The Birth of a Porn Star: Defying Daddy's Wishes

BOOK: The Birth of a Porn Star: Defying Daddy's Wishes
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The Birth of a Porn Star

Defying Daddy’s Wishes


F H John

Birth of a Porn Star: Defying Daddy’s Wishes

©2016 by F H John


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book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely


This book contains
explicit, adult sexual materials and only those above the age of 18 should read
it. The scenes within this book are extreme, graphic and are not intended for
those looking for purely romantic love in monogamous relationships or even
partners practicing safe sex. The content of this book is of extreme nature and
involves reluctant and forceful sexual scenes. This is a work of fiction and
the author does not condone forceful sex outside of fictional settings, unless
both partners explicitly consent to it.

Chapter 1
Calendar Audition

“Are you sure this audition is legit? It’s for a real
calendar, right?”

“Positive,” I lied. “Why?”

She turned in the seat of our rented car and gave me a
suspicious look.

“Why is it in Florida?”

“That’s where it is,” I said. “I don’t know why.”

She folded her arms and glared at me. “You’re not lying to
me, are you?”

“Why are you saying that?” I was trying very hard not to
sweat, but the Florida sun wasn’t making it easy and the heat of her questions
was making it even harder. If I let the truth slip out now, before we got to
the audition, she was sure to back out.

“I talked to Lindsey before we left. She says that pornos
are made in Florida now. I told her she was crazy. I told her that everybody
knows pornos are made in California, but she’s says that’s wrong. She says the
actors have to wear condoms in California and they don’t in Florida, so now
almost all pornos are made in Florida. Is that true, Jacob?”

“It might be,” I said, trying to play innocent. “How would I

“Because! You know everything about porn! God, why did I
have to start going out with such a pervert.”

“Hey!” I said. “I got you into this audition, didn’t I. You
said you wanted to be a model, right? Well. I got you an audition.”

“I’m not doing porn, Jacob. I mean it.”

“This is just a calendar, Sarah. I swear.”

“What kind of Calendar? And don’t lie. I always know when
you’re lying.”

Not always,
I thought.

“Well, it is an adult Calendar,” I lamented, knowing that
she would figure that out anyway.

“I knew it,” she said. “Turn the car around! I mean it.”

“Relax, Sarah. You’re gorgeous. Perfect even. You might have
to go topless. So what? You have to start your career somewhere, right? You
can’t just expect to step right into the business and walk right into being a
supermodel for a ritzy magazine.”

“Just topless?” she asked suspiciously.

“Yeah. This is a classy shoot, Sarah. They only do quality

“You promise? My dad would kill me if it was anything more
than that. Kill me, Jacob. He would literally bend me over and whip me until I

“Oh, he would not. Besides. He’ll never find out. He’s too
square to look at girly calendars.”

“What if one of his friends sees it.”

“They’re just as square as he is. Nobody will know.”

“I’m a daddy’s girl, Jacob. I couldn’t stand it if he hated

“He won’t find out,” I said.

Chapter 2
Porn Star Fantasy

I know it was bad to lie to her the way I was, but it had
always been my dream to date a porn star. There were two ways I could have
accomplished my dream. I could move to Florida and try to sweep an already
established porn star off her feet, but I didn’t feel very confident about
that. Porn stars can have any guy they want, and I’m average. I’m not rich and
I’m not what women consider a ‘bad boy’ or even sexy. I’m just a guy.

A more realistic way to achieve my goal was to find a really
pretty girl and get her into the business. Producers are always on the hunt for
new talent and as long as the girl can be considered cute, she’s shoe in. They
cycle through women quick, so the standards aren’t that high.

I got lucky with Sarah. She wasn’t just cute. Of course,
when we first got together, she didn’t know how pretty she was. She didn’t
dress pretty. She didn’t do her hair nice. She didn’t hang out with the pretty
girls, she hung out with the ordinary girls. With a little encouragement from a
guy, she quickly began to blossom and as it turned out, she was pretty close to
being a ten. She just kept her beauty buried. In no time at all, I had her
dressing a little sexier and as she started getting a little more attention
from guys, she began to realize that she did have it in the looks department
and she even had a bit of a naughty side, which made it a lot easier to
convince her that she could, if she really wanted, be a model.

The downside was that even though she was willing enough in
bed, she was still hanging on to trying to live up to her father’s strict
standards. Behind closed doors, she could get a little wild, she was no longer
a virgin, but sometimes she still acted like it. If I even suggested we get our
own place together, allowing me a little more freedom with her, she’d dismiss
the idea completely, saying that her father would never let her. I’d point out
that she was eighteen now and could do what she wanted, but she wouldn’t go for
it. She’d cite that she was a daddy’s girl and could never defy him. Hopefully,
the producer of this, ‘calendar’ was good at his job. If he blew it, I was
pretty sure it would be back to the drawing board, but now that we were
graduated from high school, finding another hot girl wouldn’t be as easy. My
hope was that he could convince her to do an adult video and that once she did,
she would want to do it again. The whole plan was risky. There was a good
chance it would fail and she’d dump me, but I wanted to try. My dream of dating
a porn star was that important to me.

Chapter 4
Living the Dream

We both stood nervously in front of the door as we waited
for someone to answer. I already knew the schtick, because I’ve seen the videos
these guys make. They film the wannabe models from the moment they walk through
the front door and show the whole process as they convince the girl to do more
than what she expected to have to do. Much more.

The door opened and just as I expected, there was a tall guy
standing there holding a camera.

“Hey,” Sarah said. “What’s with the camera?”

“We have to shoot everything right from the beginning, hon.
Are you Sarah?”

“Yes,” she said. “This is my boyfriend, Jacob.”

“Sorry, hon,” he said. “You’ll have to do this without your

“What,” she said. “No. I need him to be here. He’s like my
cheerleader. He helps me be more confident.”

The guy pulled the camera to the side.

“Step in, folks. Let’s talk about this inside.” He kept the
camera angled to get a shot, but pretended as if he wasn’t filming anymore.

“My name is Eric and we’re totally professional here,” he
said. “We do this all the time. You don’t have anything to be shy about and you
can leave at any time you want, hon. You’re in control. It’s no big deal. We
have a lot of girls waiting for their audition. We hope you work out, because …
to be honest, you’re a really cute girl. Kind of hot in a sweet way, but
really. If you’re not completely comfortable with this, we can move on. Just
ask your boyfriend to wait in the car or something, okay.”

“Can I uh … can I talk to you. Privately,” I asked him.

He nodded, setting the camera down on a nearby table so that
it was still pointed in Sarah’s direction and he led me into the next room
where there were a few guys chatting around a table. Two of them were stocky
black guys and the other was a well-shaped white guy.

“Look. I know what this is. I’m a big fan of your site. A
member. She doesn’t know, but I want you guys to do your thing with her. It’s
totally cool with me.”

“Really,” he said. I could see his wheels churning. “So,
you’re really her boyfriend? That’s no bullshit?”

“I am,” I said.

He scratched his chin in thought. “I think we could work
that angle,” he said. “It’s different than anything else we’ve done.”

“Sweet,” I said. “Look. She loves DJ Lucas. If you can work
that into the script. You know. Like you guys have something to do with him
coming up, she’ll be putty in your hands.”

He laughed. “You uh … you ain’t the greatest boyfriend in
the bunch. You know that, right?”

“I’m doing her a favor. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s
the type.”

“All right, my man. Let’s get things rolling.”

We walked back into the room where Sarah was and he picked
the camera back up.

“All right, Sarah. Your boyfriend is quite convincing. We’re
going to let him stay.”

“Oh, good,” she said, sounding relieved. “I’d be a lot more
comfortable with him here.”

“We do need to see your I.D., hon. We’ll have to make a copy
of it for our records.”

“My I.D.? Why?”

He lowered the camera again, keeping the lens in her
direction. “Like I said, hon. We are professionals. We have to do this above
the board. We record everything for your protection and for ours. With the
camera rolling, you know there won’t be anything funny going on, because our
bosses would know, right?”

“I guess. Sure,” she said.

“And we have to copy your I.D. Again, that’s the
professional thing to do, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. You’re right. Sure.”

She took out her I.D. and handed it to him. He walked over,
slapped her I.D. on the copier nearby and pushed the button to bring the
machine to life. He made the copy and returned her license to her.

“Hey guys,” Eric said. “Come in and meet Sarah. I think
you’ll love her.”

“Who are you talking to,” she said, worried.

“Just a few of the other producers, hon. Nothing to worry
about. They’ll just want to get a look at you and then they’ll go back into the
other room. For the rest of the audition, it will only be you me and your

“Jacob,” I said.

“Right. You me and Jacob here.”

The three men from the other room stepped in. All three of
them made it a point to look her over, each of them taking turns circling her
as they looked.

“Excellent. If she gives a good audition, the main producer
will love the shit out of her,” one of the guys said.

“Main producer?” she asked.

“Yes, hon. We do all the work. He gets all the credit. That’s
the way this industry works. Someday we hope to be the main man, but for now,
we’re stuck doing all the work. You understand, right?”

“I guess,” she said. “I think I’d rather he did the

“I understand why you would want that. It makes sense. I
know it does, hon, but trust me. He always picks the girls that we recommend.
It really is me and these other guys who you have to impress, okay.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Can we get started then,” he asked.

“Are they going to go into the other room?” she asked.

All three of them nodded without any further invitation.
They all headed back into the room they started in.

“Okay, sweetie. Now I’ll need you to go over there and stand
by that white wall there. I need a nice contrast so that you’ll be the
highlight of the frame, okay?”

“Okay,” she said as she walked over to the wall.

She stood there facing the camera with her hands folded in
front of her. The skirt she was wearing ended a few inches above her knees and
her white top was buttonless. She looked cute, but she didn’t look like a
calendar model.

“All right, sweetie,” Eric said bringing the camera up in
front of him. “Now, I need you to spin slowly for me. All of the producers are
going to want to see you from every angle.”

“Okay,” she said. She turned slowly, moving her feet until
she was facing front again.

“Good, hon. See this isn’t so tough, is it.”

“Not so far, no,” she said.

“All right. Now I will have to see a little more of your
body. Can you lift your skirt nice and high? Show me what you’re working with?”

“Lift my skirt? Is that really necessary?”

“It is, hon,” he said, lowering the camera. “Listen, hon.
Like I said before. We are very professional here. There’s nothing out of the
ordinary going on. We do this all the time. This isn’t a children’s calendar,
sweetie. Our customers are men and you know how guys are, right. They like
beautiful girls like you and in the official calendar, we’re going to need
girls who are willing to wear sexy lingerie, or skimpy swimsuits. Some of the
sexier girls, the more adventurous girls, will wear even less. You know how it
is. That’s where the real money is. You know that right? In either case, we
have to know that your body looks nice for the camera. We can’t just guess.”

“Yeah,” she said. “That makes sense.”

“You’d be comfortable wearing either a string bikini or
lingerie for this, wouldn’t you?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I wouldn’t mind that.”

“Perfect,” he said. “So, lifting your skirt isn’t a huge
deal, then, okay.”

“I suppose not. I’m sorry for making it sound like I
wouldn’t do it. I’m just nervous.”

“I understand, hon,” he said. “This your first time shooting

“Yeah,” she said. “I’m really sorry.”

“No, no. It’s fine, hon. For your first time, you’re not
doing bad and you look absolutely adorable in that skirt. The guys will love

“Nobody will see this, right. Other than the producers?”

“If you’re accepted. If you make the cut, yes. The guys love
to see the audition footage, but that’s not a problem. This is all pretty
standard stuff. Nothing outrageous.”

“Yeah. You’re right. Sorry again,” she said.

“Okay, so lift that skirt up for me,” he said. “Nice and

Sarah’s face flushed a little, but she did what she was
asked. She bent down and took the hem of her skirt, lifting it until just
before her panties came into view.

“A little higher, hon. We’re going to need to see what you
look like in underwear, baby.”

Her eyes spun a little, but she lifted it higher, exposing
her panties for the camera. I picked the ones she had on. They were sexy and
lacy, a thong in the back, which I knew was coming next.

“Perfect, hon. You are absolutely stunning. You have very
sexy thighs and nice legs in general. The main producer will love this,” he
said. “Now spin around for me so we can see your backside.”

“Huh?” she said, giving me a worried look and dropping her
skirt. “I uh—I wore a thong. Shoot, Jacob. I knew I should have worn the other

“No, no, hon. If you can show us that you’re brave enough,
the thong is much better. Especially if you agree to wear a thong during the
real photoshoot. Like I said, that kind of thing does pay better. Is a thong
out of the question for that, hon?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. My butt is kind of small,” she

“Small? Hon. Guys love a nice, firm butt, even if it is
small. Sometimes they like that better. Is your butt firm?”

“Oh, yeah. I played volleyball and soccer in high school.”

“Well, let’s have a look at it,” Eric said. “Be confident

She turned around and lifted her skirt again, going fast
until just before the bottom of her butt started to come into view. She slowed
down, but kept lifting her skirt, letting her perfect rump flash before the
camera. She held the skirt there and waited for what came next.

“Keep the skirt lifted nice and high and then turn nice and
slow for the camera, okay?”

“Okay,” she said as she began to turn. She turned all the
way around until her butt was facing the camera again.

“Great, hon. Really, really, nice. I think that’s the nicest
butt I’ve seen all day. It really is. You should be proud.”

“I am, I guess,” she said.

“All right. Now, I’ll just need you to remove your shirt.
You are wearing a bra under there, right?” Eric asked.

“I am, but uh … I talked with my boyfriend earlier, and we
both think I should take that off. My boobs are my best asset,” she said.

“That would be wonderful, Sarah. Really good, hon. Whatever
you are comfortable with.”

Sarah began taking her shirt off. She pulled it over her
head and as soon as she had her shirt off, she reached back and unsnapped her
bra, letting it go but covering her breasts with her hands. She was right about
her breasts being her best asset. They were full, more than my hands could
cover and as she stood there with her hands covering them, there was flesh
spilling out. She took a deep breath, gazed into the camera and then let her
hands fall away. Her nipples were as hard as pebbles. She stood there nervously
allowing Eric to film her breasts. And she was smiling, giving me hope that a
star truly was being born.

I knew I couldn’t push that part. She would have to take
that step on her own, and I also knew that she would only do that if it was in
her heart to do it. I thought there was a chance she would, but I wasn’t sure.
I could only hope that I hadn’t talked her into coming down too early, but I
was growing impatient. I wanted to watch her in action. I wanted to see her
making a film, letting men have sex with her while the tape rolled. And then I
wanted to watch the videos when they came out, knowing that she was my girl and
that she was a porn star. I loved the idea of being with a girl who fucked on
camera for a living.

“Absolutely beautiful, Sarah. Gorgeous. You were right. Your
tits are your best asset by far, hon.”

“Thanks,” she said with a blush.

“Okay, so, like I said earlier. This is an adult calendar
that we do. There will be a printed version and there will also be a digital
version. The digital version does a lot better than the printed version,
believe it or not. The printed version usually sells about thirty thousand
copies or so and the girls in that make a few hundred bucks for their shoot.
The digital version, however. Now that one does hundreds of thousands of
subscriptions and those girls make a lot more. Which would you be more
interested in?”

“Hundreds of thousands?”

“Yep. If you go that route, there will be that many guys
checking you out for the entire month that you are featured in.”

“Wow,” she said. “That would be pretty cool.”

“On top of that. If you go with the digital version and do a
good enough job, we have a shoot coming up with DJ Lucas. We recruit all of the
girls for his videos and he always uses the girls we suggest.”

“DJ Lucas? Really? Now I know you’re putting me on,” she
said, covering her breasts again.

“I’m not. Really, hon.”

“He’s from New York,” she said.

“He is. I know that, but he comes down here, because we have
access to the types of girls he likes.”

“And what types of girls are those?”

“Adventurous girls. Girls like you who aren’t shy about
their bodies.”

“What’s that supposed to mean,” she said.

“Look, hon. I’m not going to pull any punches here. Mr.
Lucas only wants girls who are willing. He’s not gay. You know that, right?”

“Well, yeah. Of course I know that.”

I brought up DJ Lucas, because she had mentioned him so many
times before. He was on her dream list. That list that couples sometimes make
that permits each of them to sleep with the celebrity of their choice if the
opportunity ever happened to come along. Of course this opportunity wasn’t for
real, but she didn’t know that. The seed was planted, though. That was the
important thing.

“Well. After Mr. Lucas shoots his videos with the girls, he
likes to take them backstage. Have a little fun with them. Now, if you’re not
okay with that, we understand, but…”

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