The Boy Who Paints Me (21 page)

Read The Boy Who Paints Me Online

Authors: Sharlay

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Boy Who Paints Me
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“I will
hurt you, Rai,” he whispered as his hot breath met my ear, causing an electric feeling to fly threw my entire body.


“I know.”


Before I had time to wonder if he would say anything else, I felt the heat of his lips against my neck as my body reacted in a way that I was desperately trying to get used to. I doubt that I could ever get used to the way that Leighton made me feel. Lifting gently until he was watching me again, I felt the soft pad of his finger trail down the line of my stomach, stopping at my naval. His eyes never leaving mine, the entire time. He traced the edge of my naval, so slowly, causing my eyes to close as an immediate reaction.


“Open your eyes, Rai,” he whispered as I struggled to focus on what he was saying. I managed to open them, and my breath caught as I watched the look in his eyes. It was a look of want. It wasn’t lust or greed, it was...caring and gentle. I literally couldn’t control the speed of my breathing as his hand stayed connected to my skin. “I need to see your eyes, Rai. I need to see the trust. I need you not to escape to the places you used to with
. I want you to stay here with me...feel
with me,” he said in a breathless voice as I nodded my head.


When he had my full attention, he lowered his lips to my naval and planted a soft and gentle kiss making my mind explode.


“I need you to understand something,” he breathed. He planted another kiss a little higher making it extremely hard to focus on what he was saying. “Every time that they touched you, it was for them. It was for greed. It was for power and control.” Again he kissed my stomach, a little higher. My body shivered against the contact. It felt amazing. “When I touch you, Rai, and when I kiss you, it’s for you.
you feel me do is for
.” His lips moved to just below my bra, planting yet another lingering kiss that I would never forget. “I don’t want you to say no but if you tell me no, I will
stop. I want to touch you for us, Rai, for me and for you because we both want to. They had the control, now you have it because I’m giving it to you,” he said before kissing the space between my neck and breast. “From the first day that I met you, you owned me, Rai. I’m yours, nobody else’s, and you’re mine. Only I can touch you, Rai, nobody else. Ok?” I nodded my head almost immediately.


“Tell me, I need to hear you,” he whispered into my ear.


“I’m yours, Leighton.”


“Not because I said it, but because you want it?” It was a strange question but I knew that it was a question.


“It is what I want,
are want I want. I promise,” I struggled as my voice came out in small pants.


“Good, because you’ve got’ve so got me,” he said before his lips crashed into mine. I have no idea how to explain what happened between me and Leighton in that moment but something happened. It was as if he had wiped away every dirty touch or feeling left on my skin and burned it away with his. I wanted him so bad it hurt.


I felt Leighton’s weight leave my body as he took the space on the bed next to me. I turned to stare at him, causing him to smile at me. “Come here,” he whispered, pulling me by the waist until I was face to face with him. “You ok?” He asked as his hand cupped my face and his thumb traced circles on my cheek. I nodded as I smiled at him.


“Thank you,” I whispered, knowing that he would understand me. I knew what he was doing. He was showing me how much he wanted me. He was showing me that he didn’t want me in the same way that
did but that what he wanted meant so much more. I got it. I felt what he felt, and I wanted what he wanted.


“Anything for you, Rai,” he said before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. He suddenly rolled me around so that my back was right against his chest. I could feel every beat of his heart, and it felt so good. I felt the warmth of Leighton’s hand, draped over my waist as he pulled me even closer. I smiled to myself as I let my fingers slide into his. He kissed the side of my cheek, causing a huge smile to fill my face.


“Get some sleep,” he whispered before taking a deep breath.


“Are you staying?”


“I’ll be here when you wake up, you’re safe. Go to sleep,” he answered before I let my eyes close. I had no idea how great sleep felt until I fell asleep in Leighton’s arms. I definitely couldn’t way.


* * *


I was woken up to a soft and gentle kiss on my lips. As promised, Leighton was there when I woke up.


“Morning,” he whispered as he smiled down at me.


“Morning,” I chuckled. I think that Leighton needed to become my new alarm clock because that was by far the best wakeup call that I have ever had. “What time is it?” I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands.


“Early, very early; Sarah makes a lot of noise in the morning,” he chuckled as he pointed towards the door. I could hear the sound of her singing, well attempting to sing as she rushed around to get ready for work. I missed that sound.


I was startled when I heard a light knock on my door. “Rainie, I just wanted to let you know that I’m going now, ok?” My aunt said from the other side of the door.


“Ok, have a nice day, and I’ll see you later,” I said in a hoarse sounding voice.


“Ok, oh, and by the way, I’m a lot smarter than you think,” she chuckled as I raised my brows in confusion. “Have a nice day, Leighton,” she giggled, causing my cheeks to heat up.


“You too,” he chuckled as I covered my face with my pillow.


“Aww, is someone embarrassed?” He teased as he poked me in the side with his finger, causing me to start laughing.


“That was pretty embarrassing,” I exclaimed, taking the pillow off my face.


“Never mind, I’m going home to get ready and then I’ll be back later to drop you to work, ok?” He said as he jumped off the bed.


“Later? What time is it?” I asked in confusion.


“6am,” he replied with a smile on his face.


“What? Why did you wake me up so early?” I moaned.


“So that I could be here when you woke up, now bye,” he said before bending down and kissing my lips. He felt him smile against my lips before slowly pulling away, making me want him even more.


“You’re crazy,” I grumbled as I smiled at him.


“I think you like it that way,” he said as he slipped out of my bedroom door laughing. He was right, I definitely liked him the way that he was. I picked up my phone and set the alarm before rolling back over. After a couple of minutes, my phone beeped, causing a frustrated groan to escape my lips.


By the talk in your sleep :)


I giggled to myself before writing out my own text.


I do not...


No, you don’t but bed hair is extremely hot on you ;)


Now I know that you’re lying.


No this one is the truth but I am bias because you always look beautiful to me. Now get some sleep, I have a surprise for you after work.


What surprise?


Nice try...sleep tight, Rai


After spending five whole minutes grinning at my phone I finally drifted off into a nice, deep sleep.


Something told me that this was the start of a very, very good day...


Chapter 10


Getting ready, and waiting for Leighton to come back and take me to work was like counting the individual stands of hair on Rapunzel's head...frustrating. I couldn't help but want to see him. It just felt like I wanted to spend every spare moment with him. After trying to sit patiently for ten minutes, I gave up and slid my phone out of my purse. I quickly scrolled down to Leighton's name and opened a fresh message in excitement...
I think you should come and get me now ;)
It felt so strange sending such a confident text like that but at the same time it felt so natural...with him. I hadn't experienced feeling like this before, in fact I had forgotten what it was like to just smile and have fun. I felt like a child, experiencing everything for the first time. It was surreal. A smile broke out on my face as my phone beeped in my hand. It didn't take me long to open up the message.
Is someone becoming impatient? :)
Then you should probably open the door ;)
It took about five seconds for the words to sink in and even less time for me to make it to the door. I opened the door to reveal an amused looking Leighton.
"You know, some girls like to play hard to get," he chuckled.
"I'm not some girls," I said with a smile on my face.
"Good because I don't want to play, and I'm hoping that I already have you?" He replied as he lifted an eyebrow in the air. 
"It depends," I smirked.
"This," I said before stepping forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips. I felt him smile against my mouth, something I was slowly beginning to love. Just as I went to pull away his hand slipped around my waist keeping me firmly in place. He didn't take the kiss any further but I could sense every emotion in the simple exchange.
"I think that I'm slowly becoming addicted to you," he whispered, causing me to smile.
"Good because there's no cure," I laughed quietly, my lips still touching his.
"Even if it existed I wouldn't want it," he said before pecking me on the lips and then moving back. I felt lonely the moment that his lips left mine. 
"Want to come in?" I asked as I smiled at him.
"Nope. You've got an hour before you start work, and I want to take you somewhere," he said as a huge smile filled his face making me slightly nervous.
"Cake shop, to meet my grandma," he said casually. I felt my stomach drop.
"What? Now?"
"Yes, now," he chuckled, "don't look so worried, she's going to love you," he said confidently. "Now hurry up, get your stuff and meet me in the car," he laughed as he span me around, patted my butt and walked away to his car with a wide grin spread across his face.
I had no idea what to think. I guess it was a good thing that he wanted me to meet her but what if she didn't like me? What would happen if the most important person in his life didn't like me? I didn't even want to think about it. I quickly gathered my things, locked the door and slowly walked towards the car.
I stepped inside the car in silence as a million thoughts flew through my head. I slipped the seatbelt over my red and blue uniform and took a deep breath.
"Rai?" I was suddenly dragged out of my thoughts by his voice.
"Mmm?" I whispered as I slowly made eye contact with him.
"If you really don't want to go then we don't have to," he said sympathetically.
I felt ridiculous. It was a perfectly normal thing for a girlfriend to meet her boyfriend's family, wasn't it? If that's what I am. I hadn't thought to ask. Are you supposed to ask? Or do you just know? I've never actually done this before. Maybe it's too soon. Maybe he likes me but not enough to be his girlfriend, maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself.
"Rai, don't," his soft voice interupted my thoughts.
"Stop torturing yourself. It's just my grandma, and if you don't want to go then we don't have to. I'd 
 force you to do anything that you don't want to," he said as I felt his fingers slip in-between mine.
"I know, I'm just scared...I've know...I didn't...I've never had a 
 boyfriend, if that's what you are because I'm not even sure, I mean how do you even kno-"
Suddenly I was silenced by the softest lips that I have ever felt. I felt myself completely melt and my body start to relax.
"I'm yours, Rai, nobody else’s. And the thought of you even kissing anybody else like that would drive me completely insane. So, it doesn't matter what you call it, boyfriend, girlfriend...I'm yours, and I sure as hell am hoping that you're mine," I nodded my head as my lips formed into a smile. "Good, and as for my grandma, she's going to love you. She likes seeing me happy, and 
 make me very, 
 happy," he chuckled before pulling away and placing his hands on the steering wheel. "So, are we ready?"
"Yes," I smiled as I let out a deep breath.
"Good." Then we were off.
* * *
While Leighton's encouraging words helped that didn't completely get rid of all of my fears and inhibitions. As I sat outside the cake shop, I tried not to think about the real reason that I was there. I scanned the front of the shop. It was lovely. It was painted a clean, bright white outside which surprised me considering how colorful Leighton's house was. I expected it to be...brighter.
There was a huge pink and white sign outside that read 'The Caketique...Where we only do unique...'
I liked it. I smiled to myself as I sat admiring the fact that Leighton's grandma had started all of this by herself.
"Ready?" Leighton asked as he opened my door and held out his hand. I suddenly felt a wave of confidence come over me. I didn't want to live in Rain's world anymore, feeling scared and insecure, I wanted more. I wanted to start Rainie and this was my chance. I felt Leighton's hand slip into mine as he led the way. I heard the chime of the front door sound as we walked inside and the sweet smell of icing enter my nose instantly. I missed that smell. Mitch didn't believe in celebrating birthdays or anything for that matter so I hadn't had a birthday cake in three years. I missed it.
I looked around at the small cake shop and for some strange reason it felt like home. I felt like I fit, in here, with Leighton. There were display cakes all over the shop. There was everything from cup cakes, to square shaped cakes, round cakes, rectangular cakes, cakes with bows, flowers and more. It was beautiful. One thing was clear; I definitely knew where Leighton got his creativeness. 
"Did you do that?" I asked as I stared at the painting of a cake hung on the wall behind the counter.
He nodded his head, "do you like it?"
"I love it."
"Leighton?" The voice caused us both to snap our heads in the direction of the sound. When my eyes locked with his grandma, I recognised her instantly from the painting that Leighton had shown me. She was beautiful. I knew that if she was this beautiful now then when she was younger she had to have been breath taking. She had short, dark brown hair just like Leighton's but her eyes were a bright shade of blue. She wore a long flower patterned dress, covered by a white apron. She had on a pair of plain white shoes and looked slightly worried.
She glanced at me as soon as she was aware of my presence. She tried to fake a smile but I knew that something wasn't right.
"What's wrong?" Leighton asked immediately, freeing his hand from mine to walk over to her. She glanced from me to him a couple of times before forcing another smile onto her face.
"Nothing, sweetheart. Now, I am guessing that this is Rainie?" She stated, taking me by surprise.
"Leighton, please, where are your manners?"
"Sorry," he continued with a concerned look spread across his face. "Yes, this is Rainie."
"Well of course it is," she said with a warm smile on her face. "Come here, sweetheart," she said as she beaconed me to come to her. I nodded my head before nervously walking towards her. "You truly are beautiful, aren't you? You look just like that aunt of yours," she said as she cupped my cheeks with her hands. It was an intimate gesture for someone I had just met but strangely, I found myself relaxing into her touch. 
"Thank you," I managed to whisper.
"So, you're the reason that my boy has been smiling and singing around the house so much then," she winked at me before walking behind the counter and fiddling with something underneath.
"Grandma," Leighton warned as he chuckled nervously.
"Now,now, Leighton, you should know that I'm not one to hide the truth," she said with a smile on her face. "So, tell me about yourself?" She asked causing my nerves to reach an all new high. What was I supposed to tell her? About Mitch? About my mom?
"Erm...what do you want to know?" I mumbled.
"Well, tell me about that new job of yours," she chuckled as she glanced at Leighton. I instantly relaxed. This I could talk about.
"It's great; I'm working at the diner. I love it. The people there are great, and the food is amazing."
"Now that I can most definitely agree with," she smiled at me. I don't know whether she sensed my secrets but she didn't push any further than that. "Now, I cannot let you leave here without tasting one of our finest cupcakes," she chuckled before disappearing through a door behind the counter with a huge smile on her face.
"Ok?" Leighton asked taking a step towards me.
"Yeah, she seems nice," I replied.
"She is, a little forward but nice," he chuckled.
"I just hope she likes me-"
"Likes you? Oh, she likes you alright," he chuckled.
"How do you know?" I asked in confusion.
"You're the first person that she has given a free cake to, believe me, she likes you," he said as he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Right, now see what you think," she asked as she placed a small plate with a cupcake on in front of me. The cupcake was covered in white swirly icing and decorated with multicolored sprinkles. Biting into it was a very, very good experience. There was silence while I took in the flavor of the cake. It was delicious.
"Wow, this is better than Leighton's special," I said before I even processed what I was saying. Suddenly all three of us burst into a fit of laughter.
"I feel highly offended; shouldn't you always say my things are the best even if they're not?" He laughed as I smiled at him.
"You shouldn't be, a woman that openly insults you or your things is a woman worth keeping," his grandma said with a smile on her face.
"She is?" He asked in confusion. We were now both waiting for her answer.
"Of course, an honest woman is worth much more than a dishonest one. I like this girl, now, I have something else that I want you to try," she said before running off again and leaving us alone.
"Yeah, I think I like her too," he whispered before gently kissing my lips.
"You should like me more often," I chuckled against his lips.
"Oh trust me, I plan to like you a little bit more each day," he replied.
"Sounds like a plan."
* * *
I don't even know how long we spent at the cake shop but it wasn't until Leighton reminded me about work that we finally left. His grandma was great, we spent the morning tasting different cakes, talking and just laughing. It was crazy but I couldn't remember just laughing and talking before coming here. I missed it.
"Are you ok?" I asked Leighton as we walked towards the diner hand in hand.
Just as we had left the cake shop his grandma had called him back in for a few minutes. He had been quiet ever since.
"Yeah." I knew that he was lying. I stopped walking and turned so that he could see me.
"If we don't have trust then we have nothing," I whispered sadly. I knew that something was wrong, and I wanted him to trust me the way that I had trusted him with my past.
"Come here," he whispered before pulling me into his arms. He didn't hold me the way that he usually did, this felt needy and slightly desperate. I felt him breath into my hair as his grip tightened. "I do trust you," he mumbled, "it's my dad."
"Your dad?" I asked in confusion.
"Yeah, he's taking another one of his short vacations," he scoffed as he held my hand and started walking again.
"Today, tomorrow...who knows. This is what he does. He gets himself into trouble, calls to say he's coming, drops into my life for a few days and then disappears again." He sounded so sad, and I felt like my heart was breaking for him.
"Do you love him?" I asked.
He hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Yes, and I hate myself for it."
"I still love her too. After everything that she's done, even after she left...I still love her. I wish that I didn't, I wish that I could pick someone else to be my mother but...I can't."
"Does that make us as messed up as them?"
"I used to think so, yes,” I replied.
"And now?"
", I just think that it makes us human. You can't help who you love, Leighton, the heart doesn't let you pick but you can choose to be different, we don't have to be anything like them. I'm learning that every day," I said as I smiled weakly at him.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For everything, for being you, for understanding, and for surviving everything that you have and coming out stronger."
"I don't feel stronger," I breathed.
"Believe me, Rai, you are," he said before kissing me on the lips.

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