The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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Knox's hands left her hips suddenly, leaving a void there. They reappeared on her backside and she heard him rip her tights right down the middle. "Knox!" she cried, not caring about the tights, but unable to believe he had torn them.

"Sorry beautiful, it had to be done," he said, and Mica's fingers and toes curled at the pure sex dripping from his deep voice.

One of his hands roamed freely over her, pushing her panties aside to dip between her legs, then skimming down to her thighs, sliding over the skin there, raising goosebumps on her skin. Mica heard the snap to his slacks jingle and she tried to stand. She wanted to turn around, to help him out of his pants. A rough hand on her back pressed her into the pillows again, and then her panties disappeared too. A hard yank from Knox pulled them right off her body and sent them flying.

Without warning, Knox drove his cock inside her, as far as it would go. Mica cried out as the tip of it slammed home, creating a kind of deep, blooming pleasure that seemed to curl into her from the inside out.

Knox gripped her hips with both hands and thrust into her several times, a staccato grunt escaping him. Mica felt a coiling sensation deep inside her and she gave herself to it, unable to do anything else. The coil snapped, sending sweet gratification across her middle. She screamed into the pillows as her orgasm unfolded, filling her with a pleasure so deep it blocked out everything else.

Dimly she was aware of Knox still slamming into her, using her body for his own pleasure. The thought brought her back to the room, to him. She knew there was more pleasure waiting for her, and all she had to do was show up to receive it.

Panting, Mica pushed up with her hands and arched her back, inviting Knox to do what he wanted with her. He let go of her hip with his left hand and she felt it in her hair, tugging her head straight back.

"Fuck," she moaned, her body held taut between his hand pulling her hair and his cock pinning her in place. His other hand left her right hip and came down on her ass in a vigorous slap that stung but sent heat straight through her core. She squirmed, her eyes blasting wide open. She'd never been spanked during sex before!
Did she like it?

Mica dug her fists into the couch, unable to focus on any one sensation. Knox dropped his hand lightly to the spot he had smacked and caressed it, even as he thrust forcefully in and out of her.

"Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are right now?" Knox rumbled from deep in his chest.

Mica didn't answer, wouldn't know what to say, but hoped he would keep talking. She loved how he sounded. Especially when he called her gorgeous.

"God I love your curves, your perfect ass, and your snug little pussy," Knox said, lifting his right hand and smacking her ass again. "I love to fuck you. I love—"

Mica cried out. She couldn't help it, the blow had stung but radiated to all the right places at the same time, her cry drowning out the rest of his words. Yes, she liked it. A lot.

Knox let go of her hair and grasped her hip again, pushing at her with his thighs to angle her forward and downward for better leverage. His right hand alternated sweet caresses on all the exposed flesh it could find, and quick, hard slaps on the exact same place every time. Mica's ass began to throb along with the rest of her.

Knox pumped into her harder until she began to moan continuously with the buildup of pleasure. Knox's right hand followed her thigh around to the front of her body and found all of her most sensitive places, his palm and fingers dragging in one direction over her clit, then lifting and dragging again, creating the most incredible friction she'd ever felt.

"How many times have you come for me, pretty Mica? Only once? That's not near enough. I want you to come again. I want to hear it. I want the people downstairs to know you're riding my cock."

Mica clamped her lips together and cut off her noises, embarrassed at the thought. Knox pulled his hand back around to her ass and smacked her three times in quick succession, making her cry out again.

"That's right, pretty girl, you let go, you let it all out." His hand went around to her front again, dragging, gliding, sliding, coaxing another orgasm from her.

Mica tensed and shifted as pleasure built inside her. A more powerful, more intense orgasm ripped through her, making her scream Knox's name as she came.

Knox thrust harder, his breathing fast and heavy. "Come Mica, come hard for me."

Mica's consciousness flew apart, driven by Knox's fingers and cock. Thick waves of heat and pleasure rolled through her and she lost herself completely to her body's sensations, collapsing onto the couch, only partially aware of Knox spilling inside her.

As the sensations faded away and she was able to think again, she realized she felt good. Good, wrung out, cleansed, tingly, and so extremely relaxed she didn't even know if she could stand.

If that's what being spanked during rough, take-me sex with Knox did for her, she was going to have to make sure it happened again, even if she had to beg.

Chapter 6




Knox propped himself up on his elbow and stared at Mica, only able to see shadows of her face in the thin moonlight that fell through the window. Her eyes were closed, her breathing even. She'd fallen asleep easily after their lovemaking, yawning as they showered, then ate room service on the couch together, entwining her limbs with his as much as possible, then crawling into the large, white, canopy bed, still naked. Knox had gone out to the truck to get their bags and the dog's food, and when he'd returned, she'd been asleep with the lights on.

Knox picked up a lock of her hair off the pillow and ran it through his fingers, remembering the noises she'd made when he'd pulled her hair earlier. His cock twitched at the recollection, forcing a smile from him. He wondered how she would react if he woke her with his head between her legs. He would try it if she hadn't had such a hard day. He was thrilled to see her at peace finally.

He let go of her hair and dropped onto the pillow next to her, locking his hands behind his head to stare at the ceiling. He replayed their lovemaking over in his head, making his cock stand up tall, but unable to stop himself. It had been so perfect he wanted to remember it forever. The way she'd responded, the sounds she'd made, how she had loved all of it, even the spanking. He hadn't meant to spank her, but in the heat of the moment it had just happened. He'd definitely be doing it again though. A fierce, soulful, wordless longing rose up inside him, making him tense and deliberately turn his thoughts away.

After he'd replayed their entire carnal scene in his mind three times, he was able to let it go and he closed his eyes, hoping to sleep. His brother's final words to him during their phone call played through his brain as he drifted.

All I know is it's something big, Knox, something she said only you would know how to handle.





Small noises pulled Mica from her sleep. A bowl rattling. A dog snuffle. Footsteps. She opened one eye and saw Knox, fully clothed, walking softly through the room as morning light fell in the windows. He stopped at a table and began to pack items into a bag.

Mica watched him, struck by his masculine, clean-cut looks, a lump forming in her throat as a surge of emotion ran through her. What would happen when Bailey was caught and this was all over? Would they each return to their former lives, maybe try to have a long-distance relationship with her in Seattle most of the time? She didn't know if she could stand the thought. They'd gotten together exactly one week before, but it had been the best, most intense week of her life and she didn't know if she could stand to move forward in her life without him.

Mica pushed herself into a sitting position, a dull ache in her chest at the thought of losing Knox somehow. She pressed her lips together and decided not to dwell on it. Things were going well between them, there was no reason to think she would lose him, no reason to imagine their relationship not working out.

Fear wound a thin tendril up her midsection as she remembered Bailey was still out there, almost certainly plotting his next move against her and Knox. But there was no sense thinking about that either. They were doing everything they could.

Knox turned to her and smiled, causing her heart to speed up.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he said.

"What time is it?"


"Did you sleep?" she asked, peering at him suspiciously.

"I did, but I couldn't stay asleep long. I keep thinking about my mom."

Mica nodded and climbed out of bed, pulling the sheet up to cover herself with.

Knox gave her a look, then crossed the room to her, tugging the sheet out of her hands.

"Don't cover yourself. You're breathtaking," he said, his eyes roaming over her breasts and stomach, then dropping lower.

Mica felt her hands instinctively want to cover herself and she fought the urge. She dropped them to her sides and let Knox look all he wanted, heat flaring in her middle at the appreciation in his eyes.

Lulu trotted over and nudged her on the thigh with a wet nose, making her yelp and cover herself with her hands, pulling away from the dog. Knox chuckled and ordered Lulu away.

"Your bag is right there," he said, pointing to the end table. Mica could tell he was eager to get on the road. She didn't want to make him wait to meet his mother so she grabbed her bag and walked into the bathroom quickly, her earlier modesty returning as the moment passed.

"Can we get breakfast on the road?" he called to her in the bathroom.

"Sure," she replied, looking over the clothes in her suitcase. Knox had ripped her only tights, so a skirt was out. She wished she had saved yesterday's outfit for today, so she could wear it to meet Knox's mother.

She had to settle for jeans and a ruffle cami with a light sweater over the top of it. Nervous energy filled her as she imagined meeting Knox's mother. She wanted to make a good impression on the woman.

Mica put on mascara and a touch of lipstick, then pulled her hair back into a high pony, hoping the style wasn't too casual. She stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes fixed on Knox.

He was at the door, dropping a bag in front of it. He turned to her. "You look great," he said, making her relax immediately.

They gathered the rest of their things and were on the road before 8:30, surprising Mica. If they hurried, they could be back in San Francisco just after noon.

Mica's phone dinged in her purse as she sat in the passenger seat and watched Mendocino disappear behind them. She pulled it out, thrilled to see a message from Justin. She hadn't talked to him for four days. They'd spent the day after the fashion show rehashing what worked and what didn't over Skype, Mica using one of Knox's computers and a spare room. She hadn't wanted to talk to Justin with Knox around in case Justin said something completely inappropriate about the man. Which he had, wanting a full play by play of what he called
Mica's First Nasty in a Decade
. Mica had shushed him, swearing they hadn't done anything, but Justin wasn't stupid. He'd finally given up digging for details when she promised she'd tell him later, in person.

She'd put her colored contact in before she called him, not feeling up to explaining that to him.

When they were done, he'd said he was going to take a few days off, which they almost always did after a runway show, since the lead up to a show was so exhausting. She hadn't heard from him since.

Girl, when you coming back to work? Adrazaki is livid. Says we stole a design. Shipment of Argentella lace is delayed. Oh, and Chico quit. Good fucking morning.

Mica chewed on her lip, knowing she needed to go back to work, but also knowing she couldn't. There was no security at her office in Seattle. She would be a sitting duck for Bailey's any whim. Besides, she wasn't ready to go back there.

She wondered how much she could get done long distance. She had a small office in San Francisco, but there was no staff, and only minimal equipment there. If she went, Knox would have to send someone to keep her safe from Bailey. If he knew about her San Francisco house, he almost certainly knew about the office too. Mica shuddered, not wanting to be away from Knox, not any time soon.

She texted back.

Hi. I'll deal with Adrazaki. There's some Irish Lace in the back. Swap it. Why did Chico quit? Can you get him back? Should I talk to him?

Mica lost herself to her world of work for over an hour, doing everything she could on her phone, eating the breakfast Knox picked up for her, sipping her coffee as she checked emails, put out fires, and texted back and forth with Justin.

When she finally put her phone away she found Knox in a strange, brooding mood. A mood she hadn't ever seen him in before. His expression was dark and his fingers tapped fitfully on the steering wheel.

"Sorry," Mica breathed, feeling bad for ignoring him for so long.

He waved a hand as if it didn't matter, but didn't speak.

Mica licked her lips. "You ok?" she asked.

He looked at her then and seemed to really see her for a moment. He rubbed a hand over his short hair, then stretched it out in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm cool. Just wondering what my mom wants to tell me. I get this horrible feeling that it's not something good."

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