The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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He clamped his fingers onto her hips and ground her against him, feeling his cock stand immediately at attention. Mica locked eyes with him, her attention fully engaged on him for the first time all day.

"God, I love your eyes," he said without thinking. "And your hair. I could stare at you forever."

A tiny smile played on her lips. "Really? You don't think my eyes are ... weird?"

"I think your eyes are unique... and sexy, and beautiful. I wouldn't want them any other way."

Mica stood on tiptoes and kissed his lower lip lightly, a glow lighting her up from the inside. Knox made a mental note to compliment her more if it made her look like that, like a goddess hiding a sensual secret.

He inclined his head and kissed her deeply, noting her tension, feeling it melt away, feeling her relax finally and fully. She dropped a hand to his middle, running a finger down his cock through his slacks.

Something seemed to break inside her then, as her touch hardened, deepened. Her teeth came together on his lower lip, nipping aggressively, as her hand locked on his cock, even through his pants. Her breath came in short huffs out her nose as she pressed her body against him, dragging at his shaft forcibly.

Knox's movements stilled for a moment as he let Mica pull and bite at him. She'd never been like this before, never been commanding or dominant in any way. He didn't mind it one bit, not with her. She was the one woman in the world he could think of that he could comfortably allow to take him, to mount him, to ride him and have all the control. If that was what she wanted, he would be happy to give it to her.

Her left hand worked at him, pulling desire out of him, while her right hand forced up under his shirt and ran over his chest and abdomen, causing thick cascades of sensation to slide up and down his spine.

"Room," he forced out. "Let's go inside."

Mica nipped her way around his lower lip to his chin and then pulled back to stare at him, craving filling her eyes. "Yes," she breathed.

Knox pushed off of the building and pulled her back into the trees, his mind on fire with desire for her. He whistled for the dogs, not stopping to see if they would follow. He knew they would.

They pushed through the gate at the far end of the path, Knox holding it open for the dogs and trying to give himself time. He moved slowly, not wanting to walk into the inn with the erection he could feel straining against the front of his pants. Mica tucked her hand into his back pocket, not helping his desire to soften. He could hear her breath coming fast and hard still and he smiled. He couldn't wait to hear all of her fuck-noises. It had been too long since he'd last heard them.

They walked up the steps to the inn and pushed inside. The entire first floor of the large building had been converted into a kind of lobby, with huge windows on the ocean side. Two couples sat in chairs next to the windows, chatting and watching the last of the orange light fade from the sky. Mica crowded close to him, looking around, as they walked to the front desk, and the dogs fell into step just behind him.

The woman there greeted him immediately. He took out his wallet and handed over his credit card, glad for her speed. Desire to get Mica upstairs and naked coursed through him.

He would give her anything she wanted, but if what she wanted was thought-numbing, all-night sex, he would be the happiest man in the world.

Chapter 5




Mica watched the slowly-fading sunset through the glass windows at the very back of the inn. It was beautiful, but she couldn't seem to work up any appreciation for it. She felt like she'd been on a roller coaster for the entire day, up, then down, then around a loop, then up again. Her emotions couldn't take one more nasty jolt. Luckily, Knox was here to distract her, to keep her from losing herself in her own misery. Strong, reliable, sexy-as-sin Knox. She burrowed her hand deeper into his back pocket and turned her attention to him, then shot her eyes back to the windows as her body started to throb. She couldn't chance looking at him until they were alone. She just wanted to jump on him, tear all his clothes off, and beg him to take her until she forgot every detail of the draining day, including her own name.

Mica noticed a door labeled restroom and whispered to Knox she'd be right back. She pulled her hands back to herself, pet both dogs on the head, and walked across the room to the door, pushing her way inside.

Mica looked at herself in the mirror. Not too bad. Some dark smudges under her eyes and her hair was a little messy, but nothing to be embarrassed about. She patted her hair down, fixed her face, and took a few deep breaths, staring at her eyes in the mirror. She'd never liked her eyes much as a child. She'd been teased in school for being different, and she'd always thought it made the two halves of her face look like they belonged to different people, but she'd developed a new appreciation for them over the last decade of hiding them with a colored contact. When she went home and took the blue contact out, she felt more herself, more at ease with the person she'd grown into. She'd always been a bit melodramatic, tending more towards anxious even as a child, but when she was alone, after she washed off the day's makeup and took out her one contact, she frequently started to feel that fall away. After a decade with no sighting of Bailey she'd even occasionally gone out for coffee or to the grocery store without the contact, testing people's reaction to her as an adult with two different-colored eyes, deep-breathing through any anxiety that had come up.

That was one reason why Bailey showing up when he did had rocked her so hard. A small voice in the back of her mind had screamed at her
your fault! If you wouldn't have messed with the disguise, this never would have happened!

But being with Knox, seeing the frank appreciation in his gaze, and hearing the sweet words from his lips had changed things for her. What she had discovered today had been bad. Had been awful. But none of it mattered. This was a journey she had to take. A battle that needed to be fought. She was never going to hide again, no matter how uncomfortable it made her and how much fear she felt.

Mica watched her gaze in the mirror become steely, even as thoughts of what her father had done to her mother crowded in on her.
She was done with that for now. She would not let those thoughts creep back in. She searched her mind for something else to think about, something strong enough to drive those thoughts from her mind.

Knox. She imagined him, standing outside, waiting for her, tall and strong, his golden eyes locking on her the moment he saw her, a sexy smile of greeting on his face. Mica felt her body respond immediately to the image of him. Mentally, she undressed him, feeling herself shudder with desire for him.

Mica pushed away from the counter and hurried out of the restroom, her eyes sweeping the front desk. He wasn't there. She saw the dogs on the far end of the open area, then saw their master, looking at her, commanding her attention from across the room.

She rushed to him, ignoring everything else in the room. When she reached him, he slipped an arm around her waist, his fingers brushing the skin under her sweater. She gasped at the light touch and the sensation that shot through her. Every nerve ending felt hyper-sensitive to his touch, completely open to him.

"The private elevator to the suite is this way," he told her, his voice low and beguiling.

Mica nodded, letting him pull her along, letting the fingers on her right hand trail along his backside. They walked over the dense carpet, down the hallway to the elevator and the dogs followed. Knox pushed the button and the doors slid open immediately. They entered the elevator and Knox pushed the button for the top floor, which was only the fifth floor in the small inn.

The elevator hummed and began to move as Mica pressed into Knox's body. He lowered his head for a kiss and Mica opened herself to him, closing herself off to thoughts. She focused all her attention on his tongue in her mouth, on the touch of his big hands around her waist, on the heat coming off of his body.

Her hands crept up to his hair and she pulled on it, moaning into his lips, telling him wordlessly exactly what she was feeling, exactly what she was wanting.

The elevator dinged to a stop at the floor and the doors slid open. The dogs rushed out, unseen by the couple.

Knox slid a hand down Mica's body, slowly, gently, agonizingly lightly. Mica pushed into it, wanting nothing more than to feel it come down on her hard, maybe pinching, twisting. She wanted more sensation, needed more of something. More ... roughness, maybe.

Mica twined her hands in Knox's short hair and pulled him down to her harder, mashing their lips together, her breath coming hard and fast. She bit his lower lip again, her aggressiveness from before returning. She dropped a hand to his cock and squeezed, hard, making him groan, then pull back slightly and gaze at her, one eyebrow cocked questioningly.

He raised a hand to her hair and brushed it back lightly as she stared at him, a feral look in her eyes, her chest heaving with her frenzied breathing and desperate want.

"Mica," he said, his voice low and husky, his forehead touching hers as he stared at her. "I would have thought after a day like today if you wanted sex at all, you would want it slow and sweet, but I'm getting an entirely different signal from you. Tell me what you want."

Mica nipped his bottom lip again, pulling back before he could kiss her. She should have known he would need her to say the words. "I don't want slow and sweet. I want ... hard, and ... and rough," she pushed out, not sure why it was true, but knowing it was. She wouldn't let herself examine it, make it wrong.

"You're sure?" Knox asked her, his body thrumming with energy. She could feel him holding back.

"I'm sure," she whispered, anticipation lighting her up from the inside.

Knox's hand tightened on her hair and he yanked her head backwards. Mica gasped as his lips dropped to hers and he murmured, "What the lady wants, the lady gets."

His right hand twisted in her hair and his left found her ass, roughly squeezing and kneading it. Mica lifted a leg and curled it around his midsection as they kissed deeply. Knox sucked hard on her tongue, one time, then dropped the hand in her hair to her waist, bent at the knees and lifted her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

Mica squealed as she left the ground, her head upside down facing Knox's back. "Knox!" she cried before propping herself up with her hands in the back of his slacks. He smacked her ass once, hard, then carried her out of the elevator. Mica's flesh tingled as she tried to see where they were going. All she could see was a small alcove. Knox stopped at a door and she heard the beep of the locking mechanism. Knox pushed the door open and carried her inside.

Mica twisted but couldn't see much in front of them. She could tell they were in a large, open room, that looked a lot like the lobby downstairs. Knox carried her across the room and bent at the knees, dropping her to the ground. Mica landed on her feet, steadying herself with both hands on his chest. Knox grabbed her hands and pinned them behind her back, his lips meeting hers again, hard. His right hand held her hands together in the small of her back and his left roamed over her body, down her neck, across her collarbone, over one breast, then the other.

Knox shoved a hand under her shirt and pinched one nipple through the fabric of her bra. Mica gasped and thrust her hips forward, moaning and dropping her head back. Knox pinched the nipple to a stiff peak, then moved on to the other one. Mica opened her eyes to see him watching her reactions like a predator.

"You drive me fucking crazy," he rasped, palming her breast as he spoke, then dropping his mouth to her breast, biting her through her sweater. "You're so sweet and demure around other people, and then I get you alone and you turn into a wildcat."

Mica drew in a breath.
A wildcat?
He made her that way. She'd never been like that with anyone else, but with him, all she could think about was having him inside her.

Knox's hand skimmed down her waist, lifting her skirt and zeroing in on her sex, his fingers moving skillfully over the sensitive, swollen flesh there, but hampered by her tights and panties. Mica could do nothing but react. This was what she had wanted, this mauling, this taking, this utter owning of her. She was there for his handling, his choosing. The carnal sensuality of it kept her rooted in her body, wanting to be nowhere else.

Knox spun her around, still holding her hands behind her back. Mica was finally able to see the rest of the room but barely noticed it. She was near a king-size canopy bed, covered all in white. A light-grey loveseat sat at the foot of the bed and that was where Knox propelled her. Her thighs met the arm of it and over she went, her face dropping into the pillows.

Knox let her hands go and gripped her hips, his fingers biting into the flesh there. He flipped her skirt up and ran his hands over her ass, making a growling noise of appreciation deep in his throat. Mica felt her clit throb at the sound and the roughness of it, like maybe he could make her come without ever touching her
at all. She moaned at the thought, then sucked in air between her teeth as his hands clamped harder on her hips and pulled her backwards against his middle. He ground his cock into her, making her groan at the friction that pushed her so much closer to her edge.

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