The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1)
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Chapter 50 – Pervert!


“Piss off! Who do you think you are, to have the right to challenge me? If not for my Master stopping me back then, I would have broken every single bone in your body!”

Chax fiercely roared as he released his essence.


Waves of scorching flames suddenly flowed around Chax’s hands, and the surrounding disciples were all forced a step back under the intense heat.


A sinister glint flashed in Chax’s eyes as he prepared to rush towards Calron.


Seeing the large boy aiming for Calron, Fatty suddenly pushed his sister aside as he released his own essence into the air. Fatty’s face was completely distorted in anger as he stepped in front of his big brother!


A cyan colored essence coalesced around him, and the temperature in the room suddenly seemed to have dropped by several degrees!


It was a bizarre environment, with one side being extremely hot and the other side being freezing cold!


“Who the hell are you?”

Chax abruptly stopped his attack, as he turned to glare at Fatty.


This was the first time he had seen Fatty after the previous incident and Chax did not recognize the current Fatty, as he was entirely different to the Fatty that Chax last remembered!


Before Fatty could respond, a firm hand suddenly grasped his shoulder.


“Fatty, come back. This is not your fight!”

Calron hoarsely voiced next to him.


“But big broth- “

Fatty abruptly stopped as he felt Calron’s hand tighten its grip on his shoulder.


“Sigh… alright, big brother.”

Withdrawing his essence, Fatty slowly stepped back.


However, he continued to emanate an aura of hatred towards Chax.


Calron did not want Fatty to fight this battle, as he could clearly sense that the current Chax was not as simple as before. His current cultivation was at the seventh rank or possibly even at the eighth rank!


The difference between the fifth and sixth rank might not be great, but the closer one reached to the peak of the Spiritual stage, the purer their essence would be, and it was at the seventh rank that the essence within one’s body would go through a qualitative change!


Although Fatty might be able to defeat cultivators in the fifth and sixth rank, he would be no match for a genuine seventh or eighth rank cultivator!


It appeared as if Chax had used a lot of resources to gather the required amount of essence to break into the next rank of cultivation! This would not be surprising as his father was the city Lord, and had plenty of beast cores to provide for his son to cultivate with.


“Chax, stop this fight right now! You know very well that we are not allowed to engage in battles outside of the tournament!”

Felice suddenly stated in a cold tone.


Initially, she had not wanted to involve herself as Chax was clearly going after Calron, but when her little brother stepped in, she was forced to intervene as well.


Unlike others that tried to stop Chax, Felice had a strong background that even Chax would not dare to provoke.


“Sigh… yes, I forgot about the rules… “

Chax replied back in an overly sincere tone as he slowly stepped back away from Calron.


The nearby disciples all breathed out a sigh of relief when they heard those words.


However, in a flash, Chax abruptly turned around and flung a huge ball of flame towards Calron!


The scorching ball of flame travelled at an insane speed and was almost upon Calron before anyone had even realized that Chax had attacked!


All time seemed to stop.


The fiery glows of the flames were reflected in Calron’s eyes, as the scorching ball of flame drew closer and closer towards Calron’s face.


From the intensity of the heat, Calron knew that even with his physical body, he would take considerable damage if he did not use the full power of the legacy.


However, before he could even activate the Blood Legacy, he felt his core suddenly quivering with a violent energy as the Azure Lightning threatened to come out.


Calron tightly clenched his fists as he tried to force down the lightning! He would much rather risk revealing the Blood Legacy than his Azure Lightning!


Torrents of blue lightning flashed across Calron’s pupils!


Knowing that he was powerless to stop the lightning, Calron resigned himself to his fate, as a tenacious expression spread across his face!



“Hmm, is someone being a naughty boy?”

A gentle and pleasant voice suddenly reverberated throughout the booth.


In an extremely slow motion, the figure of an old man coalesced in front of Calron.


Although the old man appeared to be moving leisurely, his speed was shockingly fast that even Calron did not detect him till the very last moment!


The old man had a striking pair of bright sea-green eyes and his medium length grey hair was tied back in a neat ponytail. Although his face had signs of aging and slight wrinkles on the skin, his eyes fiercely penetrated the souls of every disciple there.


“Admirable… to have such proficiency in a fourth rank technique like this Solare Blast.”

The old man cheerfully stated as he caught the giant ball of flames in his hand.


Meanwhile, Chax just stood there with a stunned expression on his face!


This old geezer was definitely a hidden expert!


It was obvious that this old man had the cultivation of the Vajra stage, or else how could he so easily nullify Chax’s attack?


From the old man’s white robes, it was clear that he was not an Elder of the school, but an outsider!


“If Serina had not come to me in time, things might have turned ugly… “

The old man whispered to himself, as he then turned to look at Calron.


“Boy, are you alright?”


“Yes, sir, thank you for stopping that attack.”

Calron calmly responded back to the elderly man.


The Azure Lightning had quietly disappeared on its own once the danger to Calron’s life vanished. Thankfully, the sudden appearance of the ball of flames and its bright light had drawn all the attention, so no one noticed the strangeness of Calron’s lightning.


The old man was a bit taken aback with the calmness in the boy’s voice, but he turned his head to gaze into Chax’s eyes.


“I don’t care whether your father is the city Lord. You will obey the rules of the tournament or I will personally disqualify you! Is that understood?”

The old man spoke in a serious tone as his eyes pierced into Chax’s.



Hearing those words, Chax immediately realized who this old man really was.


The old man was the tournament Moderator!


The Red Boar School always hired an external group to mediate the tournaments. This was to ensure that the battles and duels all stayed fair and none of the teachers or Masters gave a biased judgment.


To be a Moderator, one had to have a very high cultivation!


“Lord Jarin, the next round is about to begin.”

A tall and stunningly beautiful woman walked towards the old man as she reported to him.


The woman’s dark maroon dress tightly hugged her body, as it accentuated her curves and voluptuous figure.


Some of the older male disciples in the booth drooled at the sight of the gorgeous woman.


“Eh? Serina?”

Suddenly a strange look flashed across the old man’s eyes, as the intense aura around him completely vanished.


“How about giving me a kiss for good luck, eh?”

The old man sweetly asked as he quickly arrived in front of the beautiful woman.


A scowl emerged on the woman’s face as she saw the dirty look in the old man’s eyes.


“Lord Jarin, the Captain has asked you to mediate the next round. Please go and report to him.”

The woman responded in a brusque tone.


It was clear that this was not the first time the woman had to deal with the degenerate old man in front of her.


“Well, how about a quick hug then?”

The old man was completely undeterred in his advances, as he spoke with a lewd expression on his face.


The nearby older disciples all felt like slapping the old geezer for his shamelessness!


Just a moment before, they all had admiring gazes towards the old man who exuded such a calm and powerful aura, but seeing his attitude completely switch, only one word seemed to echo in their minds.








Chapter 51 – Entering the Stage


A loud horn buzzed throughout the entire Arena.


“Lord Jarin, the first duel has just ended. Please make your way to the stadium before the Captain gets angry.”

Serina stated in a strict tone as she glared at the old man.


“Alright, alright, I’m going!”

The old man responded, as he started walking past the beautiful woman.



Serina suddenly yelped as she grabbed her behind.


“Hehe, I’m suddenly feeling very motivated!”

The old man abruptly exclaimed as he vanished from the booth in a blink of an eye!


“Damn that geezer! This is the third time today that he has pinched my butt! I will report it to the Captain when this tournament is over!”

Serina furiously muttered as she then walked out of the contestants’ booth.


The disciples all stood numbly at the side with their hearts in turmoil.


“I thought the Moderators were supposed to be high ranking officials… what’s up with that perverted geezer then?”


“Hey! The second duel is starting! Who are the ones fighting?”

As the surrounding disciples all chattered amongst themselves, Felice abruptly turned towards Fatty and gently whispered.


“Rory, you will fight the duel after this. I don’t know who your opponent is, but you have to be careful! If you feel like you cannot win, just surrender before you get hurt.”

Hearing his sister’s words, Fatty obediently nodded back.


“Alright, big sister!”


Meanwhile, Calron was pondering within his own thoughts:

That ball of flame was too dangerous. That bastard is definitely in the eighth rank! I can’t let my guard down around him…


Chax had a cunning and despicable personality, which was evident when he attempted a surprise attack on Calron when his guard was down!

Shaking his thoughts of the large bully, Calron turned to Fatty.


“Fatty! Let’s go watch the fight! You are next after this duel, so you need to check out your competition.”

Calron stated as he rushed towards the stadium.


Fatty immediately followed behind his big brother after saying a quick goodbye to Felice.




“….are the two participants ready?”

A familiar voice loudly echoed within the stadium.


Calron and Fatty both looked towards the source of voice, and found the old man from earlier standing in the middle of the stage.


The calm and powerful aura around him had returned, and if the two boys had not witnessed the previous scene in the booth with the old man harassing the beautiful woman, then both of them would also have deep admiring gazes like the rest of the people around the stadium!


“Hey, isn’t that the perverted old man we just saw in the booth?”

Fatty abruptly shouted into the crowd as he turned towards Calron.


“You idiot!”

Calron suddenly plunged Fatty’s head down before the old man could notice them in the crowd


Just a second later, the old man had turned his head around, as he scrutinized the crowd to find the source of the voice. A tint of embarrassment could be seen on his face, as he lightly coughed to regain his composure.


Seeing the two competitors nod their heads in agreement, the old man vanished from his original spot and re-appeared at the edge of the stage.



The old man roared with a booming voice!


The disciples on the stage burst into motion as they simultaneously released their essence.


One of the two disciples was a girl around ten years old, with dark brown hair and a petite body. Scarlet tendrils of essence coalesced around her as waves of flames erupted behind her!


The other disciple was a boy, who was similar in age to the girl, but appeared to be much older due to his larger frame, which completely overshadowed the petite body of the girl.


A burgundy colored essence coalesced around the boy as his fists suddenly morphed into a rock-like appearance! They had the shape of human hands, but the texture was akin to a dense slab of rock!


The crowed gasped in astonishment when they saw the technique of the boy, and stepped closer to the stage as they eagerly waited for the battle.


“I wonder which family that boy is from?…. To comprehend such a complex earth attributed technique at that age is simply amazing… “

As the audience all chattered amongst themselves, the male disciple rushed towards the girl in front of him, as he prepared to strike his fist.


Seeing her opponent make a move, the petite girl patiently stood there as her eyes continued to bore into her opponent. There was absolutely no sign of fear or alarm on her face, as she stoically remained standing in the same position.


A trace of worry flashed across the boy’s face, but he paid no heed to it when he realized that he had almost arrived in front of the petite girl!


Clenching his fists tighter, the boy drew his right arm back and just as he was preparing to launch his blow, the flames around the girl abruptly surged as they covered her entire body!


Watching the current scene unfold, the crowed all shouted and cheered in excitement!

This was the reason they all came here for.








These youngsters were the future of their city, and the more talented each one was, the more their city would benefit. These disciples all trained with extreme perseverance, and the tournament was the place where they could showcase their talents! How could the crowd not be excited when they saw these youngsters fight with such passion?




Waves of flames suddenly dispersed around the girl as it slowly revealed her firmly grasping the stony hand of the boy, just inches away from her body!


A look of shock flashed across the boy’s eyes, but he immediately regained his composure and raised his left leg in an attempt to kick.


“You are certainly strong, but this fight needs to end now.”

The petite girl fiercely stated as a slow smile spread across her face.


Suddenly a raging torrent of fire flowed around her body, as it viciously rushed towards the boy!


The boy tried to escape from the petite girl’s grasp, but he was unable to shake her grip off.


“H-how is your strength so strong!?”

The boy whispered in panic.


It was understandable that the boy would be shocked, as with his earth element, he had a much stronger vitality and strength than any other cultivator of the same rank!


He sensed from the beginning that the petite girl had the same level of cultivation as him, the seventh rank of the Spiritual stage, so how could she be so much stronger than him?


Suddenly a faint orange colored energy separated itself from the girl’s flames.


“You’re an Inheritor!”

The boy exclaimed in surprise, as he noticed the unique aura of the orange colored energy!


It was no wonder that he could not break free. The girl in front of him was an actual Inheritor of a legacy!


“Haha, I admit defeat.”

The boy calmly stated as he nodded his head towards the girl.


Releasing her grip on the boy, the petite girl withdrew her essence and source energy back into her body.


Giving a slight bow to her opponent, the small girl abruptly turned around and exited the stage without speaking a single word.


“The winner of the second duel is… Alicia!”

The old man’s booming voice reverberated in the audience!


“Wow! Big brother, that was so amazing! I can’t wait to enter the stage!”

Fatty excitedly spoke as he stared at the stadium with a bright twinkle in his eyes.


“Haha, calm down, Fatty! They will call you onto the stage soon. Just make sure to surrender if your opponent is someone really strong.”

Calron softly advised Fatty, as he swung his arm around the large boy’s shoulder.


“I will, big brother!”


Just as Fatty finished replying to Calron, the old man’s voice suddenly sounded again.

“The disciples assigned to the third duel, please step forward!”


“Big brother, wish me good luck!”

Fatty whispered as he prepared to go on stage.


“Go crush your opponent, Fatty!”

Calron softly said, as he clasped his arm around Fatty’s wrist.


Giving a huge grin, Fatty leapt onto the stage.



A voice suddenly shouted from the back of the audience, as owner of the voice tried to push apart the crowd to reach the front of the stage. Felice waved her hand to get her little brother’s attention.


Seeing his sister, Fatty enthusiastically returned the wave as he turned to face the old man.


“Hey, perverted old man! I’m ready!”

Fatty stated while a stupid grin covered his face.


Meanwhile, Calron just smacked his head against his palm as he muttered to himself.

“I knew he would do something like this… “


The crowd was similarly astonished when they heard Fatty shout. How could such an influential and a prestigious man be a pervert? They thought the boy was simply playing a joke.


“You brat! How dare you call me a pervert!”

The old man furiously yelled when he heard Fatty’s shout.


“Eh? But weren’t you touching that nice lady back in the booth?”

Fatty innocently responded back to the old man.


“I-I was just talking to her… anyways, if your opponent doesn’t arrive in the next few minutes, you will win the duel by default.”

The old man stated with an intense blush on his face. It was clear that he was quite embarrassed on having been called out by a child in public.


Abruptly, a cruel and sinister voice sounded out from the audience as a figure slowly stepped forward onto the stage.

“No need to wait anymore. Let’s begin.”


Seeing the figure step on the stage, Calron felt all the blood drain from his face!





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