The Billionaire's Wife (2 page)

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“It's not a joke,” he said quietly.

I stopped laughing.

“Who's this backer?” I said. Visions of his usual colleagues
danced through my head. Getting married to one of the corporate aristocracy was
probably on my bucket list somewhere between
eat bucket of toenails
own kneecaps with ball-peen hammer.

He took a deep breath. “Anton Waters.”

My eyebrows lifted so far they were in danger of wandering into
my hair.

Anton Waters?” It was too absurd to be real.

I looked at the contract in front of me, and sure enough, there
was his name. Anton K. Waters. A man I'd only read about in magazines and heard
about on tv and in idle gossip in online forums. The ruthless, powerful, and
boringly attractive lord of Empire Capital, one of the biggest corporations in
existence. He'd risen to prominence from nowhere over the short course of ten
years until he was on the top of the heap, leaving the bodies of competitors
and colleagues alike in his wake. Anyone who got in his way was disposed of
without ceremony or even, it was said, emotion.

Or so I'd heard. And I'd heard a lot. Lately no one could shut
the hell up about him for more than five seconds. He'd been on all the major
magazine covers, sometimes twice, and even in my relatively television-free
existence every other news report I'd happened to catch seemed to mention him in
some way.

And here was a marriage contract, like something out of the
nineteenth century, staring at me. With his name on it.

What's the catch?
I wondered. Because there had to be a
catch. There was no
a guy like Anton Waters needed an arranged marriage
to get him hitched. He made money and fucked bitches. Probably. That's what
young, powerful, rich, handsome men
My father had been one, once.

And look where it got him.

And mom,
a little voice whispered.
Look where mom is

I licked my lips. “What's in this contract?” I said.

“You'll want a lawyer to go over it with you,” he said, “but it's
like a prenup.”

A prenup. Right. “And what business does Anton Waters have asking
for an arranged marriage?”

My father looked away. “I don't know. He said his reasons were
his own. You don't have to sign it. You can walk away. It's merely a condition
for his backing.”
Walk away and leave your mother to die.
implication hung in the air between us.

“He's going to pull your ass out of the fire and all he wants is
to get married sight unseen to a woman he's never met before?” I asked him.
Saying it out loud somehow made it sound even worse than it was.

A ghost of a smile flitted across his face. “Well, that,
ninety-five percent of the profits, directional control of the venture—”

I held up a hand. “Stop. I don't care.” I reached out and gave
the contract a tentative nudge, wondering if it were rigged to explode. It
probably was, in a way. I was going to have to find a
lawyer. And
not just a good lawyer, but a lawyer a lawyer unscrupulous enough to take part
in essentially selling me off to be married like a piece of property.

Haha. Good one. I could just run down to the state bar office and
throw a rock, probably.

I took a deep breath. The contract in front of me gave me the
impression of a great weight, as though it had it's own gravitational pull, one
strong enough to derail my entire life.

“What does mom think about this?” I asked quietly.

My father looked down at his hands. He fiddled with his fingers,
pulling and kneading.

“She doesn't know, does she?” I knew it. And she hadn't told me
when I'd talked with her two days ago because she didn't want me to worry.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

“He wants to meet with you first,” my father said. “He said you should
drop by any time you like. His door is always open to you. He wants to make
sure you will... meet his needs in a wife.”

Meet his needs? Christ, that sounded ominous. A cold fist closed
around my stomach and squeezed.

“This is completely ridiculous,” I said. “You know that, right?”

My father didn't answer.

I picked up the contract and stuffed it into my messenger bag.
“I'll go talk to him,” I said.
And give him a piece of my mind while I'm at

The look of naked relief on my father's face made me want to
punch him. He'd destroyed my mother's life without a thought, and now he wanted
me to destroy my own by letting him use me as a pawn.

Well. I loved my mother, but I wasn't her. I stood up and walked
out of the coffee shop, not even saying goodbye to my father. I was the master
of my own fate. I wouldn't let some man control
and if Anton Waters
thought he could buy someone's hand in marriage in
day and age, he
had another think coming.




Empire Capital, like most of its sister companies—each fairly
interchangeable and all with thrusting, dominating names clearly compensating
for something—stood on Wall Street. It looked like a mausoleum on the outside,
so I was surprised when I entered the mezzanine to find the insides gutted and
remodeled in an ultra-nouveau post-modern style. On the one hand, I could
appreciate the fine, smooth lines of a well-designed space, but it made me
angry that someone had been paid handsomely to minimize the character of the
building while I, struggling alone in my art studio, strove to put character
into the world. It was clinical. And also I liked old buildings.

Anton Waters, I decided then and there, was a jerk.

I strode up to the front desk, sleek and cleverly fashioned and
utterly alone in the center of the dark gray slate floor. The receptionist
behind it tapped away on a thin white keyboard and stared at a thin white
monitor. She wore the tiniest of bluetooth headsets. Also white. Naturally.

She didn't even look up at me for a full minute. It figured. I
was dressed like... well, like a boho hobo who had just crawled out of her weed
den. Streaks of dried clay marred my work clothes, cracking and crumbling. Even
as I stood there, not moving, tiny flecks flaked away and floated to the
immaculate floor.

Good. I wasn't going to be the perfect little wife Mr. Waters
probably wanted, and I was happy to show it in whatever way I could.

Finally the receptionist deigned to glance at me. Her perfect
nose wrinkled. The clothes she wore probably would have paid for a month's rent.

“May I help you?” she said.

This was going to be fun. “Yeah,” I said. “I'm here to speak to
Anton Waters. He's expecting me,” I added, hoping this would help my case. It

She blinked politely, and I felt a tiny bit bad. She probably
thought I was a crazy person who had refused to take her meds. I kept a close
eye on her hands in case she had a secret panic button concealed under the lip
of her desk. “Is he?” she said. “May I ask who is calling?”

“Felicia Dare.”

At the sound of my name her entire demeanor changed.

“Oh!” Her pretty eyes grew wide. “Of course, Ms. Dare. I'll call
up and let them know you're here.”

So he
expecting me. That was... unexpected. Frankly,
in my experience, powerful rich men made their own schedules and everyone else
had to keep up with them. That I wasn't going to be kept waiting was... nice.
“Er... thanks,” I said. I glanced around for a place to sit down while she
hurriedly punched numbers into the sleek numberpad sitting next to her

“Yes, Felicia Dare is here to see Mr. Waters,” she said. Someone
burbled at the other end of the line. “Yes, thank you,” she replied, and hung
up. She flashed me a huge smile. “He'll be waiting for you. Top floor, of

“Thanks,” I said again, feeling lame. I skirted the desk and the
now-beaming receptionist and made my way to the corridor of imposing elevator
doors. They looked like something out of some old sci-fi silent film. One of
the creepy dystopian ones. I pressed the button for the doors that led straight
to the top, and they opened immediately. I stepped inside. They shut behind me,
and the bottom dropped out of my stomach as it shot up.

Now that I was inside the elevator and clearly on my way to
Anton Waters, my nerves began to fail me. What was I thinking?
What was I
I should have ripped up that contract and thrown it
back in my father's face and not even bothered to come here. I could take out a
line of credit to pay for Mom's treatments. Couldn't I? Like everyone else and
their dog applied for credit cards and ran up crazy massive debt. I could do
that too! And then I could declare bankruptcy! Everyone wins!

Yes. That was what I would do. I'd yell at the billionaire for a
bit, and then turn around, go back to my apartment, and drive myself into
financial ruin. Hey, it worked for my father.

No sooner had I reached this conclusion than the elevator came to
a heart-stuttering stop, and the doors opened wide.

The top of Anton Waters's personal financial behemoth resembled
the bottom only in that they were both huge spaces. Where the bottom floor had
been all brushed steel and dark gray slate, the top floor of the building was
laid in white marble and gold. Everything, from the white marble floor to the
delicious dark brown leather furniture to the rich mahogany desk to the crystal
chandelier hanging from the ceiling—a chandelier! in a corporate office!—spoke
of tastes too sumptuous for mere moral minds to ken.

Behind the desk, a man whom I could only assume was Mr. Waters's
personal assistant stood and bowed to me. Like, actually bowed. Full tilt and
everything. Perhaps the firm did a lot of business with the Japanese or
visiting Arab royalty and it was just a reflex? This place was too much. My
vague, dim memories of my father's offices were of stately grandeur, not
spartan modernity or spa-weekend getaway gaudiness.

“Ms. Dare,” the man said. “You may call me Arthur. Mr. Waters is
waiting for you inside.” And he gestured to the right, at a pair of double
doors, the twins of the doors on the left.

Butterflies raged in my stomach but I lifted my chin. I was not
going to be cowed. “That's tits,” I said. I had the satisfaction of his
startled face as I swept by him and through the doors.

Another small foyer waited behind the doors. This space was
decorated much more sparingly, with a large aquarium full of brightly colored
fish and a few zen fountains dotting the corners and walls. Two grand doors of
frosted glass stood in the center of the wall across from me. A small,
understated name plaque simply said, 'Waters.'

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Anton Waters stood behind his desk staring out at the New York
skyline from one of the windows. He turned when I entered and watched as I marched
to the center of his office.

I didn't even look around. I'd seen his face everywhere in the
past few years, and he was, depressingly, just as stunning in person as he was
on magazine covers. His dark hair was a perfectly coiffed mess, and his vivid green
eyes were visible even from across the room. The light fell on them
beautifully, as though the whole world were set up to highlight his incredible
looks. High cut cheekbones framed a straight, powerful nose, but his lips were
full and sensuous. He had a chin you could cut diamonds with. And, judging from
his comfortable and yet oh-so-GQ attire, he had the body to go with it.

I hated him on sight. For guys like Anton Waters, earth was a
photography studio, not a planet, and everyone was a sycophant telling him to
make love to the camera. In fact, my first thought was,
Man, I'm going to
hate this guy.

Unfortunately for me, my second thought was,
Holy shit, he's

Even more unfortunately, my third thought was,
Those are some
lips you could really ride until morning.

Goddamn hormones. I hadn't gotten laid in six months since I
broke up with Steele—no, that hadn't been his real name and yes, he had been
just as much of a douche as you would expect from a guy who willingly called
himself Steele—and it was showing.

I crossed my arms. “So what's this about us getting married?” I

He stared at me and didn't react.

My words seemed to fall to the floor between us, clattering like
spilled silverware. The longer he stared, the more I realized that he was no
ordinary handsome man. Even from across the room I could feel the magnetic
charge he gave out. It was terrifying, intense, turbulent. The force of his
personality far outweighed his beautiful face, even when he wasn't even moving.

This was a man who could rule the world, if he wanted to.

You know. Like the antichrist.

Finally he smiled faintly. “Hello, Miss Dare,” he said.

Vaguely, I wished I'd been sitting down. His voice was like...
something really sinful. Deep. If he'd been singing, he might have reached the
great depths of a basso profundo. It was the kind of voice you could turn up
really loud and then sit on your speakers to. Not, of course, that I'd ever
done that...

Oh, fine. When it's three in the morning and you've had too many
PBRs everything is a great idea, okay? And if I'd had his voice stowed away in
a little file on my computer, I'd have played that damn thing on repeat for an

I shook myself, trying to focus. “Yeah,” I said. “Hello.” I
forced myself to look away from him and tried to concentrate on studying his

Except there was nothing in it. There was only his desk with his
chair and his computer at one end of the room, and just to my left, two sofas
arranged across from each other with a spartan coffee table between them. The
only nod to individuality he seemed to have given was another small fountain
sitting on the coffee table, the water running over carefully placed river

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