The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (13 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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“It might help,” he said huskily, making my
body tingle and my skin to heat up.

I leant
forward and kissed him passionately, he made a small moaning sound
as he s
lipped his tongue into my mouth. I
ran my hands through his hair, loving the soft feel of it on my
fingers. He didn’t make any other moves, he just kissed me, but I
wanted a little more so I pushed on his shoulders, making him lay
down so that I was on top of him. I ran my hands down his chest and
slipped my hand under his t-shirt, tracing it over his sculpted
abs, making him shiver slightly.

He rolled me
so I was under him, he broke out of the kiss and looked at me, our
eyes locked together trying to slow our breathing. I gripped his
t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, making him seem to stop
breathing altogether. I looked down at his chest. He really was
beautiful; I ran my fingers down it marveling that this boy wanted
to be with me. He still hadn’t moved, he just hovered above me,
looking unsure what to do, so I put my hands back around his neck
and pulled him back down to kiss me. He kissed me back eagerly. The
kiss was getting hot; he broke it only to kiss across my cheek and
down my neck. His hand moved slowly to my stomach and he slipped it
under my top, tracing his fingers across the skin there. He
continued to kiss downwards over my top until he got to my stomach
then he hitched up my top and started kissing my skin. I felt his
tongue trail across just under my belly button making me moan. I
was getting a feeling down in my core it was like a burning ache
but I tried not to think about it, the feeling scared the life out
of me.

He pushed my
top slightly higher and I felt him kissing the material at the
bottom of
my bra. I was still OK with
this; I was enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I
thought that this would just give him something to dream about, but
I had a feeling I would be revisiting this tonight too. My top rose
a little higher and I heard him make a soft moaning noise as it
completely exposed my bra. His hand snaked up my stomach and he
gently brushed his hand over one of my breasts, just once, before
moving it away as if he was waiting for me to stop him. When I
didn’t say anything, he put his hand back there again and cupped my
breast. I moaned again. It felt so nice to have him touch me; he
brought his mouth back to mine and kissed me tenderly, still
massaging my breasts gently.

I could feel
his erection pressing into my thigh and I
started to get a little panicky because this was getting
too hot, too fast. Oh God I need to stop! I broke the kiss. “Liam,”
I said breathlessly. His eyes snapped to mine quickly and he took
his hands off me, pushing himself up so that he was hovering above
me, not touching me apart from our legs which were

Stop?” he
, his voice sounding husky and full
of lust. I gulped and nodded. He immediately pushed himself off of
me completely and sat back on the edge of the bed, pulling on his

sat up, blushing, feeling stupid and like a
little kid. Jeez, I didn’t even let him get my top off! “Sorry,” I
mumbled, not looking at him.

Angel, you
don’t need to be s
orry. We didn’t have to
do that. I told you, whatever you want. I’m not going to say that I
didn’t enjoy that though, because that would be a lie. That was the
hottest damn thing that has ever happened to me,” he said,

at that statement. “The hottest
thing that’s ever happened to you? Yeah right, you’ve probably
slept with over a hundred different girls and done goodness knows
them and
them, and you didn’t even get my top off before
I freaked out,” I said sarcastically, feeling like an idiot. He
didn’t need to lie to make me feel better.

Angel, trust
me that
the hottest thing that has ever happened to me. It’s just
you, you make me feel different. Even kissing you is different,
it’s a thousand times better than anything I’ve ever felt before.
You make my body burn everywhere you touch me. I can’t explain it.”
He frowned and shook his head as if he was annoyed at himself for
not having the right words.

I know what
you mean.” I smiled
, kissing him lightly
on the lips.

He grinned at
me. “Now’s where you’re supposed to tell me that that was the
hottest for you too,” he joked, knowing that I hadn’t kissed anyone
but him and that jerk that kissed me at the party.

I pretended
to think
about it for a few seconds.
“I’ve had better.”

. “Yeah, I bet you have,” he
replied, shaking his head in amusement. I grinned at him and he
sighed. “I guess I’d better go. Thanks for today; I had a really
good time with you. Sleep tight, OK. Oh and by the way, that thing
we just did that was supposed to help me sleep, well, I don’t think
that’s going to have the desired effect. I think it’s actually
going to keep me awake all night thinking about it,” he said,
tracing his finger across my cheekbone.

. “Me too,” I admitted, making him
laugh too.

He stood up
and held his hand out for me, I took it and he helped me up, we
d down the hallway hand in hand. He
stopped at the corner and kissed my forehead before he sighed and
let go of my hand. “Right, guys, I’m off. I’ll see you tomorrow,”
Liam called as he walked towards the front door.

, see ya,” they both
answered, still engrossed in their game of tennis on the TV. Liam
smiled at me from the door but it was forced, I could tell it was
almost hurting him to go, I smiled back and he shut the door. The
moment the door closed my heart sank. The thought of having to
spend two nights in my bed without him made me feel a little sick;
it would have been horrendous even if we hadn’t just got together,
but now it actually felt like torture. I sighed and went back to
the couch to watch Jake whip Kate’s butt on the Wii.


That night was awful. I went to bed terrified of
zombies, and even when I did go to sleep, I started to dream about
my father. I hadn’t dreamt of him for over five months. The last
dreams I had were when Kate and Sarah stayed over for Sarah’s
birthday. Because the girls were here, Liam had to stay away, and
I’d woken the whole house up with my screaming.

My dream
tonight was bad.
Jake was eleven and I
was nine. We were playing in the yard to get out of the house
because my father wanted to watch some football match on the TV.
He’d been drinking all afternoon which made him even more
temperamental. Jake and I were playing with his new soccer ball
that he had got for his birthday a couple of weeks before. We
weren’t supposed to play with it in the yard, only in the park, but
Jake wanted to show me this new trick he'd learnt.

He was
kneeing the ball to keep it up in the air
; I was laughing and counting how many times he could do
it, being all proud of my big brother. He lost control of it, and
instead of letting it drop to the floor, he tried to save it by
kicking it back up with his foot. The ball flew through the air and
hit the window. Luckily, it didn’t smash, but it did make a loud
bang. We both turned and looked at the door, waiting.

About ten
seconds later, the back door opened and my father beckoned for us
to come in. “Bring the ball,” he hissed. His face was murderously
angry, making me go cold. Jake grabbed my hand and forced me behind
him as we walked in, picking up the ball in his other

My father
slammed the door
, making me jump and
whimper. Jake gripped my hand tighter. “Who kicked the ball?” my
father asked nastily.

I did. I’m
sorry, Dad. It was an accident,” Jake whispered, looking at him

My father
took the ball from his hands and put it on the
, and then punched Jake so hard in
the stomach that he actually lifted off the floor slightly. I put
my hands over my mouth to stifle the scream that was threatening to
come out of me. He raised his fist to hit him again, so I grabbed
his hand to stop him. He turned to me and slapped me, hard, sending
me flying into the wall, hitting my head. I could feel something
trickling down the side of my face; my vision was a little

He turned
back to Jake
, hitting him again. He
didn’t just do it once, he punched him over and over, in the
stomach and thighs until Jake was on the floor crying. I was
begging for him to stop. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back up,
grabbing a knife off of the counter. I couldn’t breathe. Jake
screamed at him to leave me alone and got up off the floor, pain
stretched across his face from the beating he’d just

My father
punched him in the jaw
, sending him to
the floor again. “It’s OK. Cut me, do it. Just please don’t hit
Jake anymore, please!” I begged, crying and looking at my father

, he put the knife in
my hand. I had the urge to stab him with it, but he had hold of my
wrist so I couldn’t. He grabbed Jake’s ball from the counter and
held it still. “Burst it,” he ordered. I shook my head quickly.
Jake loved this ball, it was his birthday present from me, I had
saved my allowance for two months to buy it for him. “Burst it,” he
repeated in his cold voice. I could smell the alcohol on his breath
as it blew across my face; the smell of it turned my

He gripped my
wrist and made me shove the knife deep into the leather
ball. I sobbed. He let go of my hand, taking the
knife and throwing it roughly into the sink before walking off into
the living room to watch the rest of his game as if nothing had
happened. I looked over at Jake; he was sitting on the floor barely
able to breathe. He looked awful.

I ran to him
and he sa
t up, grabbing a kitchen towel
and pressing it to my head where I had banged it, biting his lip to
stop his crying. “Ambs, I’m so sorry. Are you OK?” he croaked, his
voice barely above a whisper. The stupid boy was struggling to draw
breath and he was asking me if I was alright? Jeez, I really did
have the best brother in the world!


I jerked awake. I was crying, crying so hard that I
could barely breathe. I wiped my face with shaky hands as I looked
at the clock; it was almost four thirty in the morning. I reached
over to hug Liam, but he wasn’t there, he was at his own house. Oh
God, I needed him! I grabbed my cellphone and snuck out of the room
to the lounge.

U Awake?’
I text him. Hopefully if he was
asleep he wouldn’t hear it, I didn’t want to wake him up if he had
actually managed to sleep tonight.

, my phone rang. “Angel, are
you OK?” he asked as soon as I answered. I was still crying, I
couldn’t slow my breathing, my hands were shaking

” I croaked.

over. Can I come in the front?” I
could hear him sliding his window open and the wind blowing down
the phone.

Yes,” I
. I went to the front door and
opened it, standing there waiting for him. I was only there for a
few seconds before he ran round the corner and grabbed me into a
hug, lifting me off my feet as he stepped into the house. I wrapped
my legs around his waist and gripped tight around his neck. He
immediately pressed his lips to my neck, breathing down my back and
shoulders until my body relaxed. He moved to the lounge and sat on
the edge of the sofa, still holding me tight with his mouth on my
neck. When I was calm I pulled back to look at his worried

Zombies?” he
asked, looking a little hopeful. I shook my head and his face fell,
he looked so sad but that quickly changed to anger, he was so angry
it looked like a vein in his temple would burst. I just hugged him
again without speaking; he knew I’d dreamt of my father, he didn’t
need to ask. “You want to talk about it?” he asked a couple of
minutes later, stroking my back

No.” My
voice was
husky from crying so much. He
nodded and continued to rub my back. “Did I wake you up, Liam?” I
asked, suddenly feeling guilty for making him come all the way over
here at half past four in the morning.

No, Angel. I
couldn’t sleep,” he said quietly.

. “The kiss didn’t help then?” I
joked, feeling better now that he was here.

No, I knew
that would have the opposite effect,
” he
replied, grinning.

I smiled
at him. “Want to stay with me for a
little while? I could set my alarm on my phone. We could sleep on
the couch,” I suggested. He grinned and laid us down side by side;
I grabbed my cellphone and went through the menu screen until I
came to the alarm function. “What time shall I set it for?” I
asked, biting my lip, wondering what time Jake would get up,
probably not before ten on a Sunday.

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