The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (12 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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She buried
her head in the pillow
. “Mmm, I’m
sleeping with this one tonight,” she stated, holding the pillow

hoked on my laughter. “Whatever, Kate.
Let’s go eat I’m starved.” I pushed myself up off of the bed and
walked towards the door so we could get the food

I got this!”
she chirped, waving a DVD in front of my face. Even the cover
scared the heck out of me. I rolled my eyes and stalked out of the
room plopping down onto the sofa next to Liam. He put his hand down
onto the sofa next to mine and discreetly rubbed his little finger
across mine when no one was looking.

Have you
ordered the food, Jake?” I asked
shifting sideways on the seat so that my knee touched Liam’s thigh.
I saw a smile play at the corner of his mouth.

Yep, done.
It’ll be here in ten,” Jake said, shifting up the other sofa a few
inches because Kate had practically sat herself on his

, Liam, will your fine ass be
staying here tonight too? I’m more than happy to share my bed if
you want. I may be scared from the movie, maybe I’ll need someone
to make me feel better in the night,” Kate purred

I felt him
shift his weight closer to me so my leg was on top of his more.
, I can’t. I'm busy tonight. You’ll
just have to manage without me.” He shrugged and looked away to the

. It’ll have to just be you then
Jake, if you’re interested,” she purred.

I didn’t hear
his reply;
my ears had started to ring. I
actually started to feel jealous. It was the first time I had ever
felt anything like that before, I wanted to stand up and shout at
my best friend to leave Liam alone. I burst out laughing and then
bit my lip to stop.

looked at me like I was crazy
. “What?”
Jake asked confused.

I shook my
, smiling. “Nothing, I just thought
of a funny joke that’s all,” I lied getting up. “Anyone want a
drink?” I offered, needing to change the subject. They all said yes
so I made my way to the fridge grabbing four cans of Pepsi. As I
shut the fridge door, Liam grabbed me from behind and made me turn
around to look at him. He was standing so close I could feel his
breath blow across my face.

I’m missing
you already,” he whispered
, kissing me
lightly. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him to me,
deepening the kiss, tangling my hands in his hair. He stepped
forwards making me move back, so my back was against the fridge as
he pressed his body against mine. “I think we should just talk to
your brother now,” he murmured as he pulled away a couple of
minutes later.

I shook my
looking at him pleadingly. “No,
just a couple of weeks that’s all I ask.”

He smiled a
small smile
. “OK, whatever you want. But
can you stop your friend flirting with me? Tell her I’m

My breath
caught in my throat at his words. “Are you taken?” I

He kissed me
, making my body tingle and yearn
for more. “I’m definitely taken, if you’ll have me,” he replied,
looking me straight in the eye. My insides were jumping for joy, my
heart beating so fast that I could almost hear it in my ears, but
my head was still telling me to be careful.

I’ll have
you, if you’ll have me
,” I

He gave me a
wicked grin. “Absolutely. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll have you all
the time,” he said suggestively, waggling his eyebrows at me. I
gasped and slapped his shoulder, making him chuckle. “Oh come on,
I’m allowed to make slutty comments to you now, surely? I mean,
you’re my girlfriend so I have to use all my best moves on you,” he
said, faking hurt.

Did he just
call me his girlfriend? My heart melted at the sound of that word
coming out of his mouth. “Say that again,” I
, pulling him closer to

I’m allowed
to make slutty comments to you?” he asked
, looking a little confused.

I shook my
head. “No,
not that. The next bit,” I
murmured, putting my mouth inches from his.

You’re my
girlfriend?” he asked. I nodded, my breath coming in small gasps,
the sound of it made me feel like I was flying, I honestly can’t
remember the last time I was this happy.
He smiled. “You’re my girlfriend, Angel,” he purred
seductively, kissing my lips lightly. “My girl.” He kissed me
again. “The only one I want.” He kissed me again, this time I
didn’t let him pull back, I held his head to mine and kissed him
passionately, making him moan slightly and grip me tighter to him.
Suddenly, he jumped away from me and moved to the side. I looked at
him confused, had I done something wrong?

Just then
Jake came round the corner
, giving me a
stern expression. “You need to have a word with your friend,
seriously, she just grabbed my dick!” he whisper yelled at me. Liam
and I burst out laughing at the same time. The doorbell rang and I
ran to get it, needing to be out of the room, I didn’t really like
being around the two of them together, it was kind of


After the food, Kate put on the stupid scary movie. I
sat next to Liam. Which meant that Jake had to sit next to Kate on
the other sofa - much to his obvious annoyance. The movie was
awful; Liam slung his arm casually over the back of the sofa and
was playing with my hair discreetly which made it slightly more
bearable. About half way through I was honestly so scared that I
scooted right up next to Liam and buried my face in his chest. I
could feel Jake shooting daggers over at us but I couldn’t help

By the time
it got to the end
, I was almost on his
lap, much to his enjoyment. I could see the bulge forming in his
jeans even though he put his arm over it to cover it quickly. I
blushed slightly, knowing that I had caused that, because he was
attracted to me and I was jumping all over him. My mind flashed to
all the times that he’d been aroused near me before, in bed or
dancing, and I wondered how many of them were caused by attraction
as well. I bit my lip; maybe I’d ask him another time.

, the stupid ass zombie
movie was over and I breathed a sigh of relief.

That was
” Kate chirped,

best movie I’ve seen in ages,” Liam agreed with
a smirk, I knew he meant because I was sitting on him.

I hated it!
How can you say that was good? I mean
jeez, they’re dead people who eat live people and turn them into
flesh eating zombies too. And now I have to pee, and I’m scared to
go on my own!” I whined, standing up and pouting. Why did I watch
that stupid thing anyway? I knew it would scare me!

All three of
laughed at me, but Liam stood up.
“I’ll come with you and check the bathroom for scary un-dead before
you go in, how’s that?” he offered, nodding his head towards the
bathroom in the hall, smiling.

Will you
check my bedroom too? And my en-suite?” I asked hopefully. He
laughed; he obviously thought I was joking. “I’m not
, Liam.”

Whatever you
want, Angel,
” he agreed, smiling and
following me up the hall. I stopped outside the bathroom door and
waited for him to go in first. He came out a minute later,
chuckling to himself. “It’s a zombie free zone,” he said shaking
his head, grinning at me.

Thanks,” I
, blushing and feeling like a
little kid. I headed into the bathroom, leaving the door unlocked
in case I needed to get out of there quickly. I knew I was being
stupid but I just couldn't help myself. I washed my hands and
stepped out, to see him leaning against the wall waiting for me,
which made me smile.

I thought
I’d better wait for you
. You never know
what could be lurking in a dark hallway,” he said, looking around
slowly with wide eyes. My heart jumped into my throat as I threw
myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, burying
my face into the side of his neck. He laughed. “Yep, best movie
ever!” he stated, putting his arms around me and walking down the
hall to the lounge. Before we turned the corner he pulled away and
kissed me lightly on the lips.

Jake laughed
as we walked into the lounge. “Seriously? You made him wait for you
outside the
door? That’s low, Ambs. I
hope you at least shut the door this time,” he teased as I sat back

. “Yep I shut the door, didn’t
think he’d want to hear that,” I confirmed, grinning. “How about we
play on the Wii?” I suggested, trying to change the subject from my
zombie phobia. Everyone nodded so Jake set it up. They decided on
sports so Liam and Jake played boxing first. Kate moved over to sit
next to me; the two boys were standing and playing in front of

Hmm, I just
can’t deci
de which one has the cutest
butt. Who do you think?” Kate said quietly but loud enough for the
guys to hear.

! Seriously, what’s wrong with
you? That’s my brother!” I cried, shuddering.

Only one of
them is your brother
, Amber, the other is
seriously freaking hot. And I think he has a soft spot for you,”
she whispered too loud again, making me cringe. I saw Jake shoot a
death glare at Liam who looked like he was pretending he couldn’t
hear her.

Right, yeah
OK,” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “Come on hurry up I
want a turn,” I whined, trying to change the subject. Kate really
had no idea how close she was.

, Angel, you can take my
turn. I’d better get going anyway, it’s almost midnight, my parents
will be wondering where I am,” Liam said holding the controller out
to me. Kate jumped up and grabbed it, smirking and nodding towards
my brother, signalling she wanted to play with him.

Liam, would
you check my
bedroom before you go?” I
asked, feeling pathetic and like a scared little kid.

He smiled but
didn’t laugh at me
, which I found
surprising. “Oh all right!” He forced a sigh, his eyes amused. By
the look of him he actually quite liked the fact that I was asking
him to do this, maybe he liked being all protective or something,
maybe it was making him feel needed. He stalked off towards my room
and I got up and followed him after a couple of seconds. I closed
my door silently, and leant against it. I watched him as he
actually walked around my room, looking under the bed, and in the
closet, before heading into my en-suite. As he walked back into the
room, his eyes landed on me, he honestly didn’t know I was there I
could tell by his surprised face. Bless him; my boyfriend had
actually checked my whole bedroom for zombies. My heart skipped a
beat at the thought of him being my boyfriend.

Hi,” I
purred seductively as I walke
d over to my
bed and sat down.

” he replied with a small
smile. He made no moves to come towards me; I think he was trying
not to rush me. I patted the bed beside me and he eagerly trotted
over and sat down.

Thanks for
checking my room,” I whispered, playing with the neck of his
, tracing my finger along the skin

Anytime. I’m
just sorry I won’t be here for you tonight. Try not to have too
many nightmares, OK?” He looked at me with sad eyes; we both knew
that I would have nightmares without him here.

I got onto my
knees and moved to him
, throwing my leg
over his so I was sitting on his lap, straddling him. I wrapped my
arms around his neck and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He
looked a little taken aback but his eyes danced with

I’m sorry
that Kate’s staying over
. I’m actually
really going to miss you half crushing me to death in the night,” I
teased. I said it as a joke but to be honest I really was going to
miss him tonight.

, I’m really going to miss
half crushing you to death,” he joked, rubbing his hands on my

Try and get
some sleep tonight though,
OK?” I
pleaded. I really hated it when he went without sleep, it made me
feel guilty because he only started sleeping here in the first
place to comfort me and now he was stuck with it.

“I’ll try.”

I suddenly
had the urge to kiss him and maybe tease him a
, but I was scared to do it. OK,
just do it, Amber, what’s the worst that could happen? It’s Liam;
he’ll stop if you ask him to.

Maybe I
could give you a
little something to
dream about. Would that help do you think?” I asked, biting my lip
and raising my eyebrows. He looked at me, his expression a little
unsure; he obviously wasn’t expecting this much physical contact so
soon. I could tell by the bulge in his jeans pressing between my
legs that he wanted physical contact, but I could also tell that he
was letting me make the first moves.

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