The Billionaire's Longshot: Betting on You Series: Book Three (23 page)

Read The Billionaire's Longshot: Betting on You Series: Book Three Online

Authors: Jeannette Winters

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Billionaire's Longshot: Betting on You Series: Book Three
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In a husky voice he said, “Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” He kicked the door shut. “I feel a bit overdressed for this party.” Quickly he pulled off his clothes before she could utter a protest.

Ross heard her whimper as the last bit of clothing hit the floor. He saw her flush with desire.
Take it easy buddy; make it last.
That was going to be easier said than done; her eyes, filled with desire, were roaming over his naked body, practically begging him to take her now. His cock stood hard and firm, demanding attention. He grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her up against him, her softness slammed by his hardness.
Damn I’ve missed her.
He wanted to be gentle, but something inside him wouldn’t allow it. His hands ran wildly over her back and finally gripped her firm round ass, pulling her even closer to him. Her skin was so smooth and silky.
He could feel her nipples against his chest, crying for attention.

“I missed you,” Jill said breathlessly.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he lifted her higher so his mouth had full access to her bare breasts. “I’ll make up for the lost time.” Taking one nipple in his mouth, he savored it, flicked it with his tongue, then pulled at it gently with his teeth. She arched her back, offering the other, which he gladly provided equal attention. Ross could feel her body warming against his. She was so responsive to his every touch that it enhanced his own desire.
I’ll never have enough of you.

His lips trailed up Jill’s throat, kissing, caressing, and nipping gently until they once again claimed hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth. “You’re so beautiful; I can barely control myself.” Her moan escaped into his mouth, making him explore even deeper, his body pulsing in need.

Suddenly she pushed him away, and he stepped back, puzzled by her action. Had he hurt her? Done something she didn’t like?
Doubt it.
“What’s wrong?”

Her eyes were roaming over him hungrily. Then Jill moved from kneeling in front of him to sitting on the edge of the bed. She reached for his cock. Taking it into her hand she began to stroke it slowly, up and down, never breaking eye contact with him. She leaned back and gently urged him closer to her until she lay on her back, and he straddled her chest with his cock only inches from her mouth. He wanted to pull away, tell her to stop, that his need was too great and he might not be able to hold back, but he said nothing as she kissed one inner thigh then the other. Then bit softly.
You’re killing me.
His cock throbbed with need. He wanted to take her but wasn’t going to rush this. Tonight she was in control, she would have her way with him, while he enjoyed, savored and loved it.

Her tongue darted out and licked his balls, then took them into her mouth and gently sucked them while she stroked his cock. “Baby that feels so damn good.”

“How about this?” Her tongue licked him, teased him, and then finally took his entire cock into her mouth.

It took everything in him not to explode right then. His body tensed, and he grabbed her head, holding it still while he regained his control. “Almost too much,” he said. After a moment he released her, and she continued sucking his cock, her tongue stroking him from the base to the tip. Her lips wrapped tightly around him. As his body began to tense again, he pulled away before all control was lost.

Reaching into the nightstand drawer, he pulled out a foil packet and sheathed himself while still straddling her. Then he lifted himself to stand at the foot of the bed, positioning himself between her legs. He knew she was more than ready for him, but he wasn’t ready for this to end. His need raged out of control.

He opened her wide, and stroked her. She was so wet already. Her hips arched to meet his hand. He fondled her clit. Holding his throbbing cock, he thrust against her, letting her hot juices flow onto him. Seeing her so turned on, he couldn’t help but tease her more. Focusing on her clit he rubbed faster, bringing her to the edge.

“Please,” she begged him.

He used his other hand to pinch her nipples. In one fluid motion he thrust his hard cock deep within her. Instantly her body convulsed and tightened around him, releasing her pleasure. He didn’t move and held her there, enjoying the feel of her orgasm.

When her body began to relax he cupped her ass, bringing her hips off the bed and resting her legs against his chest so he could push even deeper. Holding her thighs, he thrust deeper, harder, flesh smacking flesh.

“Oh, God. Don’t stop,” she cried out, her hands gripping fistfuls of sheets, her head rolling from side to side. He increased the rhythm, and her hips met him thrust for thrust. The muscles in his legs shook as he drove into her. He was lost in the feel of her. His. He needed to make her his. No one would ever have her but him.

“Jill, you feel so good, I can’t—” His body ached for release.

“Yes, give it to me, come with me.” Her voice was husky.

Harder and harder, he pumped into her, until he felt her shudder around him. Her muscles gripped his cock in strong spasms. A purr of pleasure became a cry as her body gave in. Rocking with a force he’d never experienced before, he growled and arched his back, gripping her thighs tightly and plunging so deep he was afraid he’d hurt her. But he couldn’t stop. It was as though he’d lost all sanity. Nothing else mattered at this moment. Buried deep within her, his release came.

Slowly his thrusts began to lessen. His hips moved in gentle strokes until eventually he stopped, and he collapsed on top of her. Both were breathing heavily. “Jill, you’re amazing.”

She snuggled close to him. “I never knew it could be like this.”

He pulled himself off her a bit more and raised himself on an elbow so he could see her face. “I hope I didn’t hurt you. You had me so crazy I lost control.”

She smiled at him, “It was the sweetest pain one could ask for.” And she pulled him down to meet her kiss.

Oh God, I want her again.
His body automatically responded to hers. “If you keep this up, you’re never going to get any sleep.”

Jill whispered, “Sleep is overrated.” She kissed him again, encouraging him for round two.

She didn’t have to ask twice.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

t was as
close to being perfect as she could hope for. Hours of making sweet love to a man she could picture spending the rest of her life with. Waking up in his arms to start every day.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he teased, giving her a light kiss on the forehead. “If we are planning on leaving the dock, we need to get supplies. You best be getting up or you will be drinking beer and eating pizza for days.”

Though she didn’t want to leave the comfort of his arms, her stomach was gurgling, and by the sounds of it, she wasn’t about to let him handle the shopping. “Point taken. But can we talk for a while?” she asked. Last night had been amazing, yet that didn’t address the topic of commitment.

Ross asked, “Jill, is that why we came all this way? So we could talk?”

Among other things. But yes, talk too.
“I know we could have done this in New York, but the boat held a special time for us, and I thought it might be nice to explore it a bit more.”

He arched a brow and shook his head in disbelief. “I thought you said you wanted to forget about what happened.”

Why can he only remember what he wants to?
Because it was an effective way of keeping them apart. It wasn’t going to work on her this time. Jill had no intention of falling into that trap again. If he tried to push her buttons, she was going to ignore them. At least until she got the answers she was searching for. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t pay for those little sarcastic comments later.

“Thank you for coming.”

“You could have asked me to bring you here. I would have been happy to do it anytime. You didn’t need to go through all this.”

That would have taken all the fun out of the chase.
“I know, but that would have removed the element of surprise. Are you saying you didn’t enjoy the pictures?”

“Some more than others.”

He was going to make this difficult. “What I was going for was a place where you and I could talk without being interrupted. I want to talk about us.”
That should be crystal clear.

“I thought we had discussed that before. Was there something specific about our arrangement you wanted to talk about?” Ross asked softly.

“Yes. It’s not working for me,” she stated firmly.

Ross was quiet, looking at her as though he didn’t believe what she was telling him.

“I’m serious, Ross. This loveless love affair is not something I can do. And I don’t believe it is what you really want either,” Jill stated.

“And what is it you think I want?” He stroked her bare thigh with his left hand.

Don’t try to distract me. I am a woman on a mission, damn it.
“You want a serious committed relationship.”

“I am serious. I want you,” he said, his hand going higher.

Brushing his hand away she said, “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

“I know.” His tone was so serious.

“Ross, I want you to express your feelings for me.” She met his gaze, unwilling to break away. She needed to know, deserved to know.

“That is what I’m trying to do,” Ross said, reaching for her again.

Jill ignored his hands and continued, “I want to hear the words, Ross.”

Sitting up on the bed next to her, he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “We could have something damn good if given a chance, but it’s never going to be what you want. I know your friends have found their happily ever afters. I’m no Prince Charming and never will be.”

“I’m not asking you to be Jon or Trent. I just want you to be you.”

Turning to her, Ross said, “Jill you don’t understand; I’m not being stubborn. What you’re asking is something I can’t give you, even if I wanted to.

“Can’t or won’t?” she asked softly, her voice full of pain.

After a pause his answer was what she feared most. “Can’t. You are very special to me, Jill. I want to be with you. But I can’t give you any more than this. What we have right now is all I can offer.”

She searched his eyes for some sign of hope that he might change his mind and say it. All she saw was what was always there. The words he spoke were what he truly believed. She didn’t want him to say what wasn’t in his heart.

Ross’s next words shook her to the core. “Can you accept me for who I am? If not, then I think we should stop seeing each other. I don’t want to lead you on. You deserve someone who can give you what you want, what you need. And I can’t. You’ll only end up hurt, and I don’t want to hurt you again.”

She wanted to yell, scream, slap his face, or even be angry, but she didn’t. He was giving her what she asked for; he opened up and talked to her about their relationship.
Might not be the way I dreamed it, but he talked.
Sitting up next to him, Jill wrapped her arms around his waist, placed her head on his chest, and said softly, “I believe and trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.”

Ross stiffened at her touch then relaxed and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

Enjoy what you have, not what you wish you had . . .
“Do we have to shop just yet?” she asked. “I think I still have a little energy in me. How about you?” Jill kissed his bare chest.

He gave her a playful slap on the rump and said, “I do now.”

Hours later they had no choice but to search for food as both were famished. Ross hopped out of bed and pulled on his jeans. “I left my change of clothes in the SUV.” Kissing her on the forehead he said, “I’ll be right back.”

She lay there stretched out.
Hmm, this is nice.

She picked up her phone from the nightstand. “Thank you for everything. You were right. This was a much wiser choice, and it worked out perfectly. I owe you.”

Almost immediately KJ responded, “I’m happy for you. They say a picture says it all, but face to face honesty is always the best.”

It was so nice having yet another good friend in her life. There had been a time when she’d felt so alone. No longer. She had a growing network of people who truly cared about her, loved her.
Even you, Ross, though you won’t admit it.
How quickly things changed, and fortunately, they were changing for the better.

When Ross returned he asked, “Do you have any?”

“Any what?”

“Listen sleepyhead, I asked if you had a change of clothes with you.” Ross laughed. “I better get food in you quickly; your memory is starting to go.”

“I blame you for that.” Jill grabbed a pillow from under her head and tossed it at him, hitting him in the chest. “Seems you are equally in need of nourishment; your reflexes seem a bit slow too,” she teased.

“Don’t start what we can’t finish. Do you have any clothes or are you planning on wearing a sheet out to lunch?” Ross asked, arching his eyes at the thought.

You wish.
“Yes I have clothes. I think I have a bag at the foot of the bed somewhere.”

Ross returned carrying her bag. “Sure you don’t want to stay here, naked, waiting for me? I can handle the shopping on my own and bring you back lunch.”

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