The Body Economic (38 page)

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Authors: David Stuckler Sanjay Basu

BOOK: The Body Economic
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While some commentators in Florida were quick to blame the immigrant population for importing the disease, the CDC found that all but three of the ninety-nine cases were among US citizens.

. K. Q. Seelye, “Public Health Departments Shrinking, Survey Finds,”
New York Times,
March 1, 2010. Available at:


Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary.

. Naomi Klein, The
Shock Doctrine
(New York, 2007).

. Source for Figure C.1: EuroStat 2013 Statistics. Gross domestic product is per capita, purchasing-power-parity adjusted and constant 2005 dollars. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Hungary are calculated as peak-to-trough austerity in 2008–10 to reflect earlier initiation of austerity. The association of budgetary changes with changes in gross domestic product is consistent and statistically significant even after adjusting for the depth of prior recession.

. Laura Tiehan, Dean Jolliffe, Craig Gundersen, “Alleviating Poverty in the United States: The Critical Role of SNAP Benefits,” US Department of Agriculture, ERR-132, April 2012. Available at:
; Parke E. Wilde, “Measuring the Effect of Food Stamps on Food Insecurity and Hunger: Research and Policy Considerations,”
Journal of Nutrition,
Feb 2007. Available at:

. Health Impact Assessments were used for selected policies by the UK's Labour government before the Tories came into power in 2010. We are grateful to Klim McPherson for the suggestion to institute an Office of Health Responsibility.

. A. Reeves, S. Basu, M. Mckee, C. Meissner, D. Stuckler. “Does Investment in the Health Sector Promote or Inhibit Economic Growth?”
Health Policy
, forthcoming.


Barr, D. Taylor-Robinson, A. Scott-Samuel, M. McKee, D. Stuckler. “Suicides associated with the 2008–2010 recession in the UK: a time-trend analysis.”
British Medical Journal
. August 2012, v345: e5142.

Bessudnov, M. McKee, and D. Stuckler. “Inequalities in male mortality by occupational class, perceived social status, and education in Russia, 1994–2006.”
European Journal of Public Health
. June 2012, v22(3): 332–37.

Bor, S. Basu, A. Coutts, M. McKee, D. Stuckler. “Alcohol use during the Great Recession of 2008–2009.”
Alcohol and Alcoholism
. January 2013. In press.

Bordo, C. Meissner, and D. Stuckler. “Foreign currency debt, financial crises and economic growth: A long run view.”
Journal of International Money and Finance
. May 2010, v29: 642–65.

De Vogli, M. Marmot, and D. Stuckler. “Excess suicides and attempted suicides in Italy attributable to the Great Recession.”
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
. August 2012. In press.

De Vogli, M. Marmot, and D. Stuckler. “Strong evidence that the economic crisis caused a rise in suicides in Europe: the need for social protection.”
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
. January 2013. In press.

Gili, M. Roca, S. Basu, M. McKee, D. Stuckler. “The mental health risks of unemployment, housing payment difficulties, and evictions in Spain: evidence from primary care centres, 2006 and 2010.”
European Journal of Public Health
. February 2013, v23(1): 103–8.

Hamm, L. King, and D. Stuckler. “Mass privatization, state capacity, and economic growth in post-communist countries: firm- and country-level evidence.”
American Sociological Review
. April 2012, v77(2): 295–324.

Karanikolos, P. Mladovsky, J. Cylus, S. Thomson, S. Basu, D. Stuckler, J. P. Mackenbach, M. McKee. “Financial crisis, austerity, and health in Europe.”
The Lancet
. In press.

Kentikelenis, M. Karanikolos, I. Papanicolas, S. Basu, M. McKee, D. Stuckler. “Effects of Greek economic crisis on health are real.”
British Medical Journal
. December 2012, v345: e8602.

A. Kentikelenis, M. Karanikolos, I. Papanicolas, S. Basu, M. McKee, D. Stuckler. “Health effects of financial crisis: omens of a Greek tragedy.”
The Lancet.
October 2011, v378(9801): 1457–58.

Kentikelenis, M. Karanikolos, I. Papanicolas, S. Basu, M. McKee, D. Stuckler. “Reply to Polyzos.”
The Lancet
. March 2012, v379: 1002.

King, P. Hamm, and D. Stuckler. “Rapid large-scale privatization and death rates in ex-communist countries: an analysis of stress-related and health system mechanisms.”
International Journal of Health Services
. July 2009, 39(3): 461–89.

McKee and D. Stuckler. “The assault on universalism: How to destroy the welfare state.”
British Medical Journal
. December 2011, v343: d7973.

McKee and D. Stuckler. “The consequences for health and health care of the financial crisis: a new Dark Age?” In Finnish.
Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti.
March 2012, v49: 69–74.

McKee and D. Stuckler. “Older people in the United Kingdom: under attack from all directions.”
Age and Ageing
. January 2013, v42(1): 11–13.

McKee, S. Basu, and D. Stuckler. “Health systems, health and wealth: the argument for investment applies now more than ever.”
Social Science & Medicine
. March 2012, v74(5): 684–87.

McKee, M. Karanikolos, P. Belcher, D. Stuckler. “Austerity: a failed experiment on the people of Europe.”
Clinical Medicine
. August 2012, v12(4): 346–50.

McKee, D. Stuckler, J. M. Martin-Moreno. “Protecting health in hard times.”
British Medical Journal
. September 2010. v341: c5308.

Quercioli, G. Messina, S. Basu, M. McKee, N. Nante, D. Stuckler. “The effect of health care delivery privatization on avoidable mortality: longitudinal cross-regional results from Italy, 1993–2003.”
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
2013, v67(2): 132–38.

Rechel, M. Suhrcke, S. Tsolova, J. Suk, M. Desai, M. McKee, D. Stuckler, I. Abubakar, P. Hunter, M. Senek, J. Semenza. “Economic crisis and communicable disease control in Europe: A scoping study among national experts.”
Health Policy
. December 2011, v103(2–3): 168–75.

Reeves, D. Stuckler, M. McKee, D. Gunnell, S. Chang, S. Basu. “Increase in state suicide rates in the USA during economic recession.”
The Lancet
. November 2012, v380(9856): 1813–14.

Stuckler and S. Basu. “International Monetary Fund's effects on global health: before and after the 2008 financial crisis.”
International Journal of Health Services
. September 2009, 39(4): 771–81.

Stuckler, S. Basu, P. Fishback, C. Meissner, M. McKee. “Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: Evidence from U.S. urban populations, 1929–1937.”
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
. June 2012, 66(5): 410–19.

D. Stuckler, S. Basu, P. Fishback, C. Meissner, M. McKee. “Was the Great Depression a cause or correlate of falling mortality?”
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
. November 2012. In press.

Stuckler, S. Basu, and M. McKee. “Budget crises, health, and social welfare.”
British Medical Journal
. July 2010, 340: c3311.

Stuckler, S. Basu, and M. McKee. “Effects of the 2008 financial crisis on health: A first look at European data.”
The Lancet
. July 2011, v378(9876): 124–25.

Stuckler, S. Basu, and M. McKee. “How government spending cuts put lives at risk.”
. May 2010, v465: 289.

Stuckler, S. Basu, and M. McKee. “Public health in Europe: Power, politics, and where next?”
Public Health Reviews
. July 2010, v1: 214–42.

Stuckler, S. Basu, M. McKee, M. Suhrcke. “Responding to the economic crisis: A primer for public health professionals.”
Journal of Public Health
. August 2010, v32(3): 298–306.

Stuckler, S. Basu, M. McKee, et al. “An evaluation of the International Monetary Fund's claims about public health.”
International Journal of Health Services
. March 2010, v40(2): 327–32.

Stuckler, S. Basu, M. Suhrcke, A. Coutts, M. McKee. “Financial crisis and health policy.”
Medicine & Health
. September 2009, pp. 194–95.

Stuckler, S. Basu, M. Suhrcke, A. Coutts, M. McKee. “The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe: an empirical analysis.”
The Lancet
. July 2009, 374(9686): 315–32.

Stuckler, S. Basu, M. Suhrcke, M. McKee. “The health implications of financial crisis: A review of the evidence”
Ulster Medical Journal
. September 2009, 78(3): 142–45.

Stuckler, S. Basu, S. Wang, M. McKee. “Does recession reduce global health aid? Evidence from 15 countries, 1975–2007.”
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
. April 2011, v89: 252–57.

Stuckler, L. King and S. Basu. “International Monetary Fund programs and tuberculosis outcomes in post-communist countries.”
PLoS Medicine
. July 2008, 5(7): e143.

Stuckler, L. King, and S. Basu. “Reply to Murray and King.”
PLoS Medicine.
July 2008, 5(7): e143.

Stuckler, L. King, and A. Coutts. “Understanding privatisation's impacts on health: Lessons from the Soviet Experience.”
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
July 2008, 62(7): 664.

Stuckler, L. King, and M. McKee. “The disappearing health effects of rapid privatization: a case of statistical obscurantism?”
Social Science & Medicine
, March 2012, 75: 23–31.

Stuckler, L. King, and M. McKee. “Mass privatisation and mortality.” The
. April 2009, 373(9671): 1247–48.

D. Stuckler, L. King, and M. McKee. “Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis: a cross-national analysis.”
The Lancet
. January 2009, 373(9661): 399–407.

Stuckler, L. King, and M. McKee. “Reply to Earle and Gerry.”
The Lancet
. January 2010, v375(9712): 372–74.

Stuckler, L. King, and M. McKee. “Response to Gentile: Mass privatization, unemployment, and mortality.”
Europe-Asia Studies.
June 2012, v64(5): 949–53.

Stuckler and M. McKee. “There is an alternative: public health professionals must not remain silent at a time of financial crisis.”
European Journal of Public Health
. February 2012, v22(1): 2–3.

Stuckler, C. Meissner, and L. King. “Can a bank crisis break your heart?”
Globalization and Health
, January 2008, 4(1): 1–12.

Suhrcke, M. McKee, D. Stuckler, et al. “Contribution of health to the economy of the European Union.”
Public Health
. October 2006, 120: 994–1001.

Suhrcke, M. McKee, D. Stuckler, et al. “The economic crisis and infectious disease control.”
Euro Surveillance
. November 2009, v14(45).

Suhrcke and D. Stuckler. “Will the recession be bad for our health? It depends.”
Social Science & Medicine
. March 2012, v74(5): 647–53.

Suhrcke, D. Stuckler, J. Suk, et al. “The impact of economic crises on communicable disease transmission and control: a systematic review of the evidence.”
PLoS One
. June 2011, v6(6): e20724.


We are deeply indebted to our many colleagues who have worked with us over the years and provided unparalleled support and guidance, offering their critical eyes and vast repositories of wisdom to review this book as it came together. First of these, we are indebted to Martin McKee, our dear friend and close colleague who worked with us tirelessly in this research and continues to prove himself a paragon of integrity and virtue in public health. We also appreciate our many collaborators, without whose support the research that went into this book would not be as well-developed: Adam Coutts, Christopher Meissner, Marc Suhrcke, Price Fishback, David Taylor-Robinson, Benjamin Barr, Alexander Kentikelenis, Irene Papanicolas, Michael Marmot, Roberto De Vogli, Marina Karanikolos, Alexey Bessudnov, Johan Mackenbach, Lawrence King, Jose Martin-Moreno, Vicente Navarro, Michael Harhay, Jacob Bor, Karen Siegel, Chris McClure, Margalida Gili, Miquel Roca, David McDaid, David Gunnell, Shu-Sen Chang, Jan Semenza, Gauden Galea, Aaron Reeves, Patrick Hamm, and Ben Cave. Additionally we appreciate the time and energy of those who provided constructive comments, criticisms, and advice at various stages of the book's development, including Vladimir Shkolnikov, Sigur Sigurgeirsdottir, Shah Ebrahim, Ron Labonte, John Thompson, Margaret Whitehead, and Bo Burgstrom. Inevitably, we are unable to thank by name all the peer-reviewers who have contributed anonymous feedback that helped strengthen our analysis. Peer-review is a thankless task, and for those who contributed, we are ever grateful.

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