The Birth of a Porn Star: Defying Daddy's Wishes (2 page)

BOOK: The Birth of a Porn Star: Defying Daddy's Wishes
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“No,” she said. “I uh…” she looked at me and I smiled back
at her. “Well, my boyfriend would understand if he wanted me for that.”

Eric turned the camera on me for the first time.

“You would, Jacob?”

“Of course. We have an agreement.”

“Let me get this right. You are her boyfriend, correct?”

“Yes, sir,” I said proudly.

“But if DJ Lucas wanted to have sex with her, you wouldn’t
have an issue with that?”

“No. Should I? He’s famous. I’d be honored if he wanted

“Nice,” he said, turning the camera back to Sarah.

“Well, I think you have a very understanding boyfriend
here,” Eric said.

“Yeah. He’s a pretty good guy. He understands what I need
and what I want out of life.”

“I see that,” Eric said. “Okay. So back to the digital
shoot. What we need for that are girls who aren’t shy about sharing their
naughty side with the subscribers.”

“Huh? Naughty side?”

“Sure, hon. You obviously have one. I mean, if you’re
willing to have sex with Mr. Lucas, even though You’ve never met him, you must
have some kind of fantasy life.”

“Well. Yeah. I guess I do. I’m just not used to sharing it.
You know. Publicly.”

Eric dropped the camera again and started speaking in a low

“I know, hon. And it’s not that I’m trying to pry or be
nosy. I know this is just the audition, but we kind of want you to show that
you can do and say the kinds of things we would need you to do and say. You see
the digital version will have photos, but it will also have video clips. You
know. Clips of you telling the guys about some of your sexier secrets. The guys
get a kick out of seeing such a beautiful young girl talking about her sex
life, or describing some of her naughty thoughts or fantasies. I mean, let’s
face it, hon. You’re a really cute girl. They love girls who look really
innocent, but if the girl is as innocent as she looks, well. You know how guys
are. They lose interest. If you don’t have a naughty side, we understand, but
we would have to find another girl who has your look and who does…”

“No, no. I understand. It’s not that big of a deal. Yeah. I
have a naughty side.”

“Great,” he said. “Will you share some of it with us.”

“Well. Maybe Jacob should leave for this part.”

“It’s okay, Sarah. I don’t expect you to be a prude or
anything. I don’t even want you to be. I won’t get jealous.”

“You promise?” she said. “I haven’t talked to you about any
of the things I think about when you’re not around.”

“Well, pretend you’re telling me these things then. I want
to know them anyway.”

“All right,” she said. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Okay, so, tell us, Sarah. What kind of things do you think

He stopped. “You know what, Sarah. Let’s find a more
comfortable spot for this part. We have a couch in the other room with more
cameras for better angles and better lighting. Would you be okay with
continuing on in there?”

“Yeah,” she said. “That’d be okay, I guess. Should I put my
shirt back on?”

“Well. If that’s the only way you would be comfortable, but
to be honest, the guys would prefer it if you didn’t.”

“For now,” she said. “If that’s okay. If you need me to,
I’ll take it off again.”

“Fair enough,” he said as we all headed toward the back of
the apartment they were using as a studio.

The room was done all in white. I’d seen it a hundred times
before. Even the couch was white. There were lights pointing in the direction
of the couch and three different cameras aimed there as well.

“What do you use this room for?” she asked.

“Well, to be honest, hon. We find that the girls relax a
little more in this environment. It has a clean feel to it, don’t you think?”

“Yeah. I can see that,” she said. She walked over to the
couch and sat down. I sat on one of the chairs on the other side of the room.

“Okay, Sarah. Instead of going right into how it is that you
can sometimes be a naughty girl. What I’d like to do is get a shot of you
saying something sexy to the subscribers. I’d like to get a clip that we could
possibly use if you’re selected. Something like, ‘Hey guys. My name is Sarah
and I may look innocent, but I’m really not. When nobody is looking, I can be
such a naughty girl.’ You know. Something like that. The guys love that. You
have such a preacher’s daughter look.”

Sarah busted out laughing.

“What? Did I say something wrong?”

She shook her head no, but she was still laughing and
holding her hand to her face.

“I’m sorry, but the reality of it just kind of hit me. God.
I’m being such a cliché right now.”

“Wait? You’re not saying that your dad is a preacher.”

She nodded her head yes and laughed even harder.

It took her a minute, but Eric let her regain control.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I just couldn’t help it. I kept
thinking about how my dad would react if he saw this video. I mean. I haven’t
done that much, but God, would he FREAK.”

“I understand.”

“No. I don’t think you do.” She lifted her butt from the
couch and Eric must have thought that meant she wanted to leave. He popped out
of his chair.

“Sarah. You don’t have to leave.”

She gave him a funny look. “I wasn’t going to. I was just
adjusting my skirt.” She sat back down.

“Oh. Okay,” he said. “You worried me for a second. A cute
girl like you and a preacher’s daughter. I hate to say this, but if you make
it, you might have a chance at being our most popular girl.”

“I’m not leaving,” she said. “Not yet, anyway. I’m starting
to have fun.”

“Even though your daddy wouldn’t approve.”

She shrugged. “Honestly?” she asked.

“Of course. What else.”

“I didn’t really think about it before. I was just doing
this because I wanted a shot at getting into a calendar. You understand that,
I’m sure.”

“But,” he said. “I sense a but coming on.”

“But,” she shrugged again. “I don’t know. I think it’s time
I shed my father’s skin a little. I
do everything daddy tells me
to do. I almost want to do this
because it would make my dad freak
out if he found out.”

“Really?” he asked.

“Not that I want him to ever see this. But … I don’t know.
The idea that he
see it. That somehow it could end up on his
computer. It makes it a little more exciting.”

“Does it make you feel like giving the guys a taste of your
naughty side?”

“A little. Maybe. But nothing drastic,” she said putting up
a finger.

“Okay. So speak from the heart,” Eric said. “Give the guys
that video clip we talked about. Give them some kind of naughty girl statement
that they could bite into.”

“Can I think about it for a second, so I can come up with a
good one?”

“Sure,” he said. “Once the producer sees it, we edit out any
time gaps. Plenty of tape in here. Every girl gets a fresh reel.”

“How long should the statement be?” she asked.

“As long or as short as you’d like. It’s totally up to you.
Just make it as good as you think it can be.”

“Should I take my shirt off again. That would be kind of

“Absolutely. I was going to suggest it, but I’m glad you’re
okay with it.”

Sarah took her shirt back off. She thought for another full
minute before she said anything at all, but once she started speaking, she blew
mine and Eric’s minds.

She covered her breasts, paused and then spoke. “Hey there,
boys,” she began. She spoke as if she were playing a character. “My name is
Sarah and my father is a Baptist preacher. He thinks I’m his innocent little
angel, but I’m really not. He thinks I’m so sweet, and so pure, but I’m a bit
of a devil when I want to be. My daddy would freak out if he knew I was here
right now telling you all my dirty little secrets, but I don’t care. I’m so
tired of doing what Daddy says I should do.” Sarah leaned back a little,
placing her hands on either side of the couch. “I love that you are all looking
at my titties right now. I hope you like them. I hope you like them a lot. I want
all of you sexy guys to think about me tonight. Think about all of the naughty
things you want to do to me. I also want you to know that if you were here, I
would let you. I would let every one of you do every dirty thing you wanted

“How was that,” she said, breaking character.

“Huh? Oh, shit,” Eric said. “You uh … yeah, Sarah. It was so
good that you had me somewhere else entirely. Amazing.”

“Thanks,” she said with a little cheer in her voice. “You
really liked it?”

“Sarah. I mean it. You had me convinced. Did you really mean
those things?”

“Depends. Which things?”

“Well, you said that if the subscribers were here, you would
let them do whatever they wanted with you. Did you mean that?”

“You mean for real?”

“That is what you said.”

“I don’t know if I’d do it for real, real. But it felt sexy
saying it. I guess I kind of like the idea of being that naughty.”

“Wow,” he said. He pulled his pant-leg tight against his leg
and showed her that his dick was rock hard. Mine was too and seeing it made
Sarah giggle.

“Seeing that doesn’t creep you out, does it? You are
comfortable with me, aren’t you?”

“Perfectly comfortable. It doesn’t creep me out at all. It’s
kind of hot knowing that I turned you on like that.”

“Good,” he said. “If you keep saying things half as sexy as
you have been, I’m going to have to make a run to the bathroom.”

She giggled again, covering her mouth. Her cheeks turned a
rosy pink.

“Should I take that as a challenge?”

“If you’d like to,” he said. “But to be honest, I’m not
really kidding about that.”

“Oh, I think I could make you do it then. I guess I do have
a few more naughty secrets I could share.”

“Like,” Eric asked.

“Oh, God. I had to open my mouth, didn’t I?” she said. “It’s
a little embarrassing.”

“Relax. We’re having fun, that’s all. We probably won’t even
use this part. We already have quite a bit of great clips for the calendar.”

She pointed at me. “You have to promise you won’t get
jealous, Jacob,” she said.

“I won’t,” I said. “Count on it.”

She took a deep breath and then sighed again. “God, it
really is embarrassing to admit this.”

“Take your time, Sarah. No hurry.”

“Well. I guess it started when I was fourteen. Sometimes my
dad would have people over for counseling and stuff. Mostly when he had to talk
to folks about sensitive issues. You know, things that they didn’t want to talk
about inside of the church. Well, one time, I stayed up because I knew he had
one of these counseling sessions coming up. I knew the family he was talking
to. They had a daughter not much older than me. She wasn’t there. Just the
parents were, but I knew they wanted to talk to my dad about their daughter,
but I didn’t know what they wanted to talk about. I was curious. I was pretty
sure that Gloria, the girl in the family, didn’t know her parents were talking
to my dad about her, so I thought I was going to tell her about it when I saw
her again. Anyway, I stayed up and I hid behind the banister overlooking our
living room and I listened. It turned out that Gloria was sneaking around with
a black guy from their neighborhood. He was about a year older than her and
they said they were pretty sure she was having sex with him, or if she wasn’t,
she might be soon.

“I couldn’t believe it when they were saying it, because I
always thought Gloria was just like me and back then, I wasn’t really thinking
too much about sex and stuff. I hadn’t even kissed a guy yet.”

“Then what happened?” Eric asked.

“Well, my dad told them not to worry. He said that if they
weren’t comfortable talking to her about it, that he would. They said they were
afraid if they pushed her too hard, that she would rebel even more and go
through with it just to spite them. They said she was starting to argue with
them about little things and what not. My dad told them he knew how to handle
it and they left with happier faces than when they came in.

“I saw Gloria the very next day and I did tell her what I
heard. She thanked me and she was going to walk away, but I stopped her and
asked her if it was true. She said it was. She said it was too late for my dad
to stop her from having sex with the guy and then she excitedly told me how
awesome it was to have sex with a black guy.”

“Oh. I see,” Eric said. “Quite an adventurous young girl,
this Gloria.”

“Exactly,” Sarah said.

“And then,” Eric said, prompting her to continue.

“And then I started thinking about it. She told me how big
he was and how dirty having sex with him made her feel. She said she actually
liked that her dad was freaking out about it because she was tired of listening
to him lecture her about sex all the time. She said if he was going to treat
her like a slut, she might as well act like one and she said that no matter
what my dad said to her, she was going to keep doing it until the guy got her
pregnant. She was actually
to get pregnant by him.”

“Okay … well,” Eric said. “Tell us what was running through
your head as your friend confessed these things to you.”

“At first, I thought she went crazy. Like she caught a
sickness or something. Back then, in my world, a girl never went against her
daddy’s wishes. Back then, my daddy was my everything, but at the same time, I
kind of admired her for being so bold and for doing what she wanted to do, even
though it sounded so wrong. Sex is a really big deal in my daddy’s church.
Having sex with a guy before you marry him is like the worst thing a girl could
do and trying to get pregnant? By a black guy? Half of me expected the church
to explode or something, but you know what?”

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