The Boy Who Paints Me (6 page)

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Authors: Sharlay

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Boy Who Paints Me
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“Yeah,” I choked as I tried to catch my breath.


“Why do you live with her?” I asked, as my eyes met with the painting again. As soon as I asked, I wished that I hadn’t. That was a personal question, and I knew better than anyone that you shouldn’t ask them but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to know more about him, I shouldn’t but I did.


“It’s ok,” he said as though he knew what I was thinking. “My parents had me when they were young, they tried for a while but it wasn’t for them. When I was two, they dropped me off with my grandma and that’s where I stayed,” he said as though he was unaffected.


“I’m sorry,” I whispered.


“Don’t be, I have met two of the most incredible women in my life, and one of them was her. I couldn’t have asked for a better upbringing,” he said as he smiled at me before taking a seat on the chair.


“Two?” It was out before I could stop it. I couldn’t help it. When he said two I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, like I was jealous of this unknown person that was so incredible. I didn’t know him but for some reason I wanted him to think that I was incredible. I knew that that would never happen though.


“Yeah, my grandma, and Sarah. We moved here two and a half years ago, and she’s helped in more ways than I can explain,” he said as he smiled at me. I felt relief wash over me after hearing my aunt’s name.


“Yeah, she is pretty amazing,” I said genuinely.


“Funny, that’s what she said about you,” he replied, causing me to become instantly silent. I could feel the heat growing in my cheeks.


“Do you see your parents?” It was all I could think of. I watched his shoulders relax a little as though he was comfortable talking to me.
Could that be possible?


“My dad visits when he’s in trouble. He comes to hide out and then he leaves again,” he said as he sniggered to himself, “I haven’t seen my mom since I was two. I don’t even remember what she looks like,” he continued.


“Sounds like my dad,” I said before I closed my mouth, quickly.
No, no, no, he wasn’t supposed to know anything about me! I wasn’t supposed to talk.


I looked at him as the panic began to settle in. I needed to get out of there. It felt like the walls were closing in, and I couldn’t breathe. I needed to escape.


I was so lost in my own mind that I hadn’t even realised that Leighton had taken a step towards me. I didn’t even realise that his hands were on my shoulders until a calm feeling started to pass through me.


“Hey,” he said as he gently tilted my chin up. “It’s ok. We don’t have to talk about anything that you don’t want to, ok?” He said as I nodded my head and began to relax against his touch. I shouldn’t find him relaxing but I did. “Come on,” he said as he took my hand in his and led us back inside of his house. I shouldn’t have enjoyed his touch on my hand but I did, it felt: good. It was a simple gesture but it spoke a thousand words.


* * *


The journey to the diner was silent. It wasn’t uncomfortable, it actually felt nice. The only real problem was that without Leighton’s touch, my hand felt incredibly cold. It sounds crazy but I wanted him to touch me again. Touch was the one thing that I had trained myself to become numb to and now, I wanted to
for the first time in my life.


“Ready?” He asked, breaking me out of my daydream. I suddenly realised that we had come to a stop in front of the diner.


“Sure,” I mumbled as I tried to gather my thoughts.


I never came to the diner when my mom and I used to stay with Aunt Sarah so a small part of me was looking forward to it. It was a large brown building and wasn’t particularly modern from the outside. The inside, however made it seem as though I had just stepped into my wardrobe and come out in Narnia. It was filled with bright colored booths all around the edges of the room. The benches were red with a rim of blue going all around them, and the tables were also the same shade of blue. The staffs’ uniform was the same colors, and it was as if everyone had a smile on their face. It was nice.


I tried to control my breathing as I felt Leighton’s hand rest on my lower back as he guided me in. It was only a small gesture but sparks were flying up and down my spine the entire time that he touched me.


“Where would you like to sit?” He asked as I felt his breathe fan my neck from behind, making it hard to focus.


“Erm, I don’t mind,” I whispered as I felt his hand slip inside of mine. He led us to a booth on the left side of the room, right next to the window. I liked this seat.


“Is this ok?” He asked as he searched my eyes with his.


“Perfect,” I replied before taking a seat on the hard, shiny bench. As soon as his hand slipped out of mine, I missed it again. I watched as he took the seat opposite me and picked up the menu that was placed in the centre of the table.


“So, I know that I said breakfast but I want you to try something,” he said as he smiled at me. His smile was contagious.


“What’s that?”


“It’s a surprise,” he said as he winked at me.


“Ok. How long have you been painting?” I asked as he placed the menu back on the table. Sitting here gave me time to really take him in. He had on a pair of faded denim jeans that hung slightly low on his hips. He also wore a slightly fitted white, button up shirt that seemed to fit his body in
the right places. I struggled to focus solely on his face. The arms of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows, sporting arms that were clearly the result of hard work and training. His shirt was buttoned down ever so slightly, revealing the top of his chest.


“Since I was old enough to know what a paintbrush was,” he said with a lopsided grin on his face.


“You’re good,” I replied, honestly.


“Thank you. I’d like to paint you one day; your face,” he said, catching me completely off guard.


“Me?” I stuttered.


“Mmm hmm.” I shifted in my seat as he smirked at me. His eyes were taking in my every movement, and my body was heating rapidly as a result.


“Why?” I asked nervously.


“Because since I met you, I have been trying to find a word that truly describes you and...”


“And?” I whispered.


“And...Words are not enough,” he replied seriously as our eyes locked. I could feel the speed of my heart beat increasing and my hands becoming clammy. I couldn’t look away, I was in a trance. There was something about Leighton that made me break every one of my own rules, so easily. He was dangerous to me.


“Hey, Leighton,” a voice beamed, causing us both to snap out of whatever we were in. I turned to see a very attractive brunette staring at us. She was clearly around my age, maybe younger. She had the biggest green eyes, and her light brown hair was pulled back into a neat bun. She was wearing the diner’s uniform and stood with a pen and pad in her hand.


“Hey, Megan,” he replied with a big smile on his face.


“Hey,” she said as she turned and gave me a warm smile. There was something about this girl that I liked already, she just seemed warm.


“Hi,” I replied politely.


“This is Megan, Megan this is-“


“Rainie, I know who she is. She looks just like her aunty. Sarah said that you were pretty but wow, you really are beautiful,” she said, causing me to blush. I cleared my throat and tried to focus on my hands that were sat in my lap.


“Thanks,” I mumbled as I silently begged my cheeks to cool down.


“So, what can I get you guys?” She asked, excitedly.


“Can we have two of
specials,” he replied with a huge smile on his face.


“Sure thing, I’ll be back in just a minute,” she said before spinning around and disappearing.


specials?” I asked curiously.


“Yup, you’ll see. I’m just going to the washroom, ok?” He said before rising to his feet. I nodded my head as I took a look around at the diner. Everyone seemed to be engaged in their own private world. The atmosphere was nice in here, I felt strangely comfortable.


I was sat in silence for five minutes before a chirpy voice brought me back to reality.


“Hey, you were miles away there,” Megan said as she approached me with a tray in her hand.


“Sorry,” I replied.


“Don’t be, everyone needs thinking time,” she said as she smiled down at me. “Right, two Leighton specials,” she chuckled as she placed two large glasses down in front of me. “You’re wondering what it is, right?” She asked, as I eyed up the concoction in front of me. I nodded my head. “It’s a scoop of cookies and cream ice cream, covered in vanilla and chocolate sauce, a layer of chocolate cake, another scoop of ice cream, more vanilla and chocolate sauce, another scoop of ice cream, a chocolate straw, crumbled oreo biscuits, and a final drizzle of chocolate sauce,” she said all in one breath, causing us both to burst out laughing.


“Wow,” I said as I looked at the rather strange but appealing dessert in front of me. “He made this up?” I asked.


“Yup, and you’ll be surprised how many people eat it. It’s going on the new menu next month, but he doesn’t know yet,” she said as she winked at me.


“Your secrets safe with me,” I said with a smile on my face. “So, how long have you worked here?” I asked as she placed down two napkins and two spoons.


“Forever, my dad owns the place, so I’m kind of duty bound, family loyalties and all,” she said as she raised her eyebrow at me.


“Sounds fun,” I said genuinely. I would have much rather joined her family business than mine.


“So, are you spending the entire summer here?” She asked excitedly.


“Yeah,” I lied. I didn’t know how long I could stay but I didn’t want to talk about that. Talking meant revealing things that I didn’t want to.


“Erm, maybe we can hang out one day?” She asked hopefully.




“Great! Anyway, I better get back, my dad’s staring me down,” she said as she rolled her eyes and smirked at me. It was then that I noticed a short, chubby man, with light brown hair watching us. He smiled when he realised that I was watching but something tells me that their conversation was going to have nothing to do with smiling.


“Hey, so what do you think?” Leighton asked as he slid into the seat in front of me.


“It looks good but I haven’t tasted it yet,” I admitted.


“Then you had better tuck in,” he said as he winked at me, causing the butterflies in my stomach to go wild again.


* * *


Leighton’s special was mind blowing. Ice cream wasn’t my favourite but his little mix tasted so good. He seemed pretty pleased that I had enjoyed it, and the proud glint in his eyes didn’t go a miss. We spent an hour at the diner just chatting. It was so easy to talk to Leighton. I didn’t even realise that I had so much to say. We didn’t speak about family or why I was here, and I guess that made me relax. It was almost as though he knew not to go there, and I appreciated the gesture.


“I’m glad you liked it,” he said as he started up his blue Chevy and hit the road.


“I did.”


Music was playing in the background but I honestly wasn’t paying much attention to it. We slipped into a comfortable silence and enjoyed the ride home. The only time we spoke was when he asked if I wanted to put my window down, and I said yes.  


As I stepped out into the cool air, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I couldn’t remember feeling this relaxed in a long time, it felt strange. I liked it but I was constantly on edge, knowing that it wouldn’t last forever. I wasn’t sure what it was about Leighton but he made me feel so comfortable, like I could be me. I knew that this wouldn’t last for long and that soon, I would have to go but I tried to ignore that, at least for one day.

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