The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (18 page)

Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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I turned and
walked off as fast
as I could, just
wanting to be away from it all. After a minute I could hear Kate
running to catch up with me, she grabbed my hand pulling me to a
stop. “Seriously, I’m not in the mood,” I almost shouted, turning
to her, but it wasn’t her, it was Liam.

Hey, I just
wanted to walk you to class.” He frowned,
looking at me sadly.

er…. sorry. I thought you were
with Jessica, having some
,” I said sarcastically,
embarrassed that I had shouted at him.

He shook
s head and stepped closer to me. “No,
I’m not with her, I’m
you,” he said sweetly,
smiling at me and making my heart beat faster.

Right, yeah
, I just…. I don’t know….” I trailed
off, blushing like crazy.

You were
jealous,” he stated,
seeming pleased
about it. I nodded reluctantly not really wanting to admit it.
“Good, I’ve been waiting for you to get jealous for the last twelve
years,” he said, grinning like a crazy person.

. “You have? Well there you go
then, it finally happened.” I kicked my shoes in the stones; trying
to distract myself from the jealous feeling I still had coursing
through my veins. I guess I was going to have to get used to girls
being all over him. He was Liam James for goodness sake; girls have
always followed him around, begging for his attention.

Remember the
talk we had yesterday
, the one about
trust? Well, that works both ways you know. I will never hurt you,
but you need to believe that too.” He put his finger under my chin
and tilted my head up, making me look at him.

I sighed;
yeah OK I did say that I guess. “I do trust you, it was just hard
to watch,” I replied, smirking, mimicking his words from

He laughed.
“Yeah well, the word's out now that I have a girlfriend so that
should put an end to the whole flirting thing,” he said with
confidence, brushing my hair from my face.

You told
that you have a girlfriend?” I
asked, shocked. OK wow, maybe he is more serious than I thought
about making this work.

Yeah, of
course. I
have a girlfriend. I have the sexiest, most
beautiful girlfriend in the world, who is yet to give me the thank
you that she promised me by text this morning.” He smiled his
flirty smile at me and it felt like a thousand butterflies took off
in my stomach.

I giggled and
ant forwards until my mouth was almost
touching his. “All good things come to those who wait,” I teased,
winking at him and walking off.

roaned and caught me up quickly. “You
don’t think twelve years is long enough to wait?” he asked, faking
shock, making me giggle.

Hmm, not
. I think I’ll make you wait a
little longer.” I blew him a kiss as I stepped through the doors to
my history class. I heard him groan, but when I looked back he was
smiling, watching me walk away. I purposefully swayed my ass,
trying to look sexy; it must have worked because three boys from my
history class whistled at me and made a comment about my sexy
booty. I rolled my eyes. Boys!

I couldn’t
speak to Liam much at lunch, we were sat at the same table but
everyone wanted to talk to him. “So
, you
really have a secret girlfriend?” Tim, one of his friends, asked,
looking at him like he didn’t believe him at all.

Yep,” Liam
confirmed, looking extremely proud about it. Every time he looked
at me
, I blushed like crazy, and was sure
someone was going to notice.

She must be
one hot woman to have tamed the beast into settling down,” Rick

Liam laughed,
his eye
s shot to me for a split second.
“She is the sexiest thing alive, man,” he said

Really? She
a good fuck?” Rick asked, picking at his sandwich.

, seriously, I’m not going to
answer that about my girl,” Liam stated with a smirk.

I bet I
could blow her out of the water,

Rochelle flirted, running her hand down his arm.

. “You know what, you wouldn’t
stand a chance. My girl is incredibly beautiful, both inside and
out.” Liam shrugged, pulling his arm away, grinning. All the girls
at the table aww’d and ahh’d. I smiled and tried to eat my lunch. I
could feel Kate’s eyes on me so I looked at her, she was grinning
at me from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes at her,

He hasn’t
slept with her, she believes in no sex before marriage,”
interjected, smirking. I swallowed a
laugh. Had Jake really believed him when he told him that this
morning? Everyone gasped and looked at Liam, who was grinning like

No shit! You
haven’t slept with her?” Rick asked

No I
haven’t, but that’s not really any of your
, guys.” Liam shook his head,
grinning. “I’ve got to go. I need to speak to coach about
practice.” He shrugged, getting up. Half of the boys got up too,
following him out.

As soon as he
was gone
, all the girls started planning
and scheming. They wanted to know who the secret girl was, and
would stop at nothing to find out, then they each took out twenty
dollars and put it into the middle of the table. I looked at them,

, the next girl to nail him,
wins the pot,” Jessica said, with a smirk.

I gasped.
“Seriously? He’s just said he has a girlfriend and isn’t
, and you’re betting on who’s
going to sleep with him next? What if his girlfriend sleeps with
him next?” I asked, shocked. I can’t believe these girls are
betting on having sex with someone! It’s a damn

, if she puts in her money
then she can win, but she’s obviously not giving him what he needs.
He’ll stray eventually. The next one to nail him wins, but I
guarantee it won’t be his girlfriend. He can’t wait. No sex before
marriage, yeah right! This is Liam James we‘re talking about.” She
rolled her eyes, grinning. She was obviously very confident that
she’d win.

Then I had an
idea, I pulled out a twenty and dropped it into their pile. “The
next one to nail him, right?” I asked, barely abl
e to contain my grin.

“Yeah right! Like you stand a chance, Emo!”
Jessica spat at me nastily.

, how much does the winner
get?” I asked excitedly, ignoring her sneer.

She counted
the money
that was in the pile. “Well,
there’s two hundred and forty here at the moment, but once people
hear of it…. well, I don’t know…. the last time we did this, it was
for Chris. It got up to six hundred and twenty, but Liam is way
hotter, and by the looks of him untouchable, well, for the moment
anyway.” Jessica laughed, folding the money and putting it in her
pocket, writing the entrants names onto a piece of paper. I
laughed; wow, this is going to be easy money. Kate was laughing her
head off.

You going to
put in as well?” Jessica
asked Kate and
Sarah politely.

Nope, not
me. I don’t stand a chance.” Kate shrugged, still

Sarah passed
Jessica her money. “I’m in. Who could say no at the chance of all
that money and they get to sleep with Liam James,” Sarah said
dreamily. I grabbed my two friend’s arms and dragged them out of
the lunch room to our next class.


I had to hang around after school, waiting for Jake
and Liam to finish their hockey practice. I snuck into the rink and
hid at the back so I wouldn’t be seen. We weren’t allowed in here
during practice because their coach said that girls distracted the
players. I loved to watch their hockey games; there was just
something about the way they glided over the ice so fast and
gracefully. They were doing sprints at the moment, skating from one
line to the other as fast as they could, then they had to dribble a
puck around a load of cones, and finally they were all taking turns
shooting at the goal, with my brother doing his best to keep the
pucks out. He was a really great goalkeeper, but he only played for
fun. Liam on the other hand, had been offered a full athletic
scholarship to one of the best collages in the country. He was
hoping to turn pro - which apparently, he had every chance of doing
because he had scouts falling all over him.

I found
myself watching Liam skating
. I’d watched
him do this hundreds, if not thousands of times, but there was just
something so beautiful about it. He took my breath away. I was
watching the way his feet moved, the way his messy brown hair blew
as he skated, the way the ice sprayed up as he stopped. And, of
course, I noticed how unbelievably hot he looked in his

I snuck back
out as practice finished and waited by Liam’s car for them to
shower. Sarah
came up as I was standing
there. “Hey, girl,” she chirped, bouncing up and down a little in

Hey, Sar.
What’s up with you? You haven’t been sniffing those herbs again
have you?” I teased. This was a running joke, Sarah had bought some
‘herbs’ from a friend of hers and lit them in her room to cleanse
her aura or something. It had ended up being weed and she got high,
running down her street half naked whist calling everyone on her
cell to come and see the parade. She never lived it

Ha ha! No,
I’ve just spoke to Ashley who said that the pot for Liam’s ass is
now up to $1860! Can you believe that? So
, I’m going to give it a shot when he comes out of
practice,” she said, bouncing on the spot and looking around for

I almost
choked. $1860. Was that a joke? Holy crap! That means over ninety
girls are going to be begging
boyfriend for sex, offering it
to him on a plate and I’m scared to let him touch me. Maybe this
isn’t going to be as fun as I first thought.

About five
minutes later, the boys came out. “Hi, Liam. Wow, you smell good,”
Sarah purred seductively as she leant in close to him.

He looked at
her, a horrified expression on his face. I bit my lip, hard, so I
didn’t laugh. “Hi, Sarah. Listen, you might not have heard but I
have a girlfriend, so….” he trailed off, shrugging.

That’s OK, I
don’t mind sharing,” Sarah purred, putting her hand on his chest to
make him stop in front of her.

He looked a
little annoyed
. “Sarah, seriously I’m not
interested, OK.” He moved her hand and got into the car,

I smiled
apologetically at Sarah
because she
looked a little defeated. “There’s twenty bucks I’ll never see
again,” she pouted.

I laughed.
“Hey, when I win I’ll give you your twenty back.” I winked at her
teasingly, making her la
ugh as I climbed
into the car.

Today was one
of the days that Jake worked
, so Liam
always dropped him at the gym where he worked Monday to Wednesday
evenings. Then Liam usually drove me home. “Shit, man, I think I’ve
been hit on more times today than I ever have been. What the hell
is that about? I tell people I’ve got a girlfriend, and all
afternoon people have been begging me to fu-” He abruptly stopped
talking, looking at me in the mirror as if he’d said too much. I
laughed, bless him, he had no idea nearly a hundred horny girls
were trying to sleep with him for a bet! “What’s so funny, Angel?”
he asked, raising his eyebrows at me in the mirror.

You want to
know why you’ve had all that extra attention today?” I
, smirking.

Yeah,” he
looking a bit

ed to look at me from the front. I
smiled. “Well, there’s a bet going around amongst the girls as to
who can sleep with you first. The first girl to get you, wins the
pot. It’s pretty good money,” I stated, still smirking. Jake burst
out laughing, and Liam almost swerved the car into the other lane
because he was so shocked.

doing what? Don’t they know I have a girlfriend?” he shouted,
obviously really pissed off
. His outrage
seemed to make Jake laugh harder.

. “Yep, that’s why they’re doing
it. They don’t like the idea of you being attached, seeing as
you’re such a player, so they want to be the next one to sleep with
you.” I shrugged dismissively, pretending it was no big deal when I
was actually worried sick about it. How long would he be able to
resist all of this attention for?

How much is
the pot?” Jake asked
, amusement still
clear on his face.

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