The Binding - Bred by a Demon (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica) (2 page)

Read The Binding - Bred by a Demon (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica) Online

Authors: Madelene Martin

Tags: #monster sex, #monster breeding, #monster erotica, #beast breeding, #breeding, #forced impregnation, #beast sex, #demon breeding

BOOK: The Binding - Bred by a Demon (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)
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She felt like a mouse in front of a
hungry lion... but there was also something strangely thrilling about his gaze.
Suddenly an image intruded on her thoughts: his soft furred hands caressing
her, gently grazing her tender flesh with the very tips of his sharp claws.

She shook her head sharply to clear her
it. Had he sent the vision to her?

The demon was looking into her eyes
again now. "Very well," he purred. "You have my seal. Why have
you summoned me?"

Leah stared back at him, angry at the
intrusion of her mind. She should get this over with quickly. "My brother
is ill," she said. "With a disease none of the healers have seen
before. We seek a cure."

He looked around, and stroked his chin
with a long finger. "We?" He asked. "I see only one witch

She swallowed, feeling the heat rise to
her face, and hoped it was too dark for him to see her blush. She shrugged,
noncommittally, and said nothing.

“What makes you think I will do this
for you?” There was a wicked gleam in his eye. She wondered what he was playing
at. With demons, there was always something. A double-edged gift, or a price to
be paid.

“I hold your seal,” she said simply.
“You are bound to that circle until I release you.”

“Ah.” He replied. As he spoke, he paced
back and forth, walking the edge of the seal like a tiger in its cage. “Well...
this place isn't so bad. I could get used to it.”

She knew he was lying. A demon could
not remain on the surface for long. If they were kept bound for too long they
would eventually become weak. Especially with nothing to feed on. After a time
they would disperse and be forced to reform in the between-world.

Remaining at low strength for a time
would make them prey to other demons. It was the one thing they truly feared.
But before she could call him on the bluff, she felt him brush her mind.

His presence – foreign, dominating and
somehow wild – invaded her while she stood unable to move. He would know she
knew his weakness, that she had the ritual well in hand. Good. Let him see he
had no choice but to obey her.

But having gained this knowledge, he
still didn't leave her mind. She felt him worming further in, violating.
Sending her wicked thoughts. Yet it felt as though he was caressing her being
like a lover.  She could almost feel his warm skin pressed against her, and
this time she imagined his tongue on her skin. Hot and wet, when he licked her
neck below the ear, then grazed her with sharp teeth.

“Stop!” She managed to shout, wresting
back control of her mind. She looked down, shocked to discover she had moved
forward three or more paces - putting her closer to the circle where the demon
stood slyly grinning. Alarmed, Leah tried to back away, only to find her feet

She glared back up at him.
"Release me." She said in her most authoritative tone - good enough
to command obedience from any villager or stubborn patient. But his smile only
widened, the cat's pupils of his eyes dilating slightly as he watched her.

." He said.

Leah shook her head stubbornly.
"Not until you give me what I need."

"Foolish girl." Nthar
growled, a warning edge in his voice.

Leah gasped as her own feet took her
toward the circle, the demon somehow taking control of her body once again. She
fought with all of her will against it, but to no avail. All she could do was
watch as he held his head high, and reached one clawed hand out to her,
stretching as far as he could within the seal.

She was closer... so close to him. She
could smell his smoky scent, along with a primal, musky... maleness. Her mouth
fell open and she whimpered as she helplessly crept forward, her feet jerking
as the battle of wills between them continued.

"Don't you know you're supposed to
have two witches for this summoning?" He asked her, scolding. "In
case of

Leah gritted her teeth with effort as
she unwillingly took one final step, and her hand involuntarily raised...
through the barrier of the circle and toward Nthar's waiting grasp.

He grabbed her, and with astonishing
speed and strength drew her to him. In a perverse parody of a dance partner he
spun her into his arms. Her back was pressed up against him, her hand captured
in his, and now he held her tightly around the waist with his strong arms.

He let go of her mind now that he was
physically restraining her, and Leah screamed and kicked fruitlessly, her feet
leaving the ground. She tried to kick him, to scratch, or writhe out of his
grip. Tears came burning to her eyes and threatened to fall.

How stupid she had been. She thought of
her ceremonial knife, sitting uselessly on the ground outside of the circle.
She didn't know if it would hurt him – but she wished for it now. It would have
been worth a try.

He held her tightly while she screamed
and flailed for a minute or two. Suddenly the thought occurred that she should
save her strength. There may be a chance to escape if he dropped his guard, but
she should wait for the right moment.

She stopped struggling all at once,
sucking in air as she tried to catch her breath. The demon laughed his growling
laugh, right above her ear. She could feel the heat of his body through her
clothes. His tail curled around her leg in an unwanted caress.

Terror and rage flooded the girl. What
was he planning to do? She breathed hard and forced herself to think. He
couldn't kill her, or he would be trapped. He couldn't take her with him to the
between-world - or at least she didn't think so - and he couldn't step out of
the circle without her order.

Of course, he could probably torture
her into giving that order.

She swallowed hard. "What do you
want?" She managed to squeak out.

Nthar chuckled, and raised one big hand
to caress the side of her face. Leah tried to pull away in disgust, but he
ignored her – his furred fingers stroking a trail down her cheek. “I do admire
your boldness,” he told her. “To come seeking me all alone.”

To her horror, his hand began to move
lower, over her jaw and down her neck. His hand was soft and his claws
retracted – for now – and he stroked her gently.

Leah shivered, all of a sudden fearful
for a different reason. Why was he touching her so intimately?  “What do you
from me?” She repeated in a harder tone.

“My girl,
came here looking
for something from me.” He purred, one finger now trailing over her collarbone.
Leah hitched a breath, one tear breaking free to spill down her cheek.

He lowered his head, his breath playing
in her hair. “The question is what will I take in return?”

“Fine then,” she breathed, turning her
face away as far as she could manage. “What will you take in return?”

He did not answer, but his hand moved
lower, and Leah squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his claws on her skin. Then
with one swift movement, he hooked the neckline of her dress and tore through
the thin material, rending it down the center and exposing her breasts to the cool

“Mmm,” he purred, rubbing his face
against her hair and inhaling deeply. “There is nothing quite like the fear of
a pretty young woman.” He pulled on the fabric, and she cried out as he tore it
fully away from her body and let the pieces drift to the ground.

He pulled her close again. She stood in
only the skirt of her dress, as he pressed back up against her. He slowly drew
his hand down, tracing a line between her firm round breasts. Leah felt her
nipples harden, and a shudder went through her. She tried to cover herself,
succeeding in freeing one hand. “Don't.” She said quietly, without hope of him
heeding her. “Please don't.”

He only laughed, swatting her hand
away. His claws scraped lightly over her sensitive skin. And now she became
aware of something else. Pressing against her lower back, his manhood was hard
and throbbing.

She panicked. She had never been
touched in this way – never even close. Leah had protected her virtue, waiting
for the day she would be promised to a young man – hopefully one she could
love. Men had tried to get close to her, but she had always rebuffed them,
using their healthy fear of her status as a witch to keep them at arms length.

“Please,” she repeated, and now the
tears flowed freely. She felt them drip down onto her chest, where Nthar's hand
sought her breast; cupped it, and circled the nipple. She knew she was in
danger of hysterics, but she couldn't help it. “Let me go and I will release
you.” She begged, hating herself all the while.

There was a long silence. He breathed
heavily against her. Then, slowly, he took her nipple between his fingers. He
squeezed just hard enough to make her uncomfortable.

His breath turned into a soft laugh.
“Hmm...” he said, as though thinking carefully. “I don't think so.” And he
pinched hard, rolling her nipple and twisting it between his fingers, sending a
spike of pain through her body.

Leah cried out and struggled, bucking
against the demon. But he was too strong – and what's more, her struggles only
seemed to excite him further. He shifted his grip to restrain her, then with a
louder laugh, held her away from him and tore her skirt, ripping it away in
several pieces. She was completely naked.

She sagged, crying, hopeless.

Nthar made a pleased sound, and shifted
her against him. He cupped her chin, turning her head and tilting it up so she
had to look at him. “I will tell you what I want.” He said, showing his sharp
teeth. He stared into her eyes, obviously enjoying her suffering. Leah wrenched
her head but couldn't get free.

“A vessel.”

For a moment Leah was confused. Her
brow furrowed and she simply looked into his golden eyes. Then his meaning
dawned on her. Her eyes widened and she gasped. “What?” She asked, shocked.

He grinned. “A lovely... sweet...
virgin to carry my spawn.”

“You can't!” The girl shrieked, finally
succeeding in tearing her gaze from his. He let her struggle fruitlessly for a
moment before grabbing her arms, turning her to face him and holding her fast,
both her wrists easily restrained in one large paw. She saw that he had a strip
of cloth from the tatters of her dress, and now he wrapped it swiftly around
her wrists, binding them tightly together.

She resisted with all her strength but
knew it was hopeless. He was so strong. He could have snapped her in half with
those mighty hands, she was sure. Even should she manage to escape him, she
would have to make it outside the circle. And then it would still be possible
for him to take control of her mind again. She had sealed her own fate here –
now she knew it.

Her hands were tied and she held them
uselessly before her.
Concentrate on surviving, now
. She told herself.
One more tear dropped from her eye as she thought of her family. What would
become of them, if she didn't make it?

Nthar licked his lips, and looked her
up and down hungrily. He ran his hot hands all over her – stroking her neck,
down her spine and the curve of her hip. Palming her breasts and squeezing

He bent his head suddenly and Leah
gasped as his mouth opened against her neck, his teeth gently grazing her. His
tongue was soft and hot, leaving a trail of moisture on her skin which felt
cool in the air when he moved away.

She shivered, closing her eyes. The
demon had both hands on her breasts, his soft palms massaging her – firmly, but
not cruelly. His thumbs circled her nipples, teasing their peaks. Then his hips
moved; he pressed up against her, grinding his hard member against her hip

A small moan broke from her lips and
Leah forced her eyes open, stiffening. She could feel her body responding – her
breath coming faster, her nipples aching and wetness forming between her legs.
She cursed under her breath. What was this power he had over her? Angrily, she
growled and pulled back from him, glaring into the demon's face.

“Come, now,” he said, not at all
concerned. “I know you're enjoying this." He reached up to caress her
cheek. I will make this pleasurable for you.”

Leah hissed at him, wanting to spit in
his face... but not quite daring.

His eyes went dark. “Very well, then.”
He growled. Snatching up a handful of her hair and wrapping it around his hand,
he turned her around and forced her down toward the ground.

She trembled in fear and rage, her eyes
burning with unshed tears. She wanted to curse him, to cry, to plead. His hand
gripped her upper arm roughly, claws digging into her skin, causing pinpricks
of pain while he forced her down.

When she sank to her knees, he held her
there, his hand still twisted in her hair while he pushed her shoulders down,
forcing her head toward the floor, her bound hands underneath her.

Even with one hand he held her easily.
She tried, but couldn't rise under the weight of his mighty arm. She was truly
terrified now - fully exposed, her sex bared right in front of him. He was
pressing up against her, his lion's legs clawing at the ground as he bent over
Leah. She felt his hot breath on her back as he made a low rumbling sound, his
free hand wandering over her hip, over her ass, and traveling lower.

She whimpered, as she felt his fingers
brush the curve of her ass then teasingly over her sex. For a moment he touched
the curls of light hair on her mound, and then his fingers stroked her slit.
Shamefully, she knew he found wetness there.

This can't be happening. It can't.
The thought ran through her mind over and over.

“Oh but it is.” Nthar supplied.

So he could still read her mind. She
shouldn't have been surprised.

“There is no point resisting.” One
thick finger slipped into her folds, tracing the length of her sex. He found
her clit, and rubbed it hard, and Leah gasped in shocked surprise as a bolt of
pleasure shocked through her.

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