The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty (79 page)

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Authors: Caroline Alexander

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Charles Christian’s last meeting with his brother is described in his unpublished memoir, MNHL MS 09381. Fletcher’s death by 1804 is reported in the
Aberdeen Chronicle,
April 15, 1815.
Manx Daily Advertiser
of December 19, 1822, reports the auction of Charles Christian’s effects in his house on Fort Street. The burial of Ann Christian is recorded on January 8, 1819; that of Charles on November 17, 1822, both in St. George’s Chapel (MNHL MS Braddan Burials 1624-1699 and 1800-1849).
Accounts of Edward Christian’s later life and his death are given in the Christian family pedigree, MNHL MS 09381/8/2; he was buried in Broxbourne Church (with a monument by Flaxman)—see Martin Faragher, “Broxbourne and the Bounty,”
Herts. Countryside
33, no. 236 (1978), pp. 28-29. The story of Edward’s “native hat” is found in Anne Fremantle,
Loyal Enemy
(London, 1938), p. 13.
The muster of the
Adm. 36/11349, shows William Cole with two of his sons as “servants.” Adm. 29/1 contains his pension record, including all ships on which he served. Eventually, all four sons entered the navy
Purcell’s record of service is found in Adm. 29/5, “Carpenters 1817-1833.” The reference to his “derangement” is found in “The Last of the ‘Pandoras,’ ”
United Service Magazine,
September 1842, pp. 1-13. Purcell’s obituary is in
Gentleman’s Magazine,
June 1834, p. 668. Information about his widow, Hannah Purcell, is taken from “Tower Hamlets Cemetery Trail,” reprinted in Peter Gardner, “The Bounty Grave—Tower Hamlets,”
UK Log,
July 2002, p. 39.
The deaths of the widows of Fletcher Christian and Edward Young, Isabella and Susannah, are recorded in Sir Charles Lucas, ed.,
The Pitcairn Island Register Book
(London, 1929).
Quotes about Bligh’s tyranny are found in W. C. Wentworth,
A Statistical, Historical, and Political Description of The Colony of New South Wales
(London, 1819), pp. 167ff.; and “The Mutiny of the Bounty,”
The Edinburgh Review
4, no. 24 (January 1832), pp. 673-85. The comparison of the mutineers’ uprising with the French Revolution is found in [W. H. Smyth], “The
United Service Journal
(1831), part 1, pp. 305-14.
George Tobin’s humane assessment of his former captain is found in a letter to Francis Bond, of December 15, 1817, now preserved as a copy of the privately held original in ML, Ab 60/8.
The description of entering Bligh’s tomb is given in an interview in the television documentary
Bligh of the Bounty
(Rolf Harris Productions, 1998).
A description of Bligh’s vault is found in two short letters in
Notes and Queries,
July 29, 1899, p. 97, and September 23, 1899, p. 253. Bligh’s age at death is wrongly stated in the vault; he was in fact sixty-three. St. Mary, Lambeth, is now—suitably—a museum of garden history. Although the fact that Bligh’s tomb is actually in the old churchyard is, strangely, omitted, the museum does have numerous displays about Banks and the transplantation of exotic plants from around the world. With reference to the breadfruit expeditions, a display notes that the mutiny on the
occurred as a result of Bligh’s appropriation of his men’s drinking water for his plants.
For unpublished materials, see

A Note on Sources
page 411.
An Account of the Mutinous Seizure of the Bounty, with the Succeeding Hardships of the Crew, to which are Added Secret Anecdotes of the Otaheitean Females.
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