had to bite back a groan. He glanced up at her face and noticed she was watching him with a peculiar expression. “What is it?”

“Your sweet love?”

Damn. Had that slipped out? Time to own it. “What would you do if I said I was in love with you?”

“Call you a liar?”

“Then call me a liar, because I am.” He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose to take the gravitas out of his statement.

“You’re a liar or you’re in love?”

Such a dubious woman, and such delectable breasts were being revealed to his swiftly unbuttoning fingers. “Why don’t I show you which one I am?” He brushed aside the filmy fabric of her blouse, revealing black lacy bra cups and breasts that were far more generous than he remembered. He groaned. “Fuck.”

“What?” He watched as she visibly stiffened a little.

“I was expecting beige. Or white. But seeing you with a sexy bra?” He shook his head. “My dick was not prepared.”

Her small, throaty little laugh made his entire body hum in response. “My breasts seem to have blown up like balloons over the past month or two. I had to buy some new lingerie and figured I might splurge on something . . . pretty.”

Was she blushing? Ah, fuck. Were her nipples hard through the lacy fabric? He dragged a knuckle over the tip of one breast and loved that she sucked in a breath, loved that he could feel the tiny, hard peak through the fabric. “Were you thinking of me when you bought this?”

“So arrogant,” she whispered.

“That’s not a no.”

She just bit her lip, and he knew he had his answer. And damn if that didn’t do all kinds of urgent things to his body. The need to push her down on the bed and claim her for his own was surging through him, but he forced himself to return to slowly unbuttoning her blouse and revealing more satiny skin. All of this was his, and he planned to enjoy every last inch of her tonight.

He planned to make her enjoy it, too. It would mean nothing to him if she didn’t.

When her blouse was finally opened, he tugged it down her shoulders and tossed it on the floor, then gazed his fill at her. She stood proudly, almost as if daring him to comment on her gently rounded body, her stomach starting to curve outward. Her slacks had elastic panels at the waist—no doubt for the growing baby—and he saw a few darker stretch marks peeking out from under them.

She was lovely, though. Her skin was a delicate shade between bronze and umber, and paler on her belly than her face. He found that fascinating, just like the tiny beauty mark on one shoulder that peeked between the cascading locks of her dark hair. He circled around her, wanting to drink in the sight of her in her bra. Her back was mostly hidden by that waterfall of thick hair, and he grabbed a handful of it and pulled it gently over her shoulder, exposing the back of her delicate neck and the lines of her spine. “God, you’re pretty.”

He hadn’t realized she was holding herself rigid until she seemed to visibly soften. He guessed Greer didn’t get a lot of compliments, and resolved in that moment to make sure she always felt beautiful around him. He leaned in and gently kissed that dainty mole on her shoulder. She shivered, and he continued to kiss his way across her shoulders, pressing his lips against her skin over and over again. When he got to her nape, he dragged her thick hair into his hand again and held it up as he leaned in and kissed the back of her neck.

A full-on tremor rocked through her.

“I do believe you have a sensitive neck, Greer,” he murmured, and touched his tongue to her skin.

“I . . . guess I do.” Her breathing had quickened.

“I like that.” He kissed it again, then began to move his way forward, licking and sucking at the side of her neck. His arm went around her waist and he pulled her back against him, and she fit just perfectly there tucked against his front. It was as if she were made for him, and this way, he could make love to her neck as much as he wanted. “Tilt your head for me, sweetheart.”

She did, and he nipped at her luscious skin, then tongued the spot. Her body shuddered against him, and he couldn’t resist reaching up and cupping one of her breasts. A little moan escaped her then, and he rubbed his thumb back and forth over her hard nipple, toying with it over and over again. Fuck, she was so sexy it was making him wild. He wanted to drive her insane with lust. He wanted to show her that he could give her pleasure, so that when she looked at him, she quivered with need instead of just giving him that endlessly patient look.

Her head tilted back until she was pressing against him, and then she arched her back, the motion thrusting her breast against his hand. “You like it when I touch you?” He murmured, gently pinching her nipple through the fabric. A wordless little moan was her response. He could tell she liked it, though. Greer’s signals—subtle though they were—told him everything. It was in the way she wriggled against him, the way her breathing quickened, and the soft sounds she made instead of saying
yes, more

She didn’t have to ask; he’d gladly give her more. Asher’s hand slid away from her breast—though he didn’t miss the gentle noise of protest she made in her throat—and moved to the waistband of her sensible slacks. “You’re quiet, but I think you do like it when I touch you, don’t you, Greer? You like my hands on you?”

And he slipped his fingers into the waistband.

He could feel her suck in a breath, felt her body tense against his. But she didn’t pull away. Instead, she tilted her neck a bit more, so he could continue to kiss it. Oh, he’d do that all right. He’d do that and more. He pushed a bit further, hand moving into her panties. There were the curls shielding her sex, and then he touched her folds.

She was soaking wet.

Asher groaned. “Fuck, you’re so damn wet, Greer. You like it when I touch you?”

Her shuddering breath was the only response he got.

That was all right. He’d make her respond, wouldn’t he? He knew how to touch her to make her body sing, and he’d show her that right now. His fingers slid over the wet seam of her pussy, gliding and stroking through her slick folds. His soft, sweet Greer. Touching her was paradise. He could stay here for hours and just let his fingers play over her body, endlessly teasing her.

But he wanted to do more. He wanted to give her more than just teasing. He pushed his fingers a little deeper and sought out her clit. The tiny bud was stiff, and her entire body jerked against his when he grazed it.

She moaned and reached backward, her hand going to the back of his neck, her other moving to press over his hand.

He paused—was she going to make him stop? But instead of pulling his hand away from her, she pressed his fingers back against her clit, encouraging him. Guiding him.

Fuck, that was hot. Asher groaned and rocked his aching cock against her backside. He pressed a finger against her clit and then tapped it, testing her responses. He noticed that her body grew tense against his when he circled her clit with a slow, wet fingertip, and that her fingers tightened against him when he did. He switched to circling strokes over and over again, and felt each little shock as it ran through her body. “Can’t wait to bury my face here,” he breathed into her ear and then nipped it. “You’re going to coat my face with your juices, aren’t you?”

Her entire body shuddered against him and she gave a small, wordless cry, her eyes squeezing shut. Had she come already? That was damn sexy. He wondered how many times he could make her come in one session of lovemaking.

Only one way to find out, he realized with a grin.

She kept trembling against him, so he continued to glide his finger against her clit in leisurely circles, saying filthy things into her ear as he nibbled on it. How he was going to use his tongue right where his fingers were, how he was going to drink in her taste, how he was going to lick her for hours until she was screaming for more. Her lips parted and she whimpered long and loud, and then eventually pushed his hand away, her orgasm finished.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “That was sweet,” he murmured, cupping her mound. He loved how gloriously wet she was, and how he could hold her so possessively against him. He itched to find that small, sensitive clit again and wring another orgasm out of her, but he had more plans for her body, and he wanted her naked. “How am I doing so far?”

Greer’s shuddering breath told him everything. But then she said, “Adequate.”

Aha. A challenge. He did love a challenge.

“I can do better,” he told her, and slid his hand out of her pants. His fingers were wet with her juices and he brought them to his mouth, hungry to taste her flavor. “Delicious.”

“Is it?” She sounded breathless. Or maybe titillated. Or both. He’d take either one.

“Mmmhmm.” He licked her juices from his hand, pleased that she watched. “I’d offer to share but I’m a greedy bastard.”

Her cheeks heated. “I’m not sure I want to taste myself, thank you.”

“You’ll taste yourself on my mouth after I lick that sweet pussy of yours.” He loved the look on her face as she blushed. Oh, he was so going to do everything he was promising and more. Greer was delightful to tease, and even more delightful to touch. “Now, though, I want you naked.”

She nodded.

He released her, pleased when she swayed on her feet, as if boneless from her orgasm. She righted herself a moment later and then unzipped her slacks, dropping them to the ground and neatly stepping out of them. Her panties were as delicate as her bra, telling him that she’d been thinking more about their relationship in the last week than just their phone calls. It made him have hope. Hope that she wouldn’t hate him for the rest of her life.

Asher watched as she daintily stepped out of the panties, and his mouth watered at the sight of her ass, beautiful and tight. Her hips were lovely, her skin smooth and her curves soft. He wanted to run his mouth over all of her, especially when she turned and he saw the dark thatch between her legs. He wanted to bury his face in those curls and claim her as his own again. “You’re lovely, Greer. I don’t care if you believe me or not, but I’m going to keep telling you that until you believe it. I’m the luckiest man in the world because I get to have you right now.”

She smoothed a hand through her long hair, then drew some of it over her breast as if to hide herself. “I looked better naked a few months ago, before this.” Her fingers skimmed over the gentle swell of her stomach.

Impossible, because now you’re rounded with my child and mine in all ways
, he thought but didn’t say aloud. “I think your body looks gorgeous just like this.”

Her mouth twitched with amusement. “Because of these?” She cupped her breasts and jiggled them.

God, had he thought his cock couldn’t get any harder? He was clearly wrong. The sight of her clasping her own tits was making his balls tighten, need throbbing through him. “Because of those,” he said, and filled his hands with her breasts, caressing her. “And because of these,” he continued, sliding his hands down to her hips. Then, he went back to her stomach and traced his fingers over it lightly. “And because of this.”

Her expression grew soft. “Asher . . .”

He couldn’t help it; he knew he was supposed to not care about the baby, but fuck that. She was beautiful, and she was his, and it was his son she was carrying. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her belly. “Hmm?”

“You . . . you need to get naked, too.”

He looked up at her and grinned. “I can do that. Do you want to undress me or shall I do the honors?”

“I want to do it.”

Again, she surprised and pleased him. He liked that his Greer was both curious and eager. Shy, yes, but absolutely willing to try things. A man couldn’t ask for more. He got to his feet and took a step backward, then extended his arms out to his sides. “Do with me as you like. I’m all yours.”

A wicked little smile curved her face. God, that was cute. She threw her shoulders back, that glorious hair cascading down her back as she moved toward him. Her hands went to the front of his jacket, and she fisted the lapels and dragged him down to her height and pressed her mouth to his.

Asher groaned again. Heaven help him, was she going to turn into the seducer in their game? His cock might not be able to handle it.

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